2023-10-07 16:24:37 +02:00

48 lines
1.2 KiB

#version 150
// vim: ft=glsl
uniform vec4 ColorModulator;
uniform vec2 ScreenSize;
uniform float Time;
in vec4 vertexColor;
in vec2 fragCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
/* "Quasar" by @kishimisu (2023) - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/msGyzc
449 => 443 chars thanks to @Xor
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
#define r(a) mat2(cos(a + asin(vec4(0,1,-1,0)))),
#define X(p) p *= r(round(atan(p.x, p.y) * 4.) / 4.)
void main() {
// offset to the bottom left
vec2 F = (fragCoord + .8) * ScreenSize;
vec3 p, R = vec3(ScreenSize, 1.);
float i, t, d, a, b, T = Time * .5 + .5;
vec4 O = vec4(0.);
for(O *= i; i++ < 44.;
O += .04 * (1. + cos(a + t*.3 - T*.8 + vec4(0,1,2,0)))
/ (1. + abs(d)*30.) )
p = t * normalize(vec3(F+F-R.xy, R.y)),
p.z -= 4.,
p.xz *= r(T/4.)
p.yz *= r(sin(T/4.)*.5)
X(p.zx) a = p.x,
p.x = mod(b = p.x - T, .5) - .25,
t += d = length(p) - (2. - a - smoothstep(b+2., b, T)*30.)
* (cos(T/6.+1.)+1.) / 2e2;
fragColor = O * ColorModulator;