merge & comment cleanup

This commit is contained in:
zelophed 2021-05-03 18:25:57 +02:00
parent c36346b97d
commit 2442e3ac00
13 changed files with 76 additions and 241 deletions

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ indent_size = 2
indent_style = tab
ij_continuation_indent_size = 8
ij_java_class_count_to_use_import_on_demand = 99
ij_java_names_count_to_use_import_on_demand = 99
ij_java_imports_layout = $*,|,java.**,|,javax.**,|,org.**,|,com.**,|,*
ij_java_imports_layout = $*,|,java.**,|,javax.**,|,org.**,|,com.**,|,*

View file

@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ public abstract class ConfigScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
* zelo's list for configUI
* replace java's awt color with something mutable
* reduce number of packets sent to the server when saving a bunch of values
* maybe replace java's awt color with something mutable
* find out why framebuffer blending is incorrect
* tooltips are hidden underneath the scrollbar, if the bar is near the middle
* framebuffer blending is incorrect -> wait for jozu's changes to merge
* */
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ public abstract class ConfigScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
protected void renderWindowBackground(MatrixStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
if (this.client != null && != null) {
fill(ms, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0xb0_282c34);
} else {
@ -84,16 +83,7 @@ public abstract class ConfigScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
protected void renderWindow(MatrixStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
int x = (int) (width * 0.5f);
int y = (int) (height * 0.5f);
//this.drawHorizontalLine(ms, x-25, x+25, y, 0xff_807060);
//this.drawVerticalLine(ms, x, y-25, y+25, 0xff_90a0b0);
//UIRenderHelper.streak(ms, 0, mouseX, mouseY, 16, 50, 0xaa_1e1e1e);
protected void renderWindow(MatrixStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {}
public boolean mouseScrolled(double mouseX, double mouseY, double delta) {
@ -113,7 +103,7 @@ public abstract class ConfigScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
ms.translate(-100, 100, -100);
ms.scale(200, 200, .1f);
ms.scale(200, 200, 1);
.rotateBlock(22.5, cogSpin.getValue(partialTicks), 22.5)

View file

@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ public class ConfigScreenList extends ExtendedList<ConfigScreenList.Entry> {
public void render(MatrixStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
//render tmp background
//fill(ms, left, top, left + width, top + height, 0x10_000000);
UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 90, left + width / 2, top, width, 5, 0x60_000000, 0x0);
UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, -90, left + width / 2, bottom, width, 5, 0x60_000000, 0x0);
UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 0, left, top + height / 2, height, 5, 0x60_000000, 0x0);
@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ public class ConfigScreenList extends ExtendedList<ConfigScreenList.Entry> {
public void tick() {
for(int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); ++i) {
int top = this.getRowTop(i);
int bot = top + itemHeight;

View file

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class SubMenuConfigScreen extends ConfigScreen {
new ConfirmationScreen()
.at(x, y)
.withText(ITextProperties.plain("You are about to change " + changes.size() + " values. Are you sure?"))
.withText(ITextProperties.plain("You are about to change " + changes.size() + " value" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + ". Are you sure?"))
.withAction(success -> {
if (success)
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class SubMenuConfigScreen extends ConfigScreen {
new ConfirmationScreen()
.at(x, y)
.withText(ITextProperties.plain("You are about to discard " + changes.size() + " unsaved changes. Are you sure?"))
.withText(ITextProperties.plain("You are about to discard " + changes.size() + " unsaved change" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + ". Are you sure?"))
.withAction(success -> {
if (success)
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public class SubMenuConfigScreen extends ConfigScreen {
if (!changes.isEmpty() && parent instanceof BaseConfigScreen) {
new ConfirmationScreen()
.addText(ITextProperties.plain("You still have " + changes.size() + " unsaved changes for this config."))
.addText(ITextProperties.plain("You still have " + changes.size() + " unsaved change" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + " for this config."))
.addText(ITextProperties.plain("Leaving this screen will discard them without saving. Are you sure?"))
.withAction(success -> {
if (!success)
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ public class SubMenuConfigScreen extends ConfigScreen {
new ConfirmationScreen()
.addText(ITextProperties.plain("You still have " + changes.size() + " unsaved changes for this config."))
.addText(ITextProperties.plain("You still have " + changes.size() + " unsaved change" + (changes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + " for this config."))
.addText(ITextProperties.plain("Leaving this screen will discard them without saving. Are you sure?"))
.withAction(success -> {
if (!success)

View file

@ -18,18 +18,10 @@ public class BooleanEntry extends ValueEntry<Boolean> {
public BooleanEntry(String label, ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<Boolean> value, ForgeConfigSpec.ValueSpec spec) {
super(label, value, spec);
// enabled = new TextStencilElement(Minecraft.getInstance().fontRenderer, "Enabled")
// .centered(true, true)
// .withElementRenderer((ms, width, height, alpha) -> UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 0, 0, height/2, height, width, 0xff_88f788, 0xff_20cc20));
// disabled = new TextStencilElement(Minecraft.getInstance().fontRenderer, "Disabled")
// .centered(true, true)
// .withElementRenderer((ms, width, height, alpha) -> UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 0, 0, height/2, height, width, 0xff_f78888, 0xff_cc2020));
enabled = AllIcons.I_CONFIRM.asStencil()
.withElementRenderer((ms, width, height, alpha) -> UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 0, 0, height / 2, height, width, Theme.p(Theme.Key.BUTTON_SUCCESS)))
.at(10, 0);
disabled = AllIcons.I_DISABLE.asStencil()
.withElementRenderer((ms, width, height, alpha) -> UIRenderHelper.angledGradient(ms, 0, 0, height / 2, height, width, Theme.p(Theme.Key.BUTTON_FAIL)))
.at(10, 0);

View file

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class EnumEntry extends ValueEntry<Enum<?>> {
cycleLeft.y = y + 10;
cycleLeft.render(ms, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); + cycleWidth - 8, y + 10, 200) + cycleWidth - 8, y + 11, 200)
.withBounds(width - getLabelWidth(width) - 2 * cycleWidth - resetWidth - 4, 16)

View file

@ -169,25 +169,21 @@ public class ConfirmationScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
protected void renderWindowBackground(MatrixStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
//ms.translate(0, 0, -50);
//ms.scale(1, 1, 0.01f);
//todo wait for jozu's framebuffer capabilities on the other branch and use them here
source.render(ms, mouseX, mouseY, 10);
Framebuffer mainBuffer = Minecraft.getInstance().getFramebuffer();
//fixme replace with glVersioned-backend calls once they are merged from jozu's branch
GL30.glBindFramebuffer(GL30.GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, UIRenderHelper.framebuffer.framebufferObject);
GL30.glBindFramebuffer(GL30.GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, mainBuffer.framebufferObject);
GL30.glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, mainBuffer.framebufferWidth, mainBuffer.framebufferHeight, 0, 0, mainBuffer.framebufferWidth, mainBuffer.framebufferHeight, GL30.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL30.GL_LINEAR);
this.fillGradient(ms, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0x70101010, 0x80101010);

View file

@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ public class GuiGameElement {
public static abstract class GuiRenderBuilder extends RenderElement {
//double xBeforeScale, yBeforeScale, zBeforeScale = 0;
double xLocal, yLocal, zLocal;
double xRot, yRot, zRot;
double scale = 1;
@ -78,19 +77,6 @@ public class GuiGameElement {
return this;
/*public GuiRenderBuilder at(double x, double y) {
this.xBeforeScale = x;
this.yBeforeScale = y;
return this;
public GuiRenderBuilder at(double x, double y, double z) {
this.xBeforeScale = x;
this.yBeforeScale = y;
this.zBeforeScale = z;
return this;
public GuiRenderBuilder rotate(double xRot, double yRot, double zRot) {
this.xRot = xRot;
this.yRot = yRot;
@ -272,23 +258,10 @@ public class GuiGameElement {
public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack) {
// matrixStack.translate(0, 80, 0);
renderItemIntoGUI(matrixStack, stack);
* public void render() {
* prepare();
* transform();
* RenderSystem.scaled(1, -1, 1);
* RenderSystem.translated(0, 0, -75);
* Minecraft.getInstance()
* .getItemRenderer()
* .renderItemIntoGUI(stack, 0, 0);
* cleanUp();
* }
public static void renderItemIntoGUI(MatrixStack matrixStack, ItemStack stack) {
ItemRenderer renderer = Minecraft.getInstance()

View file

@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ public class TextStencilElement extends DelegatedStencilElement {
y = height / 2f - font.FONT_HEIGHT / 2f;
font.draw(ms, component, x, y, 0xff_000000);
//font.draw(ms, component, 0, 0, 0xff_000000);

View file

@ -33,25 +33,17 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
public static void init() {
RenderSystem.recordRenderCall(() -> {
MainWindow mainWindow = Minecraft.getInstance()
framebuffer = new Framebuffer(mainWindow.getFramebufferWidth(), mainWindow.getFramebufferHeight(), true,
framebuffer.setFramebufferColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
// framebuffer.deleteFramebuffer();
/*public static void prepFramebufferSize() {
MainWindow window = Minecraft.getInstance().getWindow();
if (framebuffer.framebufferWidth != window.getFramebufferWidth() || framebuffer.framebufferHeight != window.getFramebufferHeight()) {
framebuffer.func_216491_a(window.getFramebufferWidth(), window.getFramebufferHeight(), Minecraft.IS_RUNNING_ON_MAC);
public static void drawFramebuffer(float alpha) {
MainWindow window = Minecraft.getInstance()
float vx = (float) window.getScaledWidth();
float vy = (float) window.getScaledHeight();
@ -67,22 +59,10 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
BufferBuilder bufferbuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
bufferbuilder.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE);
bufferbuilder.vertex(0, vy, 0)
.color(1, 1, 1, alpha)
.texture(0, 0)
bufferbuilder.vertex(vx, vy, 0)
.color(1, 1, 1, alpha)
.texture(tx, 0)
bufferbuilder.vertex(vx, 0, 0)
.color(1, 1, 1, alpha)
.texture(tx, ty)
bufferbuilder.vertex(0, 0, 0)
.color(1, 1, 1, alpha)
.texture(0, ty)
bufferbuilder.vertex(0, vy, 0).color(1, 1, 1, alpha).texture(0, 0).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(vx, vy, 0).color(1, 1, 1, alpha).texture(tx, 0).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(vx, 0, 0).color(1, 1, 1, alpha).texture(tx, ty).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(0, 0, 0).color(1, 1, 1, alpha).texture(0, ty).endVertex();
@ -118,7 +98,7 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
double split1 = .5;
double split2 = .75;
Matrix4f model = ms.peek()
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, 0, -width, 0, width, (int) (split1 * height), c1, c2);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, 0, -width, (int) (split1 * height), width, (int) (split2 * height), c2, c3);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, 0, -width, (int) (split2 * height), width, height, c3, c4);
@ -130,26 +110,28 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
public static void angledGradient(@Nonnull MatrixStack ms, float angle, int x, int y, int breadth, int length, Couple<Color> c) {
angledGradient(ms, angle, x, y, 0, breadth, length, c);
* @see #angledGradient(MatrixStack, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
public static void angledGradient(@Nonnull MatrixStack ms, float angle, int x, int y, int z, int breadth, int length, Couple<Color> c) {
angledGradient(ms, angle, x, y, z, breadth, length, c.getFirst().getRGB(), c.getSecond().getRGB());
* @see #angledGradient(MatrixStack, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
public static void angledGradient(@Nonnull MatrixStack ms, float angle, int x, int y, int breadth, int length, int color1, int color2) {
angledGradient(ms, angle, x, y, 0, breadth, length, color1, color2);
* x and y specify the middle point of the starting edge
* @param angle the angle of the gradient in degrees; 0° means from left to right
* @param color1 the color at the starting edge
* @param color2 the color at the ending edge
* @param angle the angle of the gradient in degrees; 0° means from left to right
* @param color1 the color at the starting edge
* @param color2 the color at the ending edge
* @param breadth the total width of the gradient
public static void angledGradient(@Nonnull MatrixStack ms, float angle, int x, int y, int z, int breadth, int length, int color1, int color2) {
@ -178,13 +160,13 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
private static void breadcrumbArrow(MatrixStack ms, int width, int height, int indent, int c1, int c2) {
* 0,0 x1,y1 ********************* x4,y4 ***** x7,y7
* **** ****
* **** ****
* x0,y0 x2,y2 x5,y5
* **** ****
* **** ****
* x3,y3 ********************* x6,y6 ***** x8,y8
* 0,0 x1,y1 ********************* x4,y4 ***** x7,y7
* **** ****
* **** ****
* x0,y0 x2,y2 x5,y5
* **** ****
* **** ****
* x3,y3 ********************* x6,y6 ***** x8,y8
@ -214,69 +196,32 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
BufferBuilder bufferbuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
Matrix4f model = ms.peek()
Matrix4f model = ms.peek().getModel();
bufferbuilder.begin(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR);
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x0, y0, 0)
.color(fc1 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc1 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x1, y1, 0)
.color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x2, y2, 0)
.color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x0, y0, 0).color(fc1 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc1 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x1, y1, 0).color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x2, y2, 0).color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x0, y0, 0)
.color(fc1 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc1 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x2, y2, 0)
.color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x3, y3, 0)
.color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x0, y0, 0).color(fc1 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc1 & 0xFF, fc1 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x2, y2, 0).color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x3, y3, 0).color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x3, y3, 0)
.color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x1, y1, 0)
.color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x4, y4, 0)
.color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x3, y3, 0).color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x1, y1, 0).color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x4, y4, 0).color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x3, y3, 0)
.color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x4, y4, 0)
.color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x6, y6, 0)
.color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x3, y3, 0).color(fc2 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc2 & 0xFF, fc2 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x4, y4, 0).color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x6, y6, 0).color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x5, y5, 0)
.color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x4, y4, 0)
.color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x7, y7, 0)
.color(fc4 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc4 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x5, y5, 0).color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x4, y4, 0).color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x7, y7, 0).color(fc4 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc4 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x6, y6, 0)
.color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x5, y5, 0)
.color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x8, y8, 0)
.color(fc4 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc4 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 24 & 0xFF)
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x6, y6, 0).color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x5, y5, 0).color(fc3 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc3 & 0xFF, fc3 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(model, x8, y8, 0).color(fc4 >> 16 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 8 & 0xFF, fc4 & 0xFF, fc4 >> 24 & 0xFF).endVertex();
@ -288,7 +233,7 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
//just like AbstractGui#drawTexture, but with a color at every vertex
public static void drawColoredTexture(MatrixStack ms, Color c, int x, int y, int tex_left, int tex_top, int width, int height) {
drawColoredTexture(ms, c, x, y, 0, (float)tex_left, (float)tex_top, width, height, 256, 256);
drawColoredTexture(ms, c, x, y, 0, (float) tex_left, (float) tex_top, width, height, 256, 256);
public static void drawColoredTexture(MatrixStack ms, Color c, int x, int y, int z, float tex_left, float tex_top, int width, int height, int sheet_width, int sheet_height) {
@ -296,17 +241,17 @@ public class UIRenderHelper {
private static void drawColoredTexture(MatrixStack ms, Color c, int left, int right, int top, int bot, int z, int tex_width, int tex_height, float tex_left, float tex_top, int sheet_width, int sheet_height) {
drawTexturedQuad(ms.peek().getModel(), c, left, right, top, bot, z, (tex_left + 0.0F) / (float)sheet_width, (tex_left + (float)tex_width) / (float)sheet_width, (tex_top + 0.0F) / (float)sheet_height, (tex_top + (float)tex_height) / (float)sheet_height);
drawTexturedQuad(ms.peek().getModel(), c, left, right, top, bot, z, (tex_left + 0.0F) / (float) sheet_width, (tex_left + (float) tex_width) / (float) sheet_width, (tex_top + 0.0F) / (float) sheet_height, (tex_top + (float) tex_height) / (float) sheet_height);
private static void drawTexturedQuad(Matrix4f m, Color c, int left, int right, int top, int bot, int z, float u1, float u2, float v1, float v2) {
BufferBuilder bufferbuilder = Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer();
bufferbuilder.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE);
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float)left , (float)bot, (float)z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u1, v2).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float)right, (float)bot, (float)z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u2, v2).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float)right, (float)top, (float)z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u2, v1).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float)left , (float)top, (float)z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u1, v1).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE);
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float) left , (float) bot, (float) z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u1, v2).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float) right, (float) bot, (float) z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u2, v2).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float) right, (float) top, (float) z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u2, v1).endVertex();
bufferbuilder.vertex(m, (float) left , (float) top, (float) z).color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha()).texture(u1, v1).endVertex();

View file

@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ public abstract class NavigatableSimiScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
// draw last screen into buffer
if (lastScreen != null && lastScreen != this && !transition.settled()) {
ms.push();// 1
ms.push();// 2
ms.translate(0, 0, -1000);
lastScreen.render(ms, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
ms.pop();// 2
// use the buffer texture
@ -157,10 +157,8 @@ public abstract class NavigatableSimiScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
dpy = ((NavigatableSimiScreen) lastScreen).depthPointY;
// transitionV is 1/-1 when the older screen is hidden
// transitionV is 0 when the older screen is still fully visible
ms.translate(dpx, dpy, 0);
ms.scale((float) scale, (float) scale, 1);
ms.scale(scale, scale, 1);
ms.translate(-dpx, -dpy, 0);
@ -168,13 +166,13 @@ public abstract class NavigatableSimiScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
UIRenderHelper.drawFramebuffer(1f - Math.abs(transitionValue));
ms.pop();// 1
// modify current screen as well
scale = transitionValue > 0 ? 1 - 0.5f * (1 - transitionValue) : 1 + .5f * (1 + transitionValue);
ms.translate(depthPointX, depthPointY, 0);
ms.scale((float) scale, (float) scale, 1);
ms.scale(scale, scale, 1);
ms.translate(-depthPointX, -depthPointY, 0);

View file

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntegerList;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack;
@ -27,20 +25,20 @@ public class PonderProgressBar extends AbstractSimiWidget {
this.ponder = ponder;
progress = LerpedFloat.linear()
public void tick() {
.getSceneProgress(), .5f, LerpedFloat.Chaser.EXP);
.getSceneProgress(), .5f, LerpedFloat.Chaser.EXP);
protected boolean clicked(double mouseX, double mouseY) {
return && this.visible && !ponder.getActiveScene().keyframeTimes.isEmpty()
&& mouseX >= (double) this.x && mouseX < (double) (this.x + this.width + 4) && mouseY >= (double) this.y - 3
&& mouseY < (double) (this.y + this.height + 20);
&& mouseX >= (double) this.x && mouseX < (double) (this.x + this.width + 4) && mouseY >= (double) this.y - 3
&& mouseY < (double) (this.y + this.height + 20);
@ -101,7 +99,6 @@ public class PonderProgressBar extends AbstractSimiWidget {
.withBounds(width, height)
ms.translate(x - 2, y - 2, 150);
@ -157,7 +154,7 @@ public class PonderProgressBar extends AbstractSimiWidget {
if (selected) {
FontRenderer font = Minecraft.getInstance().fontRenderer;
.getModel(), 100, keyframePos, 10, keyframePos + 1, 10 + height, endColor, startColor);
.getModel(), 100, keyframePos, 10, keyframePos + 1, 10 + height, endColor, startColor);
ms.translate(0, 0, 100);
String text;
@ -174,7 +171,7 @@ public class PonderProgressBar extends AbstractSimiWidget {
.getModel(), 500, keyframePos, -1, keyframePos + 1, 2 + height, startColor, endColor);
.getModel(), 500, keyframePos, -1, keyframePos + 1, 2 + height, startColor, endColor);

View file

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
.enableFade(0, 5)
.withCallback(() -> setComfyReadingEnabled(!isComfyReadingEnabled())));
if (PonderIndex.EDITOR_MODE) {
widgets.add(userMode = new PonderButton(width - 50 - 31, bY)
@ -443,7 +443,6 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
MutableBoundingBox bounds = story.getBounds();
// ms.peek().getModel().multiply(ms.peek().getModel());
// kool shadow fx
@ -560,7 +559,6 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
int streakHeight = 35 - 9 + wordWrappedHeight;
UIRenderHelper.streak(ms, 0, x - 4, y - 12 + streakHeight / 2, streakHeight, (int) (150 * fade));
UIRenderHelper.streak(ms, 180, x - 4, y - 12 + streakHeight / 2, streakHeight, (int) (30 * fade));
//renderBox(ms, 21, 21, 30, 30, false);
new BoxElement()
@ -577,7 +575,6 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
textRenderer.draw(ms, Lang.translate(PONDERING), x, y - 6, tooltipColor);
y += 8;
x += 0;
// ms.translate(0, 3 * (indexDiff), 0);
ms.translate(x, y, 0);
ms.multiply(Vector3f.NEGATIVE_X.getDegreesQuaternion(indexDiff * -75));
ms.translate(0, 0, 5);
@ -740,22 +737,6 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
/*protected void lowerButtonGroup(MatrixStack ms, int index, int mouseX, int mouseY, float fade, AllIcons icon, KeyBinding key) {
int bWidth = 20;
int bHeight = 20;
int bX = (width - bWidth) / 2 + (index - 1) * (bWidth + 8);
int bY = height - bHeight - 31;
if (fade < fadeIn.getChaseTarget())
ms.translate(0, (1 - fade) * 5, 0);
boolean hovered = isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY, bX, bY, bWidth, bHeight);
renderBox(ms, bX, bY, bWidth, bHeight, hovered);
icon.draw(ms, bX + 2, bY + 2);
drawCenteredText(ms, textRenderer, key.getBoundKeyLocalizedText(), bX + bWidth / 2 + 8, bY + bHeight - 6, 0xff606060);
private void renderOverlay(MatrixStack ms, int i, float partialTicks) {
if (identifyMode)
@ -767,23 +748,6 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
public boolean mouseClicked(double x, double y, int button) {
/*MutableBoolean handled = new MutableBoolean(false);
widgets.forEach(w -> {
if (handled.booleanValue())
if (!w.isMouseOver(x, y))
if (w instanceof PonderButton) {
PonderButton mtdButton = (PonderButton) w;
mtdButton.runCallback(x, y);
if (handled.booleanValue())
return true;*/
if (identifyMode && hoveredBlockPos != null && PonderIndex.EDITOR_MODE) {
long handle = client.getWindow()
@ -920,7 +884,6 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
//renderBox(ms, boxX, boxY, w, h, highlighted);
new BoxElement()
@ -945,21 +908,6 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {
/*public static void renderBox(MatrixStack ms, int x, int y, int w, int h, int backgroundColor, int borderColorStart,
int borderColorEnd) {
int z = 100;
Matrix4f model = ms.peek().getModel();
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x - 3, y - 4, x + w + 3, y - 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x - 3, y + h + 3, x + w + 3, y + h + 4, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x - 3, y - 3, x + w + 3, y + h + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x - 4, y - 3, x - 3, y + h + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x + w + 3, y - 3, x + w + 4, y + h + 3, backgroundColor, backgroundColor);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x - 3, y - 3 + 1, x - 3 + 1, y + h + 3 - 1, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x + w + 2, y - 3 + 1, x + w + 3, y + h + 3 - 1, borderColorStart, borderColorEnd);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x - 3, y - 3, x + w + 3, y - 3 + 1, borderColorStart, borderColorStart);
GuiUtils.drawGradientRect(model, z, x - 3, y + h + 2, x + w + 3, y + h + 3, borderColorEnd, borderColorEnd);
public ItemStack getHoveredTooltipItem() {
return hoveredTooltipItem;
@ -1026,4 +974,4 @@ public class PonderUI extends NavigatableSimiScreen {