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synced 2024-12-15 08:23:40 +01:00
Contraption renderer checks for flywheel worlds
- Should fix an issue with smaller units
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 137 additions and 144 deletions
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.OverlayTexture;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f;
import net.minecraft.world.IBlockDisplayReader;
import net.minecraft.world.LightType;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.template.Template;
@ -52,57 +51,27 @@ import net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.data.EmptyModelData;
public class ContraptionRenderDispatcher {
public static final Int2ObjectMap<RenderedContraption> renderers = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
public static final Compartment<Pair<Contraption, Integer>> CONTRAPTION = new Compartment<>();
protected static PlacementSimulationWorld renderWorld;
public static final Int2ObjectMap<RenderedContraption> renderers = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
public static final Compartment<Pair<Contraption, Integer>> CONTRAPTION = new Compartment<>();
protected static PlacementSimulationWorld renderWorld;
public static void notifyLightPacket(IBlockDisplayReader world, int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
for (RenderedContraption renderer : renderers.values()) {
renderer.getLighter().lightVolume.notifyLightPacket(world, chunkX, chunkZ);
public static void tick() {
if (Minecraft.getInstance().isGamePaused()) return;
public static void renderTileEntities(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
PlacementSimulationWorld renderWorld = null;
if (Backend.canUseVBOs()) {
RenderedContraption renderer = getRenderer(world, c);
for (RenderedContraption contraption : renderers.values()) {
renderWorld = renderer.renderWorld;
TileEntityRenderHelper.renderTileEntities(world, renderWorld, c.specialRenderedTileEntities, ms, msLocal, buffer);
public static void beginFrame(ActiveRenderInfo info, double camX, double camY, double camZ) {
for (RenderedContraption renderer : renderers.values()) {
renderer.beginFrame(info, camX, camY, camZ);
public static void tick() {
if (Minecraft.getInstance().isGamePaused()) return;
for (RenderedContraption contraption : renderers.values()) {
private static RenderedContraption getRenderer(World world, Contraption c) {
int entityId = c.entity.getEntityId();
RenderedContraption contraption = renderers.get(entityId);
if (contraption == null) {
contraption = new RenderedContraption(world, c);
renderers.put(entityId, contraption);
return contraption;
public static void beginFrame(ActiveRenderInfo info, double camX, double camY, double camZ) {
for (RenderedContraption renderer : renderers.values()) {
renderer.beginFrame(info, camX, camY, camZ);
public static void renderLayer(RenderType layer, Matrix4f viewProjection, double camX, double camY, double camZ) {
public static void renderLayer(RenderType layer, Matrix4f viewProjection, double camX, double camY, double camZ) {
if (renderers.isEmpty()) return;
@ -121,79 +90,110 @@ public class ContraptionRenderDispatcher {
if (Backend.canUseInstancing()) {
for (RenderedContraption renderer : renderers.values()) {
renderer.kinetics.render(layer, viewProjection, camX, camY, camZ, renderer::setup);
renderer.kinetics.render(layer, viewProjection, camX, camY, camZ, renderer::setup);
public static void removeDeadContraptions() {
renderers.values().removeIf(renderer -> {
if (renderer.isDead()) {
return true;
return false;
private static RenderedContraption getRenderer(World world, Contraption c) {
int entityId = c.entity.getEntityId();
RenderedContraption contraption = renderers.get(entityId);
public static void invalidateAll() {
for (RenderedContraption renderer : renderers.values()) {
if (contraption == null) {
contraption = new RenderedContraption(world, c);
renderers.put(entityId, contraption);
return contraption;
public static void render(AbstractContraptionEntity entity, MatrixStack ms, IRenderTypeBuffer buffers,
MatrixStack msLocal, Contraption contraption) {
if (Backend.canUseVBOs()) {
ContraptionRenderDispatcher.renderDynamic(entity.world, contraption, ms, msLocal, buffers);
} else {
ContraptionRenderDispatcher.renderDynamic(entity.world, contraption, ms, msLocal, buffers);
ContraptionRenderDispatcher.renderStructure(entity.world, contraption, ms, msLocal, buffers);
public static void render(AbstractContraptionEntity entity, MatrixStack ms, IRenderTypeBuffer buffers,
MatrixStack msLocal, Contraption contraption) {
if (Backend.canUseVBOs() && Backend.isFlywheelWorld(entity.world)) {
ContraptionRenderDispatcher.renderDynamic(entity.world, contraption, ms, msLocal, buffers);
} else {
ContraptionRenderDispatcher.renderDynamic(entity.world, contraption, ms, msLocal, buffers);
ContraptionRenderDispatcher.renderStructure(entity.world, contraption, ms, msLocal, buffers);
public static void renderDynamic(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
renderTileEntities(world, c, ms, msLocal, buffer);
if (buffer instanceof IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl)
((IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl) buffer).draw();
renderActors(world, c, ms, msLocal, buffer);
public static void renderStructure(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
SuperByteBufferCache bufferCache = CreateClient.bufferCache;
List<RenderType> blockLayers = RenderType.getBlockLayers();
public static void renderStructure(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
SuperByteBufferCache bufferCache = CreateClient.bufferCache;
List<RenderType> blockLayers = RenderType.getBlockLayers();
for (int i = 0; i < blockLayers.size(); i++) {
RenderType layer = blockLayers.get(i);
Pair<Contraption, Integer> key = Pair.of(c, i);
SuperByteBuffer contraptionBuffer = bufferCache.get(CONTRAPTION, key, () -> buildStructureBuffer(c, layer));
if (contraptionBuffer.isEmpty())
Matrix4f model = msLocal.peek()
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(layer));
for (int i = 0; i < blockLayers.size(); i++) {
RenderType layer = blockLayers.get(i);
Pair<Contraption, Integer> key = Pair.of(c, i);
SuperByteBuffer contraptionBuffer = bufferCache.get(CONTRAPTION, key, () -> buildStructureBuffer(c, layer));
if (contraptionBuffer.isEmpty())
Matrix4f model = msLocal.peek()
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(layer));
public static void renderDynamic(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
renderTileEntities(world, c, ms, msLocal, buffer);
if (buffer instanceof IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl)
((IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl) buffer).draw();
renderActors(world, c, ms, msLocal, buffer);
private static SuperByteBuffer buildStructureBuffer(Contraption c, RenderType layer) {
BufferBuilder builder = buildStructure(c, layer);
return new SuperByteBuffer(builder);
public static void renderTileEntities(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
PlacementSimulationWorld renderWorld = null;
if (Backend.canUseVBOs() && Backend.isFlywheelWorld(world)) {
RenderedContraption renderer = getRenderer(world, c);
public static BufferBuilder buildStructure(Contraption c, RenderType layer) {
if (renderWorld == null || renderWorld.getWorld() != Minecraft.getInstance().world)
renderWorld = new PlacementSimulationWorld(Minecraft.getInstance().world);
renderWorld = renderer.renderWorld;
TileEntityRenderHelper.renderTileEntities(world, renderWorld, c.specialRenderedTileEntities, ms, msLocal, buffer);
protected static void renderActors(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
MatrixStack[] matrixStacks = new MatrixStack[]{ms, msLocal};
for (Pair<Template.BlockInfo, MovementContext> actor : c.getActors()) {
MovementContext context = actor.getRight();
if (context == null)
if (context.world == null)
context.world = world;
Template.BlockInfo blockInfo = actor.getLeft();
for (MatrixStack m : matrixStacks) {
MovementBehaviour movementBehaviour = AllMovementBehaviours.of(blockInfo.state);
if (movementBehaviour != null)
movementBehaviour.renderInContraption(context, ms, msLocal, buffer);
for (MatrixStack m : matrixStacks)
private static SuperByteBuffer buildStructureBuffer(Contraption c, RenderType layer) {
BufferBuilder builder = buildStructure(c, layer);
return new SuperByteBuffer(builder);
public static BufferBuilder buildStructure(Contraption c, RenderType layer) {
if (renderWorld == null || renderWorld.getWorld() != Minecraft.getInstance().world)
renderWorld = new PlacementSimulationWorld(Minecraft.getInstance().world);
MatrixStack ms = new MatrixStack();
@ -232,31 +232,6 @@ public class ContraptionRenderDispatcher {
return builder;
protected static void renderActors(World world, Contraption c, MatrixStack ms, MatrixStack msLocal,
IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
MatrixStack[] matrixStacks = new MatrixStack[] { ms, msLocal };
for (Pair<Template.BlockInfo, MovementContext> actor : c.getActors()) {
MovementContext context = actor.getRight();
if (context == null)
if (context.world == null)
context.world = world;
Template.BlockInfo blockInfo = actor.getLeft();
for (MatrixStack m : matrixStacks) {
MovementBehaviour movementBehaviour = AllMovementBehaviours.of(blockInfo.state);
if (movementBehaviour != null)
movementBehaviour.renderInContraption(context, ms, msLocal, buffer);
for (MatrixStack m : matrixStacks)
public static int getLight(World world, float lx, float ly, float lz) {
BlockPos.Mutable pos = new BlockPos.Mutable();
float sky = 0, block = 0;
@ -292,14 +267,32 @@ public class ContraptionRenderDispatcher {
return packedLight;
public static int getLightOnContraption(MovementContext context) {
int entityId = context.contraption.entity.getEntityId();
public static int getLightOnContraption(MovementContext context) {
int entityId = context.contraption.entity.getEntityId();
RenderedContraption renderedContraption = renderers.get(entityId);
if (renderedContraption != null) {
return renderedContraption.renderWorld.getLightLevel(LightType.BLOCK, context.localPos);
} else {
return -1;
RenderedContraption renderedContraption = renderers.get(entityId);
if (renderedContraption != null) {
return renderedContraption.renderWorld.getLightLevel(LightType.BLOCK, context.localPos);
} else {
return -1;
public static void invalidateAll() {
for (RenderedContraption renderer : renderers.values()) {
public static void removeDeadContraptions() {
renderers.values().removeIf(renderer -> {
if (renderer.isDead()) {
return true;
return false;
Reference in a new issue