mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 00:11:35 +01:00
Rendering refactors
- Fix fluid rendering in JEI scenes - Add more separate options to SuperByteBuffer - Fix copper backtank diffuse when worn - Fix enchantment glint on custom rendered items; Closes #1846
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 204 additions and 142 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.MainWindow;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.player.ClientPlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Atlases;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.IRenderTypeBuffer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType;
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ public class CopperBacktankArmorLayer<T extends LivingEntity, M extends EntityMo
BipedModel<?> model = (BipedModel<?>) entityModel;
BlockState renderedState = AllBlocks.COPPER_BACKTANK.getDefaultState()
.with(CopperBacktankBlock.HORIZONTAL_FACING, Direction.SOUTH);
RenderType renderType = RenderType.getCutout();
RenderType renderType = Atlases.getEntityCutout();
SuperByteBuffer backtank = CreateClient.BUFFER_CACHE.renderBlock(renderedState);
SuperByteBuffer cogs =
@ -69,8 +70,9 @@ public class CopperBacktankArmorLayer<T extends LivingEntity, M extends EntityMo
ms.translate(-1 / 2f, 10 / 16f, 1f);
ms.scale(1, -1, -1);
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(renderType));
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(renderType));
@ -80,13 +82,11 @@ public class CopperBacktankArmorLayer<T extends LivingEntity, M extends EntityMo
.rotate(Direction.EAST, AngleHelper.rad(2 * AnimationTickHolder.getRenderTime(entity.world) % 360))
.translate(0, -6.5f / 16, -11f / 16);
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(renderType));
if (buffer instanceof Impl)
((Impl) buffer).draw(renderType);
public static void register() {
@ -11,14 +11,12 @@ import com.simibubi.create.foundation.utility.MatrixStacker;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Atlases;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.IRenderTypeBuffer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRendererManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.OverlayTexture;
import net.minecraft.inventory.container.PlayerContainer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
@ -26,17 +24,16 @@ import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix3f;
public class BlueprintRenderer extends EntityRenderer<BlueprintEntity> {
public BlueprintRenderer(EntityRendererManager p_i46179_1_) {
public BlueprintRenderer(EntityRendererManager manager) {
public void render(BlueprintEntity entity, float yaw, float pt, MatrixStack ms, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer,
int overlay) {
int light) {
PartialModel partialModel = entity.size == 3 ? AllBlockPartials.CRAFTING_BLUEPRINT_3x3
: entity.size == 2 ? AllBlockPartials.CRAFTING_BLUEPRINT_2x2 : AllBlockPartials.CRAFTING_BLUEPRINT_1x1;
SuperByteBuffer sbb = PartialBufferer.get(partialModel, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
int light = WorldRenderer.getLightmapCoordinates(entity.world, entity.getBlockPos());
.rotateX(90.0F + entity.rotationPitch)
@ -44,10 +41,9 @@ public class BlueprintRenderer extends EntityRenderer<BlueprintEntity> {
if (entity.size == 2)
sbb.translate(.5, 0, -.5);
RenderType entitySolid = RenderType.getEntitySolid(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE);
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(entitySolid));
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(Atlases.getEntitySolid()));
super.render(entity, yaw, pt, ms, buffer, light);
@ -2,20 +2,18 @@ package com.simibubi.create.foundation.fluid;
import java.util.function.Function;
import com.jozufozu.flywheel.event.RenderLayerEvent;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack.Entry;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.IVertexBuilder;
import com.simibubi.create.foundation.renderState.SuperRenderTypeBuffer;
import com.simibubi.create.foundation.renderState.RenderTypes;
import com.simibubi.create.foundation.utility.AngleHelper;
import com.simibubi.create.foundation.utility.ColorHelper;
import com.simibubi.create.foundation.utility.Iterate;
import com.simibubi.create.foundation.utility.MatrixStacker;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.IRenderTypeBuffer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.OverlayTexture;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.fluid.Fluid;
import net.minecraft.inventory.container.PlayerContainer;
@ -28,42 +26,23 @@ import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3i;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidAttributes;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
public class FluidRenderer {
// If we draw to BufferBuilder that minecraft provides for RenderType.getTranslucent(), minecraft draws the contents
// to the wrong framebuffer. If we tried to inject a custom RenderType into RenderTypeBuffers, we'd have the same
// issue. This is because minecraft calls IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl::draw just before clearing the transparency
// framebuffer, so anything we put into the normal RenderTypeBuffers will never be seen. By using our own
// BufferBuilder, we can avoid getting our contents wiped. Then, using Flywheel's renderLayer hook, we can draw our
// buffer at the same time the transparent world layer is drawn.
private static final BufferBuilder _builder = new BufferBuilder(RenderType.getTranslucent().getExpectedBufferSize());
private static BufferBuilder getBuilder() {
if (!_builder.isBuilding()) {
RenderType type = RenderType.getTranslucent();
_builder.begin(type.getDrawMode(), type.getVertexFormat());
return _builder;
public static void renderLayer(RenderLayerEvent event) {
if (event.type == RenderType.getTranslucent()) {
event.type.draw(_builder, 0, 0, 0);
public static IVertexBuilder getFluidBuilder(IRenderTypeBuffer buffer) {
return buffer.getBuffer(RenderTypes.getFluid());
public static void renderFluidStream(FluidStack fluidStack, Direction direction, float radius, float progress,
boolean inbound, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, MatrixStack ms, int light) {
renderFluidStream(fluidStack, direction, radius, progress, inbound, getFluidBuilder(buffer), ms, light);
public static void renderFluidStream(FluidStack fluidStack, Direction direction, float radius, float progress,
boolean inbound, IVertexBuilder builder, MatrixStack ms, int light) {
Fluid fluid = fluidStack.getFluid();
FluidAttributes fluidAttributes = fluid.getAttributes();
Function<ResourceLocation, TextureAtlasSprite> spriteAtlas = Minecraft.getInstance()
@ -72,18 +51,14 @@ public class FluidRenderer {
TextureAtlasSprite stillTexture = spriteAtlas.apply(fluidAttributes.getStillTexture(fluidStack));
int color = fluidAttributes.getColor(fluidStack);
IVertexBuilder builder = getBuilder();
if (buffer instanceof SuperRenderTypeBuffer)
builder = ((SuperRenderTypeBuffer) buffer).getLateBuffer(RenderType.getTranslucent());
MatrixStacker msr = MatrixStacker.of(ms);
int blockLightIn = (light >> 4) & 0xf;
int blockLightIn = (light >> 4) & 0xF;
int luminosity = Math.max(blockLightIn, fluidAttributes.getLuminosity(fluidStack));
light = (light & 0xf00000) | luminosity << 4;
light = (light & 0xF00000) | luminosity << 4;
if (inbound)
direction = direction.getOpposite();
MatrixStacker msr = MatrixStacker.of(ms);
@ -111,11 +86,15 @@ public class FluidRenderer {
public static void renderTiledFluidBB(FluidStack fluidStack, float xMin, float yMin, float zMin, float xMax,
float yMax, float zMax, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, MatrixStack ms, int light, boolean renderBottom) {
renderTiledFluidBB(fluidStack, xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax, getFluidBuilder(buffer), ms, light, renderBottom);
public static void renderTiledFluidBB(FluidStack fluidStack, float xMin, float yMin, float zMin, float xMax,
float yMax, float zMax, IVertexBuilder builder, MatrixStack ms, int light, boolean renderBottom) {
Fluid fluid = fluidStack.getFluid();
FluidAttributes fluidAttributes = fluid.getAttributes();
TextureAtlasSprite fluidTexture = Minecraft.getInstance()
@ -123,16 +102,12 @@ public class FluidRenderer {
int color = fluidAttributes.getColor(fluidStack);
IVertexBuilder builder = getBuilder();
if (buffer instanceof SuperRenderTypeBuffer)
builder = ((SuperRenderTypeBuffer) buffer).getLateBuffer(RenderType.getTranslucent());
MatrixStacker msr = MatrixStacker.of(ms);
Vector3d center = new Vector3d(xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, yMin + (yMax - yMin) / 2, zMin + (zMax - zMin) / 2);
int blockLightIn = (light >> 4) & 0xf;
int blockLightIn = (light >> 4) & 0xF;
int luminosity = Math.max(blockLightIn, fluidAttributes.getLuminosity(fluidStack));
light = (light & 0xf00000) | luminosity << 4;
light = (light & 0xF00000) | luminosity << 4;
Vector3d center = new Vector3d(xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, yMin + (yMax - yMin) / 2, zMin + (zMax - zMin) / 2);
MatrixStacker msr = MatrixStacker.of(ms);
if (fluidStack.getFluid()
@ -245,6 +220,7 @@ public class FluidRenderer {
builder.vertex(peek.getModel(), x, y, z)
.color(r, g, b, a)
.texture(u, v)
.normal(n.getX(), n.getY(), n.getZ())
@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ public class GuiGameElement {
private static class GuiBlockModelRenderBuilder extends GuiRenderBuilder {
protected IBakedModel blockmodel;
protected IBakedModel blockModel;
protected BlockState blockState;
public GuiBlockModelRenderBuilder(IBakedModel blockmodel, @Nullable BlockState blockState) {
this.blockState = blockState == null ? Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState() : blockState;
this.blockmodel = blockmodel;
this.blockModel = blockmodel;
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public class GuiGameElement {
.getColor(blockState, null, null, 0);
Vector3d rgb = ColorHelper.getRGB(color == -1 ? this.color : color);
.renderModel(ms.peek(), vb, blockState, blockmodel, (float) rgb.x, (float) rgb.y, (float) rgb.z,
.renderModel(ms.peek(), vb, blockState, blockModel, (float) rgb.x, (float) rgb.y, (float) rgb.z,
0xF000F0, OverlayTexture.DEFAULT_UV, VirtualEmptyModelData.INSTANCE);
@ -227,13 +227,9 @@ public class GuiGameElement {
FluidRenderer.renderTiledFluidBB(new FluidStack(blockState.getFluidState()
.getFluid(), 1000), 0, 0, 0, 1.0001f, 1.0001f, 1.0001f, buffer, ms, 0xF000F0, true);
.getFluid(), 1000), 0, 0, 0, 1.0001f, 1.0001f, 1.0001f, buffer, ms, 0xF000F0, false);
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class PartialItemModelRenderer {
if (!model.isBuiltInRenderer())
renderBakedItemModel(model, light, ms,
ItemRenderer.getArmorVertexConsumer(buffer, type, true, stack.hasEffect()));
ItemRenderer.getDirectGlintVertexConsumer(buffer, type, true, stack.hasEffect()));
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.OverlayTexture;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix3f;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Quaternion;
@ -32,13 +33,18 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
// Vertex Position
private MatrixStack transforms;
// Vertex Texture Coords
private SpriteShiftFunc spriteShiftFunc;
private boolean isEntityModel;
// Vertex Coloring
private boolean shouldColor;
private int r, g, b, a;
private boolean disableDiffuseDiv;
private boolean disableDiffuseMult;
// Vertex Texture Coords
private SpriteShiftFunc spriteShiftFunc;
// Vertex Overlay Color
private boolean hasOverlay;
private int overlay = OverlayTexture.DEFAULT_UV;;
// Vertex Lighting
private boolean useWorldLight;
@ -46,6 +52,15 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
private int packedLightCoords;
private Matrix4f lightTransform;
// Vertex Normals
private boolean fullNormalTransform;
// Temporary
private static final Long2IntMap WORLD_LIGHT_CACHE = new Long2IntOpenHashMap();
private final Vector4f pos = new Vector4f();
private final Vector3f normal = new Vector3f();
private final Vector4f lightPos = new Vector4f();
public SuperByteBuffer(BufferBuilder buf) {
template = new BufferBuilderReader(buf);
transforms = new MatrixStack();
@ -61,27 +76,26 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
return (v - sprite.getMinV()) / f * 16.0F;
private static final Long2IntMap WORLD_LIGHT_CACHE = new Long2IntOpenHashMap();
Vector4f pos = new Vector4f();
Vector3f normal = new Vector3f();
Vector4f lightPos = new Vector4f();
public void renderInto(MatrixStack input, IVertexBuilder builder) {
if (isEmpty())
Matrix3f normalMat = transforms.peek()
Matrix4f modelMat = input.peek()
Matrix4f localTransforms = transforms.peek()
Matrix3f normalMat;
if (fullNormalTransform) {
normalMat = input.peek().getNormal().copy();
Matrix3f localNormalTransforms = transforms.peek().getNormal();
} else {
normalMat = transforms.peek().getNormal().copy();
if (useWorldLight) {
@ -101,43 +115,58 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
float normalY = template.getNY(i) / 127f;
float normalZ = template.getNZ(i) / 127f;
float staticDiffuse = LightUtil.diffuseLight(normalX, normalY, normalZ);
normal.set(normalX, normalY, normalZ);
float nx = normal.getX();
float ny = normal.getY();
float nz = normal.getZ();
float staticDiffuse = LightUtil.diffuseLight(normalX, normalY, normalZ);
float instanceDiffuse = LightUtil.diffuseLight(nx, ny, nz);
pos.set(x, y, z, 1F);
builder.vertex(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
if (isEntityModel) {
builder.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
} else if (shouldColor) {
int colorR = Math.min(255, (int) (((float) this.r) * instanceDiffuse));
int colorG = Math.min(255, (int) (((float) this.g) * instanceDiffuse));
int colorB = Math.min(255, (int) (((float) this.b) * instanceDiffuse));
builder.color(colorR, colorG, colorB, this.a);
if (shouldColor) {
if (disableDiffuseMult) {
builder.color(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a);
} else {
int colorR = transformColor(this.r, instanceDiffuse);
int colorG = transformColor(this.g, instanceDiffuse);
int colorB = transformColor(this.b, instanceDiffuse);
builder.color(colorR, colorG, colorB, this.a);
} else {
float diffuseMult = instanceDiffuse / staticDiffuse;
int colorR = Math.min(255, (int) (((float) Byte.toUnsignedInt(r)) * diffuseMult));
int colorG = Math.min(255, (int) (((float) Byte.toUnsignedInt(g)) * diffuseMult));
int colorB = Math.min(255, (int) (((float) Byte.toUnsignedInt(b)) * diffuseMult));
builder.color(colorR, colorG, colorB, a);
if (disableDiffuseDiv && disableDiffuseMult) {
builder.color(r, g, b, a);
} else {
float diffuseMult;
if (disableDiffuseDiv) {
diffuseMult = instanceDiffuse;
} else if (disableDiffuseMult) {
diffuseMult = 1 / staticDiffuse;
} else {
diffuseMult = instanceDiffuse / staticDiffuse;
int colorR = transformColor(r, diffuseMult);
int colorG = transformColor(g, diffuseMult);
int colorB = transformColor(b, diffuseMult);
builder.color(colorR, colorG, colorB, a);
float u = template.getU(i);
float v = template.getV(i);
if (spriteShiftFunc != null) {
spriteShiftFunc.shift(builder, u, v);
} else
} else {
builder.texture(u, v);
if (isEntityModel)
if (hasOverlay) {
int light;
if (useWorldLight) {
@ -163,10 +192,8 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
if (isEntityModel)
builder.normal(input.peek().getNormal(), nx, ny, nz);
builder.normal(nx, ny, nz);
builder.normal(nx, ny, nz);
@ -175,17 +202,21 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
public SuperByteBuffer reset() {
transforms = new MatrixStack();
spriteShiftFunc = null;
shouldColor = false;
isEntityModel = false;
r = 0;
g = 0;
b = 0;
a = 0;
disableDiffuseDiv = false;
disableDiffuseMult = false;
spriteShiftFunc = null;
hasOverlay = false;
overlay = OverlayTexture.DEFAULT_UV;
useWorldLight = false;
hybridLight = false;
packedLightCoords = 0;
lightTransform = null;
fullNormalTransform = false;
return this;
@ -241,6 +272,15 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
.translate(-.5f, -.5f, -.5f);
public SuperByteBuffer color(int r, int g, int b, int a) {
shouldColor = true;
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.a = a;
return this;
public SuperByteBuffer color(int color) {
shouldColor = true;
r = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF);
@ -250,6 +290,25 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
return this;
* Prevents vertex colors from being divided by the diffuse value calculated from the raw untransformed normal vector.
* Useful when passed vertex colors do not have diffuse baked in.
* Disabled when custom color is used.
public SuperByteBuffer disableDiffuseDiv() {
disableDiffuseDiv = true;
return this;
* Prevents vertex colors from being multiplied by the diffuse value calculated from the final transformed normal vector.
* Useful for entity rendering, when diffuse is applied automatically later.
public SuperByteBuffer disableDiffuseMult() {
disableDiffuseMult = true;
return this;
public SuperByteBuffer shiftUV(SpriteShiftEntry entry) {
this.spriteShiftFunc = (builder, u, v) -> {
float targetU = entry.getTarget()
@ -286,6 +345,17 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
return this;
public SuperByteBuffer overlay() {
hasOverlay = true;
return this;
public SuperByteBuffer overlay(int overlay) {
hasOverlay = true;
this.overlay = overlay;
return this;
public SuperByteBuffer light() {
useWorldLight = true;
return this;
@ -309,16 +379,38 @@ public class SuperByteBuffer {
return this;
* Uses max light from calculated light (world light or custom light) and vertex light for the final light value.
* Ineffective if any other light method was not called.
public SuperByteBuffer hybridLight() {
hybridLight = true;
return this;
public SuperByteBuffer asEntityModel() {
isEntityModel = true;
* Transforms normals not only by the local matrix stack, but also by the passed matrix stack.
public SuperByteBuffer fullNormalTransform() {
fullNormalTransform = true;
return this;
public SuperByteBuffer forEntityRender() {
return this;
public static int transformColor(byte component, float scale) {
return MathHelper.clamp((int) (Byte.toUnsignedInt(component) * scale), 0, 255);
public static int transformColor(int component, float scale) {
return MathHelper.clamp((int) (component * scale), 0, 255);
public static int maxLight(int packedLight1, int packedLight2) {
int blockLight1 = LightTexture.getBlockLightCoordinates(packedLight1);
int skyLight1 = LightTexture.getSkyLightCoordinates(packedLight1);
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package com.simibubi.create.foundation.renderState;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import com.simibubi.create.AllSpecialTextures;
import com.simibubi.create.Create;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderState;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType;
@ -11,8 +13,6 @@ import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
public class RenderTypes extends RenderState {
protected static final RenderState.CullState DISABLE_CULLING = new NoCullState();
public static RenderType getOutlineTranslucent(ResourceLocation texture, boolean cull) {
RenderType.State rendertype$state = RenderType.State.builder()
.texture(new RenderState.TextureState(texture, false, false))
@ -23,15 +23,14 @@ public class RenderTypes extends RenderState {
return RenderType.of("outline_translucent" + (cull ? "_cull" : ""),
DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, 7, 256, true, true, rendertype$state);
return RenderType.of(createLayerName("outline_translucent" + (cull ? "_cull" : "")),
DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, GL11.GL_QUADS, 256, true, true, rendertype$state);
private static final RenderType OUTLINE_SOLID =
RenderType.of("outline_solid", DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, 7, 256, true,
RenderType.of(createLayerName("outline_solid"), DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, GL11.GL_QUADS, 256, true,
false, RenderType.State.builder()
.texture(new RenderState.TextureState(AllSpecialTextures.BLANK.getLocation(), false, false))
@ -40,12 +39,10 @@ public class RenderTypes extends RenderState {
public static RenderType getGlowingSolid(ResourceLocation texture) {
RenderType.State rendertype$state = RenderType.State.builder()
.texture(new RenderState.TextureState(texture, false, false))
return RenderType.of("glowing_solid", DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, 7, 256,
return RenderType.of(createLayerName("glowing_solid"), DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, GL11.GL_QUADS, 256,
true, false, rendertype$state);
@ -53,41 +50,52 @@ public class RenderTypes extends RenderState {
RenderType.State rendertype$state = RenderType.State.builder()
.texture(new RenderState.TextureState(texture, false, false))
return RenderType.of("glowing_translucent", DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, 7,
return RenderType.of(createLayerName("glowing_translucent"), DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, GL11.GL_QUADS,
256, true, true, rendertype$state);
private static final RenderType GLOWING_SOLID = RenderTypes.getGlowingSolid(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE);
private static final RenderType GLOWING_TRANSLUCENT =
private static final RenderType GLOWING_SOLID = getGlowingSolid(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE);
private static final RenderType GLOWING_TRANSLUCENT = getGlowingTranslucent(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE);
private static final RenderType ITEM_PARTIAL_SOLID =
RenderType.of("item_solid", DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, 7, 256, true,
RenderType.of(createLayerName("item_solid"), DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, GL11.GL_QUADS, 256, true,
false, RenderType.State.builder()
.texture(new RenderState.TextureState(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, false, false))
private static final RenderType ITEM_PARTIAL_TRANSLUCENT = RenderType.of("entity_translucent",
DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, 7, 256, true, true, RenderType.State.builder()
.texture(new RenderState.TextureState(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, false, false))
private static final RenderType ITEM_PARTIAL_TRANSLUCENT = RenderType.of(createLayerName("item_translucent"),
DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, GL11.GL_QUADS, 256, true, true, RenderType.State.builder()
private static final RenderType FLUID = RenderType.of(createLayerName("fluid"),
DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_OVERLAY_LIGHT_NORMAL, GL11.GL_QUADS, 256, true, true, RenderType.State.builder()
private static String createLayerName(String name) {
return Create.ID + ":" + name;
public static RenderType getItemPartialSolid() {
@ -108,19 +116,13 @@ public class RenderTypes extends RenderState {
protected static class NoCullState extends RenderState.CullState {
public NoCullState() {
public void startDrawing() {
public static RenderType getFluid() {
return FLUID;
// Mmm gimme those protected fields
public RenderTypes() {
super(null, null, null);
Add table
Reference in a new issue