- Added new selection/outline particles for use in place of bounding box rendering
- Refactored JEI categories
- Slots for chance outputs now have a slighly different appearance in JEI
- Redstone links no longer cause a redstone update when loaded in
- Redstone links no longer mess up windmill bearings on chunk reload
- Fixed redstone links not working properly after movement in a contraption
- Filter output amounts can no longer be increased beyond the stack limit
- Chassis range visualization now uses the new outline particle
- Kinetic networks are now aware of movement, such as NBT-item placement, schematic placement and other means of tileentity movement and will reset/reconnect
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc not being movable by chassis
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc moving a clone of themselves when attached to the initial block
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc stopping or losing their structure when loaded incorrecly
- Pulleys can now be moved while extended, moving attached ropes and their own attached structure with them
- Brittle blocks such as ladders/torches/etc can no longer be moved unless their attached block is moved
- Fixed mechanical pistons messing up their kinetic information when changing into a different extension state.
- Fixed misplaced client code introduced by a ScreenOpener hotfix
- Fixed inconsistent belt initialization when belts are placed by schematics or structures, causing them to break at random
- Clutches and Gearshifts now await their turn to re-attach when changed, allowing multiple to be used in a network and swapped within one tick without causing components to break.
- Fixed flexcrate interface crashing if the block gets removed while open
- Some additions/modifications in texture assets
- Pistons no longer get blocked by their push limit if the blocks pushed are attached to each other
- Sandpaper can no longer repair tools
- Fixed players getting kicked for "flying" when moved by contraptions or fans
- Saw no longer duplicates itself when broken in an overstressed state
- Belts can no longer pass items on to a vertical belt
- Kinetic blocks no longer cause chunks to lose all block light information
- Stockpile switch and sequencer no longer open the GUI to the wrong players
- Belt items no longer skip blocking attachments while loaded in
- Nozzle explosions no longer cause block damage
- PSIs no longer transfer an excess of items, deleting them in the process
- Ore features no longer spawn in the "void" or "hell" biome
- Fixed Minecart contraptions killing their own mount using saws/drills
- Pistons, Bearings and Pulleys can now be moved unless they are moving something themselves
- Fixed cart assemblers blocking in the powered rail kickstart logic
- Piston poles can now be moved
- Crushing wheels no longer spawn missing texture particles when sprinting on the central block
- Deployers' hand items can now be directly inserted/extracted using hoppers, extractors, funnels, etc
- Fixed Deployers not dropping held items when destroyed
- Millstones now empty their input inventory when clicked on while their output buffer is empty
- Millstones no longer accept items they cannot process
- Fixed hoppers not being able to pull items from belts in certain cases
- Fixed adjustable crates corrupting chunks
- Reverted the misplaced nerf on worldgen, applied due to a previous bug in feature placement
- Critical worldgen changes now override everyones' configs
- Fixed UV shifts not working consistently with high-res resource packs
- Fixed window panes not connecting their textures with windowlogged blocks
- Fixed buttons and pressure plates not resetting after being moved
- Fixed missing tooltips on custom swords
- Redstone links now move when the block they are attached to is moved
- Revisited every unchecked TileEntity cast
- Redstone Links can now be toggled with a wrench
- Redstong Links are now portable on contraptions
- Schematicannon no longer inserts held schematics automatically
- Saws no longer accept items when their speed is zero
- Gunpowder can now be multiplied in the mixer
- Metal blocks can now be crushed back into the crushed ores. (Inefficient enough to avoid any loops)
- Crushing wool in the millstone is less effective
- Made chassis range visualization a little less obnoxious
- Fixed windmill bearings stopping on chunk reload
- Fixed copper and zinc spawning in increased amounts anywhere outside of the biomes they are supposed to do so
- Introduced a brass ingot mixing recipe
- Fixed redstone links getting power from unloaded links
- Fixed custom sword not having a sweeping effect
- Fixed invalid kinetic tileentity state when dimension is being unloaded
- Mechanical harvesters now interact with kelp blocks
- Extractors and Funnels are now portable and have special movement traits #117
- Fixed false positives on having reached the block movement limit for contraptions
- Fixed self-modification within a belt's update cycle, addresses #116
- Fixed belt processing not re-activating segement attachments, addresses #132
- Fixed reversing components (gearbox, gearshift) breaking when a new source overpowers the network
- Reduced attack damage of the Deforester
- Fixed redstone links not being powered by wires consistently #106
- New entries for attribute filters: Washable, Smeltable, Smokable and Smeltable in Blast furnace
- Fixed redstone links behaving inconsistently when unloaded and reloaded
- Bumped oldest supported forge version
- Overstressed components now show a tooltip, unless disabled in config
- JEI compat for millstone recipes
- Crushing Wheels now require mechanical crafting in order to be assembled
- Millstones now drop contents when broken
- Players can manually collect millstone outputs via right-click
- Fixed millstone removing ingredients before looking up a recipe
- Gauges no longer require a block to sit on (QOL)
- Added Millstone
- Added Milling recipe type
- Crushing wheels can apply milling recipes
- Added a command for clearing the buffer cache
- Any cog-containing machine can now connect to large cogwheels
- Added French localization by Kiro
- Removed unused lang entries
- Mechanical Crafter JEI no longer adds other mods' custom crafting recipe types, addresses #114
- Potential fix for #125
- Blacklisted a few entities from contraption collision, addresses #120
- Contraption Entities no longer spawn water particles, addresses #107
- Fixed floating point errors in RSC, addresses #118
- Added rendering safety check for belts, addresses #108
- Update Chinese translation
- Added Zinc and Brass Block
- Added compat for mechanical Saw with BoP's logs
- Fixed Crafters and Mixers not handling container items properly
- Fixed Shafts not dropping when breaking a belt segment with pulley
- Added missing loot table for copper blocks and shingles
- Features now get registered on init, addresses #102
- Fixed motors starting with a scrollvalue of 0
- Fixed deployers not initializing properly
- Saws can now break leaves when moved
- Kinetic networks now actually incorporate pre-config-update capacity/impact of a component
- added limestone, weathered limestone, gabbro, dolomite and scoria (as well as their polished variants) to #forge:stone
- added #forge:storage_blocks/copper to #forge:storage_blocks
- added copper block to #forge:storage_blocks/copper
- added config value for the furnace generators speed
- added the generation speed of water wheel, encased fan and furnace generator to their tooltips
- goggles now show the power of a analog lever when worn
- Fixed compat crash when tooltips are loaded early
- Buffed all sources
- Render buffers are now cleared when loading a world. Might help with shader issues
- Fixed eager loading of biomes in ore features
- Kinetic blocks now always clear their source when placed (needs testing)
- Kinetic blocks now remember their applied stress to a network before a config change
- Chassis range is now displayed with an overlay instead of outlines
- Crushing wheels are now more lenient about having different speeds
- Crushing wheels no longer pull players in peaceful mode
- Mixers no longer ignore items inserted during processing
- Powered Latch now reacts to weak power on the sides
- Fixed flexcrates not updating their inventory properly when extended