- Removed old Advancement managers
- Removed all unfinished logistical features from the registry
- Added new Crafting ingredients
- Added Sand Paper, for a polishing recipe type and repairing tools
- Changed Blockzapper materials
- Added the ability to include catalyst-ingredients in processing recipes
- Added some ingredient/output count validation for processing recipes
- Deployers now spawn particles when using certain items
- Players can now interact with the deployer to swap held items
- Belts now accept brass casing instead of logistical casing
- Introduced a new material chain
- Added a whole bunch of recipes
- Added a TileEntity behaviour Interface
- Added SmartTileEntities, able to execute behaviours via delegation, replacing old Interface-based approaches
- Re-Implemented Filterable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Re-Implemented Redstone-Linkable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Added a base block for directional logistical attachments
- Belt Funnels are now Funnels
- Funnels can now face any direction
- Added Transposer blocks and Linked Transposer blocks (missing extraction behaviour)
- Unified in-world itemslot rendering used by filters and links
- Re-designed funnel, belt funnel and belt observer to match the extractor
- Started work on improved logistical casings
- Linear Chassis (formerly translation chassis) now connect textures
- Added Engineer's Goggles
- Added Custom Particle for Speed level indications
- Added Volcanic Rock and the ability to give blocks smooth colors based on their position
- Fixed Entity Types not registering correctly
- Fixed WorldRenderer being loaded server side
- Fixed the Tree Cutter search used by the Deforester
- Fixed Crushing wheel controller not dropping contents when removed
- Mechanical Saw can now process Cutting and Stonecutting Recipes
- Added a torque system with stress vs capacity scores for networks.
- Added config values for stress and capacity
- Added rainbow debug (tm)
- Added infinite new bugs
- Rotational sources can now be connected to each other if their speeds have the same direction. Sources with slower speeds will be overpowered by the others.
- Added a skeleton for torque mechanics. Very janky and unfinished
- Fixed id downcasing not working properly in non-english environments #25
- Removed event subscriber annotations for mod & registry events
- Added more displayable slots in the Washing JEI view
- Fixed Windowed blocks referencing IBakedModel on the server
- Changed stairs to use blockstate supplier
- Fixed Symmetry Wand crashing when configured in the off-hand
- Fixed "Hold Shift" in tooltips not being translated
- Chassis now drop applied slime balls
- Slime Balls are now craftable
- Mechanical Belts now lock living entities in place
- Blockzapper recipes can now be viewed from the uses of their ingredient materials
- Configured FlexPeaters now synchronize with other players
- Fixed client crash when rendering lava in a deployed schematic #15
- Made encased fans a little less expensive
- Added other coral types to tree fertilizer recipe
- Added a new Villager type for delivering packages
- Added the Logisticians Table
- Added Package Funnels
- Added a generic colorable indicator tileentityrenderer
- Added Logistical Controllers
- Added Logistical Casings
- Added the Logistical Index
- Added a Logistical Dial
- Started laying out logic for Logistical Networks
- Added ability to put glass panes inside partial blocks such as Fences, Stairs and Slabs.
- Added Tiled Glass and Tiled Glass Panes
- Fixed Translation Chassis pulling blocks even without being sticky
- Added Palette Blocks to corresponding tag groups
- Added translation to zh_cn (Thanks to Thirace446)
- Split gearboxes into two interchangeable Items
- Removed WIP Items from Creative Tab
- Added option to disable tooltips
- Moved common config values to synced serverconfig
- Numbers on Scrollable Blocks are centered
- Motors can be configured to rotate with negative speed
- Fixed Processing Recipes Serializer (severe)
- Fixed Moving constructs not rendering at a reasonable distance
- Mechanical Bearing always solidifies when empty
- Fixed some movement incosistencies with translation constructs
- Fixed Crushing Wheel Controller not stopping when Wheels do
- Fixed Crushing Wheels ejecting entities on world reload
- Fixed Movement inconsistencies with Mechanical Belts
- Added rotation propagation through large cogwheels connected at a 90 degree angle
- Fixed Client code being called server side
- Fixed Abstract Method errors regarding Extractors and FrequencyHolders
- Added a unit character to Flexpeater display
- Fixed additional washing outputs from flying all over the place
- Schematicannon now ignores Structure Void blocks
- Fixed Schematic hologram not displaying
- Added little indicators to the Mechanical Bearing to visualize curent angle
- Bumped version
- Added config values to toggle the modules of create.
- Added config options to disable unstable features in case of a crashloop.
- Cleaned up the Encased Fan TileEntity
- Changed in-world processing from static lists to item nbt.
- Moved main Client code to separate class
- Bundled some events into a single subscriber
- Renamed a few things
- Keybinds and Keys have their own enum now
+ Added the Handheld Blockzapper Tool
+ Added several craftable upgrades for
the Tool
+ Added animated Models for Symmetry wand and Handheld Blockzapper
- Schematicannon now uses two items for Double Slabs
- Fixed Warn messages for client packets
- Added misc Crafting Ingredients
- Changed recipe unlock triggers
- Fixed double blocks being counted twice as requirement
- Fixed beds not showing in Hologram
- Fixed Blocks like flowers not showing in Hologram at certain conditions
- Added a print option to blueprints in creative (Bypassing the cannon)
- Fixed pistons placed by the cannon
- Tidied up and renamed Classes
- Added useful tooltips to all items
- Added tooltips to blueprint overlay tools
- Made Schematic And Quill more bearable to use
- Changed rendering order for blueprint overlay, Fixes Issue #1
- Schematicannon makes less obnoxious noises
- Schematic Table Container and Gui Improved
- Made New Additions Server Proof
- Server side Schematic handler is less trusting
- Added a Material Checklist for blueprints loaded in the schematicannon
- Added more safety checks regarding Schematics & Chunkloading, Filesystem and Distance
- Added new option for Schematicannon to not replace tileentities
- Schematic upload progress is now handled on the server