package com.simibubi.create; import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import com.simibubi.create.modules.contraptions.base.KineticBlock; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.Builder; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.DoubleValue; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.IntValue; public class CreateConfig { public static final ForgeConfigSpec specification; public static final CreateConfig parameters; static { final Pair specPair = new ForgeConfigSpec.Builder().configure(CreateConfig::new); specification = specPair.getRight(); parameters = specPair.getLeft(); } // Modules public BooleanValue enableSchematics; public BooleanValue enableCuriosities; public BooleanValue enableContraptions; public BooleanValue enablePalettes; public BooleanValue enableLogistics; public BooleanValue enableGardens; // Damage Control public BooleanValue freezeRotationPropagator; public BooleanValue freezeCrushing; public BooleanValue freezeInWorldProcessing; public BooleanValue freezeRotationConstructs; public BooleanValue freezePistonConstructs; public BooleanValue freezeExtractors; // Schematics public IntValue maxSchematics, maxTotalSchematicSize, maxSchematicPacketSize, schematicIdleTimeout; public IntValue schematicannonDelay, schematicannonSkips; public DoubleValue schematicannonGunpowderWorth, schematicannonFuelUsage; public ConfigValue schematicPath; // Curiosities public IntValue maxSymmetryWandRange; public BooleanValue allowGlassPanesInPartialBlocks; // Contraptions public IntValue maxBeltLength, crushingDamage, maxMotorSpeed, maxRotationSpeed; public IntValue fanMaxPushDistance, fanMaxPullDistance, fanBlockCheckRate, fanRotationArgmax, generatingFanSpeed, inWorldProcessingTime; public IntValue maxChassisForTranslation, maxChassisForRotation, maxChassisRange, maxPistonPoles; public Map stressCapacityEntries = new HashMap<>(); public Map stressEntries = new HashMap<>(); public DoubleValue mediumSpeed, fastSpeed; public DoubleValue mediumStressImpact, highStressImpact; public DoubleValue mediumCapacity, highCapacity; // Logistics public IntValue extractorDelay, extractorInventoryScanDelay, extractorAmount, linkRange; // Gardens public DoubleValue cocoaLogGrowthSpeed; CreateConfig(final ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) { initGeneral(builder); initContraptions(builder); initSchematics(builder); initCuriosities(builder); initLogistics(builder); initGardens(builder); } private void initGeneral(Builder builder) { builder.comment( "Configure which Modules should be accessible. This only affects Creative Menus and Recipes - any blocks and items already present will not stop working or disappear.") .push("modules"); String basePath = "create.config.modules."; String name = ""; name = "enableSchematics"; enableSchematics = builder.translation(basePath + name).define(name, true); name = "enableContraptions"; enableContraptions = builder.translation(basePath + name).define(name, true); name = "enableCuriosities"; enableCuriosities = builder.translation(basePath + name).define(name, true); name = "enableGardens"; enableGardens = builder.translation(basePath + name).define(name, true); name = "enableLogistics"; enableLogistics = builder.translation(basePath + name).define(name, true); name = "enablePalettes"; enablePalettes = builder.translation(basePath + name).define(name, true); builder.pop(); builder.comment("In case of repeated crashing, you can inhibit related game mechanics for Troubleshooting.") .push("damageControl"); basePath = "create.config.damageControl."; name = "freezeCrushing"; freezeCrushing = builder.comment("", "In case Crushing Wheels crushed your server.") .translation(basePath + name).define(name, false); name = "freezeExtractors"; freezeExtractors = builder.comment("", "In case Extractors pulled the plug.").translation(basePath + name) .define(name, false); name = "freezeInWorldProcessing"; freezeInWorldProcessing = builder.comment("", "In case Encased Fans tried smelting your hardware.") .translation(basePath + name).define(name, false); name = "freezeRotationPropagator"; freezeRotationPropagator = builder .comment("", "Pauses rotation logic altogether - Use if crash mentions RotationPropagators.") .translation(basePath + name).define(name, false); name = "freezeRotationConstructs"; freezeRotationConstructs = builder.comment("", "In case Mechanical Bearings turned against you.") .translation(basePath + name).define(name, false); name = "freezePistonConstructs"; freezePistonConstructs = builder.comment("", "In case Mechanical Pistons pushed it too far.") .translation(basePath + name).define(name, false); builder.pop(); } private void initGardens(Builder builder) { builder.comment("The Gardens Module").push("gardens"); String basePath = "create.config.gardens."; String name = ""; name = "cocoaLogGrowthSpeed"; cocoaLogGrowthSpeed = builder.comment("", "% of random Ticks causing a Cocoa log to grow.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 20D, 0D, 100D); builder.pop(); } private void initLogistics(Builder builder) { builder.comment("The Logistics Module").push("logistics"); String basePath = "create.config.logistics."; String name = ""; name = "extractorDelay"; extractorDelay = builder .comment("", "The amount of game ticks an Extractor waits after pulling an item successfully.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 20, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "extractorInventoryScanDelay"; extractorInventoryScanDelay = builder .comment("", "The amount of game ticks an Extractor waits before checking again if the attached inventory contains items to extract.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 40, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "extractorAmount"; extractorAmount = builder .comment("", "The amount of items an extractor pulls at a time without an applied filter.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 16, 1, 64); name = "linkRange"; linkRange = builder.comment("", "Maximum possible range in blocks of redstone link connections.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 128, 4, Integer.MAX_VALUE); builder.pop(); } private void initContraptions(Builder builder) { builder.comment("The Contraptions Module").push("contraptions"); String basePath = "create.config.contraptions."; String name = ""; name = "maxBeltLength"; maxBeltLength = builder.comment("", "Maximum length in blocks of mechanical belts.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 20, 5, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "crushingDamage"; crushingDamage = builder.comment("", "Damage dealt by active Crushing Wheels.").translation(basePath + name) .defineInRange(name, 4, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); { builder.comment("Encased Fan").push("encasedFan"); basePath = "create.config.contraptions.encasedFan"; name = "fanBlockCheckRate"; fanBlockCheckRate = builder .comment("", "Game ticks between Fans checking for anything blocking their air flow.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 100, 20, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "fanMaxPushDistance"; fanMaxPushDistance = builder.comment("", "Maximum distance in blocks Fans can push entities.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 20, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "fanMaxPullDistance"; fanMaxPullDistance = builder.comment("", "Maximum distance in blocks from where Fans can pull entities.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 5, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "fanRotationArgmax"; fanRotationArgmax = builder.comment("", "Rotation speed at which the maximum stats of fans are reached.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 8192, 64, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "generatingFanSpeed"; generatingFanSpeed = builder.comment("", "Rotation speed generated by a vertical fan above fire.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 32, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "inWorldProcessingTime"; inWorldProcessingTime = builder .comment("", "Game ticks required for a Fan-based processing recipe to take effect.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 150, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); builder.pop(); } { builder.comment("Mechanical Pistons and Bearings").push("constructs"); basePath = "create.config.contraptions.constructs."; name = "maxChassisRange"; maxChassisRange = builder.comment("", "Maximum value of a chassis attachment range.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 16, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "maxChassisForRotation"; maxChassisForRotation = builder .comment("", "Maximum amount of chassis blocks movable by a Mechanical Bearing.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 16, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "maxChassisForTranslation"; maxChassisForTranslation = builder .comment("", "Maximum amount of chassis blocks movable by a Mechanical Piston.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 16, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "maxPistonPoles"; maxPistonPoles = builder.comment("", "Maximum amount of extension poles behind a Mechanical Piston.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 64, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); initStress(builder); builder.pop(); } name = "maxMotorSpeed"; maxMotorSpeed = builder.comment("", "Maximum allowed speed of a configurable motor.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 4096, 64, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "maxRotationSpeed"; maxRotationSpeed = builder.comment("", "Maximum allowed rotation speed for any Kinetic Tile.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 16384, 64, Integer.MAX_VALUE); builder.pop(); } private void initCuriosities(Builder builder) { builder.comment("The Curiosities Module").push("curiosities"); String basePath = "create.config.curiosities."; String name = ""; name = "maxSymmetryWandRange"; maxSymmetryWandRange = builder .comment("", "The Maximum Distance to an active mirror for the symmetry wand to trigger.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 50, 10, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "allowGlassPanesInPartialBlocks"; allowGlassPanesInPartialBlocks = builder .comment("", "Allow Glass Panes to be put inside Blocks like Stairs, Slabs, Fences etc.") .translation(basePath + name).define(name, true); builder.pop(); } private void initSchematics(final ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) { builder.comment("The Schematics Module").push("schematics"); String basePath = "create.config.schematics."; String name = ""; name = "maxSchematics"; maxSchematics = builder .comment("", "The amount of Schematics a player can upload until previous ones are overwritten.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 10, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "schematicPath"; schematicPath = builder.comment("", "The file location where uploaded Schematics are stored.").define(name, "schematics/uploaded", this::isValidPath); name = "maxTotalSchematicSize"; maxTotalSchematicSize = builder .comment("", "[in KiloBytes]", "The maximum allowed file size of uploaded Schematics.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 256, 16, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "maxSchematicPacketSize"; maxSchematicPacketSize = builder .comment("", "[in Bytes]", "The maximum packet size uploaded Schematics are split into.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 1024, 256, 32767); name = "schematicIdleTimeout"; schematicIdleTimeout = builder.comment("", "Amount of game ticks without new packets arriving until an active schematic upload process is discarded.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 600, 100, Integer.MAX_VALUE); { builder.comment("Schematicannon").push("schematicannon"); basePath = "create.config.schematics.schematicannon"; name = "schematicannonDelay"; schematicannonDelay = builder .comment("", "Amount of game ticks between shots of the cannon. Higher => Slower") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 10, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "schematicannonSkips"; schematicannonSkips = builder .comment("", "Amount of block positions per tick scanned by a running cannon. Higher => Faster") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 10, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); name = "schematicannonGunpowderWorth"; schematicannonGunpowderWorth = builder.comment("", "% of Schematicannon's Fuel filled by 1 Gunpowder.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 20D, 0D, 100D); name = "schematicannonFuelUsage"; schematicannonFuelUsage = builder.comment("", "% of Schematicannon's Fuel used for each fired block.") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 0.05D, 0D, 100D); builder.pop(); } builder.pop(); } private void initStress(final ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) { builder.comment("Configure speed/capacity levels for requirements and indicators.").push("rotationLevels"); String basePath = "create.config.rotationLevels."; String name = ""; name = "mediumSpeed"; mediumSpeed = builder.comment("", "[in Degrees/Tick]", "Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'medium'") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 32D, 0D, 4096D); name = "fastSpeed"; mediumSpeed = builder.comment("", "[in Degrees/Tick]", "Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'fast'") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 512D, 0D, 65535D); name = "mediumStressImpact"; mediumStressImpact = builder.comment("", "Minimum stress impact to be considered 'medium'") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 8D, 0D, 4096D); name = "highStressImpact"; highStressImpact = builder.comment("", "Minimum stress impact to be considered 'high'") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 32D, 0D, 65535D); name = "mediumCapacity"; mediumCapacity = builder.comment("", "Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'medium'") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 128D, 0D, 4096D); name = "highCapacity"; highCapacity = builder.comment("", "Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'high'") .translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, 512D, 0D, 65535D); builder.pop(); builder.comment( "Configure the individual stress impact of mechanical blocks. Note that this cost is doubled for every speed increase it receives.") .push("stress"); for (AllBlocks block : AllBlocks.values()) { if (block.get() instanceof KineticBlock) initStressEntry(block, builder); } builder.pop(); builder.comment("Configure how much stress a source can accommodate.").push("capacity"); for (AllBlocks block : AllBlocks.values()) { if (block.get() instanceof KineticBlock) initStressCapacityEntry(block, builder); } builder.pop(); } private void initStressEntry(AllBlocks block, final ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) { String basePath = "create.config.stress."; String name =; stressEntries.put(block.get().getRegistryName(), builder.comment("").translation(basePath + name) .defineInRange(name, getDefaultStressImpact(block), 0, 2048)); } private void initStressCapacityEntry(AllBlocks block, final ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) { double defaultStressCapacity = getDefaultStressCapacity(block); if (defaultStressCapacity == -1) return; String basePath = "create.config.stressCapacity."; String name =; stressCapacityEntries.put(block.get().getRegistryName(), builder.comment("").translation(basePath + name).defineInRange(name, defaultStressCapacity, 0, 4096D)); } public static double getDefaultStressCapacity(AllBlocks block) { switch (block) { case MOTOR: return 1024; case ENCASED_FAN: return 64; case WATER_WHEEL: return 32; case MECHANICAL_BEARING: return 128; default: return -1; } } public static double getDefaultStressImpact(AllBlocks block) { switch (block) { case CRUSHING_WHEEL: case MECHANICAL_PRESS: case MOTOR: return 32; case DRILL: case SAW: case MECHANICAL_PISTON: case STICKY_MECHANICAL_PISTON: return 16; case ENCASED_FAN: case MECHANICAL_MIXER: case MECHANICAL_BEARING: case MECHANICAL_CRAFTER: return 8; case WATER_WHEEL: case TURNTABLE: case GEARBOX: case GEARSHIFT: case LARGE_COGWHEEL: return 4; case CLUTCH: return 2; case BELT: case COGWHEEL: case ENCASED_BELT: case ENCASED_SHAFT: case SHAFT: default: return 1; } } private boolean isValidPath(Object path) { if (!(path instanceof String)) return false; try { Paths.get((String) path); return true; } catch (InvalidPathException e) { return false; } } }