package com.simibubi.create.infrastructure.debugInfo; import; import com.jozufozu.flywheel.Flywheel; import com.jozufozu.flywheel.backend.Backend; import com.simibubi.create.Create; import; import com.simibubi.create.infrastructure.debugInfo.element.DebugInfoSection; import net.minecraft.SharedConstants; import net.minecraft.SystemReport; import net.minecraft.Util; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import com.simibubi.create.infrastructure.debugInfo.element.InfoElement; import com.simibubi.create.infrastructure.debugInfo.element.InfoEntry; import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist; import net.minecraftforge.fml.DistExecutor; import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModList; import net.minecraftforge.forgespi.language.IModInfo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlUtil; /** * Allows for providing easily accessible debugging information. * This info can be retrieved with the "/create debuginfo" command. * This command copies all information to the clipboard, formatted for a GitHub issue. * Addons are welcome to add their own sections. Registration must occur synchronously. */ public class DebugInformation { private static final List client = new ArrayList<>(); private static final List server = new ArrayList<>(); private static final ImmutableMap mcSystemInfo = Util.make(() -> { SystemReport systemReport = new SystemReport(); SystemReportAccessor access = (SystemReportAccessor) systemReport; return ImmutableMap.copyOf(access.getEntries()); }); public static void registerClientInfo(DebugInfoSection section) { client.add(section); } public static void registerServerInfo(DebugInfoSection section) { server.add(section); } public static void registerBothInfo(DebugInfoSection section) { registerClientInfo(section); registerServerInfo(section); } public static List getClientInfo() { return client; } public static List getServerInfo() { return server; } static { DebugInfoSection.builder(Create.NAME) .put("Mod Version", Create.VERSION) .put("Forge Version", getVersionOfMod("forge")) .put("Minecraft Version", SharedConstants.getCurrentVersion().getName()) .buildTo(DebugInformation::registerBothInfo); DistExecutor.unsafeRunWhenOn(Dist.CLIENT, () -> () -> { DebugInfoSection.builder("Graphics") .put("Flywheel Version", Flywheel.getVersion().toString()) .put("Flywheel Backend", () -> Backend.getBackendType().toString()) .put("OpenGL Renderer", GlUtil::getRenderer) .put("OpenGL Version", GlUtil::getOpenGLVersion) .put("Graphics Mode", () -> Minecraft.getInstance().options.graphicsMode.toString()) .buildTo(DebugInformation::registerClientInfo); }); DebugInfoSection.builder("System Information") .put("Operating System", SystemReportAccessor.getOPERATING_SYSTEM()) .put("Java Version", SystemReportAccessor.getJAVA_VERSION()) .put("JVM Flags", getMcSystemInfo("JVM Flags")) .put("Memory", () -> getMcSystemInfo("Memory")) .put("CPU", getCpuInfo()) .putAll(listAllGraphicsCards()) .buildTo(DebugInformation::registerBothInfo); DebugInfoSection.builder("Other Mods") .putAll(listAllOtherMods()) .buildTo(DebugInformation::registerBothInfo); } public static String getVersionOfMod(String id) { return ModList.get().getModContainerById(id) .map(mod -> mod.getModInfo().getVersion().toString()) .orElse("None"); } public static Collection listAllOtherMods() { List mods = new ArrayList<>(); ModList.get().forEachModContainer((id, mod) -> { if (!id.equals(Create.ID) && !id.equals("forge") && !id.equals("minecraft") && !id.equals("flywheel")) { IModInfo info = mod.getModInfo(); String name = info.getDisplayName(); String version = info.getVersion().toString(); mods.add(new InfoEntry(name, version)); } }); return mods; } public static Collection listAllGraphicsCards() { List cards = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // there won't be more than 10, right? right?? String name = getMcSystemInfo("Graphics card #" + i + " name"); String vendor = getMcSystemInfo("Graphics card #" + i + " vendor"); String vram = getMcSystemInfo("Graphics card #" + i + " VRAM (MB)"); if (name == null || vendor == null || vram == null) break; String key = "Graphics card #" + i; String value = String.format("%s (%s); %s MB of VRAM", name, vendor, vram); cards.add(new InfoEntry(key, value)); } return cards.isEmpty() ? List.of(new InfoEntry("Graphics cards", "none")) : cards; } public static String getCpuInfo() { String name = tryTrim(getMcSystemInfo("Processor Name")); String freq = getMcSystemInfo("Frequency (GHz)"); String sockets = getMcSystemInfo("Number of physical packages"); String cores = getMcSystemInfo("Number of physical CPUs"); String threads = getMcSystemInfo("Number of logical CPUs"); return String.format("%s @ %s GHz; %s cores / %s threads on %s socket(s)", name, freq, cores, threads, sockets); } /** * Get a system attribute provided by Minecraft. * They can be found in the constructor of {@link SystemReport}. */ @Nullable public static String getMcSystemInfo(String key) { return mcSystemInfo.get(key); } public static String getIndent(int depth) { return Stream.generate(() -> "\t").limit(depth).collect(Collectors.joining()); } @Nullable public static String tryTrim(@Nullable String s) { return s == null ? null : s.trim(); } }