simibubi 2e3c906ce0 Create in the far lands
- Fixed couplings, schematics and in-world overlays not rendering correctly at coordinates far from the origin
2023-05-08 13:05:16 +02:00

86 lines
2.2 KiB

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack;
import net.minecraft.util.Mth;
public class GhostBlocks {
public static double getBreathingAlpha() {
double period = 2500;
double timer = System.currentTimeMillis() % period;
double offset = Mth.cos((float) ((2d/period) * Math.PI * timer));
return 0.55d - 0.2d * offset;
final Map<Object, Entry> ghosts;
public GhostBlockParams showGhostState(Object slot, BlockState state) {
return showGhostState(slot, state, 1);
public GhostBlockParams showGhostState(Object slot, BlockState state, int ttl) {
Entry e = refresh(slot, GhostBlockRenderer.transparent(), GhostBlockParams.of(state), ttl);
return e.params;
public GhostBlockParams showGhost(Object slot, GhostBlockRenderer ghost, GhostBlockParams params, int ttl) {
Entry e = refresh(slot, ghost, params, ttl);
return e.params;
private Entry refresh(Object slot, GhostBlockRenderer ghost, GhostBlockParams params, int ttl) {
if (!ghosts.containsKey(slot))
ghosts.put(slot, new Entry(ghost, params, ttl));
Entry e = ghosts.get(slot);
e.ticksToLive = ttl;
e.params = params;
e.ghost = ghost;
return e;
public GhostBlocks() {
ghosts = new HashMap<>();
public void tickGhosts() {
ghosts.forEach((slot, entry) -> entry.ticksToLive--);
ghosts.entrySet().removeIf(e -> !e.getValue().isAlive());
public void renderAll(PoseStack ms, SuperRenderTypeBuffer buffer, Vec3 camera) {
ghosts.forEach((slot, entry) -> {
GhostBlockRenderer ghost = entry.ghost;
ghost.render(ms, buffer, camera, entry.params);
static class Entry {
private GhostBlockRenderer ghost;
private GhostBlockParams params;
private int ticksToLive;
public Entry(GhostBlockRenderer ghost, GhostBlockParams params) {
this(ghost, params, 1);
public Entry(GhostBlockRenderer ghost, GhostBlockParams params, int ttl) {
this.ghost = ghost;
this.params = params;
this.ticksToLive = ttl;
public boolean isAlive() {
return ticksToLive >= 0;