2023-03-08 14:32:50 +01:00

133 lines
9.9 KiB

public class CKinetics extends ConfigBase {
public final ConfigBool disableStress = b(false, "disableStress", Comments.disableStress);
public final ConfigInt maxBeltLength = i(20, 5, "maxBeltLength", Comments.maxBeltLength);
public final ConfigInt crushingDamage = i(4, 0, "crushingDamage", Comments.crushingDamage);
public final ConfigInt maxMotorSpeed = i(256, 64, "maxMotorSpeed", Comments.rpm, Comments.maxMotorSpeed, ConfigAnnotations.RequiresRestart.BOTH.asComment());
public final ConfigInt waterWheelBaseSpeed = i(4, 1, "waterWheelBaseSpeed", Comments.rpm, Comments.waterWheelBaseSpeed);
public final ConfigInt waterWheelFlowSpeed = i(4, 1, "waterWheelFlowSpeed", Comments.rpm, Comments.waterWheelFlowSpeed);
public final ConfigInt maxRotationSpeed = i(256, 64, "maxRotationSpeed", Comments.rpm, Comments.maxRotationSpeed);
public final ConfigEnum<DeployerAggroSetting> ignoreDeployerAttacks =
e(DeployerAggroSetting.CREEPERS, "ignoreDeployerAttacks", Comments.ignoreDeployerAttacks);
public final ConfigInt kineticValidationFrequency =
i(60, 5, "kineticValidationFrequency", Comments.kineticValidationFrequency);
public final ConfigFloat crankHungerMultiplier = f(.01f, 0, 1, "crankHungerMultiplier", Comments.crankHungerMultiplier);
public final ConfigInt minimumWindmillSails = i(8, 0, "minimumWindmillSails", Comments.minimumWindmillSails);
public final ConfigInt windmillSailsPerRPM = i(8, 1, "windmillSailsPerRPM", Comments.windmillSailsPerRPM);
public final ConfigInt maxEjectorDistance = i(32, 0, "maxEjectorDistance", Comments.maxEjectorDistance);
public final ConfigInt ejectorScanInterval = i(120, 10, "ejectorScanInterval", Comments.ejectorScanInterval);
public final ConfigGroup fan = group(1, "encasedFan", "Encased Fan");
public final ConfigInt fanPushDistance = i(20, 5, "fanPushDistance", Comments.fanPushDistance);
public final ConfigInt fanPullDistance = i(20, 5, "fanPullDistance", Comments.fanPullDistance);
public final ConfigInt fanBlockCheckRate = i(30, 10, "fanBlockCheckRate", Comments.fanBlockCheckRate);
public final ConfigInt fanRotationArgmax = i(256, 64, "fanRotationArgmax", Comments.rpm, Comments.fanRotationArgmax);
public final ConfigInt inWorldProcessingTime = i(150, 0, "inWorldProcessingTime", Comments.inWorldProcessingTime);
public final ConfigGroup contraptions = group(1, "contraptions", "Moving Contraptions");
public final ConfigInt maxBlocksMoved = i(2048, 1, "maxBlocksMoved", Comments.maxBlocksMoved);
public final ConfigInt maxDataSize =
i(ContraptionData.DEFAULT_MAX, 0, "maxDataSize", Comments.bytes, Comments.maxDataDisable, Comments.maxDataSize, Comments.maxDataSize2);
public final ConfigInt maxChassisRange = i(16, 1, "maxChassisRange", Comments.maxChassisRange);
public final ConfigInt maxPistonPoles = i(64, 1, "maxPistonPoles", Comments.maxPistonPoles);
public final ConfigInt maxRopeLength = i(256, 1, "maxRopeLength", Comments.maxRopeLength);
public final ConfigInt maxCartCouplingLength = i(32, 1, "maxCartCouplingLength", Comments.maxCartCouplingLength);
public final ConfigBool survivalContraptionPickup = b(true, "survivalContraptionPickup", Comments.survivalContraptionPickup);
public final ConfigEnum<ContraptionMovementSetting> spawnerMovement =
e(ContraptionMovementSetting.NO_PICKUP, "movableSpawners", Comments.spawnerMovement);
public final ConfigEnum<ContraptionMovementSetting> amethystMovement =
e(ContraptionMovementSetting.NO_PICKUP, "amethystMovement", Comments.amethystMovement);
public final ConfigEnum<ContraptionMovementSetting> obsidianMovement =
e(ContraptionMovementSetting.UNMOVABLE, "movableObsidian", Comments.obsidianMovement);
public final ConfigEnum<ContraptionMovementSetting> reinforcedDeepslateMovement =
e(ContraptionMovementSetting.UNMOVABLE, "movableReinforcedDeepslate", Comments.reinforcedDeepslateMovement);
public final ConfigBool moveItemsToStorage = b(true, "moveItemsToStorage", Comments.moveItemsToStorage);
public final ConfigBool harvestPartiallyGrown = b(false, "harvestPartiallyGrown", Comments.harvestPartiallyGrown);
public final ConfigBool harvesterReplants = b(true, "harvesterReplants", Comments.harvesterReplants);
public final ConfigBool minecartContraptionInContainers =
b(false, "minecartContraptionInContainers", Comments.minecartContraptionInContainers);
public final CStress stressValues = nested(1, CStress::new, Comments.stress);
public final ConfigGroup state = group(1, "stats", Comments.stats);
public final ConfigFloat mediumSpeed = f(30, 0, 4096, "mediumSpeed", Comments.rpm, Comments.mediumSpeed);
public final ConfigFloat fastSpeed = f(100, 0, 65535, "fastSpeed", Comments.rpm, Comments.fastSpeed);
public final ConfigFloat mediumStressImpact =
f(4, 0, 4096, "mediumStressImpact",, Comments.mediumStressImpact);
public final ConfigFloat highStressImpact = f(8, 0, 65535, "highStressImpact",, Comments.highStressImpact);
public final ConfigFloat mediumCapacity = f(128, 0, 4096, "mediumCapacity",, Comments.mediumCapacity);
public final ConfigFloat highCapacity = f(1024, 0, 65535, "highCapacity",, Comments.highCapacity);
public String getName() {
return "kinetics";
private static class Comments {
static String maxBeltLength = "Maximum length in blocks of mechanical belts.";
static String crushingDamage = "Damage dealt by active Crushing Wheels.";
static String maxMotorSpeed = "Maximum allowed speed of a configurable motor.";
static String maxRotationSpeed = "Maximum allowed rotation speed for any Kinetic Tile.";
static String fanPushDistance = "Maximum distance in blocks Fans can push entities.";
static String fanPullDistance = "Maximum distance in blocks from where Fans can pull entities.";
static String fanBlockCheckRate = "Game ticks between Fans checking for anything blocking their air flow.";
static String fanRotationArgmax = "Rotation speed at which the maximum stats of fans are reached.";
static String inWorldProcessingTime = "Game ticks required for a Fan-based processing recipe to take effect.";
static String crankHungerMultiplier =
"multiplier used for calculating exhaustion from speed when a crank is turned.";
static String maxBlocksMoved =
"Maximum amount of blocks in a structure movable by Pistons, Bearings or other means.";
static String maxDataSize = "Maximum amount of data a contraption can have before it can't be synced with players.";
static String maxDataSize2 = "Un-synced contraptions will not be visible and will not have collision.";
static String maxDataDisable = "[0 to disable this limit]";
static String maxChassisRange = "Maximum value of a chassis attachment range.";
static String maxPistonPoles = "Maximum amount of extension poles behind a Mechanical Piston.";
static String maxRopeLength = "Max length of rope available off a Rope Pulley.";
static String maxCartCouplingLength = "Maximum allowed distance of two coupled minecarts.";
static String moveItemsToStorage =
"Whether items mined or harvested by contraptions should be placed in their mounted storage.";
static String harvestPartiallyGrown = "Whether harvesters should break crops that aren't fully grown.";
static String harvesterReplants = "Whether harvesters should replant crops after harvesting.";
static String stats = "Configure speed/capacity levels for requirements and indicators.";
static String rpm = "[in Revolutions per Minute]";
static String su = "[in Stress Units]";
static String bytes = "[in Bytes]";
static String mediumSpeed = "Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'medium'";
static String fastSpeed = "Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'fast'";
static String mediumStressImpact = "Minimum stress impact to be considered 'medium'";
static String highStressImpact = "Minimum stress impact to be considered 'high'";
static String mediumCapacity = "Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'medium'";
static String highCapacity = "Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'high'";
static String stress = "Fine tune the kinetic stats of individual components";
static String ignoreDeployerAttacks = "Select what mobs should ignore Deployers when attacked by them.";
static String waterWheelBaseSpeed = "Added rotation speed by a water wheel when at least one flow is present.";
static String waterWheelFlowSpeed =
"Rotation speed gained by a water wheel for each side with running fluids. (halved if not against blades)";
static String disableStress = "Disable the Stress mechanic altogether.";
static String kineticValidationFrequency =
"Game ticks between Kinetic Blocks checking whether their source is still valid.";
static String minimumWindmillSails =
"Amount of sail-type blocks required for a windmill to assemble successfully.";
static String windmillSailsPerRPM = "Number of sail-type blocks required to increase windmill speed by 1RPM.";
static String maxEjectorDistance = "Max Distance in blocks a Weighted Ejector can throw";
static String ejectorScanInterval =
"Time in ticks until the next item launched by an ejector scans blocks for potential collisions";
static String survivalContraptionPickup = "Whether minecart contraptions can be picked up in survival mode.";
static String spawnerMovement = "Configure how Spawner blocks can be moved by contraptions.";
static String amethystMovement = "Configure how Budding Amethyst can be moved by contraptions.";
static String obsidianMovement = "Configure how Obsidian blocks can be moved by contraptions.";
static String reinforcedDeepslateMovement = "Configure how Reinforced Deepslate blocks can be moved by contraptions.";
static String minecartContraptionInContainers = "Whether minecart contraptions can be placed into container items.";
public enum DeployerAggroSetting {