simibubi bea8cea59d Get building
- Fixed super glue not spawning particles on break
- Fixed logspam when goggle overlays are shown
- Fixed blocks launched by a schematicannon spiraling through the air
- Fixed javadoc errors
2021-11-07 20:58:46 +01:00

29 lines
772 B

# Sets default memory used for gradle commands. Can be overridden by user or command line properties.
# This is required to provide enough memory for the Minecraft decompilation process.
org.gradle.jvmargs = -Xmx3G
org.gradle.daemon = false
# mod version info
mod_version = 0.4
minecraft_version = 1.17.1
forge_version = 37.0.104
# build dependency versions
forgegradle_version = 5.1.+
mixingradle_version = 0.7-SNAPSHOT
librarian_version = 1.+
shadow_version = 7.1.0
cursegradle_version = 1.4.0
parchment_version = 2021.10.31
# dependency versions
registrate_version = MC1.17.1-1.0.13
flywheel_version = 1.17-
jei_version =
# curseforge information
projectId = 328085
curse_type = beta
# github information
github_project = Creators-of-Create/Create