Split AnnotatedNBT and bug fixes
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 160 additions and 871 deletions
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url = "http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven" }
dependencies {
classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.3-SNAPSHOT'
plugins {
id 'io.franzbecker.gradle-lombok' /*version '1.11'*/
id 'java'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
group 'org.dimdev.annotatednbt'
version '1.0.0-beta'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
minecraft {
runDir = "run"
version = "1.12.2-"
mappings = "snapshot_20171007"
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Collections;
public class IndentedPrintWriter extends PrintWriter { // TODO: verify indentation using a marking system when passing?
private int indent = 0;
private boolean startOfLine;
public IndentedPrintWriter(Writer out) {
public void indent(int n) {
if (indent + n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set indentation to less than 0!");
indent += n;
public void unindent(int n) {
public void indent() {
public void unindent() {
public void print(String s) {
if (startOfLine) {
super.print(String.join("", Collections.nCopies(indent, " ")));
startOfLine = false;
public void println() {
startOfLine = true;
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
package org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD}) // TODO: split annotation, error when set on field but not containing class
public @interface SavedToNBT {
@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
package org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt;
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
public class SavedToNBTProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
private static final String BOOLEAN = "java.lang.Boolean";
private static final String BYTE = "java.lang.Byte";
private static final String SHORT = "java.lang.Short";
private static final String INTEGER = "java.lang.Integer";
private static final String LONG = "java.lang.Long";
private static final String CHAR = "java.lang.Char";
private static final String FLOAT = "java.lang.Float";
private static final String DOUBLE = "java.lang.Double";
private static final String STRING = "java.lang.String";
private static final String COLLECTION = "java.util.Collection"; // TODO: Allow storing any Iterable?
private static final String MAP = "java.util.Map";
private static final String MAP_ENTRY = "java.util.Map.Entry";
private static final String NBT_STORABLE = "org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.INBTStorable";
private static final String VEC_3I = "net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i";
private static final String LOCATION = "org.dimdev.ddutils.Location";
private static final String RGBA = "org.dimdev.ddutils.RGBA";
private static final String VIRTUAL_LOCATION = "org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation";
private static final String UUID = "java.util.UUID";
private Map<String, Integer> varCounter = new HashMap<>();
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { // TODO: generics, inheritance, different exception for error type
for (Element element : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(SavedToNBT.class)) {
if (element.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) continue;
TypeElement classElement = (TypeElement) element;
Element enclosingElement = classElement;
while (!(enclosingElement instanceof PackageElement)) {
enclosingElement = enclosingElement.getEnclosingElement();
PackageElement packageElement = (PackageElement) enclosingElement;
JavaFileObject jfo;
IndentedPrintWriter w;
try {
jfo = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile(packageElement.getQualifiedName() + "."+ classElement.getSimpleName() + "NBTWriter");
w = new IndentedPrintWriter(jfo.openWriter());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
String type = classElement.getSimpleName().toString();
List<VariableElement> savedFields = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element enclosedElement : classElement.getEnclosedElements()) {
if (enclosedElement.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD && enclosedElement.getAnnotationsByType(SavedToNBT.class).length > 0) {
savedFields.add((VariableElement) enclosedElement);
w.println("package " + packageElement.getQualifiedName() + ";");
w.println("import net.minecraft.nbt.*;");
w.println("public final class " + type + "NBTWriter {");
w.print("public static void writeToNBT(" + classElement.getQualifiedName() + " obj, NBTTagCompound nbt) {");
for (VariableElement field : savedFields) {
writeFieldWriteCode(w, field.asType(), field.getSimpleName().toString());
if (savedFields.size() == 0) w.println();
w.println("@SuppressWarnings({\"OverlyStrongTypeCast\", \"RedundantSuppression\"})"); // We want the cast to fail if it's ther wrong type
w.print("public static void readFromNBT(" + classElement.getQualifiedName() + " obj, NBTTagCompound nbt) {");
for (VariableElement field : savedFields) {
writeFieldReadCode(w, field.asType(), field.getSimpleName().toString());
if (savedFields.size() == 0) w.println();
return true;
// Writing
// This tries to write using a .set method, and creates and fills a tag only if necessary
private void writeFieldWriteCode(IndentedPrintWriter w, TypeMirror type, String name) { // TODO: store boxed primitives and boxed primitive collections as primitives
w.println("// Write field " + type + " " + name);
switch (type.getKind()) {
w.println("nbt.setBoolean(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case BYTE:
w.println("nbt.setByte(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case SHORT:
w.println("nbt.setShort(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case INT:
w.println("nbt.setInteger(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case LONG:
w.println("nbt.setLong(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case CHAR:
w.println("nbt.setInteger(\"" + name + "\", (int) obj." + name + ");"); // TODO: use short?
case FLOAT:
w.println("nbt.setFloat(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case DOUBLE:
w.println("nbt.setDouble(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case ARRAY:
TypeMirror componentType = ((ArrayType) type).getComponentType();
if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.BYTE) { // TODO: store boolean array as byte array
w.println("nbt.setByteArray(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
} else if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.INT) {
w.println("nbt.setIntArray(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
} else {
makeNBTObject(w, type, "obj." + name, newVar("tag")); // TODO: name should depend on field name
w.println("nbt.setTag(\"" + name + "\", " + var("tag") + ");");
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) type;
Types tu = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
Elements eu = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
switch (declaredType.toString()) {
// <editor-fold> TODO: less code duplication
w.println("nbt.setBoolean(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case BYTE:
w.println("nbt.setByte(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case SHORT:
w.println("nbt.setShort(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
w.println("nbt.setInteger(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case LONG:
w.println("nbt.setLong(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case CHAR:
w.println("nbt.setInteger(\"" + name + "\", (int) obj." + name + ");"); // TODO: use short?
case FLOAT:
w.println("nbt.setFloat(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case DOUBLE:
w.println("nbt.setDouble(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
// </editor-fold>
case STRING:
w.println("nbt.setString(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
case UUID:
w.println("nbt.setUUID(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ");");
w.println("if (obj." + name + " != null) {");
if (tu.isAssignable(type, eu.getTypeElement(NBT_STORABLE).asType())) {
w.println("if (obj." + name + " != null) nbt.setTag(\"" + name + "\", obj." + name + ".writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()));");
} else {
makeNBTObject(w, type, "obj." + name, newVar("tag")); // TODO: name should depend on field name
w.println("nbt.setTag(\"" + name + "\", " + var("tag") + ");");
makeNBTObject(w, type, "obj." + name, newVar("tag")); // TODO: name should depend on field name
w.println("nbt.setTag(\"" + name + "\", " + var("tag") + ");");
private void makeNBTObject(IndentedPrintWriter w, TypeMirror type, String from, String nbt) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
w.println("NBTTagByte " + nbt + " = new NBTTagByte((byte) (" + from + " ? 1 : 0));");
case BYTE:
w.println("NBTTagByte " + nbt + " = new NBTTagByte(" + from + ");");
case SHORT:
w.println("NBTTagShort " + nbt + " = new NBTTagShort(" + from + ");");
case INT:
w.println("NBTTagInt " + nbt + " = new NBTTagInt(" + from + ");");
case LONG:
w.println("NBTTagLong " + nbt + " = new NBTTagLong(" + from + ");");
case CHAR:
w.println("NBTTagInt " + nbt + " = new NBTTagInt((int) " + from + ");");
case FLOAT:
w.println("NBTTagFloat " + nbt + " = new NBTTagFloat(" + from + ");");
case DOUBLE:
w.println("NBTTagDouble " + nbt + " = new NBTTagDouble(" + from + ");");
case ARRAY:
TypeMirror componentType = ((ArrayType) type).getComponentType();
if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.BYTE) {
w.println("NBTTagByteArray " + nbt + " = new NBTTagByteArray(" + from + ");");
} else if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.INT) {
w.println("NBTTagIntArray " + nbt + " = new NBTTagIntArray(" + from + ");");
} else {
writeIterable(w, componentType, from, nbt);
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) type;
switch (declaredType.toString()) {
// <editor-fold> TODO: less code duplication
w.println("NBTTagByte " + nbt + " = new NBTTagByte((byte) (" + from + " ? 1 : 0));");
case BYTE:
w.println("NBTTagByte " + nbt + " = new NBTTagByte(" + from + ");");
case SHORT:
w.println("NBTTagShort " + nbt + " = new NBTTagShort(" + from + ");");
w.println("NBTTagInt " + nbt + " = new NBTTagInt(" + from + ");");
case LONG:
w.println("NBTTagLong " + nbt + " = new NBTTagLong(" + from + ");");
case CHAR:
w.println("NBTTagInt " + nbt + " = new NBTTagInt((int) " + from + ");");
case FLOAT:
w.println("NBTTagFloat " + nbt + " = new NBTTagFloat(" + from + ");");
case DOUBLE:
w.println("NBTTagDouble " + nbt + " = new NBTTagDouble(" + from + ");");
// </editor-fold>
case STRING:
w.println("NBTTagString " + nbt + " = new NBTTagString(" + from + ");");
Types types = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
if (types.isAssignable(type, types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement(COLLECTION).asType()))) {
List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType) type).getTypeArguments();
if (typeArguments.size() != 1) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type arguments for " + type);
TypeMirror elementType = typeArguments.get(0);
writeIterable(w, elementType, from, nbt);
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement(MAP).asType()))) {
List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType) type).getTypeArguments();
if (typeArguments.size() != 2) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type arguments for " + type);
TypeMirror entryType = types.getDeclaredType(elements.getTypeElement(MAP_ENTRY),
typeArguments.get(0), typeArguments.get(1));
writeIterable(w, entryType, from + ".entrySet()", nbt);
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement(MAP_ENTRY).asType()))) {
w.println("NBTTagCompound " + nbt + " = new NBTTagCompound();");
List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType) type).getTypeArguments();
if (typeArguments.size() != 2) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type arguments for " + type);
makeNBTObject(w, typeArguments.get(0), from + ".getKey()", newVar("key")); // TODO: configurable key name
w.println(nbt + ".setTag(\"" + var("key") + "\", " + var("key") + ");");
makeNBTObject(w, typeArguments.get(1), from + ".getValue()", newVar("value"));
w.println(nbt + ".setTag(\"" + var("value") + "\", " + var("value") + ");");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(NBT_STORABLE).asType())) {
w.println("NBTTagCompound " + nbt + " = " + from + ".writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound());");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(VEC_3I).asType())) {
w.println("NBTTagCompound " + nbt + " = new NBTTagCompound();");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"x\", " + from + ".getX());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"y\", " + from + ".getY());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"z\", " + from + ".getZ());");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(LOCATION).asType())) {
w.println("NBTTagCompound " + nbt + " = new NBTTagCompound();");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"dim\", " + from + ".getDim());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"x\", " + from + ".getX());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"y\", " + from + ".getY());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"z\", " + from + ".getZ());");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(RGBA).asType())) {
w.println("NBTTagCompound " + nbt + " = new NBTTagCompound();");
w.println(nbt + ".setFloat(\"red\", " + from + ".getRed());");
w.println(nbt + ".setFloat(\"green\", " + from + ".getGreen());");
w.println(nbt + ".setFloat(\"blue\", " + from + ".getBlue());");
w.println(nbt + ".setFloat(\"alpha\", " + from + ".getAlpha());");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(VIRTUAL_LOCATION).asType())) {
w.println("NBTTagCompound " + nbt + " = new NBTTagCompound();");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"dim\", " + from + ".getDim());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"x\", " + from + ".getX());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"y\", " + from + ".getY());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"z\", " + from + ".getZ());");
w.println(nbt + ".setInteger(\"depth\", " + from + ".getDepth());");
} else if (((DeclaredType) type).asElement().getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM) {
w.println("NBTTagInt " + nbt + " = new NBTTagInt(" + from + ".ordinal());");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + type + " for variable " + from + "!");
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type kind " + type + " for variable " + from + "!");
private void writeIterable(IndentedPrintWriter w, TypeMirror componentType, String from, String nbt) {
w.println("NBTTagList " + nbt + " = new NBTTagList();");
w.println("for (" + componentType + " " + newVar("element") + " : " + from + ") {"); // TODO: no java.lang or java.util
makeNBTObject(w, componentType, var("element"), newVar("elementNBT")); // TODO: single line if possible
w.println(nbt + ".appendTag(" + var("elementNBT") + ");");
// Reading
private void writeFieldReadCode(IndentedPrintWriter w, TypeMirror type, String name) {
w.println("// Read field " + type + " " + name);
switch (type.getKind()) {
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getBoolean(\"" + name + "\");");
case BYTE:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getByte(\"" + name + "\");");
case SHORT:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getShort(\"" + name + "\");");
case INT:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getInteger(\"" + name + "\");");
case LONG:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getLong(\"" + name + "\");");
case CHAR:
w.println("obj." + name + " = (char) nbt.getInteger(\"" + name + "\");");
case FLOAT:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getFloat(\"" + name + "\");");
case DOUBLE:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getDouble(\"" + name + "\");");
case ARRAY:
TypeMirror componentType = ((ArrayType) type).getComponentType();
if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.BYTE) { // TODO: store boolean array as byte array
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getByteArray(\"" + name + "\");");
} else if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.INT) {
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getIntArray(\"" + name + "\");");
} else {
w.println("NBTBase " + newVar("tag") + " = nbt.getTag(\"" + name + "\");");
readNBTObject(w, type, newVar("arr"), var("tag")); // TODO: name should depend on field name
w.println("obj." + name + " = " + var("arr") + ";");
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) type;
Types tu = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
Elements eu = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
switch (declaredType.toString()) {
// <editor-fold> TODO: less code duplication
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getBoolean(\"" + name + "\");");
case BYTE:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getByte(\"" + name + "\");");
case SHORT:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getShort(\"" + name + "\");");
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getInteger(\"" + name + "\");");
case LONG:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getLong(\"" + name + "\");");
case CHAR:
w.println("obj." + name + " = (char) nbt.getInteger(\"" + name + "\");");
case FLOAT:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getFloat(\"" + name + "\");");
case DOUBLE:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getDouble(\"" + name + "\");");
// </editor-fold>
case STRING:
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getString(\"" + name + "\");");
case UUID: // TODO: non top-level UUIDs
w.println("obj." + name + " = nbt.getUUID(\"" + name + "\");");
if (tu.isAssignable(type, eu.getTypeElement(NBT_STORABLE).asType())) {
w.println("if (nbt.hasKey(\"" + name + "\")) {");
w.println("obj." + name + " = new " + type + "();");
w.println("obj." + name + ".readFromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag(\"" + name + "\"));");
} else {
w.println("if (nbt.hasKey(\"" + name + "\")) {");
w.println("NBTBase " + newVar("tag") + " = nbt.getTag(\"" + name + "\");");
readNBTObject(w, type, newVar("arr"), var("tag")); // TODO: name should depend on field name
w.println("obj." + name + " = " + var("arr") + ";");
w.println("NBTBase " + newVar("tag") + " = nbt.getTag(\"" + name + "\");");
readNBTObject(w, type, newVar("arr"), var("tag")); // TODO: name should depend on field name
w.println("obj." + name + " = " + var("arr") + ";");
private void readNBTObject(IndentedPrintWriter w, TypeMirror type, String to, String nbt) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagByte) " + nbt + ").getByte() == 1;");
case BYTE:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagByte) " + nbt + ").getByte();");
case SHORT:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagShort) " + nbt + ").getShort();");
case INT:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagInt) " + nbt + ").getInt();");
case LONG:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagLong) " + nbt + ").getLong();");
case CHAR:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = (char) ((NBTTagInt) " + nbt + ").getInt();");
case FLOAT:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagFloat) " + nbt + ").getFloat();");
case DOUBLE:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagDouble) " + nbt + ").getDouble();");
case ARRAY:
TypeMirror componentType = ((ArrayType) type).getComponentType();
if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.BYTE) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagByteArray) " + nbt + ").getByteArray();");
} else if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.INT) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagIntArray) " + nbt + ").getIntArray();");
} else {
if (componentType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) { // TODO: better array creation
w.println(type + " " + to + " = (" + type + ") new Object[((NBTTagList) " + nbt + ").tagCount()];");
} else {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = new " + componentType + "[((NBTTagList) " + nbt + ").tagCount()];");
String i = newVar("i"); // TODO: this is a workaround for not being able to varGone the variable
w.println("int " + i + " = 0;");
w.println("for (NBTBase " + newVar("elementNBT") + " : (NBTTagList) " + nbt + ") {");
readNBTObject(w, componentType, newVar("element"), var("elementNBT")); // TODO: single line if possible
w.println(to + "[" + i + "++] = " + var("element") + ";");
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) type;
switch (declaredType.toString()) {
// <editor-fold> TODO: less code duplication
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagByte) " + nbt + ").getByte() == 1;");
case BYTE:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagByte) " + nbt + ").getByte();");
case SHORT:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagShort) " + nbt + ").getShort();");
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagInt) " + nbt + ").getInt();");
case LONG:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagLong) " + nbt + ").getLong();");
case CHAR:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = (char) ((NBTTagInt) " + nbt + ").getInt();");
case FLOAT:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagFloat) " + nbt + ").getFloat();");
case DOUBLE:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagDouble) " + nbt + ").getDouble();");
// </editor-fold>
case STRING:
w.println(type + " " + to + " = ((NBTTagString) " + nbt + ").getString();");
Types types = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
if (types.isAssignable(type, types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement(COLLECTION).asType()))) {
List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType) type).getTypeArguments();
if (typeArguments.size() != 1) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type arguments for " + type);
TypeMirror elementType = typeArguments.get(0);
w.println(type + " " + to + " = " + makeContainer(type) + ";");
w.println("for (NBTBase " + newVar("elementNBT") + " : (NBTTagList) " + nbt + ") {");
readNBTObject(w, elementType, newVar("element"), var("elementNBT")); // TODO: single line if possible
w.println(to + ".add(" + var("element") + ");");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement(MAP).asType()))) {
List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType) type).getTypeArguments();
if (typeArguments.size() != 2) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type arguments for " + type);
w.println(type + " " + to + " = " + makeContainer(type) + ";");
w.println("for (NBTBase " + newVar("elementNBT") + " : (NBTTagList) " + nbt + ") {");
readNBTObject(w, typeArguments.get(0), newVar("key"), "((NBTTagCompound) " + var("elementNBT") + ").getTag(\"key\")");
readNBTObject(w, typeArguments.get(1), newVar("value"), "((NBTTagCompound) " + var("elementNBT") + ").getTag(\"value\")");
w.println(to + ".put(" + var("key") + ", " + var("value") + ");");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(NBT_STORABLE).asType())) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = new " + type + "();");
w.println(to + ".readFromNBT((NBTTagCompound) " + nbt + ");");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(VEC_3I).asType())) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = new " + type + "("
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"x\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"y\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"z\")" + ");");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(LOCATION).asType())) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = new " + type + "("
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"dim\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"x\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"y\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"z\")" + ");");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(RGBA).asType())) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = new " + type + "("
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getFloat(\"red\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getFloat(\"green\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getFloat(\"blue\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getFloat(\"alpha\")" + ");");
} else if (types.isAssignable(type, elements.getTypeElement(VIRTUAL_LOCATION).asType())) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = new " + type + "("
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"dim\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"x\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"y\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"z\"), "
+ "((NBTTagCompound) "+ nbt + ").getInteger(\"depth\")" + ");");
} else if (((DeclaredType) type).asElement().getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM) {
w.println(type + " " + to + " = " + type + ".values()[((NBTTagInt) " + nbt + ").getInt()" + "];");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + type + " for variable " + to + "!");
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type kind for type " + type + " for variable " + to + "!");
private Object makeContainer(TypeMirror type) {
Types types = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
if (types.isAssignable(types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement("java.util.List").asType()), type)) {
return "new java.util.ArrayList<>()";
} else if (types.isAssignable(types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement("java.util.Set").asType()), type)) {
return "new java.util.HashSet<>()";
} else if (types.isAssignable(types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement("java.util.Map").asType()), type)) {
return "new java.util.HashMap<>()";
} else if (types.isAssignable(types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement("com.google.common.collect.BiMap").asType()), type)) {
return "com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap.create()";
} else if (types.isAssignable(types.erasure(elements.getTypeElement("com.google.common.collect.Multiset").asType()), type)) {
return "com.google.common.collect.HashMultiset.create()";
} else { // TODO: check that it can be instantiated, don't use generic params
return "new " + type + "()";
private String newVar(String name) {
varCounter.put(name, varCounter.getOrDefault(name, -1) + 1);
return var(name);
private void varGone(String name) {
if (varCounter.get(name) < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't set variable to negative index!");
varCounter.put(name, varCounter.get(name) - 1);
private String var(String name) {
if (varCounter.get(name) == 0) {
return name;
} else {
return name + varCounter.get(name);
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ plugins {
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
// Version info
// Version info
String baseversion = "3.0.0" // Set beta to 0 after changing this
String baseversion = "3.0.0" // Set beta to 0 after changing this
int beta = 4 // Set this to 0 for a non-beta release
int beta = 4 // Set this to 0 for a non-beta release
@ -42,10 +46,7 @@ jar.archiveName = "dimdoors.jar" // Constant name for travis
sourceCompatibility = "1.8"
sourceCompatibility = "1.8"
compileJava {
compileJava {
options.compilerArgs += [
//options.compilerArgs += "-proc:only"
//"-proc:only", // TODO: have generated code available for debugging
"-processor", "org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBTProcessor,lombok.launch.AnnotationProcessorHider\$AnnotationProcessor"
minecraft {
minecraft {
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ configurations {
dependencies {
dependencies {
embed 'com.flowpowered:flow-math:1.0.3'
embed 'com.flowpowered:flow-math:1.0.3'
compile project(':AnnotatedNBT')
compile 'com.github.DimensionalDevelopment:AnnotatedNBT:master-SNAPSHOT'
jar {
jar {
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ processResources {
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
include 'mcmod.info'
include 'mcmod.info'
// replace version and mcversion
// replace version and mcversion
expand 'version':project.version, 'mcversion':project.minecraft.version
expand 'version': project.version, 'mcversion': project.minecraft.version
// copy everything else, thats not the mcmod.info
// copy everything else, thats not the mcmod.info
@ -95,3 +96,7 @@ task generatePocketSchematics(dependsOn: jar, type: JavaExec, group: "dimdoors")
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck (IntelliJ is wrong)
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck (IntelliJ is wrong)
args "src/main/resources/assets/dimdoors/pockets/schematic"
args "src/main/resources/assets/dimdoors/pockets/schematic"
runClient {
args '--username', 'Runemoro'
@ -1 +0,0 @@
include 'AnnotatedNBT'
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ import lombok.*;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.INBTStorable;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.INBTStorable;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
@ToString @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor
@ToString @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor
@SavedToNBT public class RotatedLocation implements INBTStorable {
@NBTSerializable public class RotatedLocation implements INBTStorable {
@Getter @SavedToNBT /*private*/ Location location;
@Getter @Saved /*private*/ Location location;
@Getter @SavedToNBT /*private*/ float yaw;
@Getter @Saved /*private*/ float yaw;
@Getter @SavedToNBT /*private*/ float pitch;
@Getter @Saved /*private*/ float pitch;
@Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { return NBTUtils.writeToNBT(this, nbt); }
@Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { return NBTUtils.writeToNBT(this, nbt); }
@Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { NBTUtils.readFromNBT(this, nbt); }
@Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { NBTUtils.readFromNBT(this, nbt); }
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.Location;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.Location;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.pockets.Pocket;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.pockets.Pocket;
@ -9,36 +11,35 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map;
@NBTSerializable public final class NBTTest {
public final class NBTTest {
@Saved public boolean a;
@SavedToNBT public boolean a;
@Saved public byte b;
@SavedToNBT public byte b;
@Saved public short c;
@SavedToNBT public short c;
@Saved public int d;
@SavedToNBT public int d;
@Saved public long e;
@SavedToNBT public long e;
@Saved public char f;
@SavedToNBT public char f;
@Saved public float g;
@SavedToNBT public float g;
@Saved public double h;
@SavedToNBT public double h;
@Saved public byte[] i;
@SavedToNBT public byte[] i;
@Saved public int[] j;
@SavedToNBT public int[] j;
@Saved public boolean[] k;
@SavedToNBT public boolean[] k;
@Saved public byte[] l;
@SavedToNBT public byte[] l;
@Saved public short[] m;
@SavedToNBT public short[] m;
@Saved public int[] n;
@SavedToNBT public int[] n;
@Saved public long[] o;
@SavedToNBT public long[] o;
@Saved public float[] p;
@SavedToNBT public float[] p;
@Saved public double[] q;
@SavedToNBT public double[] q;
@Saved public byte[][] r;
@SavedToNBT public byte[][] r;
@Saved public int[][] s;
@SavedToNBT public int[][] s;
@Saved public String str;
@SavedToNBT public String str;
@Saved public Vec3i vec3i;
@SavedToNBT public Vec3i vec3i;
@Saved public BlockPos blockPos;
@SavedToNBT public BlockPos blockPos;
@Saved public Location location;
@SavedToNBT public Location location;
@Saved public String[] strArr;
@SavedToNBT public String[] strArr;
@Saved public String[][] strArrArr;
@SavedToNBT public String[][] strArrArr;
//@Saved public String[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] test;
//@SavedToNBT public String[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] test;
@Saved public Pocket nbtStorable;
@SavedToNBT public Pocket nbtStorable;
@Saved public List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
@SavedToNBT public List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
@Saved public Map<String, Integer> map;
@SavedToNBT public Map<String, Integer> map;
@Saved public Map<Map<List<String>, int[]>, Map<Pocket, List<Pocket>>> test2;
@SavedToNBT public Map<Map<List<String>, int[]>, Map<Pocket, List<Pocket>>> test2;
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ public abstract class BlockDimensionalDoor extends BlockDoor implements IRiftPro
TileEntityFloatingRift newRift = (TileEntityFloatingRift) world.getTileEntity(pos);
TileEntityFloatingRift newRift = (TileEntityFloatingRift) world.getTileEntity(pos);
world.notifyBlockUpdate(rift.getPos(), state, world.getBlockState(pos), 0); // TODO: does this work?
} else {
} else {
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public class BlockFabric extends Block {
if (heldItem.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && (state.getValue(TYPE).equals(EnumType.REALITY) || state.getValue(TYPE).equals(EnumType.ALTERED))) {
if (heldItem.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && (state.getValue(TYPE).equals(EnumType.REALITY) || state.getValue(TYPE).equals(EnumType.ALTERED))) {
Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(heldItem.getItem());
Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(heldItem.getItem());
if (!state.isNormalCube() || block.hasTileEntity(block.getDefaultState())
if (!block.getDefaultState().isNormalCube() || block.hasTileEntity(block.getDefaultState())
|| block == this // this also keeps it from being replaced by Ancient Fabric
|| block == this // this also keeps it from being replaced by Ancient Fabric
|| player.isSneaking()) { // TODO: what if the player is holding shift but not sneaking?
|| player.isSneaking()) { // TODO: what if the player is holding shift but not sneaking?
return false;
return false;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.blocks;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.client.ParticleRiftEffect;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.client.ParticleRiftEffect;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.items.ModItems;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.items.ModItems;
@ -79,8 +80,10 @@ public class BlockFloatingRift extends BlockSpecialAir implements ITileEntityPro
public void randomDisplayTick(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, Random rand) { // TODO
public void randomDisplayTick(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, Random rand) { // TODO
//ArrayList<BlockPos> targets = findReachableBlocks(world, pos, 2, false);
//ArrayList<BlockPos> targets = findReachableBlocks(world, pos, 2, false);
TileEntityFloatingRift rift = (TileEntityFloatingRift) world.getTileEntity(pos);
TileEntity tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(pos);
// Workaround minecraft/forge bug where this is called even before the TileEntity is created in multiplayer
if (!(tileEntity instanceof TileEntityFloatingRift)) return;
TileEntityFloatingRift rift = (TileEntityFloatingRift) tileEntity;
if (0 > 0) {
if (0 > 0) {
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().effectRenderer.addEffect(new ParticleRiftEffect.GogglesRiftEffect(
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().effectRenderer.addEffect(new ParticleRiftEffect.GogglesRiftEffect(
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.pockets;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.INBTStorable;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.INBTStorable;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts.*;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts.*;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.tileentities.TileEntityEntranceRift;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.tileentities.TileEntityEntranceRift;
@ -17,15 +18,15 @@ import net.minecraft.nbt.*;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
@SavedToNBT public class Pocket implements INBTStorable { // TODO: better visibilities
@NBTSerializable public class Pocket implements INBTStorable { // TODO: better visibilities
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int id;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int id;
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int x; // Grid x TODO: rename to gridX and gridY
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int x; // Grid x TODO: rename to gridX and gridY
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int z; // Grid y
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int z; // Grid y
@SavedToNBT @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ int size; // In chunks TODO: non chunk-based size, better bounds such as minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ, etc.
@Saved @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ int size; // In chunks TODO: non chunk-based size, better bounds such as minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ, etc.
@SavedToNBT @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ VirtualLocation virtualLocation; // The non-pocket dimension from which this dungeon was created
@Saved @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ VirtualLocation virtualLocation; // The non-pocket dimension from which this dungeon was created
@SavedToNBT @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ Location entrance;
@Saved @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ Location entrance;
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ List<Location> riftLocations;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ List<Location> riftLocations;
@Getter int dim; // Not saved
@Getter int dim; // Not saved
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.pockets;
import com.google.common.collect.BiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.BiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.Config;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.Config;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.math.GridUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.math.GridUtils;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
@ -20,18 +21,18 @@ import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.world.storage.MapStorage;
import net.minecraft.world.storage.MapStorage;
import net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldSavedData;
import net.minecraft.world.storage.WorldSavedData;
@SavedToNBT public class PocketRegistry extends WorldSavedData { // TODO: unregister pocket entrances, private pocket entrances/exits
@NBTSerializable public class PocketRegistry extends WorldSavedData { // TODO: unregister pocket entrances, private pocket entrances/exits
private static final String DATA_NAME = DimDoors.MODID + "_pockets";
private static final String DATA_NAME = DimDoors.MODID + "_pockets";
@Getter private static final int DATA_VERSION = 0; // IMPORTANT: Update this and upgradeRegistry when making changes.
@Getter private static final int DATA_VERSION = 0; // IMPORTANT: Update this and upgradeRegistry when making changes.
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int gridSize; // Determines how much pockets in their dimension are spaced
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int gridSize; // Determines how much pockets in their dimension are spaced
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int maxPocketSize;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int maxPocketSize;
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int privatePocketSize;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int privatePocketSize;
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int publicPocketSize;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int publicPocketSize;
@SavedToNBT /*package-private*/ BiMap<String, Integer> privatePocketMap; // Player UUID -> Pocket ID, in pocket dim only
@Saved /*package-private*/ BiMap<String, Integer> privatePocketMap; // Player UUID -> Pocket ID, in pocket dim only
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ Map<Integer, Pocket> pockets; // TODO: remove getter?
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ Map<Integer, Pocket> pockets; // TODO: remove getter?
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ int nextID;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ int nextID;
@Getter private int dim;
@Getter private int dim;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts;
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.Location;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.Location;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.math.MathUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.math.MathUtils;
@ -19,19 +20,19 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.UUID;
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@SavedToNBT public class AvailableLinkDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO
@NBTSerializable public class AvailableLinkDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO
@SavedToNBT protected float newDungeonRiftProbability;
@Saved protected float newDungeonRiftProbability;
@SavedToNBT protected float depthPenalization; // TODO: these make the equation assymetric
@Saved protected float depthPenalization; // TODO: these make the equation assymetric
@SavedToNBT protected float distancePenalization;
@Saved protected float distancePenalization;
@SavedToNBT protected float closenessPenalization;
@Saved protected float closenessPenalization;
@SavedToNBT protected boolean dungeonRiftsOnly;
@Saved protected boolean dungeonRiftsOnly;
@SavedToNBT protected boolean overworldRifts;
@Saved protected boolean overworldRifts;
@SavedToNBT protected boolean unstable;
@Saved protected boolean unstable;
@SavedToNBT protected float nonFloatingRiftWeight;
@Saved protected float nonFloatingRiftWeight;
@SavedToNBT protected float floatingRiftWeight;
@Saved protected float floatingRiftWeight;
@SavedToNBT protected boolean noLinkBack;
@Saved protected boolean noLinkBack;
// private int maxLinks;
// private int maxLinks;
@Builder.Default private UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
@Builder.Default private UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ import lombok.ToString;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@SavedToNBT public class GlobalDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO: location directly in nbt like minecraft?
@NBTSerializable public class GlobalDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO: location directly in nbt like minecraft?
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected Location loc;
@Saved @Getter protected Location loc;
public GlobalDestination() {}
public GlobalDestination() {}
@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import lombok.ToString;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@SavedToNBT public class LocalDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO: use BlockPos
@NBTSerializable public class LocalDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO: use BlockPos
@SavedToNBT protected BlockPos pos;
@Saved protected BlockPos pos;
public LocalDestination() {}
public LocalDestination() {}
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts;
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Builder;
@ -15,10 +16,10 @@ import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.List;
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@SavedToNBT public class PocketEntranceDestination extends RiftDestination {
@NBTSerializable public class PocketEntranceDestination extends RiftDestination {
@SavedToNBT protected float weight;
@Saved protected float weight;
@SavedToNBT @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default protected List<WeightedRiftDestination> ifDestinations = new LinkedList<>(); // TODO addIfDestination method in builder
@Saved @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default protected List<WeightedRiftDestination> ifDestinations = new LinkedList<>(); // TODO addIfDestination method in builder
@SavedToNBT @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default protected List<WeightedRiftDestination> otherwiseDestinations = new LinkedList<>(); // TODO addOtherwiseDestination method in builder
@Saved @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default protected List<WeightedRiftDestination> otherwiseDestinations = new LinkedList<>(); // TODO addOtherwiseDestination method in builder
public PocketEntranceDestination() {}
public PocketEntranceDestination() {}
@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import lombok.ToString;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@Getter @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) @ToString
@SavedToNBT public class RelativeDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO: use Vec3i
@NBTSerializable public class RelativeDestination extends RiftDestination { // TODO: use Vec3i
@SavedToNBT protected Vec3i offset;
@Saved protected Vec3i offset;
public RelativeDestination() {}
public RelativeDestination() {}
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import org.dimdev.ddutils.Location;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.WorldUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.WorldUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.INBTStorable;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.INBTStorable;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts.RiftRegistry.RiftInfo.AvailableLinkInfo;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts.RiftRegistry.RiftInfo.AvailableLinkInfo;
@ -21,33 +22,33 @@ import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.world.ModDimensions;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.*;
@SavedToNBT public class RiftRegistry extends WorldSavedData {
@NBTSerializable public class RiftRegistry extends WorldSavedData {
private static final String DATA_NAME = DimDoors.MODID + "_rifts";
private static final String DATA_NAME = DimDoors.MODID + "_rifts";
@Getter private static final int DATA_VERSION = 0; // IMPORTANT: Update this and upgradeRegistry when making changes.
@Getter private static final int DATA_VERSION = 0; // IMPORTANT: Update this and upgradeRegistry when making changes.
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<Location, RiftInfo> rifts = new HashMap<>(); // TODO: convert to a static directed graph, but store links per-world
@Saved @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<Location, RiftInfo> rifts = new HashMap<>(); // TODO: convert to a static directed graph, but store links per-world
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, Location> privatePocketEntrances = new HashMap<>(); // Player UUID -> last rift used to exit pocket TODO: split into PrivatePocketRiftRegistry subclass
@Saved @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, Location> privatePocketEntrances = new HashMap<>(); // Player UUID -> last rift used to exit pocket TODO: split into PrivatePocketRiftRegistry subclass
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, List<Location>> privatePocketEntranceLists = new HashMap<>(); // Player UUID -> private pocket entrances TODO: split into PrivatePocketRiftRegistry subclass
@Saved @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, List<Location>> privatePocketEntranceLists = new HashMap<>(); // Player UUID -> private pocket entrances TODO: split into PrivatePocketRiftRegistry subclass
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, Location> privatePocketExits = new HashMap<>(); // Player UUID -> last rift used to enter pocket
@Saved @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, Location> privatePocketExits = new HashMap<>(); // Player UUID -> last rift used to enter pocket
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, Location> overworldRifts = new HashMap<>();
@Saved @Getter protected /*final*/ Map<String, Location> overworldRifts = new HashMap<>();
@Getter private int dim;
@Getter private int dim;
private World world;
private World world;
@AllArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode @Builder(toBuilder = true)
@AllArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode @Builder(toBuilder = true)
@SavedToNBT public static class RiftInfo implements INBTStorable {
@NBTSerializable public static class RiftInfo implements INBTStorable {
// IntelliJ warnings are wrong, Builder needs these initializers!
// IntelliJ warnings are wrong, Builder needs these initializers!
@SavedToNBT @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default @Getter /*package-private*/ Set<AvailableLinkInfo> availableLinks = new HashSet<>(); // TODO: multiset?
@Saved @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default @Getter /*package-private*/ Set<AvailableLinkInfo> availableLinks = new HashSet<>(); // TODO: multiset?
@SavedToNBT @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default @Getter /*package-private*/ Multiset<Location> sources = ConcurrentHashMultiset.create();
@Saved @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default @Getter /*package-private*/ Multiset<Location> sources = ConcurrentHashMultiset.create();
@SavedToNBT @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default @Getter /*package-private*/ Multiset<Location> destinations = ConcurrentHashMultiset.create();
@Saved @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedAssignment", "RedundantSuppression"}) @Builder.Default @Getter /*package-private*/ Multiset<Location> destinations = ConcurrentHashMultiset.create();
@AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode @Builder(toBuilder = true)
@NBTSerializable @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode @Builder(toBuilder = true)
public static class AvailableLinkInfo implements INBTStorable {
public static class AvailableLinkInfo implements INBTStorable {
@SavedToNBT @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ float weight;
@Saved @Getter @Setter /*package-private*/ float weight;
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ VirtualLocation virtualLocation;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ VirtualLocation virtualLocation;
@SavedToNBT @Getter @Wither /*package-private*/ Location location;
@Saved @Getter @Wither /*package-private*/ Location location;
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ UUID uuid;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ UUID uuid;
@Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { NBTUtils.readFromNBT(this, nbt); }
@Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { NBTUtils.readFromNBT(this, nbt); }
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts;
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.RGBA;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.RGBA;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.DimDoors;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.VirtualLocation;
@ -32,18 +33,18 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.*;
@SavedToNBT public abstract class TileEntityRift extends TileEntity implements ITickable { // TODO: implement ITeleportSource and ITeleportDestination
@NBTSerializable public abstract class TileEntityRift extends TileEntity implements ITickable { // TODO: implement ITeleportSource and ITeleportDestination
@SavedToNBT@Getter protected VirtualLocation virtualLocation;
@Saved @Getter protected VirtualLocation virtualLocation;
@SavedToNBT @Nonnull @Getter protected List<WeightedRiftDestination> destinations; // Not using a set because we can have duplicate destinations. Maybe use Multiset from Guava?
@Saved @Nonnull @Getter protected List<WeightedRiftDestination> destinations; // Not using a set because we can have duplicate destinations. Maybe use Multiset from Guava?
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected boolean makeDestinationPermanent;
@Saved @Getter protected boolean makeDestinationPermanent;
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected boolean preserveRotation;
@Saved @Getter protected boolean preserveRotation;
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected float yaw;
@Saved @Getter protected float yaw;
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected float pitch;
@Saved @Getter protected float pitch;
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected boolean alwaysDelete; // Delete the rift when an entrances rift is broken even if the state was changed or destinations link there.
@Saved @Getter protected boolean alwaysDelete; // Delete the rift when an entrances rift is broken even if the state was changed or destinations link there.
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected float chaosWeight;
@Saved @Getter protected float chaosWeight;
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected boolean forcedColor;
@Saved @Getter protected boolean forcedColor;
@SavedToNBT @Getter protected RGBA color = null; // TODO: update AnnotatedNBT to be able to save these
@Saved @Getter protected RGBA color = null; // TODO: update AnnotatedNBT to be able to save these
// TODO: option to convert to door on teleportTo?
// TODO: option to convert to door on teleportTo?
protected boolean riftStateChanged; // not saved
protected boolean riftStateChanged; // not saved
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.tileentities;
package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.tileentities;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts.TileEntityRift;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts.TileEntityRift;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.Location;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.Location;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.RGBA;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.RGBA;
@ -14,20 +15,20 @@ import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Random;
// TODO: merge horizontal and vertical entrances' render code into one, and support custom sizes
// TODO: merge horizontal and vertical entrances' render code into one, and support custom sizes
@SavedToNBT public class TileEntityEntranceRift extends TileEntityRift {
@NBTSerializable public class TileEntityEntranceRift extends TileEntityRift {
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ boolean placeRiftOnBreak = false;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ boolean placeRiftOnBreak = false;
@SavedToNBT @Getter /*package-private*/ boolean closeAfterPassThrough = false;
@Saved @Getter /*package-private*/ boolean closeAfterPassThrough = false;
@SavedToNBT @Getter public boolean shouldRender = true;
@Saved @Getter public boolean shouldRender = true;
@SavedToNBT @Getter public byte lockStatus = 0;
@Saved @Getter public byte lockStatus = 0;
// Set by the block, not saved and not synced to the client
// Set by the block, not saved and not synced to the client
@SavedToNBT public EnumFacing orientation;
@Saved public EnumFacing orientation;
@SavedToNBT public int tpOffset = 1; // TODO: float?
@Saved public int tpOffset = 1; // TODO: float?
@SavedToNBT public double extendUp = 0.5; // Use += to set these. TODO: @SideOnly client?
@Saved public double extendUp = 0.5; // Use += to set these. TODO: @SideOnly client?
@SavedToNBT public double extendDown = 0.5;
@Saved public double extendDown = 0.5;
@SavedToNBT public double extendLeft = 0.5;
@Saved public double extendLeft = 0.5;
@SavedToNBT public double extendRight = 0.5;
@Saved public double extendRight = 0.5;
@SavedToNBT public double pushIn = 0.01; // TODO: set to 0, and set on door
@Saved public double pushIn = 0.01; // TODO: set to 0, and set on door
public void copyFrom(TileEntityRift oldRift) {
public void copyFrom(TileEntityRift oldRift) {
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ package org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.tileentities;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.NBTUtils;
import org.dimdev.ddutils.nbt.SavedToNBT;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.Saved;
import org.dimdev.annotatednbt.NBTSerializable;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.blocks.ModBlocks;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.blocks.ModBlocks;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Random;
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.ITickable;
import net.minecraft.util.ITickable;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
@SavedToNBT public class TileEntityFloatingRift extends TileEntityRift implements ITickable {
@NBTSerializable public class TileEntityFloatingRift extends TileEntityRift implements ITickable {
private static final int ENDERMAN_SPAWNING_CHANCE = 1;
private static final int ENDERMAN_SPAWNING_CHANCE = 1;
private static final int MAX_ENDERMAN_SPAWNING_CHANCE = 32;
private static final int MAX_ENDERMAN_SPAWNING_CHANCE = 32;
@ -26,10 +27,10 @@ import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
private static final Random random = new Random();
private static final Random random = new Random();
//Need to be saved:
//Need to be saved:
@SavedToNBT /*package-private*/ int updateTimer;
@Saved /*package-private*/ int updateTimer;
@SavedToNBT public boolean shouldClose = false; // TODO
@Saved public boolean shouldClose = false; // TODO
@SavedToNBT public int spawnedEndermenID = 0;
@Saved public int spawnedEndermenID = 0;
@SavedToNBT public float growth = 0;
@Saved public float growth = 0;
@Setter private boolean unregisterDisabled = false;
@Setter private boolean unregisterDisabled = false;
Reference in a new issue