Changed Door Item Mapping Code

1. Changed EventHookContainer to remove a check against
BaseItemDoor.getDoorToPlace().  The checks performed there can be done
in BaseItemDoor.tryToPlaceDoor(), which removes the need for callers to
know more internal details about how doors are handled. I moved the
checks inside.
2. Renamed vanillaDoorMapping to doorItemMapping. It now maps dim door
items to themselves to remove the need for various checks we were
performing. Updated BaseItemDoor's constructor to reflect this change.
3. Removed BaseItemDoor.getDoorToPlace() and integrated its
functionality into BaseItemDoor.tryToPlaceDoor().
4. Changed BaseItemDoor.tryToPlaceDoor() so that it simply returns false
if a given item stack cannot be used to place any doors. We don't need
to check if the item is an ItemDoor or anything like that now.
This commit is contained in:
SenseiKiwi 2014-06-25 14:56:59 -04:00
parent 660ff4255e
commit e4e84644ac
2 changed files with 20 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -88,14 +88,11 @@ public class EventHookContainer
ItemStack stack = event.entityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem();
if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemDoor)
if (BaseItemDoor.getDoorToPlace(stack.getItem()) != null)
if (BaseItemDoor.tryToPlaceDoor(stack, event.entityPlayer, world,
event.x, event.y, event.z, event.face))
if (BaseItemDoor.tryToPlaceDoor(stack, event.entityPlayer, world,
event.x, event.y, event.z, event.face))
// Cancel the event so that we don't get two doors from vanilla doors
// Cancel the event so that we don't get two doors from vanilla doors

View file

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.tileentities.TileEntityDimDoor;
public abstract class BaseItemDoor extends ItemDoor
// maps non-dimensional door items to their corresponding dimensional door
// item
private static HashMap<ItemDoor, BaseItemDoor> vanillaDoorMapping = new HashMap<ItemDoor, BaseItemDoor>();
// Maps non-dimensional door items to their corresponding dimensional door item
// Also maps dimensional door items to themselves for simplicity
private static HashMap<ItemDoor, BaseItemDoor> doorItemMapping = new HashMap<ItemDoor, BaseItemDoor>();
private static DDProperties properties = null;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public abstract class BaseItemDoor extends ItemDoor
* @param material
* @param door
public BaseItemDoor(int itemID, Material material, ItemDoor door)
public BaseItemDoor(int itemID, Material material, ItemDoor vanillaDoor)
super(itemID, material);
@ -43,9 +43,10 @@ public abstract class BaseItemDoor extends ItemDoor
if (properties == null)
properties = DDProperties.instance();
doorItemMapping.put(this, this);
if (vanillaDoor != null)
vanillaDoorMapping.put(door, this);
doorItemMapping.put(vanillaDoor, this);
@ -77,19 +78,6 @@ public abstract class BaseItemDoor extends ItemDoor
return false;
public static BaseDimDoor getDoorToPlace(Item item)
if (!(item instanceof BaseItemDoor))
item = BaseItemDoor.vanillaDoorMapping.get(item);
if(item == null)
return null;
return ((BaseItemDoor) item).getDoorBlock();
* Tries to place a door block, called in EventHookContainer
@ -111,15 +99,20 @@ public abstract class BaseItemDoor extends ItemDoor
return false;
if (!(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemDoor))
// Retrieve the actual door type that we want to use here.
// It's okay if stack isn't an ItemDoor. In that case, the lookup will
// return null, just as if the item was an unrecognized door type.
BaseItemDoor mappedItem = doorItemMapping.get(stack.getItem());
if (mappedItem == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The itemstack must correspond to some type of door");
return false;
if (BaseItemDoor.placeDoorOnBlock(getDoorToPlace(stack.getItem()), stack, player, world, x, y, z, side))
BaseDimDoor doorBlock = mappedItem.getDoorBlock();
if (BaseItemDoor.placeDoorOnBlock(doorBlock, stack, player, world, x, y, z, side))
return true;
return BaseItemDoor.placeDoorOnRift(getDoorToPlace(stack.getItem()), world, player, stack);
return BaseItemDoor.placeDoorOnRift(doorBlock, world, player, stack);