Fixed the regression bug that caused some of our doors to get placed in
the wrong direction. Changing doors to inherit from BaseDimDoor caused
BlockRotator to assume they weren't dimensional doors because it used
"instanceof DimensionalDoor" to check. Thanks for figuring it out,
Steven! ^_^
Also made a minor change to dungeon generation. We now check the game
rule doMobSpawning and don't spawn Monoliths from DungeonSchematic if
the value is false. This is useful for testing without Monoliths around.
We still do work to remove the portal frame blocks even if the mobs
aren't spawned.
Replaced several core classes from DD with new classes to enforce
integrity checks. Rewriting everything that depended on those classes is
a massive undertaking but it should simplify our code and prevent the
many bugs we've seen lately. The rewrite isn't done yet, just committing
my progress so far.
Renamed MobObelisk to MobMonolith. Renamed LimboSkyProvider and
PocketProvider to have Xs at the ends of their names. This is temporary
so that I can change the name's capitalization. Windows considers the
names the same because it's file naming is case insensitive.
Overhauled the way in which CommonTickHandler triggers tick-based
actions such as Limbo decay, spawning Monoliths, and regenerating rifts.
Now CommonTickHandler implements an interface called IRegularTickSender,
which indicates that it will periodically call on classes that implement
IRegulatTickReceiver to perform some task. I added classes for each
regularly scheduled task we were performing: MonolithSpawner and
RiftRegenerator, plus converted LimboDecay to a normal class instead of
a static class. Modified several classes so that they have access to
the MonolithSpawner instance to request MonolithSpawning when needed.
This improves the structure of our code and gets us away from the way we
did things before, which was accessing a public static list inside
CommonTickHandler from other classes and adding arrays to specify chunk
coordinates. We should not be exposing the internal state of classes
like that! And we should be using clearly defined objects to pass