package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.commands; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DDProperties; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.DungeonHelper; public class CommandEndDungeonCreation extends DDCommandBase { private static CommandEndDungeonCreation instance = null; private CommandEndDungeonCreation() { super("dd-export", new String[] { " <'open' | 'closed'> [weight]", " override" } ); } public static CommandEndDungeonCreation instance() { if (instance == null) instance = new CommandEndDungeonCreation(); return instance; } @Override protected DDCommandResult processCommand(EntityPlayer sender, String[] command) { /* * There are two versions of this command. One version takes 3 to 4 arguments consisting * of the information needed for a proper schematic name. * * If the user wishes to name his schematic in a different format, then he will have to use * the 2-argument version of this command, which accepts a schematic name and a mandatory * override argument. */ DungeonHelper dungeonHelper = DungeonHelper.instance(); if (command.length < 2) { return DDCommandResult.TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; } if (command.length > 4) { return DDCommandResult.TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; } //Check if we received the 2-argument version if (command.length == 2) { if (command[1].equalsIgnoreCase("override")) { //Check that the schematic name is a legal name if (DungeonHelper.SchematicNamePattern.matcher(command[0]).matches()) { //Export the schematic return exportDungeon(sender, command[0]); } else { //The schematic name contains illegal characters. Inform the user. return new DDCommandResult("Error: Invalid schematic name. Please use only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores."); } } else { //The command is malformed in some way. Assume that the user meant to use //the 3-argument version and report an error. return DDCommandResult.TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; } } //The user must have used the 3-argument version of this command //TODO: Why do we check remoteness here but not before? And why not for the other export case? //Something feels wrong... ~SenseiKiwi if (!sender.worldObj.isRemote) { //TODO: This validation should be in DungeonHelper or in another class. We should move it //during the save file format rewrite. ~SenseiKiwi if (!dungeonHelper.validateDungeonType(command[0])) { return new DDCommandResult("Error: Invalid dungeon type. Please use one of the existing types."); } if (!DungeonHelper.DungeonNamePattern.matcher(command[1]).matches()) { return new DDCommandResult("Error: Invalid dungeon name. Please use only letters, numbers, and dashes."); } if (!command[2].equalsIgnoreCase("open") && !command[2].equalsIgnoreCase("closed")) { return new DDCommandResult("Error: Please specify whether the dungeon is 'open' or 'closed'."); } //If there are no more arguments, export the dungeon. if (command.length == 3) { return exportDungeon(sender, join(command, "_", 0, 3)); } else { //Validate the weight argument try { int weight = Integer.parseInt(command[3]); if (weight >= 0 && weight <= DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_WEIGHT) { return exportDungeon(sender, join(command, "_", 0, 4)); } } catch (Exception e) { } } //If we've reached this point, then we must have an invalid weight. return new DDCommandResult("Invalid dungeon weight. Please specify a weight between 0 and " + DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_WEIGHT + ", inclusive."); } return DDCommandResult.SUCCESS; } private static DDCommandResult exportDungeon(EntityPlayer player, String name) { DDProperties properties = DDProperties.instance(); DungeonHelper dungeonHelper = DungeonHelper.instance(); int x = (int) player.posX; int y = (int) player.posY; int z = (int) player.posZ; String exportPath = properties.CustomSchematicDirectory + File.separator + name + ".schematic"; if (dungeonHelper.exportDungeon(player.worldObj, x, y, z, exportPath)) { player.sendChatToPlayer("Saved dungeon schematic in " + exportPath); dungeonHelper.registerCustomDungeon(new File(exportPath)); return DDCommandResult.SUCCESS; } else { return new DDCommandResult("Error: Failed to save dungeon schematic!"); } } private static String join(String[] source, String delimiter, int start, int end) { //TODO: This function should be moved to a helper, but we have several single-function helpers as is. //I find that to be worse than keeping this private. ~SenseiKiwi int index; int length = 0; StringBuilder buffer; for (index = start; index < end; index++) { length += source[index].length(); } length += (end - start - 1) * delimiter.length(); buffer = new StringBuilder(length); buffer.append(source[start]); for (index = start + 1; index < end; index++) { buffer.append(delimiter); buffer.append(source[index]); } return buffer.toString(); } }