package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom; import; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DDProperties; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DimData; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DungeonGenerator; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.LinkData; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.mod_pocketDim; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.DungeonSchematic; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.items.itemDimDoor; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.util.WeightedContainer; public class DungeonHelper { private static DungeonHelper instance = null; private static DDProperties properties = null; public static final Pattern SchematicNamePattern = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+"); public static final Pattern DungeonNamePattern = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+"); private static final String DEFAULT_UP_SCHEMATIC_PATH = "/schematics/core/simpleStairsUp.schematic"; private static final String DEFAULT_DOWN_SCHEMATIC_PATH = "/schematics/core/simpleStairsDown.schematic"; private static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_SCHEMATIC_PATH = "/schematics/core/somethingBroke.schematic"; private static final String BUNDLED_DUNGEONS_LIST_PATH = "/schematics/schematics.txt"; private static final String DUNGEON_CREATION_GUIDE_SOURCE_PATH = "/mods/DimDoors/text/How_to_add_dungeons.txt"; public static final String SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION = ".schematic"; private static final int DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT = 100; public static final int MAX_DUNGEON_WEIGHT = 10000; //Used to prevent overflows and math breaking down private static final int MAX_EXPORT_RADIUS = 50; public static final short MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH = 2 * MAX_EXPORT_RADIUS + 1; public static final short MAX_DUNGEON_HEIGHT = MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH; public static final short MAX_DUNGEON_LENGTH = MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH; private static final String HUB_DUNGEON_TYPE = "Hub"; private static final String TRAP_DUNGEON_TYPE = "Trap"; private static final String SIMPLE_HALL_DUNGEON_TYPE = "SimpleHall"; private static final String COMPLEX_HALL_DUNGEON_TYPE = "ComplexHall"; private static final String EXIT_DUNGEON_TYPE = "Exit"; private static final String DEAD_END_DUNGEON_TYPE = "DeadEnd"; private static final String MAZE_DUNGEON_TYPE = "Maze"; //The list of dungeon types will be kept as an array for now. If we allow new //dungeon types in the future, then this can be changed to an ArrayList. private static final String[] DUNGEON_TYPES = new String[] { HUB_DUNGEON_TYPE, TRAP_DUNGEON_TYPE, SIMPLE_HALL_DUNGEON_TYPE, COMPLEX_HALL_DUNGEON_TYPE, EXIT_DUNGEON_TYPE, DEAD_END_DUNGEON_TYPE, MAZE_DUNGEON_TYPE }; private Random rand = new Random(); private ArrayList untaggedDungeons = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList registeredDungeons = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList simpleHalls = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList complexHalls = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList deadEnds = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList hubs = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList mazes = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList pistonTraps = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList exits = new ArrayList(); private DungeonGenerator defaultUp; private DungeonGenerator defaultDown; private DungeonGenerator defaultError; private HashSet dungeonTypeChecker; private HashMap> dungeonTypeMapping; private DungeonHelper() { //Load the dungeon type checker with the list of all types in lowercase. //Capitalization matters for matching in a hash set. dungeonTypeChecker = new HashSet(); for (String dungeonType : DUNGEON_TYPES) { dungeonTypeChecker.add(dungeonType.toLowerCase()); } //Add all the basic dungeon types to dungeonTypeMapping //Dungeon type names must be passed in lowercase to make matching easier. dungeonTypeMapping = new HashMap>(); dungeonTypeMapping.put(SIMPLE_HALL_DUNGEON_TYPE.toLowerCase(), simpleHalls); dungeonTypeMapping.put(COMPLEX_HALL_DUNGEON_TYPE.toLowerCase(), complexHalls); dungeonTypeMapping.put(HUB_DUNGEON_TYPE.toLowerCase(), hubs); dungeonTypeMapping.put(EXIT_DUNGEON_TYPE.toLowerCase(), exits); dungeonTypeMapping.put(DEAD_END_DUNGEON_TYPE.toLowerCase(), deadEnds); dungeonTypeMapping.put(MAZE_DUNGEON_TYPE.toLowerCase(), mazes); dungeonTypeMapping.put(TRAP_DUNGEON_TYPE.toLowerCase(), pistonTraps); //Load our reference to the DDProperties singleton if (properties == null) properties = DDProperties.instance(); registerCustomDungeons(); } public static DungeonHelper initialize() { if (instance == null) { instance = new DungeonHelper(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot initialize DungeonHelper twice"); } return instance; } public static DungeonHelper instance() { if (instance == null) { //This is to prevent some frustrating bugs that could arise when classes //are loaded in the wrong order. Trust me, I had to squash a few... throw new IllegalStateException("Instance of DungeonHelper requested before initialization"); } return instance; } private void registerCustomDungeons() { File file = new File(properties.CustomSchematicDirectory); if (file.exists() || file.mkdir()) { copyfile.copyFile(DUNGEON_CREATION_GUIDE_SOURCE_PATH, file.getAbsolutePath() + "/How_to_add_dungeons.txt"); } registerBundledDungeons(); importCustomDungeons(properties.CustomSchematicDirectory); } public List getRegisteredDungeons() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.registeredDungeons); } public List getUntaggedDungeons() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.untaggedDungeons); } public DungeonGenerator getDefaultErrorDungeon() { return defaultError; } public DungeonGenerator getDefaultUpDungeon() { return defaultUp; } public DungeonGenerator getDefaultDownDungeon() { return defaultDown; } public LinkData createCustomDungeonDoor(World world, int x, int y, int z) { //Create a link above the specified position. Link to a new pocket dimension. LinkData link = new LinkData(world.provider.dimensionId, 0, x, y + 1, z, x, y + 1, z, true, 3); link = dimHelper.instance.createPocket(link, true, false); //Place a Warp Door linked to that pocket itemDimDoor.placeDoorBlock(world, x, y, z, 3, mod_pocketDim.ExitDoor); return link; } public boolean validateDungeonType(String type) { //Check if the dungeon type is valid return dungeonTypeChecker.contains(type.toLowerCase()); } public boolean validateSchematicName(String name) { String[] dungeonData; if (!name.endsWith(SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION)) return false; dungeonData = name.substring(0, name.length() - SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION.length()).split("_"); //Check for a valid number of parts if (dungeonData.length < 3 || dungeonData.length > 4) return false; //Check if the dungeon type is valid if (!dungeonTypeChecker.contains(dungeonData[0].toLowerCase())) return false; //Check if the name is valid if (!SchematicNamePattern.matcher(dungeonData[1]).matches()) return false; //Check if the open/closed flag is present if (!dungeonData[2].equalsIgnoreCase("open") && !dungeonData[2].equalsIgnoreCase("closed")) return false; //If the weight is present, check that it is valid if (dungeonData.length == 4) { try { int weight = Integer.parseInt(dungeonData[3]); if (weight < 0 || weight > MAX_DUNGEON_WEIGHT) return false; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //Not a number return false; } } return true; } public void registerDungeon(String schematicPath, boolean isInternal, boolean verbose) { //We use schematicPath as the real path for internal files (inside our JAR) because it seems //that File tries to interpret it as a local drive path and mangles it. File schematicFile = new File(schematicPath); String name = schematicFile.getName(); String path = isInternal ? schematicPath : schematicFile.getAbsolutePath(); try { if (validateSchematicName(name)) { //Strip off the file extension while splitting the file name String[] dungeonData = name.substring(0, name.length() - SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION.length()).split("_"); String dungeonType = dungeonData[0].toLowerCase(); boolean isOpen = dungeonData[2].equalsIgnoreCase("open"); int weight = (dungeonData.length == 4) ? Integer.parseInt(dungeonData[3]) : DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT; //Add this custom dungeon to the list corresponding to its type DungeonGenerator generator = new DungeonGenerator(weight, path, isOpen); dungeonTypeMapping.get(dungeonType).add(generator); registeredDungeons.add(generator); if (verbose) { System.out.println("Registered dungeon: " + name); } } else { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Could not parse dungeon filename, not adding dungeon to generation lists"); } untaggedDungeons.add(new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, path, true)); System.out.println("Registered untagged dungeon: " + name); } } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to register dungeon: " + name); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void importCustomDungeons(String path) { File directory = new File(path); File[] schematicNames = directory.listFiles(); if (schematicNames != null) { for (File schematicFile: schematicNames) { if (schematicFile.getName().endsWith(SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION)) { registerDungeon(schematicFile.getPath(), false, true); } } } } private void registerBundledDungeons() { //Register the core schematics //These are used for debugging and in case of unusual errors while loading dungeons defaultUp = new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_UP_SCHEMATIC_PATH, true); defaultDown = new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_DOWN_SCHEMATIC_PATH, true); defaultError = new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_ERROR_SCHEMATIC_PATH, true); //Open the list of dungeons packaged with our mod and register their schematics InputStream listStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(BUNDLED_DUNGEONS_LIST_PATH); if (listStream == null) { System.err.println("Unable to open list of bundled dungeon schematics."); return; } try { BufferedReader listReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(listStream)); String schematicPath = listReader.readLine(); while (schematicPath != null) { schematicPath = schematicPath.trim(); if (!schematicPath.isEmpty()) { registerDungeon(schematicPath, true, false); } schematicPath = listReader.readLine(); } listReader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred while reading the list of bundled dungeon schematics."); e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean exportDungeon(World world, int centerX, int centerY, int centerZ, String exportPath) { //Write schematic data to a file try { DungeonSchematic dungeon = DungeonSchematic.copyFromWorld(world, centerX - MAX_EXPORT_RADIUS, centerY - MAX_EXPORT_RADIUS, centerZ - MAX_EXPORT_RADIUS, MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH, MAX_DUNGEON_HEIGHT, MAX_DUNGEON_LENGTH, true); dungeon.applyExportFilters(properties); dungeon.writeToFile(exportPath); return true; } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public void generateDungeonLink(LinkData incoming) { DungeonGenerator dungeon; int depth = dimHelper.instance.getDimDepth(incoming.locDimID); int depthWeight = rand.nextInt(depth + 2) + rand.nextInt(depth + 2) - 2; int count = 10; boolean flag = true; try { if (incoming.destYCoord > 15) { do { count--; flag = true; //Select a dungeon at random, taking into account its weight dungeon = getRandomDungeon(rand, registeredDungeons); if (depth <= 1) { if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = complexHalls.get(rand.nextInt(complexHalls.size())); } else if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = hubs.get(rand.nextInt(hubs.size())); } else if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = hubs.get(rand.nextInt(hubs.size())); } else if(deadEnds.contains(dungeon)||exits.contains(dungeon)) { flag=false; } } else if (depth <= 3 && (deadEnds.contains(dungeon) || exits.contains(dungeon) || rand.nextBoolean())) { if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = hubs.get(rand.nextInt(hubs.size())); } else if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = mazes.get(rand.nextInt(mazes.size())); } else if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = pistonTraps.get(rand.nextInt(pistonTraps.size())); } else { flag = false; } } else if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0 && !complexHalls.contains(dungeon)) { if (rand.nextInt(3) == 0) { dungeon = simpleHalls.get(rand.nextInt(simpleHalls.size())); } else if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = pistonTraps.get(rand.nextInt(pistonTraps.size())); } else if (depth < 4) { dungeon = hubs.get(rand.nextInt(hubs.size())); } } else if (depthWeight - depthWeight / 2 > depth -4 && (deadEnds.contains(dungeon) || exits.contains(dungeon))) { if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = simpleHalls.get(rand.nextInt(simpleHalls.size())); } else if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = complexHalls.get(rand.nextInt(complexHalls.size())); } else if(rand.nextBoolean()) { dungeon = pistonTraps.get(rand.nextInt(pistonTraps.size())); } else { flag = false; } } else if (depthWeight > 7 && hubs.contains(dungeon)) { if(rand.nextInt(12)+5 10 && hubs.contains(dungeon)) { flag = false; } if(getDungeonDataInChain(dimHelper.instance.getDimData(incoming.locDimID)).contains(dungeon)) { flag=false; } } while (!flag && count > 0); } else { dungeon = defaultUp; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (registeredDungeons.size() > 0) { //Select a random dungeon dungeon = getRandomDungeon(rand, registeredDungeons); } else { return; } } dimHelper.instance.getDimData(incoming.destDimID).dungeonGenerator = dungeon; //dimHelper.instance.getDimData(incoming.destDimID).dungeonGenerator = defaultUp; } public Collection getDungeonNames() { //Use a HashSet to guarantee that all dungeon names will be distinct. //This shouldn't be necessary if we keep proper lists without repetitions, //but it's a fool-proof workaround. HashSet dungeonNames = new HashSet(); dungeonNames.addAll( parseDungeonNames(registeredDungeons) ); dungeonNames.addAll( parseDungeonNames(untaggedDungeons) ); //Sort dungeon names alphabetically ArrayList sortedNames = new ArrayList(dungeonNames); Collections.sort(sortedNames, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); return sortedNames; } private static ArrayList parseDungeonNames(ArrayList dungeons) { String name; File schematic; ArrayList names = new ArrayList(dungeons.size()); for (DungeonGenerator dungeon : dungeons) { //Retrieve the file name and strip off the file extension schematic = new File(dungeon.schematicPath); name = schematic.getName(); name = name.substring(0, name.length() - SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION.length()); names.add(name); } return names; } private static DungeonGenerator getRandomDungeon(Random random, Collection dungeons) { //Use Minecraft's WeightedRandom to select our dungeon. =D ArrayList> weights = new ArrayList>(dungeons.size()); for (DungeonGenerator dungeon : dungeons) { weights.add(new WeightedContainer(dungeon, dungeon.weight)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") WeightedContainer resultContainer = (WeightedContainer) WeightedRandom.getRandomItem(random, weights); return (resultContainer != null) ? resultContainer.getData() : null; } public static ArrayList getDungeonDataInChain(DimData dimData) { DimData startingDim = dimHelper.instance.getDimData(dimHelper.instance.getLinkDataFromCoords(dimData.exitDimLink.destXCoord, dimData.exitDimLink.destYCoord, dimData.exitDimLink.destZCoord, dimData.exitDimLink.destDimID).destDimID); return getDungeonDataBelow(startingDim); } private static ArrayList getDungeonDataBelow(DimData dimData) { ArrayList dungeonData = new ArrayList(); if(dimData.dungeonGenerator!=null) { dungeonData.add(dimData.dungeonGenerator); for(LinkData link : dimData.getLinksInDim()) { if(dimHelper.dimList.containsKey(link.destDimID)) { if(dimHelper.instance.getDimData(link.destDimID).dungeonGenerator!=null&&dimHelper.instance.getDimDepth(link.destDimID)==dimData.depth+1) { for(DungeonGenerator dungeonGen :getDungeonDataBelow(dimHelper.instance.getDimData(link.destDimID)) ) { if(!dungeonData.contains(dungeonGen)) { dungeonData.add(dungeonGen); } } } } } } return dungeonData; } }