package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockComparator; import net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor; import net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater; import net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.Point3D; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.mod_pocketDim; public class BlockRotator { //This class is temporary. It's just a place in which to hold the old block rotation and transformation code //until we can rewrite it. public final static int EAST_DOOR_METADATA = 0; private final static int BLOCK_ID_COUNT = 4096; //Provides a fast lookup table for whether blocks have orientations private final static boolean[] hasOrientations = new boolean[BLOCK_ID_COUNT]; static { hasOrientations[Block.dispenser.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsStoneBrick.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.lever.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stoneButton.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.redstoneRepeaterIdle.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.redstoneRepeaterActive.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.tripWireSource.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.torchWood.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.torchRedstoneIdle.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.torchRedstoneActive.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.doorIron.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.doorWood.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.pistonBase.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.pistonExtension.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.redstoneComparatorIdle.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.redstoneComparatorActive.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.signPost.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.signWall.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.skull.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.ladder.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.vine.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.anvil.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.chest.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.chestTrapped.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.hopperBlock.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsNetherBrick.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsCobblestone.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsNetherQuartz.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsSandStone.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsBrick.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsWoodBirch.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsWoodOak.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsWoodJungle.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.stairsWoodSpruce.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.wood.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.railPowered.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.railDetector.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.railActivator.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[Block.rail.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[mod_pocketDim.dimensionalDoor.blockID] = true; hasOrientations[mod_pocketDim.warpDoor.blockID] = true; } public static int transformMetadata(int metadata, int turns, int blockID) { //I changed rotations to reduce the monstrous code we had. It might be //slightly less efficient, but it's easier to maintain for now. ~SenseiKiwi //Correct negative turns and get the minimum number of rotations needed turns += 1 << 16; turns %= 4; if (hasOrientations[blockID]) { while (turns > 0) { metadata = rotateMetadataBy90(metadata, blockID); turns--; } } return metadata; } private static int rotateMetadataBy90(int metadata, int blockID) { //TODO: Replace this horrible function with something prettier. We promise we will for the next version, //after switching to MC 1.6. PADRE, PLEASE FORGIVE OUR SINS. if (blockID == Block.wood.blockID) { if (metadata >= 4 && metadata < 12) { metadata = (metadata % 8) + 4; } } else if (blockID == Block.blockNetherQuartz.blockID) { if (metadata == 3 || metadata == 4) { metadata = (metadata - 2) % 2 + 3; } } else if (blockID == Block.railPowered.blockID || blockID == Block.railDetector.blockID || blockID == Block.railActivator.blockID) { switch (metadata) { //Powered Track/Detector Track/Activator Track (off) case 0: metadata = 1; break; case 1: metadata = 0; break; case 2: metadata = 5; break; case 3: metadata = 4; break; case 4: metadata = 2; break; case 5: metadata = 3; break; //Powered Track/Detector Track/Activator Track (on) case 8: metadata = 9; break; case 9: metadata = 8; break; case 10: metadata = 13; break; case 11: metadata = 12; break; case 12: metadata = 10; break; case 13: metadata = 11; break; } } else if (blockID==Block.rail.blockID) { switch (metadata) { case 0: metadata = 1; break; case 1: metadata = 0; break; case 8: metadata = 9; break; case 9: metadata = 6; break; case 6: metadata = 7; break; case 7: metadata = 8; break; } } else if (Block.blocksList[blockID] instanceof BlockStairs) { switch (metadata) { case 0: metadata = 2; break; case 1: metadata = 3; break; case 2: metadata = 1; break; case 3: metadata = 0; break; case 7: metadata = 4; break; case 6: metadata = 5; break; case 5: metadata = 7; break; case 4: metadata = 6; break; } } else if (blockID == Block.chest.blockID || blockID == Block.chestTrapped.blockID || blockID == Block.ladder.blockID || blockID == Block.hopperBlock.blockID) { switch (metadata) { case 2: metadata = 5; break; case 3: metadata = 4; break; case 4: metadata = 2; break; case 5: metadata = 3; break; } } else if (blockID==Block.vine.blockID) { switch (metadata) { case 1: metadata = 2; break; case 2: metadata = 4; break; case 4: metadata = 8; break; case 8: metadata = 1; break; } } else if (blockID==Block.signWall.blockID) { switch (metadata) { case 3: metadata = 4; break; case 2: metadata = 5; break; case 4: metadata = 2; break; case 5: metadata = 3; break; } } else if (blockID==Block.signPost.blockID) { switch (metadata) { case 0: metadata = 4; break; case 1: metadata = 5; break; case 2: metadata = 6; break; case 3: metadata = 7; break; case 4: metadata = 8; break; case 5: metadata = 9; break; case 6: metadata = 10; break; case 7: metadata = 11; break; case 8: metadata = 12; break; case 9: metadata = 13; break; case 10: metadata = 14; break; case 11: metadata = 15; break; case 12: metadata = 0; break; case 13: metadata = 1; break; case 14: metadata = 2; break; case 15: metadata = 3; break; } } else if(blockID== Block.lever.blockID||blockID== Block.stoneButton.blockID||blockID== Block.woodenButton.blockID||blockID== Block.torchWood.blockID||blockID== Block.torchRedstoneIdle.blockID||blockID== Block.torchRedstoneActive.blockID) { switch (metadata) { case 12: metadata = 9; break; case 11: metadata = 10; break; case 10: metadata = 12; break; case 9: metadata = 11; break; case 2: metadata = 4; break; case 3: metadata = 2; break; case 1: metadata = 3; break; case 4: metadata = 1; break; } } else if(blockID== Block.pistonBase.blockID||blockID==Block.pistonExtension.blockID||blockID==Block.pistonStickyBase.blockID||blockID==Block.dispenser.blockID||blockID==Block.dropper.blockID) { switch (metadata) { case 4: metadata = 2; break; case 5: metadata = 3; break; case 13: metadata = 11; break; case 12: metadata = 10; break; case 3: metadata = 4; break; case 2: metadata = 5; break; case 11: metadata = 12; break; case 10: metadata = 13; break; } } else if (Block.blocksList[blockID] instanceof BlockRedstoneRepeater || Block.blocksList[blockID] instanceof BlockDoor || blockID== Block.tripWireSource.blockID || Block.blocksList[blockID] instanceof BlockComparator) { switch (metadata) { case 0: metadata = 1; break; case 1: metadata = 2; break; case 2: metadata = 3; break; case 3: metadata = 0; break; case 4: metadata = 5; break; case 5: metadata = 6; break; case 6: metadata = 7; break; case 7: metadata = 4; break; case 8: metadata = 9; break; case 9: metadata = 10; break; case 10: metadata = 11; break; case 11: metadata = 8; break; case 12: metadata = 13; break; case 13: metadata = 14; break; case 14: metadata = 15; break; case 15: metadata = 12; break; } } return metadata; } public static void transformPoint(Point3D position, Point3D srcOrigin, int angle, Point3D destOrigin) { //This function receives a position (e.g. point in schematic space), translates it relative //to a source coordinate system (e.g. the point that will be the center of a schematic), //then rotates and translates it to obtain the corresponding point in a destination //coordinate system (e.g. the location of the entry rift in the pocket being generated). //The result is returned by overwriting the original position so that new object references //aren't needed. That way, repeated use of this function will not incur as much overhead. //Position is only overwritten at the end, so it's okay to provide it as srcOrigin or destOrigin as well. int tx = position.getX() - srcOrigin.getX(); int ty = position.getY() - srcOrigin.getY(); int tz = position.getZ() - srcOrigin.getZ(); //"int angle" specifies a rotation consistent with Minecraft's orientation system. //That means each increment of 1 in angle would be a 90-degree clockwise turn. //Given a starting direction A and a destination direction B, the rotation would be //calculated by (B - A). //Adjust angle into the expected range if (angle < 0) { int correction = -(angle / 4); angle = angle + 4 * (correction + 1); } angle = angle % 4; int rx; int rz; switch (angle) { case 0: //No rotation rx = tx; rz = tz; break; case 1: //90 degrees clockwise rx = -tz; rz = tx; break; case 2: //180 degrees rx = -tx; rz = -tz; break; case 3: //270 degrees clockwise rx = tz; rz = -tx; break; default: //This should never happen throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid angle value. This should never happen!"); } position.setX( rx + destOrigin.getX() ); position.setY( ty + destOrigin.getY() ); position.setZ( rz + destOrigin.getZ() ); } }