package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.items; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.mod_pocketDim; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.core.DimLink; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.core.NewDimData; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.core.PocketManager; import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.tileentities.TileEntityRift; import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class itemRiftRemover extends Item { public itemRiftRemover(int itemID, Material par2Material) { super(itemID); this.setMaxStackSize(1); this.setCreativeTab(mod_pocketDim.dimDoorsCreativeTab); this.setMaxDamage(4); } public void registerIcons(IconRegister par1IconRegister) { this.itemIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon(mod_pocketDim.modid + ":" + this.getUnlocalizedName()); } @Override public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player) { // We invoke PlayerControllerMP.onPlayerRightClick() from here so that Minecraft // will invoke onItemUseFirst() on the client side. We'll tell it to pass the // request to the server, which will make sure that rift-related changes are // reflected on the server. if (!world.isRemote) { return stack; } MovingObjectPosition hit = this.getMovingObjectPositionFromPlayer(world, player, true); if (hit != null) { int hx = hit.blockX; int hy = hit.blockY; int hz = hit.blockZ; NewDimData dimension = PocketManager.getDimensionData(world); DimLink link = dimension.getLink(hx, hy, hz); if (world.getBlockId(hx, hy, hz) == mod_pocketDim.blockRift.blockID && link != null && player.canPlayerEdit(hx, hy, hz, hit.sideHit, stack)) { // Invoke onPlayerRightClick() FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().playerController.onPlayerRightClick( player, world, stack, hx, hy, hz, hit.sideHit, hit.hitVec); } } return stack; } @Override public boolean onItemUseFirst(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { // We want to use onItemUseFirst() here so that this code will run on the server side, // so we don't need the client to send link-related updates to the server. Still, // check whether we have a rift in sight before passing the request over. // On integrated servers, the link won't be removed immediately because of the rift // removal animation. That means we'll have a chance to check for the link before // it's deleted. Otherwise the Rift Remover's durability wouldn't drop. MovingObjectPosition hit = this.getMovingObjectPositionFromPlayer(world, player, true); if (hit != null) { x = hit.blockX; y = hit.blockY; z = hit.blockZ; NewDimData dimension = PocketManager.getDimensionData(world); DimLink link = dimension.getLink(x, y, z); if (world.getBlockId(x, y, z) == mod_pocketDim.blockRift.blockID && link != null && player.canPlayerEdit(x, y, z, side, stack)) { // Tell the rift's tile entity to do its removal animation TileEntity tileEntity = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tileEntity != null && tileEntity instanceof TileEntityRift) { ((TileEntityRift) tileEntity).shouldClose = true; tileEntity.onInventoryChanged(); } else if (!world.isRemote) { // Only set the block to air on the server side so that we don't // tell the server to remove the rift block before it can use the // Rift Remover. Otherwise, it won't know to reduce durability. world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z); } if (world.isRemote) { // Tell the server about this return false; } else { if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) { stack.damageItem(1, player); } player.worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(player, "mods.DimDoors.sfx.riftClose", 0.8f, 1); } } } return true; } /** * allows items to add custom lines of information to the mouseover description */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public void addInformation(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, List par3List, boolean par4) { par3List.add("Use near exposed rift"); par3List.add("to remove it and"); par3List.add("any nearby rifts."); } }