Replaced several core classes from DD with new classes to enforce integrity checks. Rewriting everything that depended on those classes is a massive undertaking but it should simplify our code and prevent the many bugs we've seen lately. The rewrite isn't done yet, just committing my progress so far.
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205 lines
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package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.ticking;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.world.GameRules;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DDProperties;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.core.NewDimData;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.core.PocketManager;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.yCoordHelper;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.util.ChunkLocation;
public class MonolithSpawner implements IRegularTickReceiver {
public static final int MAX_MONOLITH_SPAWNING_CHANCE = 100;
private static final String MOB_SPAWNING_RULE = "doMobSpawning";
private static final int MAX_MONOLITH_SPAWN_Y = 245;
private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 16;
private static final int MONOLITH_SPAWNING_INTERVAL = 1;
private DDProperties properties;
private ArrayList<ChunkLocation> locations;
public MonolithSpawner(IRegularTickSender sender, DDProperties properties)
this.properties = properties;
this.locations = new ArrayList<ChunkLocation>();
sender.registerForTicking(this, MONOLITH_SPAWNING_INTERVAL, false);
public void notifyTick() {
//Check if any new spawning requests have come in
if (!locations.isEmpty())
//Check if mob spawning is allowed
if (isMobSpawningAllowed())
//Loop over the locations and call the appropriate function depending
//on whether the request is for Limbo or for a pocket dimension.
for (ChunkLocation location : locations)
if (location.DimensionID == properties.LimboDimensionID)
//Limbo chunk
placeMonolithsInLimbo(location.DimensionID, location.ChunkX, location.ChunkZ);
//Pocket dimension chunk
placeMonolithsInPocket(location.DimensionID, location.ChunkX, location.ChunkZ);
public void registerChunkForPopulation(int dimensionID, int chunkX, int chunkZ)
ChunkLocation location = new ChunkLocation(dimensionID, chunkX, chunkZ);
private void placeMonolithsInPocket(int dimensionID, int chunkX, int chunkZ)
NewDimData dimension = PocketManager.getDimensionData(dimensionID);
World pocket = DimensionManager.getWorld(dimensionID);
if (pocket == null ||
dimension == null ||
dimension.dungeon() == null ||
int sanity = 0;
int blockID = 0;
boolean didSpawn = false;
//The following initialization code is based on code from ChunkProviderGenerate.
//It makes our generation depend on the world seed.
Random random = new Random(pocket.getSeed() ^ 0xA210FE65F20017D6L);
long factorA = random.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
long factorB = random.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
random.setSeed(chunkX * factorA + chunkZ * factorB ^ pocket.getSeed());
//The following code really, really needs to be rewritten... "sanity" is not a proper variable name. ~SenseiKiwi
int x, y, z;
//Select a random column within the chunk
x = chunkX * CHUNK_SIZE + random.nextInt(CHUNK_SIZE);
z = chunkZ * CHUNK_SIZE + random.nextInt(CHUNK_SIZE);
blockID = pocket.getBlockId(x, y, z);
while (blockID == 0 &&y>0)
blockID = pocket.getBlockId(x, y, z);
while ((blockID == properties.FabricBlockID || blockID == properties.PermaFabricBlockID) && y > 0)
blockID = pocket.getBlockId(x, y, z);
while (blockID == 0 && y > 0)
blockID = pocket.getBlockId(x, y, z);
if(y > 0)
int jumpSanity = 0;
int jumpHeight = 0;
jumpHeight = y + random.nextInt(10);
while (!pocket.isAirBlock(x,jumpHeight+6 , z)&&jumpSanity<20);
Entity monolith = new MobMonolith(pocket);
monolith.setLocationAndAngles(x, jumpHeight, z, 1, 1);
didSpawn = true;
while (sanity < 5 && !didSpawn);
private void placeMonolithsInLimbo(int dimensionID, int chunkX, int chunkZ)
World limbo = DimensionManager.getWorld(dimensionID);
if (limbo == null)
//The following initialization code is based on code from ChunkProviderGenerate.
//It makes our generation depend on the world seed.
Random random = new Random(limbo.getSeed() ^ 0xB5130C4ACC71A822L);
long factorA = random.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
long factorB = random.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
random.setSeed(chunkX * factorA + chunkZ * factorB ^ limbo.getSeed());
//Okay, the following code is full of magic constants and makes little sense. =/ ~SenseiKiwi
if (random.nextInt(MAX_MONOLITH_SPAWNING_CHANCE) < properties.MonolithSpawningChance)
int y = 0;
int yTest;
int x = chunkX * CHUNK_SIZE + random.nextInt(CHUNK_SIZE);
int z = chunkZ * CHUNK_SIZE + random.nextInt(CHUNK_SIZE);
while (limbo.getBlockId(x, y, z) == 0 && y <255)
y = yCoordHelper.getFirstUncovered(limbo, x, y + 2, z);
yTest = yCoordHelper.getFirstUncovered(limbo, x, y + 5, z);
if (yTest > 245)
int jumpSanity = 0;
int jumpHeight = 0;
jumpHeight = y + random.nextInt(25);
while (!limbo.isAirBlock(x, jumpHeight + 6, z) && jumpSanity < 20);
Entity monolith = new MobMonolith(limbo);
monolith.setLocationAndAngles(x, jumpHeight, z, 1, 1);
while (yTest > y);
private static boolean isMobSpawningAllowed()
//This function is used to retrieve the value of doMobSpawning. The code is the same
//as the code used by Minecraft. Jaitsu requested this to make testing easier. ~SenseiKiwi
GameRules rules = MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).getGameRules();
return rules.getGameRuleBooleanValue(MOB_SPAWNING_RULE);