2013-11-12 13:16:54 -05:00

275 lines
13 KiB

package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim;
import java.io.File;
import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.ticking.MonolithSpawner;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.world.GatewayGenerator;
public class DDProperties
* Block IDs
public final int UnstableDoorID;
public final int DimensionalDoorID;
public final int GoldDoorID;
public final int GoldDimDoorID;
public final int WarpDoorID;
public final int TransTrapdoorID;
public final int TransientDoorID;
public final int FabricBlockID;
public final int RiftBlockID;
* World Generation Block IDs
public final int LimboBlockID;
public final int PermaFabricBlockID;
* Item IDs
public final int RiftBladeItemID;
public final int RiftSignatureItemID;
public final int GoldDimDoorItemID;
public final int GoldDoorItemID;
public final int RiftRemoverItemID;
public final int StableFabricItemID;
public final int StabilizedRiftSignatureItemID;
public final int DimensionalDoorItemID;
public final int UnstableDoorItemID;
public final int WarpDoorItemID;
public final int ItemWorldThreadID;
* Other IDs
public final int LimboBiomeID;
public final int PocketBiomeID;
public final int LimboDimensionID;
public final int LimboProviderID;
public final int PocketProviderID;
public final int DoorRenderEntityID;
public final int MonolithEntityID;
* Crafting Flags
public final boolean CraftingDimensionalDoorAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingWarpDoorAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingRiftSignatureAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingRiftRemoverAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingUnstableDoorAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingRiftBladeAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingTransTrapdoorAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingStabilizedRiftSignatureAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingStableFabricAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingGoldDimDoorAllowed;
public final boolean CraftingGoldDoorAllowed;
* Loot Flags
public final boolean DimensionalDoorLootEnabled;
public final boolean WarpDoorLootEnabled;
public final boolean UnstableDoorLootEnabled;
public final boolean TransTrapdoorLootEnabled;
public final boolean RiftSignatureLootEnabled;
public final boolean RiftRemoverLootEnabled;
public final boolean StabilizedRiftSignatureLootEnabled;
public final boolean RiftBladeLootEnabled;
public final boolean StableFabricLootEnabled;
public final boolean FabricOfRealityLootEnabled;
* Other Flags
public final boolean enableServerMode;
public final boolean WorldRiftGenerationEnabled;
public final boolean RiftSpreadEnabled;
public final boolean RiftGriefingEnabled;
public final boolean RiftsSpawnEndermenEnabled;
public final boolean LimboEnabled;
public final boolean HardcoreLimboEnabled;
public final boolean LimboReturnsInventoryEnabled;
public final boolean DoorRenderingEnabled;
public final boolean TNFREAKINGT_Enabled;
* Other
public final int NonTntWeight;
public final int ClusterGenerationChance;
public final int GatewayGenerationChance;
public final int MonolithSpawningChance;
public final int LimboReturnRange;
public final String CustomSchematicDirectory;
//Singleton instance
private static DDProperties instance = null;
//Path for custom dungeons within configuration directory
private final String CUSTOM_SCHEMATIC_SUBDIRECTORY = "/DimDoors_Custom_schematics";
//Names of categories
private final String CATEGORY_SERVERMODE = "server mode";
private final String CATEGORY_CRAFTING = "crafting";
private final String CATEGORY_ENTITY = "entity";
private final String CATEGORY_DIMENSION = "dimension";
private final String CATEGORY_PROVIDER = "provider";
private final String CATEGORY_BIOME = "biome";
private final String CATEGORY_LOOT = "loot";
private DDProperties(File configFile)
//Load the configuration. This must be done in the constructor, even though I'd rather have a separate
//function, because "blank final" variables must be initialized within the constructor.
CustomSchematicDirectory = configFile.getParent() + CUSTOM_SCHEMATIC_SUBDIRECTORY;
Configuration config = new Configuration(configFile);
CraftingDimensionalDoorAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Dimensional Door", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingWarpDoorAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Warp Door", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingUnstableDoorAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Unstable Door", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingTransTrapdoorAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Transdimensional Trapdoor", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingRiftSignatureAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Rift Signature", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingRiftRemoverAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Rift Remover", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingStabilizedRiftSignatureAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Stabilized Rift Signature", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingRiftBladeAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Rift Blade", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingStableFabricAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Stable Fabric", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingGoldDimDoorAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Crafting Golden Dimensional Door", true).getBoolean(true);
CraftingGoldDoorAllowed = config.get(CATEGORY_CRAFTING, "Allow Golden Door", true).getBoolean(true);
DimensionalDoorLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Dimensional Door Loot", true).getBoolean(true);
WarpDoorLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Warp Door Loot", false).getBoolean(false);
UnstableDoorLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Unstable Door Loot", false).getBoolean(false);
TransTrapdoorLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Transdimensional Trapdoor Loot", false).getBoolean(false);
RiftSignatureLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Rift Signature Loot", true).getBoolean(true);
RiftRemoverLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Rift Remover Loot", true).getBoolean(true);
StabilizedRiftSignatureLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Stabilized Rift Signature Loot", false).getBoolean(false);
RiftBladeLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Rift Blade Loot", true).getBoolean(true);
StableFabricLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Stable Fabric Loot", false).getBoolean(false);
FabricOfRealityLootEnabled = config.get(CATEGORY_LOOT, "Enable Fabric of Reality Loot", true).getBoolean(true);
RiftGriefingEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Rift Griefing", true,
"Sets whether rifts destroy blocks around them or not").getBoolean(true);
RiftSpreadEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Rift Spread", true,
"Sets whether rifts create more rifts when they are near other rifts").getBoolean(true);
RiftsSpawnEndermenEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Endermen Spawning from Rifts", true,
"Sets whether groups of connected rifts will spawn Endermen").getBoolean(true);
LimboEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Limbo", true,
"Sets whether the Limbo dimension is activated").getBoolean(true);
LimboReturnsInventoryEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Limbo Returns Inventory", true,
"Sets whether players keep their inventories upon dying and respawning in Limbo").getBoolean(true);
HardcoreLimboEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Hardcore Limbo", false,
"Sets whether players that die in Limbo will respawn there").getBoolean(false);
LimboReturnRange = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Limbo Return Range", 500,
"Sets the farthest distance that Limbo can send you upon returning to the Overworld").getInt();
DoorRenderingEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Door Rendering", true).getBoolean(true);
TNFREAKINGT_Enabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "EXPLOSIONS!!???!!!?!?!!", false).getBoolean(false);
NonTntWeight = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "HOWMUCHTNT", 25,
"Weighs the chance that a block will not be TNT. Must be greater than or equal to 0. " +
"EXPLOSIONS must be set to true for this to have any effect.").getInt();
enableServerMode = config.get(CATEGORY_SERVERMODE, "Server Mode", false,
"Enables servermode, changing all crafting recipies to require stabilized fabric. " +
"Stabilized fabric, in turn, requires the item World Thread, which is not craftable or obtainable at all. "+
"It is up to the server manager on how to distribute it.").getBoolean(false);
DoorRenderEntityID=config.get(CATEGORY_ENTITY, "Door Render Entity ID", 89).getInt();
MonolithEntityID = config.get(CATEGORY_ENTITY, "Monolith Entity ID", 125).getInt();
DimensionalDoorID = config.getBlock("Dimensional Door Block ID", 1970).getInt();
TransTrapdoorID = config.getBlock("Transdimensional Trapdoor Block ID", 1971).getInt();
FabricBlockID =config.getBlock("Fabric Of Reality Block ID", 1973).getInt();
WarpDoorID = config.getBlock("Warp Door Block ID", 1975).getInt();
RiftBlockID = config.getBlock("Rift Block ID", 1977).getInt();
UnstableDoorID = config.getBlock("Unstable Door Block ID", 1978).getInt();
TransientDoorID = config.getBlock("Transient Door Block ID", 1979).getInt();
GoldDoorID = config.getBlock("Gold Door Block ID", 1980).getInt();
GoldDimDoorID = config.getBlock("Gold Dim Door Block ID", 1981).getInt();
WarpDoorItemID = config.getItem("Warp Door Item ID", 5670).getInt();
RiftRemoverItemID = config.getItem("Rift Remover Item ID", 5671).getInt();
StableFabricItemID = config.getItem("Stable Fabric Item ID", 5672).getInt();
UnstableDoorItemID = config.getItem("Unstable Door Item ID", 5673).getInt();
DimensionalDoorItemID = config.getItem("Dimensional Door Item ID", 5674).getInt();
RiftSignatureItemID = config.getItem("Rift Signature Item ID", 5675).getInt();
RiftBladeItemID = config.getItem("Rift Blade Item ID", 5676).getInt();
StabilizedRiftSignatureItemID = config.getItem("Stabilized Rift Signature Item ID", 5677).getInt();
GoldDoorItemID = config.getItem("Gold Door Item ID", 5678).getInt();
GoldDimDoorItemID = config.getItem("Gold Dim Door Item ID", 5679).getInt();
ItemWorldThreadID = config.getItem("World Thread Item ID", 5680).getInt();
LimboBlockID = config.getTerrainBlock("World Generation Block IDs - must be less than 256", "Limbo Block ID", 217,
"Blocks used for the terrain in Limbo").getInt();
PermaFabricBlockID = config.getTerrainBlock("World Generation Block IDs - must be less than 256",
"Perma Fabric Block ID", 220, "Blocks used for enclosing pocket dimensions").getInt();
LimboDimensionID = config.get(CATEGORY_DIMENSION, "Limbo Dimension ID", -23).getInt();
PocketProviderID = config.get(CATEGORY_PROVIDER, "Pocket Provider ID", 24).getInt();
LimboProviderID = config.get(CATEGORY_PROVIDER, "Limbo Provider ID", 13).getInt();
WorldRiftGenerationEnabled = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Enable Rift World Generation", true,
"Sets whether dungeon rifts generate in dimensions other than Limbo").getBoolean(true);
MonolithSpawningChance = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Monolith Spawning Chance", 28,
"Sets the chance (out of " + MonolithSpawner.MAX_MONOLITH_SPAWNING_CHANCE + ") that Monoliths will " +
"spawn in a given Limbo chunk. The default chance is 28.").getInt();
ClusterGenerationChance = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Cluster Generation Chance", 2,
"Sets the chance (out of " + GatewayGenerator.MAX_CLUSTER_GENERATION_CHANCE + ") that a cluster of rifts will " +
"generate in a given chunk. The default chance is 2.").getInt();
GatewayGenerationChance = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Gateway Generation Chance", 15,
"Sets the chance (out of " + GatewayGenerator.MAX_GATEWAY_GENERATION_CHANCE + ") that a Rift Gateway will " +
"generate in a given chunk. The default chance is 15.").getInt();
LimboBiomeID = config.get(CATEGORY_BIOME, "Limbo Biome ID", 251).getInt();
PocketBiomeID = config.get(CATEGORY_BIOME, "Pocket Biome ID", 250).getInt();
//Unfortunately, there are users out there who have been misconfiguring the worldgen blocks to have IDs above 255.
//This leads to disastrous and cryptic errors in other areas of Minecraft. To prevent headaches, we'll throw
//an exception here if the blocks have invalid IDs.
if (LimboBlockID > 255 || PermaFabricBlockID > 255)
throw new IllegalStateException("World generation blocks MUST have block IDs less than 256. Fix your configuration!");
public static DDProperties initialize(File configFile)
if (instance == null)
instance = new DDProperties(configFile);
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot initialize DDProperties twice");
return instance;
public static DDProperties instance()
if (instance == null)
//This is to prevent some frustrating bugs that could arise when classes
//are loaded in the wrong order. Trust me, I had to squash a few...
throw new IllegalStateException("Instance of DDProperties requested before initialization");
return instance;