SenseiKiwi 939ed771a8 Completed Dungeon Pack Implementation
Added code so that the mod loads dungeon packs stored in the custom
dungeons folder. Changed the code for loading bundled dungeons so that
they're loaded as dungeon packs. This means dungeon packs are now fully
integrated into the mod. The changes were tested and seem to be working
2013-08-22 02:25:26 -04:00

738 lines
24 KiB

package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DDProperties;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DimData;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DungeonGenerator;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.LinkData;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.mod_pocketDim;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.DungeonSchematic;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.pack.DungeonPack;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.pack.DungeonPackConfig;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.pack.DungeonPackConfigReader;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.pack.DungeonType;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.items.itemDimDoor;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.util.ConfigurationProcessingException;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.util.WeightedContainer;
public class DungeonHelper
//TODO: File-handling functionality should be spun off to a helper class later
private static class DirectoryFilter implements FileFilter
public boolean accept(File file)
return file.isDirectory();
private static class SchematicFileFilter implements FileFilter
public boolean accept(File file)
return file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION);
private static DungeonHelper instance = null;
private static DDProperties properties = null;
public static final Pattern SCHEMATIC_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+");
public static final Pattern DUNGEON_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+");
public static final String SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION = ".schematic";
private static final String DEFAULT_UP_SCHEMATIC_PATH = "/schematics/core/simpleStairsUp.schematic";
private static final String DEFAULT_DOWN_SCHEMATIC_PATH = "/schematics/core/simpleStairsDown.schematic";
private static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_SCHEMATIC_PATH = "/schematics/core/somethingBroke.schematic";
private static final String DUNGEON_CREATION_GUIDE_SOURCE_PATH = "/mods/DimDoors/text/How_to_add_dungeons.txt";
private static final String RUINS_PACK_PATH = "/schematics/ruins";
private static final String BUNDLED_RUINS_LIST_PATH = "/schematics/ruins.txt";
private static final String STANDARD_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "rules.txt";
private static final int NETHER_DIMENSION_ID = -1;
private static final int MIN_PACK_SWITCH_CHANCE = 0;
private static final int PACK_SWITCH_CHANCE_PER_LEVEL = 1;
private static final int MAX_PACK_SWITCH_CHANCE = 500;
private static final int DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT = 100;
public static final int MIN_DUNGEON_WEIGHT = 1; //Prevents MC's random selection algorithm from throwing an exception
public static final int MAX_DUNGEON_WEIGHT = 10000; //Used to prevent overflows and math breaking down
private static final int MAX_EXPORT_RADIUS = 50;
public static final short MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH = 2 * MAX_EXPORT_RADIUS + 1;
public static final short MAX_DUNGEON_HEIGHT = MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH;
public static final short MAX_DUNGEON_LENGTH = MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH;
private ArrayList<DungeonGenerator> untaggedDungeons = new ArrayList<DungeonGenerator>();
private ArrayList<DungeonGenerator> registeredDungeons = new ArrayList<DungeonGenerator>();
private DungeonPack RuinsPack;
private HashMap<String, DungeonPack> dungeonPackMapping = new HashMap<String, DungeonPack>();
private ArrayList<DungeonPack> dungeonPackList = new ArrayList<DungeonPack>();
private DungeonGenerator defaultUp;
private DungeonGenerator defaultDown;
private DungeonGenerator defaultError;
private DungeonHelper()
//Load our reference to the DDProperties singleton
if (properties == null)
properties = DDProperties.instance();
public static DungeonHelper initialize()
if (instance == null)
instance = new DungeonHelper();
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot initialize DungeonHelper twice");
return instance;
public static DungeonHelper instance()
if (instance == null)
//This is to prevent some frustrating bugs that could arise when classes
//are loaded in the wrong order. Trust me, I had to squash a few...
throw new IllegalStateException("Instance of DungeonHelper requested before initialization");
return instance;
private void registerDungeons()
File file = new File(properties.CustomSchematicDirectory);
if (file.exists() || file.mkdir())
copyfile.copyFile(DUNGEON_CREATION_GUIDE_SOURCE_PATH, file.getAbsolutePath() + "/How_to_add_dungeons.txt");
DungeonPackConfigReader reader = new DungeonPackConfigReader();
registerCustomDungeons(properties.CustomSchematicDirectory, reader);
private static DungeonPackConfig loadDungeonPackConfig(String configPath, String name, boolean isInternal, DungeonPackConfigReader reader)
DungeonPackConfig config;
if (isInternal)
config = reader.readFromResource(configPath);
config = reader.readFromFile(configPath);
return config;
catch (ConfigurationProcessingException e)
if (e.getCause() != null)
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.err.println("Could not find a dungeon pack config file: " + configPath);
return null;
private void registerDungeonPack(String directory, Iterable<String> schematics, boolean isInternal, boolean verbose, DungeonPackConfigReader reader)
//First determine the pack's name and validate it
File packDirectory = new File(directory);
String name = packDirectory.getName().toUpperCase();
//Check for naming conflicts
//That could happen if a user has a custom pack with a name that conflicts with a bundled pack,
//or if a user is running Linux and has two directories with names differing only by capitalization.
DungeonPack pack = dungeonPackMapping.get(name);
if (pack == null)
//Load the pack's configuration file
String configPath = directory + File.separator + STANDARD_CONFIG_FILE_NAME;
DungeonPackConfig config = loadDungeonPackConfig(configPath, name, isInternal, reader);
if (config == null)
System.err.println("Could not load config file: " + configPath);
//Register the pack
pack = new DungeonPack(config);
dungeonPackMapping.put(name, pack);
//Show a warning that there is a naming conflict but keep going. People can use this to extend
//our built-in packs with custom schematics without tampering with our mod's JAR file.
System.err.println("A dungeon pack has the same name as another pack that has already been loaded: " + directory);
System.err.println("We will try to load its schematics but will not check its config file.");
//Register the dungeons! ^_^
for (String schematicPath : schematics)
registerDungeon(schematicPath, pack, isInternal, verbose);
public List<DungeonGenerator> getRegisteredDungeons()
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.registeredDungeons);
public List<DungeonGenerator> getUntaggedDungeons()
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.untaggedDungeons);
public DungeonGenerator getDefaultErrorDungeon()
return defaultError;
public DungeonGenerator getDefaultUpDungeon()
return defaultUp;
public DungeonGenerator getDefaultDownDungeon()
return defaultDown;
public DungeonPack getDungeonPack(String name)
//TODO: This function might be obsolete after the new save format is implemented.
return dungeonPackMapping.get(name.toUpperCase());
public DungeonPack getDimDungeonPack(int dimensionID)
//FIXME: This function is a workaround to our current dungeon data limitations. Modify later.
//The upcoming save format change and code overhaul will make this obsolete.
DungeonPack pack;
DungeonGenerator generator = dimHelper.dimList.get(dimensionID).dungeonGenerator;
if (generator != null)
pack = generator.getDungeonType().Owner;
//Make sure the pack isn't null. This can happen for dungeons with the special UNKNOWN type.
if (pack == null)
pack = RuinsPack;
if (dimensionID == NETHER_DIMENSION_ID)
//TODO: Change this to the nether-side pack later ^_^
pack = RuinsPack;
pack = RuinsPack;
return pack;
public LinkData createCustomDungeonDoor(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//Create a link above the specified position. Link to a new pocket dimension.
LinkData link = new LinkData(world.provider.dimensionId, 0, x, y + 1, z, x, y + 1, z, true, 3);
link = dimHelper.instance.createPocket(link, true, false);
//Place a Warp Door linked to that pocket
itemDimDoor.placeDoorBlock(world, x, y, z, 3, mod_pocketDim.ExitDoor);
return link;
public boolean validateDungeonType(String type, DungeonPack pack)
//Check if the dungeon type is valid
return pack.isKnownType(type);
public boolean validateSchematicName(String name, DungeonPack pack)
String[] dungeonData;
return false;
dungeonData = name.substring(0, name.length() - SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION.length()).split("_");
//Check for a valid number of parts
if (dungeonData.length < 3 || dungeonData.length > 4)
return false;
//Check if the dungeon type is valid
if (!validateDungeonType(dungeonData[0], pack))
return false;
//Check if the name is valid
if (!SCHEMATIC_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(dungeonData[1]).matches())
return false;
//Check if the open/closed flag is present
if (!dungeonData[2].equalsIgnoreCase("open") && !dungeonData[2].equalsIgnoreCase("closed"))
return false;
//If the weight is present, check that it is valid
if (dungeonData.length == 4)
int weight = Integer.parseInt(dungeonData[3]);
return false;
catch (NumberFormatException e)
//Not a number
return false;
return true;
public void registerDungeon(String schematicPath, DungeonPack pack, boolean isInternal, boolean verbose)
//We use schematicPath as the real path for internal files (inside our JAR) because it seems
//that File tries to interpret it as a local drive path and mangles it.
File schematicFile = new File(schematicPath);
String name = schematicFile.getName();
String path = isInternal ? schematicPath : schematicFile.getAbsolutePath();
if (validateSchematicName(name, pack))
//Strip off the file extension while splitting the file name
String[] dungeonData = name.substring(0, name.length() - SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION.length()).split("_");
DungeonType dungeonType = pack.getType(dungeonData[0]);
boolean isOpen = dungeonData[2].equalsIgnoreCase("open");
int weight = (dungeonData.length == 4) ? Integer.parseInt(dungeonData[3]) : DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT;
//Add this custom dungeon to the list corresponding to its type
DungeonGenerator generator = new DungeonGenerator(weight, path, isOpen, dungeonType);
if (verbose)
System.out.println("Registered dungeon: " + name);
if (verbose)
System.out.println("The following dungeon name is invalid for its given pack. It will not be generated naturally: " + schematicPath);
untaggedDungeons.add(new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, path, true, DungeonType.UNKNOWN_TYPE));
System.out.println("Registered untagged dungeon: " + name);
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Failed to register dungeon: " + name);
private void registerCustomDungeons(String path, DungeonPackConfigReader reader)
File[] schematics;
File[] packDirectories;
File[] packFiles;
ArrayList<String> packFilePaths;
File directory = new File(path);
SchematicFileFilter schematicFileFilter = new SchematicFileFilter();
//Check that the Ruins pack has been loaded
if (RuinsPack == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot register custom dungeons without first loading the Ruins dungeon pack.");
//Load stray dungeons directly in the custom dungeons folder
schematics = directory.listFiles(schematicFileFilter);
if (schematics != null)
for (File schematicFile : schematics)
registerDungeon(schematicFile.getPath(), RuinsPack, false, true);
System.err.println("Could not retrieve the list of schematics stored in the custom dungeons directory!");
schematics = null; //Release memory
//Load the custom dungeon packs
packDirectories = directory.listFiles(new DirectoryFilter());
if (packDirectories != null)
//Loop through each directory, which is assumed to be a dungeon pack
for (File packDirectory : packDirectories)
//List the schematics within the dungeon pack directory
packFiles = packDirectory.listFiles(schematicFileFilter);
if (packFiles != null)
//Copy the pack files' paths into an ArrayList for use with registerDungeonPack()
packFilePaths = new ArrayList<String>(packFiles.length);
for (File packFile : packFiles)
registerDungeonPack(packDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), packFilePaths, false, true, reader);
System.err.println("Could not retrieve the list of schematics in a dungeon pack: " + packDirectory.getPath());
System.err.println("Could not retrieve the list of dungeon pack directories in the custom dungeons directory!");
private void registerBundledDungeons(DungeonPackConfigReader reader)
//Register the core schematics
//These are used for debugging and in case of unusual errors while loading dungeons
defaultUp = new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_UP_SCHEMATIC_PATH, true, DungeonType.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
defaultDown = new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_DOWN_SCHEMATIC_PATH, true, DungeonType.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
defaultError = new DungeonGenerator(DEFAULT_DUNGEON_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_ERROR_SCHEMATIC_PATH, true, DungeonType.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
//Open the list of dungeons packaged with our mod and register their schematics
registerBundledPack(BUNDLED_RUINS_LIST_PATH, RUINS_PACK_PATH, "Ruins", reader);
RuinsPack = getDungeonPack("Ruins");
System.out.println("Finished registering bundled dungeon packs");
private void registerBundledPack(String listPath, String packPath, String name, DungeonPackConfigReader reader)
System.out.println("Registering bundled dungeon pack: " + name);
InputStream listStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(listPath);
if (listStream == null)
System.err.println("Unable to open list of bundled dungeon schematics for " + name);
//Read the list of schematics that come with a bundled pack
BufferedReader listReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(listStream));
ArrayList<String> schematics = new ArrayList<String>();
String schematicPath = listReader.readLine();
while (schematicPath != null)
schematicPath = schematicPath.trim();
if (!schematicPath.isEmpty())
schematicPath = listReader.readLine();
//Register the pack
registerDungeonPack(packPath, schematics, true, false, reader);
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("An exception occurred while reading the list of bundled dungeon schematics for " + name);
public boolean exportDungeon(World world, int centerX, int centerY, int centerZ, String exportPath)
//Write schematic data to a file
DungeonSchematic dungeon = DungeonSchematic.copyFromWorld(world,
return true;
catch(Exception e)
return false;
public void generateDungeonLink(LinkData inbound, DungeonPack pack, Random random)
DungeonGenerator selection;
DungeonPackConfig config;
DungeonPack selectedPack;
config = pack.getConfig();
selectedPack = pack;
//Are we allowed to switch to another dungeon pack?
if (config.allowPackChangeOut())
//Calculate the chance of switching to a different pack type
int packSwitchChance;
if (dimHelper.dimList.get(inbound.locDimID).depth == 0)
packSwitchChance = MIN_PACK_SWITCH_CHANCE + (getPackDepth(inbound, pack) - 1) * PACK_SWITCH_CHANCE_PER_LEVEL;
//Decide randomly whether to switch packs or not
if (random.nextInt(MAX_PACK_SWITCH_CHANCE) < packSwitchChance)
//Find another pack
selectedPack = getRandomDungeonPack(pack, random);
//Pick the next dungeon
selection = selectedPack.getNextDungeon(inbound, random);
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("An exception occurred while selecting a dungeon:");
if (!pack.isEmpty())
selection = pack.getRandomDungeon(random);
selection = defaultError;
dimHelper.instance.getDimData(inbound.destDimID).dungeonGenerator = selection;
private DungeonPack getRandomDungeonPack(DungeonPack current, Random random)
DungeonPack selection = current;
ArrayList<WeightedContainer<DungeonPack>> packs = new ArrayList<WeightedContainer<DungeonPack>>(dungeonPackList.size());
//Load up a list of weighted items with any usable dungeon packs that is not the current pack
for (DungeonPack pack : dungeonPackList)
DungeonPackConfig config = pack.getConfig();
if (pack != current && config.allowPackChangeIn() && !pack.isEmpty())
packs.add(new WeightedContainer<DungeonPack>(pack, config.getPackWeight()));
if (!packs.isEmpty())
//Pick a random dungeon pack
selection = ((WeightedContainer<DungeonPack>) WeightedRandom.getRandomItem(random, packs)).getData();
return selection;
public Collection<String> getDungeonNames() {
//Use a HashSet to guarantee that all dungeon names will be distinct.
//This shouldn't be necessary if we keep proper lists without repetitions,
//but it's a fool-proof workaround.
HashSet<String> dungeonNames = new HashSet<String>();
dungeonNames.addAll( parseDungeonNames(registeredDungeons) );
dungeonNames.addAll( parseDungeonNames(untaggedDungeons) );
//Sort dungeon names alphabetically
ArrayList<String> sortedNames = new ArrayList<String>(dungeonNames);
Collections.sort(sortedNames, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
return sortedNames;
private static ArrayList<String> parseDungeonNames(ArrayList<DungeonGenerator> dungeons)
String name;
File schematic;
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(dungeons.size());
for (DungeonGenerator dungeon : dungeons)
//Retrieve the file name and strip off the file extension
schematic = new File(dungeon.schematicPath);
name = schematic.getName();
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - SCHEMATIC_FILE_EXTENSION.length());
return names;
public static ArrayList<DungeonGenerator> getDungeonChainHistory(DimData dimData, DungeonPack pack, int maxSize)
//TODO: I've improved this code for the time being. However, searching across links is a flawed approach. A player could
//manipulate the output of this function by setting up links to mislead our algorithm or by removing links.
//Dimensions MUST have built-in records of their parent dimensions in the future. ~SenseiKiwi
ArrayList<DungeonGenerator> history = new ArrayList<DungeonGenerator>();
DimData tailDim = dimData;
boolean found = true;
if (dimData.dungeonGenerator == null || dimData.dungeonGenerator.getDungeonType().Owner != pack || maxSize < 1)
//The initial dimension is already outside our pack. Return an empty list.
return history;
for (int count = 1; count < maxSize && found; count++)
found = false;
for (LinkData link : tailDim.getLinksInDim())
DimData neighbor = dimHelper.instance.getDimData(link.destDimID);
if (neighbor.depth == tailDim.depth - 1 && neighbor.dungeonGenerator != null &&
neighbor.dungeonGenerator.getDungeonType().Owner == pack)
tailDim = neighbor;
found = true;
return history;
private static int getPackDepth(LinkData inbound, DungeonPack pack)
//TODO: I've improved this code for the time being. However, searching across links is a flawed approach. A player could
//manipulate the output of this function by setting up links to mislead our algorithm or by removing links.
//Dimensions MUST have built-in records of their parent dimensions in the future. ~SenseiKiwi
//Dimensions should also just keep track of pack depth internally.
int packDepth = 1;
DimData tailDim = dimHelper.dimList.get(inbound.destDimID);
boolean found;
found = false;
for (LinkData link : tailDim.getLinksInDim())
DimData neighbor = dimHelper.instance.getDimData(link.destDimID);
if (neighbor.depth == tailDim.depth - 1 && neighbor.dungeonGenerator != null &&
neighbor.dungeonGenerator.getDungeonType().Owner == pack)
tailDim = neighbor;
found = true;
while (found);
return packDepth;
public static ArrayList<DungeonGenerator> getFlatDungeonTree(DimData dimData, int maxSize)
//TODO: I've improved this code for the time being. However, searching across links is a flawed approach. A player could
//manipulate the output of this function by setting up links to mislead our algorithm or by removing links.
//Dimensions MUST have built-in records of their parent dimensions in the future. ~SenseiKiwi
dimHelper helper = dimHelper.instance;
ArrayList<DungeonGenerator> dungeons = new ArrayList<DungeonGenerator>();
DimData root = helper.getDimData(helper.getLinkDataFromCoords(dimData.exitDimLink.destXCoord, dimData.exitDimLink.destYCoord, dimData.exitDimLink.destZCoord, dimData.exitDimLink.destDimID).destDimID);
HashSet<DimData> checked = new HashSet<DimData>();
Queue<DimData> pendingDimensions = new LinkedList<DimData>();
if (root.dungeonGenerator == null)
return dungeons;
while (dungeons.size() < maxSize && !pendingDimensions.isEmpty())
DimData current = pendingDimensions.remove();
for (LinkData link : current.getLinksInDim())
DimData child = helper.getDimData(link.destDimID);
if (child.depth == current.depth + 1 && child.dungeonGenerator != null && checked.add(child))
if (dungeons.size() == maxSize)
return dungeons;