Book refactor (enormous)
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 963 additions and 704 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Python: Generate Docs",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/doc",
"program": "src/",
"args": [
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": false
@ -16,10 +16,12 @@
"reportUnknownParameterType": "error",
"reportUnknownArgumentType": "warning",
"reportUnknownLambdaType": "warning",
"reportUnknownVariableType": "warning",
"reportUnknownVariableType": "none",
"reportUnknownMemberType": "warning",
"reportUnnecessaryComparison": "warning",
"reportMissingTypeArgument": "warning",
"reportUnusedImport": "information",
"reportPrivateUsage": "warning",
"python.analysis.diagnosticMode": "workspace",
"python.languageServer": "Pylance",
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Contains the Python docgen for Hex Casting.
## Setup
The minimum Python version to run this script is `3.11`.
cd doc
python -m venv venv
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ black==22.10.0 # formatting
pytest==7.3.1 # testing framework
syrupy==4.0.2 # snapshot tests
typed-argument-parser==1.8.0 # better argument parsing
pyserde==0.10.8 # book deserialization
@ -1,431 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import json # codec
import os # listdir
import re # parsing
from html import escape
from typing import Any, Callable, Generator
from __future__ import annotations
from patchouli.types import (
import io
from html import escape
from typing import IO, Any
from common.formatting import FormatTree
from import Book, Category, Entry, Page
# extra info :(
lang = "en_us"
repo_names = {
"hexcasting": "",
extra_i18n = {
"item.minecraft.amethyst_shard": "Amethyst Shard",
"item.minecraft.budding_amethyst": "Budding Amethyst",
"block.hexcasting.slate": "Blank Slate",
default_macros = {
"$(obf)": "$(k)",
"$(bold)": "$(l)",
"$(strike)": "$(m)",
"$(italic)": "$(o)",
"$(italics)": "$(o)",
"$(list": "$(li",
"$(reset)": "$()",
"$(clear)": "$()",
"$(2br)": "$(br2)",
"$(p)": "$(br2)",
"/$": "$()",
"<br>": "$(br)",
"$(nocolor)": "$(0)",
"$(item)": "$(#b0b)",
"$(thing)": "$(#490)",
colors: dict[str, str | None] = {
"0": None,
"1": "00a",
"2": "0a0",
"3": "0aa",
"4": "a00",
"5": "a0a",
"6": "fa0",
"7": "aaa",
"8": "555",
"9": "55f",
"a": "5f5",
"b": "5ff",
"c": "f55",
"d": "f5f",
"e": "ff5",
"f": "fff",
types = {
"k": "obf",
"l": "bold",
"m": "strikethrough",
"n": "underline",
"o": "italic",
keys = {
"use": "Right Click",
"sneak": "Left Shift",
pattern_pat = re.compile(
r'HexPattern\.fromAngles\("([qweasd]+)", HexDir\.(\w+)\),\s*modLoc\("([^"]+)"\)([^;]*true\);)?'
pattern_stubs = [
(None, "at/petrak/hexcasting/interop/pehkui/"),
(None, "at/petrak/hexcasting/common/casting/"),
("Fabric", "at/petrak/hexcasting/fabric/interop/gravity/"),
# TODO: what the hell is this
bind1 = (lambda: None).__get__(0).__class__
# TODO: serde
def slurp(filename: str) -> Any:
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
return json.load(fh)
def parse_style(sty: str) -> tuple[str, Style | None]:
# TODO: match, maybe
if sty == "br":
return "\n", None
if sty == "br2":
return "", Style("para", {})
if sty == "li":
return "", Style("para", {"clazz": "fake-li"})
if sty[:2] == "k:":
return keys[sty[2:]], None
if sty[:2] == "l:":
return "", Style("link", sty[2:])
if sty == "/l":
return "", Style("link", None)
if sty == "playername":
return "[Playername]", None
if sty[:2] == "t:":
return "", Style("tooltip", sty[2:])
if sty == "/t":
return "", Style("tooltip", None)
if sty[:2] == "c:":
return "", Style("cmd_click", sty[2:])
if sty == "/c":
return "", Style("cmd_click", None)
if sty == "r" or not sty:
return "", Style("base", None)
if sty in types:
return "", Style(types[sty], True)
if sty in colors:
return "", Style("color", colors[sty])
if sty.startswith("#") and len(sty) in [4, 7]:
return "", Style("color", sty[1:])
# TODO more style parse
raise ValueError("Unknown style: " + sty)
def localize(i18n: dict[str, str], string: str, default: str | None = None) -> str:
return (
i18n.get(string, default if default else string) if i18n else string
).replace("%%", "%")
format_re = re.compile(r"\$\(([^)]*)\)")
def format_string(root_data: Book, string: str) -> FormatTree:
# FIXME: ew.
# resolve lang
string = localize(root_data["i18n"], string)
# resolve macros
# FIXME: this is just a fancy if statement, I think
old_string = None
while old_string != string:
old_string = string
for macro, replace in root_data["macros"].items():
string = string.replace(macro, replace)
# lex out parsed styles
text_nodes: list[str] = []
styles: list[Style] = []
last_end = 0
extra_text = ""
for mobj in re.finditer(format_re, string):
bonus_text, sty = parse_style(
text = string[last_end : mobj.start()] + bonus_text
if sty:
text_nodes.append(extra_text + text)
extra_text = ""
extra_text += text
last_end = mobj.end()
text_nodes.append(extra_text + string[last_end:])
first_node, *text_nodes = text_nodes
# parse
style_stack = [
FormatTree(Style("base", True), []),
FormatTree(Style("para", {}), [first_node]),
for style, text in zip(styles, text_nodes):
tmp_stylestack: list[Style] = []
if style.type == "base":
while style_stack[-1].style.type != "para":
last_node = style_stack.pop()
elif any( == style.type for tree in style_stack):
while len(style_stack) >= 2:
last_node = style_stack.pop()
if == style.type:
for sty in tmp_stylestack:
style_stack.append(FormatTree(sty, []))
if style.value is None:
if text:
style_stack.append(FormatTree(style, [text] if text else []))
while len(style_stack) >= 2:
last_node = style_stack.pop()
return style_stack[0]
def localize_pattern(root_data: Book, op_id: str) -> str:
return localize(
"" + op_id,
localize(root_data["i18n"], "hexcasting.spell." + op_id),
# TODO: types
def do_localize(root_data: Book, obj: Any, *names: str) -> None:
for name in names:
if name in obj:
obj[name] = localize(root_data["i18n"], obj[name])
# TODO: types
def do_format(root_data: Book, obj: Any, *names: str) -> None:
for name in names:
if name in obj:
obj[name] = format_string(root_data, obj[name])
def fetch_patterns(root_data: Book) -> Registry:
registry: Registry = {}
for loader, stub in pattern_stubs:
filename = f"{root_data['resource_dir']}/../java/{stub}"
if loader:
filename = filename.replace("Common", loader)
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
pattern_data =
for mobj in re.finditer(pattern_pat, pattern_data):
string, start_angle, name, is_per_world = mobj.groups()
registry[root_data["modid"] + ":" + name] = (
), # TODO: changing to is_per_world == "true" makes the tests fail??
return registry
def resolve_pattern(root_data: Book, page: Page_hexcasting_pattern) -> None:
if "pattern_reg" not in root_data:
root_data["pattern_reg"] = fetch_patterns(root_data)
page["op"] = [root_data["pattern_reg"][page["op_id"]]]
page["name"] = localize_pattern(root_data, page["op_id"])
def fixup_pattern(do_sig: bool, root_data: Book, page: ManualPatternPage) -> None:
patterns = page["patterns"]
if (op_id := page.get("op_id")) is not None:
page["header"] = localize_pattern(root_data, op_id)
if not isinstance(patterns, list):
patterns = [patterns]
if do_sig:
inp = page.get("input", None) or ""
oup = page.get("output", None) or ""
pipe = f"{inp} \u2192 {oup}".strip()
suffix = f" ({pipe})" if inp or oup else ""
page["header"] += suffix
page["op"] = [(p["signature"], p["startdir"], False) for p in patterns]
# TODO: recipe type (not a page, apparently)
def fetch_recipe(root_data: Book, recipe: str) -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
modid, recipeid = recipe.split(":")
gen_resource_dir = (
.replace("/main/", "/generated/")
.replace("Common/", "Forge/")
) # TODO hack
recipe_path = f"{gen_resource_dir}/data/{modid}/recipes/{recipeid}.json"
return slurp(recipe_path)
def fetch_recipe_result(root_data: Book, recipe: str):
return fetch_recipe(root_data, recipe)["result"]["item"]
def fetch_bswp_recipe_result(root_data: Book, recipe: str):
return fetch_recipe(root_data, recipe)["result"]["name"]
def localize_item(root_data: Book, item: str) -> str:
# TODO hack
item = re.sub("{.*", "", item.replace(":", "."))
block = "block." + item
block_l = localize(root_data["i18n"], block)
if block_l != block:
return block_l
return localize(root_data["i18n"], "item." + item)
# TODO: move all of this to the individual classes, because this cannot be properly typed
page_types: dict[str, Callable[[Book, dict[str, Any]], None]] = {
"hexcasting:pattern": resolve_pattern,
"hexcasting:manual_pattern": bind1(fixup_pattern, True),
"hexcasting:manual_pattern_nosig": bind1(fixup_pattern, False),
"hexcasting:brainsweep": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__(
"output_name", localize_item(rd, fetch_bswp_recipe_result(rd, page["recipe"]))
"patchouli:link": lambda rd, page: do_localize(rd, page, "link_text"),
"patchouli:crafting": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__(
localize_item(rd, fetch_recipe_result(rd, page[ty]))
for ty in ("recipe", "recipe2")
if ty in page
"hexcasting:crafting_multi": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__(
localize_item(rd, fetch_recipe_result(rd, recipe))
for recipe in page["recipes"]
"patchouli:spotlight": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__(
"item_name", localize_item(rd, page["item"])
def walk_dir(root_dir: str, prefix: str) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
search_dir = root_dir + "/" + prefix
for fh in os.scandir(search_dir):
if fh.is_dir():
yield from walk_dir(root_dir, prefix + + "/")
yield prefix +
# TODO: move to serde
def parse_entry(root_data: Book, entry_path: str, ent_name: str) -> Entry:
data: Entry = slurp(f"{entry_path}")
do_localize(root_data, data, "name")
for i, page in enumerate(data["pages"]):
if isinstance(page, str):
page = Page_patchouli_text(type="patchouli:text", text=page)
data["pages"][i] = page
do_localize(root_data, page, "title", "header")
do_format(root_data, page, "text")
if page_type := page_types.get(page["type"]):
page_type(root_data, page)
data["id"] = ent_name
return data
def parse_category(root_data: Book, base_dir: str, cat_name: str) -> Category:
data: Category = slurp(f"{base_dir}/categories/{cat_name}.json")
do_localize(root_data, data, "name")
do_format(root_data, data, "description")
entry_dir = f"{base_dir}/entries/{cat_name}"
entries: list[Entry] = []
for filename in os.listdir(entry_dir):
if filename.endswith(".json"):
basename = filename[:-5]
root_data, f"{entry_dir}/{filename}", cat_name + "/" + basename
key=lambda ent: (
not ent.get("priority", False),
ent.get("sortnum", 0),
data["entries"] = entries
data["id"] = cat_name
return data
def parse_sortnum(cats: dict[str, Category], name: str) -> tuple[int, ...]:
if "/" in name:
ix = name.rindex("/")
return parse_sortnum(cats, name[:ix]) + (cats[name].get("sortnum", 0),)
return (cats[name].get("sortnum", 0),)
# TODO: use Path instead of strings
def parse_book(resource_dir: str, mod_name: str, book_name: str) -> Book:
base_dir = f"{resource_dir}/data/{mod_name}/patchouli_books/{book_name}"
root_info: Book = slurp(f"{base_dir}/book.json")
root_info["resource_dir"] = resource_dir
root_info["modid"] = mod_name
root_info.setdefault("macros", {}).update(default_macros)
if root_info.setdefault("i18n", {}):
root_info["i18n"] = slurp(f"{resource_dir}/assets/{mod_name}/lang/{lang}.json")
book_dir = f"{base_dir}/{lang}"
categories: list[Category] = []
for filename in walk_dir(f"{book_dir}/categories", ""):
basename = filename[:-5]
categories.append(parse_category(root_info, book_dir, basename))
cats = {cat["id"]: cat for cat in categories}
categories.sort(key=lambda cat: (parse_sortnum(cats, cat["id"]), cat["name"]))
do_localize(root_info, root_info, "name")
do_format(root_info, root_info, "landing_text")
root_info["categories"] = categories
root_info["blacklist"] = set()
root_info["spoilers"] = set()
return root_info
# TODO: type
@ -439,7 +25,8 @@ def tag_args(kwargs: dict[str, Any]):
class PairTag:
__slots__ = ["stream", "name", "kwargs"]
def __init__(self, stream, name, **kwargs):
# TODO: type
def __init__(self, stream: IO[str], name: str, **kwargs: Any):
|||| = stream
|||| = name
self.kwargs = tag_args(kwargs)
@ -447,7 +34,7 @@ class PairTag:
def __enter__(self):
print(f"<{}{self.kwargs}>",, end="")
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3):
def __exit__(self, _1: Any, _2: Any, _3: Any):
print(f"</{}>",, end="")
@ -455,37 +42,38 @@ class Empty:
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3):
def __exit__(self, _1: Any, _2: Any, _3: Any):
class Stream:
__slots__ = ["stream"]
def __init__(self, stream):
def __init__(self, stream: IO[str]):
|||| = stream
def tag(self, name, **kwargs):
def tag(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any):
keywords = tag_args(kwargs)
print(f"<{name}{keywords} />",, end="")
return self
def pair_tag(self, name, **kwargs):
def pair_tag(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any):
return PairTag(, name, **kwargs)
def pair_tag_if(self, cond, name, **kwargs):
def pair_tag_if(self, cond: Any, name: str, **kwargs: Any):
return self.pair_tag(name, **kwargs) if cond else Empty()
def empty_pair_tag(self, name, **kwargs):
def empty_pair_tag(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any):
with self.pair_tag(name, **kwargs):
def text(self, txt):
def text(self, txt: str):
print(escape(txt),, end="")
return self
def get_format(out, ty, value):
# TODO: move
def get_format(out: Stream, ty: str, value: Any):
if ty == "para":
return out.pair_tag("p", **value)
if ty == "color":
@ -514,15 +102,15 @@ def get_format(out, ty, value):
raise ValueError("Unknown format type: " + ty)
def entry_spoilered(root_info, entry):
return entry.get("advancement", None) in root_info["spoilers"]
def entry_spoilered(root_info: Book, entry: Entry):
return entry.get("advancement", None) in root_info.spoilers
def category_spoilered(root_info, category):
def category_spoilered(root_info: Book, category: Category):
return all(entry_spoilered(root_info, ent) for ent in category["entries"])
def write_block(out, block):
def write_block(out: Stream, block: FormatTree | str):
if isinstance(block, str):
first = False
for line in block.split("\n"):
@ -542,22 +130,21 @@ def write_block(out, block):
write_block(out, child)
def anchor_toc(out):
def anchor_toc(out: Stream):
with out.pair_tag(
"a", href="#table-of-contents", clazz="permalink small", title="Jump to top"
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-box-arrow-up")
def permalink(out, link):
def permalink(out: Stream, link: str):
with out.pair_tag("a", href=link, clazz="permalink small", title="Permalink"):
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-link-45deg")
# TODO modularize
def write_page(out, pageid, page):
if "anchor" in page:
anchor_id = pageid + "@" + page["anchor"]
def write_page(out: Stream, pageid: str, page: Page):
if anchor := page.get("anchor"):
anchor_id = pageid + "@" + anchor
anchor_id = None
@ -642,19 +229,19 @@ def write_page(out, pageid, page):
permalink(out, "#" + anchor_id)
with out.pair_tag("details", clazz="spell-collapsible"):
out.empty_pair_tag("summary", clazz="collapse-spell")
for string, start_angle, per_world in page["op"]:
for pattern in page["op"]:
with out.pair_tag(
"Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: "
+ string
+ pattern.angle_sig
write_block(out, page["text"])
@ -665,7 +252,7 @@ def write_page(out, pageid, page):
def write_entry(out, book, entry):
def write_entry(out: Stream, book: Book, entry: Entry):
with out.pair_tag("div", id=entry["id"]):
with out.pair_tag_if(entry_spoilered(book, entry), "div", clazz="spoilered"):
with out.pair_tag("h3", clazz="entry-title page-header"):
@ -676,7 +263,7 @@ def write_entry(out, book, entry):
write_page(out, entry["id"], page)
def write_category(out, book, category):
def write_category(out: Stream, book: Book, category: Category):
with out.pair_tag("section", id=category["id"]):
with out.pair_tag_if(
category_spoilered(book, category), "div", clazz="spoilered"
@ -687,11 +274,11 @@ def write_category(out, book, category):
permalink(out, "#" + category["id"])
write_block(out, category["description"])
for entry in category["entries"]:
if entry["id"] not in book["blacklist"]:
if entry["id"] not in book.blacklist:
write_entry(out, book, entry)
def write_toc(out, book):
def write_toc(out: Stream, book: Book):
with out.pair_tag("h2", id="table-of-contents", clazz="page-header"):
out.text("Table of Contents")
with out.pair_tag(
@ -703,7 +290,7 @@ def write_toc(out, book):
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-list-nested")
permalink(out, "#table-of-contents")
for category in book["categories"]:
for category in book.categories:
with out.pair_tag("details", clazz="toc-category"):
with out.pair_tag("summary"):
with out.pair_tag(
@ -723,20 +310,20 @@ def write_toc(out, book):
def write_book(out, book):
def write_book(out: Stream, book: Book):
with out.pair_tag("div", clazz="container"):
with out.pair_tag("header", clazz="jumbotron"):
with out.pair_tag("h1", clazz="book-title"):
write_block(out, book["name"])
write_block(out, book["landing_text"])
write_block(out, book.landing_text)
with out.pair_tag("nav"):
write_toc(out, book)
with out.pair_tag("main", clazz="book-body"):
for category in book["categories"]:
for category in book.categories:
write_category(out, book, category)
def generate_docs(book, template: str) -> str:
def generate_docs(book: Book, template: str) -> str:
# FIXME: super hacky temporary solution for returning this as a string
# just pass a string buffer to everything instead of a file
with io.StringIO() as output:
@ -744,11 +331,11 @@ def generate_docs(book, template: str) -> str:
for line in template.splitlines(True):
if line.startswith("#DO_NOT_RENDER"):
_, *blacklist = line.split()
if line.startswith("#SPOILER"):
_, *spoilers = line.split()
elif line == "#DUMP_BODY_HERE\n":
write_book(Stream(output), book)
print("", file=output)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import json
import string
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Self
from serde import SerdeError
from serde.json import from_json
# subclass instead of newtype so it exists at runtime, so we can use isinstance
class LocalizedStr(str):
"""Represents a string which has been localized with the i18n dict."""
def __new__(cls, s: str) -> Self:
return str.__new__(cls, s)
# TODO: move to config
_EXTRA_I18N = {
"item.minecraft.amethyst_shard": LocalizedStr("Amethyst Shard"),
"item.minecraft.budding_amethyst": LocalizedStr("Budding Amethyst"),
"block.hexcasting.slate": LocalizedStr("Blank Slate"),
# TODO: load ALL of the i18n files, return dict[str, dict[str, LocalizedStr]]
# or maybe dict[(str, str), LocalizedStr]
# we could also use that to ensure all i18n files have the same set of keys
def load_i18n(path: Path) -> dict[str, LocalizedStr]:
# load, deserialize, and type-check lang file
# TODO: there's probably a library we can use to do this for us
i18n: dict[str, LocalizedStr] = json.loads(path.read_text("utf-8"))
assert isinstance(i18n, dict), f"Unexpected top-level type `{type(i18n)}` in i18n"
for k, v in i18n.items():
assert isinstance(k, str), f"Unexpected key type `{type(k)}` in i18n: {k}"
assert isinstance(v, str), f"Unexpected value type `{type(v)}` in i18n: {v}"
return i18n
class Color(str):
"""Newtype-style class representing a hexadecimal color.
Inputs are coerced to lowercase `rrggbb`. Raises ValueError on invalid input.
Valid formats, all of which would be converted to `0099ff`:
- `#0099FF`
- `#0099ff`
- `#09F`
- `#09f`
- `0099FF`
- `0099ff`
- `09F`
- `09f`
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, s: str) -> Self:
color = s.removeprefix("#").lower()
# 012 -> 001122
if len(color) == 3:
color = "".join(c + c for c in color)
# length and character check
if len(color) != 6 or any(c not in string.hexdigits for c in color):
raise ValueError(f"invalid color code: {s}")
return str.__new__(cls, color)
class FromJson:
"""Helper methods for JSON-deserialized dataclasses."""
def from_json(cls, string: str | bytes) -> Self:
"""Deserializes the given string into this class."""
return from_json(cls, string)
except SerdeError as e:
def load(cls, path: Path) -> Self:
"""Reads and deserializes the JSON file at the given path."""
return cls.from_json(path.read_text("utf-8"))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import NamedTuple, Self
from common.deserialize import LocalizedStr
_COLORS: dict[str, str | None] = {
"0": None,
"1": "00a",
"2": "0a0",
"3": "0aa",
"4": "a00",
"5": "a0a",
"6": "fa0",
"7": "aaa",
"8": "555",
"9": "55f",
"a": "5f5",
"b": "5ff",
"c": "f55",
"d": "f5f",
"e": "ff5",
"f": "fff",
_TYPES = {
"k": "obf",
"l": "bold",
"m": "strikethrough",
"n": "underline",
"o": "italic",
_KEYS = {
"use": "Right Click",
"sneak": "Left Shift",
class Style(NamedTuple):
type: str
value: str | bool | dict[str, str] | None
def parse_style(sty: str) -> tuple[str, Style | None]:
# TODO: match, maybe
if sty == "br":
return "\n", None
if sty == "br2":
return "", Style("para", {})
if sty == "li":
return "", Style("para", {"clazz": "fake-li"})
if sty[:2] == "k:":
return _KEYS[sty[2:]], None
if sty[:2] == "l:":
return "", Style("link", sty[2:])
if sty == "/l":
return "", Style("link", None)
if sty == "playername":
return "[Playername]", None
if sty[:2] == "t:":
return "", Style("tooltip", sty[2:])
if sty == "/t":
return "", Style("tooltip", None)
if sty[:2] == "c:":
return "", Style("cmd_click", sty[2:])
if sty == "/c":
return "", Style("cmd_click", None)
if sty == "r" or not sty:
return "", Style("base", None)
if sty in _TYPES:
return "", Style(_TYPES[sty], True)
if sty in _COLORS:
return "", Style("color", _COLORS[sty])
if sty.startswith("#") and len(sty) in [4, 7]:
return "", Style("color", sty[1:])
# TODO more style parse
raise ValueError("Unknown style: " + sty)
_format_re = re.compile(r"\$\(([^)]*)\)")
class FormatTree:
style: Style
children: list[Self | str]
def empty(cls) -> Self:
return cls(Style("base", None), [])
def format(cls, macros: dict[str, str], string: LocalizedStr) -> Self:
# FIXME: ew.
# resolve macros
# TODO: use ahocorasick
old_string = None
while old_string != string:
old_string = string
for macro, replace in macros.items():
string = LocalizedStr(string.replace(macro, replace))
# lex out parsed styles
text_nodes: list[str] = []
styles: list[Style] = []
last_end = 0
extra_text = ""
for mobj in re.finditer(_format_re, string):
bonus_text, sty = parse_style(
text = string[last_end : mobj.start()] + bonus_text
if sty:
text_nodes.append(extra_text + text)
extra_text = ""
extra_text += text
last_end = mobj.end()
text_nodes.append(extra_text + string[last_end:])
first_node, *text_nodes = text_nodes
# parse
style_stack = [
FormatTree(Style("base", True), []),
FormatTree(Style("para", {}), [first_node]),
for style, text in zip(styles, text_nodes):
tmp_stylestack: list[Style] = []
if style.type == "base":
while style_stack[-1].style.type != "para":
last_node = style_stack.pop()
elif any( == style.type for tree in style_stack):
while len(style_stack) >= 2:
last_node = style_stack.pop()
if == style.type:
for sty in tmp_stylestack:
style_stack.append(FormatTree(sty, []))
if style.value is None:
if text:
style_stack.append(FormatTree(style, [text] if text else []))
while len(style_stack) >= 2:
last_node = style_stack.pop()
return style_stack[0]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
class RawPatternInfo:
direction: str
angle_sig: str
is_per_world: bool
class PatternInfo(RawPatternInfo):
modid: str
name: str
def resource_location(self) -> str:
return f"{self.modid}:{}"
_DEFAULT_PATTERN_RE = re.compile(
r'HexPattern\.fromAngles\("([qweasd]+)", HexDir\.(\w+)\),\s*modLoc\("([^"]+)"\)([^;]*true\);)?'
class PatternStubFile:
loader: str | None
raw_path: str
def path(self, resource_dir: Path) -> Path:
file = resource_dir.parent / "java" / self.raw_path
if self.loader is not None:
file = Path(str(file).replace("Common", self.loader))
return file
def load_patterns(
resource_dir: Path,
modid: str,
pattern_re: re.Pattern[str] = _DEFAULT_PATTERN_RE,
) -> dict[str, PatternInfo]:
# TODO: add Gradle task to generate json with this data. this is dumb and fragile.
patterns: dict[str, PatternInfo] = {}
pattern_data = self.path(resource_dir).read_text("utf-8")
for match in pattern_re.finditer(pattern_data):
angle_sig, direction, name, is_per_world = match.groups()
pattern = PatternInfo(
patterns[pattern.resource_location] = pattern
return patterns
def load_patterns(
pattern_stubs: list[PatternStubFile],
resource_dir: Path,
modid: str,
pattern_re: re.Pattern[str] = _DEFAULT_PATTERN_RE,
) -> dict[str, PatternInfo]:
"""Returns map from resource location (eg. hexcasting:brainsweep) to PatternInfo."""
patterns: dict[str, PatternInfo] = {}
for stub in pattern_stubs:
patterns.update(stub.load_patterns(resource_dir, modid, pattern_re))
return patterns
@ -1,8 +1,24 @@
# pyright: reportUnknownMemberType=false
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from collate_data import generate_docs, parse_book
from collate_data import generate_docs
from common.pattern_info import PatternStubFile
from import Book
from tap import Tap
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
raise RuntimeError("Minimum Python version: 3.11")
PatternStubFile(None, "at/petrak/hexcasting/interop/pehkui/"),
PatternStubFile(None, "at/petrak/hexcasting/common/casting/"),
# CLI arguments
class Args(Tap):
@ -29,7 +45,7 @@ class Args(Tap):
def main(args: Args) -> None:
# read the book and template, then fill the template
book = parse_book(args.root.as_posix(), args.mod_name, args.book_name)
book = Book(args.root, args.mod_name, args.book_name, _PATTERN_STUBS)
template = args.template_file.read_text("utf-8")
docs = generate_docs(book, template)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses as dc
import json
import os
import re
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
from common.deserialize import Color, FromJson, LocalizedStr, load_i18n
from common.formatting import FormatTree
from common.pattern_info import (
from serde import deserialize, field
_T_LiteralString = TypeVar("_T_LiteralString", bound=LiteralString)
class _BasePage(TypedDict, Generic[_T_LiteralString]):
type: _T_LiteralString
class Page_patchouli_text(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:text"]]):
text: FormatTree | list
anchor: NotRequired[str]
input: NotRequired[str]
op_id: NotRequired[str]
output: NotRequired[str]
title: NotRequired[str]
class Page_patchouli_link(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:link"]]):
link_text: str
text: FormatTree
url: str
class Page_patchouli_spotlight(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:spotlight"]]):
item: str
item_name: str
link_recipe: bool
text: FormatTree
anchor: NotRequired[str]
class Page_patchouli_crafting(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:crafting"]]):
item_name: list
recipe: str
anchor: NotRequired[str]
recipe2: NotRequired[str]
text: NotRequired[FormatTree | list]
title: NotRequired[str]
class Page_patchouli_image(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:image"]]):
border: bool
images: list
title: str
class Page_patchouli_empty(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:empty"]]):
class Page_hexcasting_pattern(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:pattern"]]):
name: str
op: list[PatternInfo]
op_id: str
text: FormatTree | list
anchor: NotRequired[str]
header: NotRequired[str]
hex_size: NotRequired[int]
input: NotRequired[str]
output: NotRequired[str]
class Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:manual_pattern"]]):
anchor: str
header: str
op: list[RawPatternInfo]
patterns: dict | list
text: FormatTree
input: NotRequired[str]
op_id: NotRequired[str]
output: NotRequired[str]
class Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig(
header: str
op: list[RawPatternInfo]
patterns: dict | list
text: FormatTree
class Page_hexcasting_crafting_multi(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:crafting_multi"]]):
heading: str
item_name: list
recipes: list
text: FormatTree
class Page_hexcasting_brainsweep(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:brainsweep"]]):
output_name: str
recipe: str
text: FormatTree
# convenient type aliases
# TODO: replace with polymorphism, probably
Page = (
| Page_patchouli_link
| Page_patchouli_spotlight
| Page_patchouli_crafting
| Page_patchouli_image
| Page_patchouli_empty
| Page_hexcasting_pattern
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig
| Page_hexcasting_crafting_multi
| Page_hexcasting_brainsweep
RecipePage = (
| Page_hexcasting_crafting_multi
| Page_hexcasting_brainsweep
PatternPageWithSig = Page_hexcasting_pattern | Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern
ManualPatternPage = (
Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern | Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig
PatternPage = (
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig
class Entry(TypedDict):
category: str
icon: str
id: str
name: str
pages: list[_BasePage]
advancement: NotRequired[str]
entry_color: NotRequired[str]
extra_recipe_mappings: NotRequired[dict]
flag: NotRequired[str]
priority: NotRequired[bool]
read_by_default: NotRequired[bool]
sort_num: NotRequired[int]
sortnum: NotRequired[float | int]
class Category(TypedDict):
description: FormatTree
entries: list[Entry]
icon: str
id: str
name: str
sortnum: int
entry_color: NotRequired[str]
flag: NotRequired[str]
parent: NotRequired[str]
# TODO: what the hell is this
bind1 = (lambda: None).__get__(0).__class__
# TODO: serde
def slurp(filename: str) -> Any:
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
return json.load(fh)
def resolve_pattern(book: Book, page: Page_hexcasting_pattern) -> None:
page["op"] = [book.patterns[page["op_id"]]]
page["name"] = book.localize_pattern(page["op_id"])
def fixup_pattern(do_sig: bool, book: Book, page: ManualPatternPage) -> None:
patterns = page["patterns"]
if (op_id := page.get("op_id")) is not None:
page["header"] = book.localize_pattern(op_id)
if not isinstance(patterns, list):
patterns = [patterns]
if do_sig:
inp = page.get("input", None) or ""
oup = page.get("output", None) or ""
pipe = f"{inp} \u2192 {oup}".strip()
suffix = f" ({pipe})" if inp or oup else ""
page["header"] += suffix
page["op"] = [
RawPatternInfo(p["startdir"], p["signature"], False) for p in patterns
# TODO: recipe type (not a page, apparently)
def fetch_recipe(book: Book, recipe: str) -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
modid, recipeid = recipe.split(":")
gen_resource_dir = (
.replace("/main/", "/generated/")
.replace("Common/", "Forge/")
) # TODO hack
recipe_path = f"{gen_resource_dir}/data/{modid}/recipes/{recipeid}.json"
return slurp(recipe_path)
def fetch_recipe_result(book: Book, recipe: str):
return fetch_recipe(book, recipe)["result"]["item"]
def fetch_bswp_recipe_result(book: Book, recipe: str):
return fetch_recipe(book, recipe)["result"]["name"]
# TODO: move all of this to the individual page classes
page_transformers: dict[str, Callable[[Book, Any], None]] = {
"hexcasting:pattern": resolve_pattern,
"hexcasting:manual_pattern": bind1(fixup_pattern, True),
"hexcasting:manual_pattern_nosig": bind1(fixup_pattern, False),
"hexcasting:brainsweep": lambda book, page: page.__setitem__(
book.localize_item(fetch_bswp_recipe_result(book, page["recipe"])),
"patchouli:link": lambda book, page: do_localize(book, page, "link_text"),
"patchouli:crafting": lambda book, page: page.__setitem__(
book.localize_item(fetch_recipe_result(book, page[ty]))
for ty in ("recipe", "recipe2")
if ty in page
"hexcasting:crafting_multi": lambda book, page: page.__setitem__(
book.localize_item(fetch_recipe_result(book, recipe))
for recipe in page["recipes"]
"patchouli:spotlight": lambda book, page: page.__setitem__(
"item_name", book.localize_item(page["item"])
# TODO: remove
def do_localize(book: Book, obj: Category | Entry | Page, *names: str) -> None:
for name in names:
if name in obj:
obj[name] = book.localize(obj[name])
# TODO: remove
def do_format(book: Book, obj: Category | Entry | Page, *names: str) -> None:
for name in names:
if name in obj:
obj[name] = book.format(obj[name])
# TODO: move to serde
def parse_entry(book: Book, entry_path: str, ent_name: str) -> Entry:
data: Entry = slurp(f"{entry_path}")
do_localize(book, data, "name")
for i, page in enumerate(data["pages"]):
if isinstance(page, str):
page = Page_patchouli_text(type="patchouli:text", text=book.format(page))
data["pages"][i] = page
do_format(book, page, "text")
do_localize(book, page, "title", "header")
if page_transformer := page_transformers.get(page["type"]):
page_transformer(book, page)
data["id"] = ent_name
return data
def parse_category(book: Book, base_dir: str, cat_name: str) -> Category:
data: Category = slurp(f"{base_dir}/categories/{cat_name}.json")
do_localize(book, data, "name")
do_format(book, data, "description")
entry_dir = f"{base_dir}/entries/{cat_name}"
entries: list[Entry] = []
for filename in os.listdir(entry_dir):
if filename.endswith(".json"):
basename = filename[:-5]
parse_entry(book, f"{entry_dir}/{filename}", cat_name + "/" + basename)
key=lambda ent: (
not ent.get("priority", False),
ent.get("sortnum", 0),
data["entries"] = entries
data["id"] = cat_name
return data
def parse_sortnum(cats: dict[str, Category], name: str) -> tuple[int, ...]:
if "/" in name:
ix = name.rindex("/")
return parse_sortnum(cats, name[:ix]) + (cats[name].get("sortnum", 0),)
return (cats[name].get("sortnum", 0),)
_DEFAULT_MACROS: dict[str, str] = {
"$(obf)": "$(k)",
"$(bold)": "$(l)",
"$(strike)": "$(m)",
"$(italic)": "$(o)",
"$(italics)": "$(o)",
"$(list": "$(li",
"$(reset)": "$()",
"$(clear)": "$()",
"$(2br)": "$(br2)",
"$(p)": "$(br2)",
"/$": "$()",
"<br>": "$(br)",
"$(nocolor)": "$(0)",
"$(item)": "$(#b0b)",
"$(thing)": "$(#490)",
TextOverflowMode = Literal["overflow"] | Literal["resize"] | Literal["truncate"]
class RawBook(FromJson):
"""Direct representation of book.json.
You should probably not use this to edit and re-serialize book.json, because this sets
all the default values as defined by the docs. (TODO: superclass which doesn't do that)
# required
name: str
landing_text: str
# optional
book_texture: str = "patchouli:textures/gui/book_brown.png"
filler_texture: str | None = None
crafting_texture: str | None = None
model: str = "patchouli:book_brown"
text_color: Color = Color("000000")
header_color: Color = Color("333333")
nameplate_color: Color = Color("FFDD00")
link_color: Color = Color("0000EE")
link_hover_color: Color = Color("8800EE")
progress_bar_color: Color = Color("FFFF55")
progress_bar_background: Color = Color("DDDDDD")
open_sound: str | None = None
flip_sound: str | None = None
_index_icon: str | None = field(rename="index_icon", default=None)
pamphlet: bool = False
show_progress: bool = True
version: str | int = 0
subtitle: str | None = None
creative_tab: str = "misc" # TODO: this was changed in 1.19.3+, and again in 1.20
advancements_tab: str | None = None
dont_generate_book: bool = False
custom_book_item: str | None = None
show_toasts: bool = True
use_blocky_font: bool = False
i18n: bool = False
macros: dict[str, str] | None = None
pause_game: bool = False
text_overflow_mode: TextOverflowMode | None = None
extend: str | None = None
"""NOTE: currently this WILL NOT load values from the target book!"""
allow_extensions: bool = True
def index_icon(self) -> str:
return self.model if self._index_icon is None else self._index_icon
class Book:
"""Main dataclass for the docgen.
Includes all data from book.json, some useful paths, and the pattern lookup.
Constructor opens a bunch of files.
# constructor args
resource_dir: Path
modid: str
patchouli_name: str
pattern_stubs: InitVar[list[PatternStubFile]]
lang_name: InitVar[str] = _DEFAULT_LANG_NAME
# other fields
blacklist: set[str] = dc.field(init=False, default_factory=set)
categories: list[Category] = dc.field(init=False, default_factory=list)
macros: dict[str, str] = dc.field(init=False, default_factory=dict)
spoilers: set[str] = dc.field(init=False, default_factory=set)
def __post_init__(
pattern_stubs: list[PatternStubFile],
lang_name: str,
) -> None:
# deserialize raw book
# must be initialized first
self.raw: RawBook = RawBook.load(self.book_dir / "book.json")
# lang
# must be initialized before using self.localize or self.format
lang_file = self.lang_dir / f"{lang_name}.json"
self.lang: dict[str, LocalizedStr] | None = (
load_i18n(lang_file) if self.raw.i18n else None
# macros
# must be initialized before using self.format
# TODO: order of operations - should default macros really be overriding book macros?
if self.raw.macros is not None:
# localized strings
|||| LocalizedStr = self.localize(
self.landing_text: FormatTree = self.format(self.raw.landing_text)
# patterns
self.patterns: dict[str, PatternInfo] = load_patterns(
# categories
# TODO: make this not awful
base_dir = self.book_dir / _DEFAULT_LANG_NAME
categories_dir = base_dir / "categories"
for path in categories_dir.rglob("*.json"):
basename = path.relative_to(categories_dir).with_suffix("").as_posix()
self.categories.append(parse_category(self, base_dir.as_posix(), basename))
cats = {cat["id"]: cat for cat in self.categories}
key=lambda cat: (parse_sortnum(cats, cat["id"]), cat["name"])
def book_dir(self) -> Path:
return (
/ "data"
/ self.modid
/ "patchouli_books"
/ self.patchouli_name
def lang_dir(self) -> Path:
return self.resource_dir / "assets" / self.modid / "lang"
def localize(
key: str,
default: str | None = None,
skip_errors: bool = False,
) -> LocalizedStr:
"""Looks up the given string in the lang table if i18n is enabled.
Otherwise, returns the original key.
Raises KeyError if i18n is enabled and skip_errors is False but the key has no localization.
if self.lang is None:
return LocalizedStr(key.replace("%%", "%"))
if default is not None:
localized = self.lang.get(key, default)
elif skip_errors:
localized = self.lang.get(key, key)
# raises if not found
localized = self.lang[key]
return LocalizedStr(localized.replace("%%", "%"))
def localize_pattern(self, op_id: str, skip_errors: bool = False) -> LocalizedStr:
"""Localizes the given pattern id (internal name, eg. brainsweep).
Raises KeyError if i18n is enabled and skip_errors is False but the key has no localization.
# prefer the book-specific translation if it exists
# don't pass skip_errors here because we need to catch it below
return self.localize(f"{op_id}")
except KeyError:
return self.localize(f"hexcasting.spell.{op_id}", skip_errors=skip_errors)
def localize_item(self, item: str, skip_errors: bool = False) -> LocalizedStr:
"""Localizes the given item resource name.
Raises KeyError if i18n is enabled and skip_errors is False but the key has no localization.
# FIXME: hack
item = re.sub(r"{.*", "", item.replace(":", "."))
return self.localize(f"block.{item}")
except KeyError:
return self.localize(f"item.{item}", skip_errors=skip_errors)
def format(self, text: str | LocalizedStr, skip_errors: bool = False) -> FormatTree:
"""Converts the given string into a FormatTree, localizing it if necessary."""
if not isinstance(text, LocalizedStr):
text = self.localize(text, skip_errors=skip_errors)
return FormatTree.format(self.macros, text)
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
# these are mostly just copied from HexBug for now
# TODO: use dataclasses-json
from typing import (
T = TypeVar("T", bound=LiteralString)
class Style(NamedTuple):
type: str
value: str | bool | dict[str, str] | None
class FormatTree(NamedTuple):
style: Style
children: list[Self | str]
Text = FormatTree | str
class _BasePage(TypedDict, Generic[T]):
type: T
class Page_patchouli_text(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:text"]]):
text: FormatTree | list
anchor: NotRequired[str]
input: NotRequired[str]
op_id: NotRequired[str]
output: NotRequired[str]
title: NotRequired[str]
class Page_patchouli_link(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:link"]]):
link_text: str
text: FormatTree
url: str
class Page_patchouli_spotlight(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:spotlight"]]):
item: str
item_name: str
link_recipe: bool
text: FormatTree
anchor: NotRequired[str]
class Page_patchouli_crafting(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:crafting"]]):
item_name: list
recipe: str
anchor: NotRequired[str]
recipe2: NotRequired[str]
text: NotRequired[FormatTree | list]
title: NotRequired[str]
class Page_patchouli_image(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:image"]]):
border: bool
images: list
title: str
class Page_patchouli_empty(_BasePage[Literal["patchouli:empty"]]):
class Page_hexcasting_pattern(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:pattern"]]):
name: str
op: list
op_id: str
text: FormatTree | list
anchor: NotRequired[str]
header: NotRequired[str]
hex_size: NotRequired[int]
input: NotRequired[str]
output: NotRequired[str]
class Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:manual_pattern"]]):
anchor: str
header: str
op: list
patterns: dict | list
text: FormatTree
input: NotRequired[str]
op_id: NotRequired[str]
output: NotRequired[str]
class Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig(
header: str
op: list
patterns: dict | list
text: FormatTree
class Page_hexcasting_crafting_multi(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:crafting_multi"]]):
heading: str
item_name: list
recipes: list
text: FormatTree
class Page_hexcasting_brainsweep(_BasePage[Literal["hexcasting:brainsweep"]]):
output_name: str
recipe: str
text: FormatTree
# convenient type aliases
# TODO: replace with polymorphism, probably
Page = (
| Page_patchouli_link
| Page_patchouli_spotlight
| Page_patchouli_crafting
| Page_patchouli_image
| Page_patchouli_empty
| Page_hexcasting_pattern
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig
| Page_hexcasting_crafting_multi
| Page_hexcasting_brainsweep
RecipePage = (
| Page_hexcasting_crafting_multi
| Page_hexcasting_brainsweep
PatternPageWithSig = Page_hexcasting_pattern | Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern
ManualPatternPage = (
Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern | Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig
PatternPage = (
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern
| Page_hexcasting_manual_pattern_nosig
class Entry(TypedDict):
category: str
icon: str
id: str
name: str
pages: list[_BasePage]
advancement: NotRequired[str]
entry_color: NotRequired[str]
extra_recipe_mappings: NotRequired[dict]
flag: NotRequired[str]
priority: NotRequired[bool]
read_by_default: NotRequired[bool]
sort_num: NotRequired[int]
sortnum: NotRequired[float | int]
class Category(TypedDict):
description: FormatTree | list
entries: list[Entry]
icon: str
id: str
name: str
sortnum: int
entry_color: NotRequired[str]
flag: NotRequired[str]
parent: NotRequired[str]
# TODO: class
Registry = dict[str, tuple[str, str, bool]]
class Book(TypedDict):
blacklist: set
categories: list[Category]
i18n: dict[str, str]
landing_text: FormatTree
macros: dict[str, str]
modid: str
name: str
pattern_reg: Registry
resource_dir: str
spoilers: set
version: int
book_texture: NotRequired[str]
creative_tab: NotRequired[str]
extend: NotRequired[str]
filler_texture: NotRequired[str]
model: NotRequired[str]
nameplate_color: NotRequired[str]
show_progress: NotRequired[bool]
src_dir: NotRequired[str]
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
import pytest
from patchouli.types import Book, FormatTree, Style
def book() -> Book:
return Book(
landing_text=FormatTree(Style("", None), []),
@ -1,21 +1,15 @@
from collate_data import FormatTree, Style, default_macros, format_string
from patchouli.types import Book
# pyright: reportPrivateUsage=false
from common.deserialize import LocalizedStr
from common.formatting import FormatTree, Style
from import _DEFAULT_MACROS
def test_format_string(book: Book):
def test_format_string():
# arrange
"i18n": {},
"macros": default_macros,
"resource_dir": "Common/src/main/resources",
"modid": "hexcasting",
test_str = "Write the given iota to my $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write/local)$(#490)local$().$(br)The $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write/local)$(#490)local$() is a lot like a $(l:items/focus)$(#b0b)Focus$(). It's cleared when I stop casting a Hex, starts with $(l:casting/influences)$(#490)Null$() in it, and is preserved between casts of $(l:patterns/meta#hexcasting:for_each)$(#fc77be)Thoth's Gambit$(). "
# act
tree = format_string(book, test_str)
tree = FormatTree.format(_DEFAULT_MACROS, LocalizedStr(test_str))
# assert
# FIXME: extremely lazy
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class DocgenArgs:
argv: list[str]
def assert_out_path(self):
actual = self.out_path.read_text()
actual = self.out_path.read_text("utf-8")
assert actual == self.snapshot
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