some grammar errors

This commit is contained in: 2022-04-28 13:36:29 -04:00
parent 8aded75034
commit 15908e2513

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@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
"": "I'm also aware of other types of $(l:items/slate)$(item)Slates/$, slates that do not contain patterns but seem to be inlaid with other ... strange ... oddities. It hurts my brain to think about them, as if my thoughts get bent around their designs, following their pathways, bending and wefting through their labyrinthine depths, through and through and through channeled through and processed and--$(br2)... I almost lost myself. Maybe I should postpone my studies of those.",
"hexcasting.entry.hexcasting": "Casting Items",
"": "Although the flexibility that casting _Hexes \"on the go\" with my $(l:items/staff)$(item)Staff/$ is quite helpful, it's a huge pain to have to wave it around repeatedly just to accomplish a common task. If I could save a common spell for later reuse, it would simplify things a lot-- and allow me to share my _Hexes with friends, too.",
"": "Although the flexibility of casting _Hexes \"on the go\" with my $(l:items/staff)$(item)Staff/$ is quite helpful, it's a huge pain to have to wave it around repeatedly just to accomplish a basic task. If I could save a common spell for later reuse, it would simplify things a lot-- and allow me to share my _Hexes with friends, too.",
"": "To do this, I can craft one of three types of magic items: $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Cyphers/$, $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Trinkets/$, or $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Artifacts/$. All of them hold the patterns of a given _Hex inside, along with a small battery containing _media.$(br2)Simply holding one and pressing $(thing)$(k:use)/$ will cast the patterns inside, as if the holder had cast them out of a staff, using its internal battery.",
"": "Each item has its own quirks:$(br2)$(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Cyphers/$ are fragile, destroyed after their internal _media reserves are gone, and $(italic)cannot/$ be recharged;$(br2)$(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Trinkets/$ can be cast as much as the holder likes, as long as there's enough _media left, but become useless afterwards until recharged;",
"": "$(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Artifacts/$ are the most powerful of all-- after their _media is depleted, they can use $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst/$ from the holder's inventory to pay for the _Hex, just as I do when casting with a $(l:items/staff)$(item)Staff/$. Of course, this also means the spell might consume their mind if there's not enough $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst/$.$(br2)Once I've made an empty magic item in a mundane crafting bench, I infuse the _Hex into it using (what else but) a spell appropriate to the item. $(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting)I've catalogued the patterns here./$",