standardize referring to media cost

This commit is contained in: 2022-04-27 17:50:36 -04:00
parent 27a7bdb0c6
commit 3adab44a91

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@ -571,14 +571,14 @@
"": "$(italic)We have a saying in our field: \"Magic isn't\". It doesn't \"just work,\" it doesn't respond to your thoughts, you can't throw fireballs or create a roast dinner from thin air or turn a bunch of muggers into frogs and snails./$",
"hexcasting.entry.phials": "Phials of Media",
"": "I find it quite ... irritating, how Nature refuses to give me change for my work. If all I have on hand is $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Crystals/$, even the tiniest $(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:raycast)$(action)Archer's Purification/$ will consume the entire crystal, wasting the remaining _media.$(br2)Fortunately, it seems I've found a way to somewhat allay this problem.",
"": "I find it quite ... irritating, how Nature refuses to give me change for my work. If all I have on hand is $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$, even the tiniest $(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:raycast)$(action)Archer's Purification/$ will consume the entire crystal, wasting the remaining _media.$(br2)Fortunately, it seems I've found a way to somewhat allay this problem.",
"": "I've found old scrolls describing a $(item)Glass Bottle/$ infused with _media. When casting _Hexes, my spells would then draw _media out of the phial. The liquid form of the _media would let me take exact change, so to speak; nothing would be wasted. It's quite like the internal battery of a $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Trinket/$, or similar; I can even $(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting#hexcasting:recharge)$(action)Recharge/$ them in the same manner.",
"": "Unfortunately, the art of actually $(italic)making/$ the things seems to have been lost to time. I've found a $(l:patterns/great_spells/make_battery#hexcasting:craft/battery)$(thing)hint at the pattern used to craft it/$, but the technique is irritatingly elusive, and I can't seem to do it successfully. I suspect I will figure it out with study and practice, though. For now, I will simply deal with the wasted _media...$(br2)But I won't settle for it forever.",
"": "$(italic)Drink the milk./$",
"hexcasting.entry.pigments": "Pigments",
"": "Although their names were lost to time, the old practitioners of my art seem to have identified themselves by a color, emblematic of them and their spells. It seems a special kind of pigment, offered to Nature in the right way, would \"[...] paint one's thoughts in a manner pleasing to Nature, inducing a miraculous change in personal colour.\"",
"": "I'm not certain on the specifics of how it works, but I believe I have isolated the formulae for many different colors of pigments. To use a pigment, I hold it in one hand while casting $(l:patterns/spells/colorize)$(action)Internalize Pigment/$ with the other, consuming the pigment and marking my mind with its color.$(br2)The pigments seem to affect the color of the sparks of media emitted out of a staff when I cast a _Hex, as well as my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(action)Sentinel/$.",
"": "I'm not certain on the specifics of how it works, but I believe I have isolated the formulae for many different colors of pigments. To use a pigment, I hold it in one hand while casting $(l:patterns/spells/colorize)$(action)Internalize Pigment/$ with the other, consuming the pigment and marking my mind with its color.$(br2)The pigments seem to affect the color of the sparks of media emitted out of a staff when I cast a _Hex, as well as my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$.",
"": "Chromatic Pigments",
"": "Pigments in all the colors of the rainbow.",
"": "And finally, a pigment with a color wholly unique to me.$(br2)$(italic)And all the colors I am inside have not been invented yet./$",
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
"hexcasting.entry.brainsweeping": "On the Flaying of Minds",
"": "A secret was revealed to me. I saw it. I cannot forget its horror. The idea skitters across my brain.$(br2)I believed-- oh, foolishly, I $(italic)believed/$ --that _Media is the spare energy left over by thought. But now I $(italic)know/$ what it is: the energy $(italic)of/$ thought.",
"": "It is produced by thinking sentience and allows sentience to think. It is a knot tying that braids into its own string. The Entity I naively anthromorphized as Nature is simply a grand such tangle, or perhaps the set of all tangles, or ... if I think it hurts I have so many synapses and all of them can think pain at once ALL OF THEM CAN SEE$(br2)I am not holding on. My notes. Quickly.",
"": "The villagers of this world have enough consciousness left to be extracted. Place it into a block, warp it, change it. Intricate patterns caused by different patterns of thought, the abstract neural pathways of their jobs and lives mapped into the cold physic of solid atoms.$(br2)This is what $(l:patterns/great_spells/brainsweep)$(action)Flay Mind/$ does, the extraction. Target the villager entity and the destination block. Ten $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Crystals/$ for this perversion of will.",
"": "The villagers of this world have enough consciousness left to be extracted. Place it into a block, warp it, change it. Intricate patterns caused by different patterns of thought, the abstract neural pathways of their jobs and lives mapped into the cold physic of solid atoms.$(br2)This is what $(l:patterns/great_spells/brainsweep)$(action)Flay Mind/$ does, the extraction. Target the villager entity and the destination block. Ten $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$ for this perversion of will.",
"": "And an application. For this flaying, any sort of villager will do, if it has developed enough. Other recipes require more specific types. NO MORE must I descend into the hellish earth for my _media.",
"hexcasting.entry.spellcircles": "Spell Circles",
@ -815,21 +815,21 @@
"": "Remove a number and vector from the stack, then create a fiery explosion at the given location with the given power.",
"": "Costs three $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shards/$, plus about one extra $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shard/$ per point of explosion power. Otherwise, the same as $(l:patterns/spells/basic#hexcasting:explode)$(action)Explosion/$, except with fire.",
"": "Remove an entity and direction from the stack, then give a shove to the given entity in the given direction. The strength of the impulse is determined by the length of the vector.$(br)Costs units of $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$ equal to the square of the length of the vector.",
"": "Remove an entity and length from the stack, then teleport the given entity along its look vector by the given length.$(br)Costs about 1 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shard/$ per block travelled.",
"": "Remove an entity and length from the stack, then teleport the given entity along its look vector by the given length.$(br)Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shard/$ per block travelled.",
"": "Remove a vector and two numbers from the stack. Plays an $(thing)instrument/$ defined by the first number at the given location, with a $(thing)note/$ defined by the second number. Costs a negligible amount of _media.",
"": "There appear to be 16 different $(thing)instruments/$ and 25 different $(thing)notes/$. Both are indexed by zero.$(br2)These seem to be the same instruments I can produce with a $(item)Note Block/$, though the reason for each instrument's number being what it is eludes me.$(br2)Either way, I can find the numbers I need to use by inspecting a $(item)Note Block/$ through a $(l:items/lens)$(item)Scrying Lens/$.",
"hexcasting.entry.blockworks": "Blockworks",
"": "Remove a location from the stack, then pick a block item and place it at the given location.$(br)Costs about 1 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Remove a location from the stack, then break the block at the given location. This spell can break nearly anything a Diamond Pickaxe can break.$(br)Costs about 3 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Remove a location from the stack, then pick a block item and place it at the given location.$(br)Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Remove a location from the stack, then break the block at the given location. This spell can break nearly anything a Diamond Pickaxe can break.$(br)Costs about three $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Summon a block of water (or insert a bucket's worth) into a block at the given position. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Destroy a great deal of liquid (not just water) around the given position. Costs about two $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Crystals/$.",
"": "Destroy a great deal of liquid (not just water) around the given position. Costs about two $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$.",
"": "Conjure an ethereal, but solid, block that sparkles with my pigment at the given position. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Conjure a magical light that softly glows with my pigment at the given position. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Encourage a plant or sapling at the target position to grow, as if $(item)Bonemeal/$ was applied. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Forcibly infuse _media into the sapling at the target position, causing it to grow into an $(l:items/edified)$(thing)Edified Tree/$. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Crystal/$.",
"": "Start a fire on top of the given location, as if a $(item)Fire Charge/$ was applied. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Extinguish blocks in a large area. Costs about two $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Crystals/$.",
"": "Extinguish blocks in a large area. Costs about two $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$.",
"hexcasting.entry.nadirs": "Nadirs",
"": "This family of spells all impart a negative potion effect upon an entity. They all take an entity, the recipient, and one or two numbers, the first being the duration and the second, if present, being the potency (starting at 1).$(br2)Each one has a \"base cost;\" the actual cost is equal to that base cost, multiplied by the potency squared.",
@ -851,28 +851,28 @@
"": "The spell will also void all the _media stored inside the item, releasing it back to Nature and returning the item to a perfectly clean slate. This way, I can re-use $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Trinkets/$ I have put an erroneous spell into, for example.$(br2)This also works to clear a $(l:items/focus)$(item)Focus/$ or $(l:items/spellbook)$(item)Spellbook/$, unsealing them in the process.",
"hexcasting.entry.sentinels": "Sentinels",
"": "$(italic)Hence, away! Now all is well,$(br)One aloof stand sentinel./$$(br2)A $(thing)Sentinel/$ is a mysterious force I can summon to assist in the casting of _Hexes, like a familiar or guardian spirit. It appears as a spinning geometric shape to my eyes, but is invisible to everyone else.",
"": "It has several interesting properties:$(li)It does not appear to be tangible; no one else can interact with it.$(li)Once summoned, it stays in place until banished.$(li)I am always able to see it, even through solid objects.",
"": "Summons my $(thing)sentinel/$ at the given position. Costs about 1 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Banish my $(thing)sentinel/$, and remove it from the world. Costs a negligible amount of _media.",
"": "Add the position of my $(thing)sentinel/$ to the stack, or $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$ if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of _media.",
"": "Transform the position vector on the top of the stack into a unit vector pointing from that position to my $(thing)sentinel/$, or $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$ if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of _media.",
"": "$(italic)Hence, away! Now all is well,$(br)One aloof stand sentinel./$$(br2)A $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)Sentinel/$ is a mysterious force I can summon to assist in the casting of _Hexes, like a familiar or guardian spirit. It appears as a spinning geometric shape to my eyes, but is invisible to everyone else.",
"": "It has several interesting properties:$(li)It does not appear to be tangible; no one can touch it.$(li)Only my _Hexes can interact with it.$(li)Once summoned, it stays in place until banished.$(li)I am always able to see it if I'm close enough, even through solid objects.",
"": "Summons my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$ at the given position. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Banish my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$, and remove it from the world. Costs a negligible amount of _media.",
"": "Add the position of my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$ to the stack, or $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$ if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of _media.",
"": "Transform the position vector on the top of the stack into a unit vector pointing from that position to my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$, or $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$ if it isn't summoned. Costs a negligible amount of _media.",
"": "I must be holding a $(l:items/pigments)$(item)Pigment/$ in my other hand to cast this spell. When I do, it will consume the dye and permanently change my mind's coloration (at least, until I cast the spell again). Costs about 1 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "I must be holding a $(l:items/pigments)$(item)Pigment/$ in my other hand to cast this spell. When I do, it will consume the dye and permanently change my mind's coloration (at least, until I cast the spell again). Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Summon a block of lava or insert a bucket's worth into a block at the given position. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$.",
"": "It may be advisable to keep my knowledge of this spell secret. A certain faction of botanists get... touchy about it, or so I've heard.$(br2)Well, no one said tracing the deep secrets of the universe was going to be an easy time.",
"hexcasting.entry.weather_manip": "Weather Manipulation",
"": "I command the heavens! This spell will summon a bolt of lightning to strike the earth where I direct it. Costs about 3 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shards/$.",
"": "I control the clouds! This spell will summon rain across the world I cast it upon. Costs about 2 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shards/$. Does nothing if it is already raining.",
"": "A counterpart to summoning rain. This spell will dispel rain across the world I cast it upon. Costs about 1 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shard/$. Does nothing if the skies are already clear.",
"": "I command the heavens! This spell will summon a bolt of lightning to strike the earth where I direct it. Costs about three $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shards/$.",
"": "I control the clouds! This spell will summon rain across the world I cast it upon. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$. Does nothing if it is already raining.",
"": "A counterpart to summoning rain. This spell will dispel rain across the world I cast it upon. Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shard/$. Does nothing if the skies are already clear.",
"": "The power of flight! I have wrestled Nature to its knees. But Nature is vengeful, and itches for me to break its contract so it may break my shins.",
"": "The entity (which must be a player) will be endowed with flight. The first number is the number of seconds they may fly for, and the second number is the radius of the zone they may fly in. If the recipient exits that zone, or their timer runs out while midair, the gravity that they spurned will get its revenge. Painfully.$(br2)It costs approximately 1 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$ multiplied by the radius per second of flight.",
"": "The entity (which must be a player) will be endowed with flight. The first number is the number of seconds they may fly for, and the second number is the radius of the zone they may fly in. If the recipient exits that zone, or their timer runs out while midair, the gravity that they spurned will get its revenge. Painfully.$(br2)It costs approximately one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$ multiplied by the radius per second of flight.",
"": "Far more powerful than $(l:patterns/spells/basic#hexcasting:blink)$(action)Blink/$, this spell lets me teleport nearly anywhere in the entire world! There does seem to be a limit, but it is $(italic)much/$ greater than the normal radius of influence I am used to.",
"": "The entity will be teleported by the given vector, which is an offset from its given position. No matter the distance, it always seems to cost about ten $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Crystals/$.$(br2)The transference is not perfect, and it seems when teleporting something as complex as a player, their inventory doesn't $(italic)quite/$ stay attached, and tends to splatter everywhere at the destination.",
"": "The entity will be teleported by the given vector, which is an offset from its given position. No matter the distance, it always seems to cost about ten $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$.$(br2)The transference is not perfect, and it seems when teleporting something as complex as a player, their inventory doesn't $(italic)quite/$ stay attached, and tends to splatter everywhere at the destination.",
"hexcasting.entry.zeniths": "Zeniths",
"": "This family of spells all impart a positive potion effect upon an entity, similar to the $(l:patterns/spells/nadirs)$(action)Nadirs/$. However, these have their _media costs increase with the $(italic)cube/$ of the potency.",
@ -882,11 +882,11 @@
"": "Bestows $(thing)haste/$. Base cost is one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$ per 3 seconds.",
"": "Bestows $(thing)strength/$. Base cost is one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$ per 3 seconds.",
"": "Summon a greater version of my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)Sentinel/$. Costs about 2 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Summon a greater version of my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)Sentinel/$. Costs about two $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "The stronger $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$ acts like the normal one I can summon without the use of a Great Spell, if a little more visually interesting. However, the range in which my spells can work is extended to a small region around my greater $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$, about 16 blocks. In other words, no matter where in the world I am, I can interact with things around my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)sentinel/$ (the mysterious forces of chunkloading notwithstanding).",
"": "Infuse a bottle with _media to form a $(l:items/phials)$(item)Phial./$",
"": "Similarly to the spells for $(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting)$(action)Crafting Casting Items/$, I must hold a $(item)Glass Bottle/$ in my other hand, and provide the spell with a dropped stack of $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst/$. See $(l:items/phials)this page/$ for more information.$(br2)Costs about 1 $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$.",
"": "Similarly to the spells for $(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting)$(action)Crafting Casting Items/$, I must hold a $(item)Glass Bottle/$ in my other hand, and provide the spell with a dropped stack of $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst/$. See $(l:items/phials)this page/$ for more information.$(br2)Costs about one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst/$.",
"": "I cannot make heads or tails of this spell... To be honest, I'm not sure I want to know what it does."