Remove outdated collate/template
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 825 deletions
@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
from sys import argv, stdout
from collections import namedtuple
import json # codec
import re # parsing
import os # listdir
# TO USE: put in Hexcasting root dir, src/main/resources hexcasting thehexbook out.html
# extra info :(
lang = "en_us"
repo_names = {
"hexcasting": "",
extra_i18n = {
"item.minecraft.amethyst_shard": "Amethyst Shard",
"block.hexcasting.slate": "Blank Slate",
default_macros = {
"$(obf)": "$(k)",
"$(bold)": "$(l)",
"$(strike)": "$(m)",
"$(italic)": "$(o)",
"$(italics)": "$(o)",
"$(list": "$(li",
"$(reset)": "$()",
"$(clear)": "$()",
"$(2br)": "$(br2)",
"$(p)": "$(br2)",
"/$": "$()",
"<br>": "$(br)",
"$(nocolor)": "$(0)",
"$(item)": "$(#b0b)",
"$(thing)": "$(#490)",
colors = {
"0": None,
"1": "00a",
"2": "0a0",
"3": "0aa",
"4": "a00",
"5": "a0a",
"6": "fa0",
"7": "aaa",
"8": "555",
"9": "55f",
"a": "5f5",
"b": "5ff",
"c": "f55",
"d": "f5f",
"e": "ff5",
"f": "fff",
types = {
"k": "obf",
"l": "bold",
"m": "strikethrough",
"n": "underline",
"o": "italic",
keys = {
"use": "Right Click",
"sneak": "Left Shift",
bind1 = (lambda: None).__get__(0).__class__
def slurp(filename):
with open(filename, "r") as fh:
return json.load(fh)
FormatTree = namedtuple("FormatTree", ["style", "children"])
Style = namedtuple("Style", ["type", "value"])
def parse_style(sty):
if sty == "br":
return "<br />", None
if sty == "br2":
return "", Style("para", {})
if sty == "li":
return "", Style("para", {"clazz": "fake-li"})
if sty[:2] == "k:":
return keys[sty[2:]], None
if sty[:2] == "l:":
return "", Style("link", sty[2:])
if sty == "/l":
return "", Style("link", None)
if sty == "playername":
return "[Playername]", None
if sty[:2] == "t:":
return "", Style("tooltip", sty[2:])
if sty == "/t":
return "", Style("tooltip", None)
if sty[:2] == "c:":
return "", Style("cmd_click", sty[2:])
if sty == "/c":
return "", Style("cmd_click", None)
if sty == "r" or not sty:
return "", Style("base", None)
if sty in types:
return "", Style(types[sty], True)
if sty in colors:
return "", Style("color", colors[sty])
if sty.startswith("#") and len(sty) in [4, 7]:
return "", Style("color", sty[1:])
# TODO more style parse
raise ValueError("Unknown style: " + sty)
def localize(i18n, string):
return i18n.get(string, string) if i18n else string
format_re = re.compile(r"\$\(([^)]*)\)")
def format_string(root_data, string):
# resolve lang
string = localize(root_data["i18n"], string)
# resolve macros
old_string = None
while old_string != string:
old_string = string
for macro, replace in root_data["macros"].items():
string = string.replace(macro, replace)
else: break
# lex out parsed styles
text_nodes = []
styles = []
last_end = 0
extra_text = ""
for mobj in re.finditer(format_re, string):
bonus_text, sty = parse_style(
text = string[last_end:mobj.start()] + bonus_text
if sty:
text_nodes.append(extra_text + text)
extra_text = ""
extra_text += text
last_end = mobj.end()
text_nodes.append(extra_text + string[last_end:])
first_node, *text_nodes = text_nodes
# parse
style_stack = [FormatTree(Style("base", True), []), FormatTree(Style("para", {}), [first_node])]
for style, text in zip(styles, text_nodes):
tmp_stylestack = []
if style.type == "base":
while style_stack[-1].style.type != "para":
last_node = style_stack.pop()
elif any( == style.type for tree in style_stack):
while len(style_stack) >= 2:
last_node = style_stack.pop()
if == style.type:
for sty in tmp_stylestack:
style_stack.append(FormatTree(sty, []))
if style.value is None:
if text: style_stack[-1].children.append(text)
style_stack.append(FormatTree(style, [text] if text else []))
while len(style_stack) >= 2:
last_node = style_stack.pop()
return style_stack[0]
test_root = {"i18n": {}, "macros": default_macros, "resource_dir": "src/main/resources", "modid": "hexcasting"}
test_str = "Write the given iota to my $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write/local)$(#490)local$().$(br)The $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write/local)$(#490)local$() is a lot like a $(l:items/focus)$(#b0b)Focus$(). It's cleared when I stop casting a Hex, starts with $(l:casting/influences)$(#490)Null$() in it, and is preserved between casts of $(l:patterns/meta#hexcasting:for_each)$(#fc77be)Thoth's Gambit$(). "
def do_localize(root_data, obj, *names):
for name in names:
if name in obj:
obj[name] = localize(root_data["i18n"], obj[name])
def do_format(root_data, obj, *names):
for name in names:
if name in obj:
obj[name] = format_string(root_data, obj[name])
def identity(x): return x
pattern_pat = re.compile(r'HexPattern\.FromAnglesSig\("([qweasd]+)", HexDir\.(\w+)\),\s*prefix\("([^"]+)"\)([^;]*true\);)?')
def fetch_patterns(root_data):
filename = f"{root_data['resource_dir']}/../java/at/petrak/hexcasting/common/casting/"
registry = {}
with open(filename, "r") as fh:
pattern_data =
for mobj in re.finditer(pattern_pat, pattern_data):
string, start_angle, name, is_per_world = mobj.groups()
registry[root_data["modid"] + ":" + name] = (string, start_angle, bool(is_per_world))
return registry
def resolve_pattern(root_data, page):
if "pattern_reg" not in root_data:
root_data["pattern_reg"] = fetch_patterns(root_data)
page["op"] = [root_data["pattern_reg"][page["op_id"]]]
page["name"] = localize(root_data["i18n"], "hexcasting.spell." + page["op_id"])
def fixup_pattern(do_sig, root_data, page):
patterns = page["patterns"]
if not isinstance(patterns, list): patterns = [patterns]
if do_sig:
inp = page.get("input", None) or "nothing"
oup = page.get("output", None) or "nothing"
page["header"] += f" ({inp} \u2192 {oup})"
page["op"] = [(p["signature"], p["startdir"], False) for p in patterns]
def fetch_recipe_result(root_data, recipe):
modid, recipeid = recipe.split(":")
gen_resource_dir = root_data["resource_dir"].replace("/main", "/generated") # TODO hack
recipe_path = f"{gen_resource_dir}/data/{modid}/recipes/{recipeid}.json"
recipe_data = slurp(recipe_path)
return recipe_data["result"]["item"]
def localize_item(root_data, item):
# TODO hack
item = re.sub("{.*", "", item.replace(":", "."))
block = "block." + item
block_l = localize(root_data["i18n"], block)
if block_l != block: return block_l
return localize(root_data["i18n"], "item." + item)
page_types = {
"hexcasting:pattern": resolve_pattern,
"hexcasting:manual_pattern": bind1(fixup_pattern, True),
"hexcasting:manual_pattern_nosig": bind1(fixup_pattern, False),
"patchouli:link": lambda rd, page: do_localize(rd, page, "link_text"),
"patchouli:crafting": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__("item_name", localize_item(rd, fetch_recipe_result(rd, page["recipe"]))),
"hexcasting:crafting_multi": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__("item_name", [localize_item(rd, fetch_recipe_result(rd, recipe)) for recipe in page["recipes"]]),
"patchouli:spotlight": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__("item_name", localize_item(rd, page["item"]))
def walk_dir(root_dir, prefix):
search_dir = root_dir + '/' + prefix
for fh in os.scandir(search_dir):
if fh.is_dir():
yield from walk_dir(root_dir, prefix + + '/')
yield prefix +
def parse_entry(root_data, entry_path, ent_name):
data = slurp(f"{entry_path}")
do_localize(root_data, data, "name")
for page in data["pages"]:
do_localize(root_data, page, "title", "header")
do_format(root_data, page, "text")
if page["type"] in page_types:
page_types[page["type"]](root_data, page)
data["id"] = ent_name
return data
def parse_category(root_data, base_dir, cat_name):
data = slurp(f"{base_dir}/categories/{cat_name}.json")
do_localize(root_data, data, "name")
do_format(root_data, data, "description")
entry_dir = f"{base_dir}/entries/{cat_name}"
entries = []
for filename in os.listdir(entry_dir):
if filename.endswith(".json"):
basename = filename[:-5]
entries.append(parse_entry(root_data, f"{entry_dir}/{filename}", cat_name + "/" + basename))
entries.sort(key=lambda ent: (not ent.get("priority", False), ent.get("sortnum", 0), ent["name"]))
data["entries"] = entries
data["id"] = cat_name
return data
def parse_sortnum(cats, name):
if '/' in name:
ix = name.rindex('/')
return parse_sortnum(cats, name[:ix]) + (cats[name].get("sortnum", 0),)
return cats[name].get("sortnum", 0),
def parse_book(root, mod_name, book_name):
base_dir = f"{root}/data/{mod_name}/patchouli_books/{book_name}"
root_info = slurp(f"{base_dir}/book.json")
root_info["resource_dir"] = root
root_info["modid"] = mod_name
root_info.setdefault("macros", {}).update(default_macros)
if root_info.setdefault("i18n", {}):
root_info["i18n"] = slurp(f"{root}/assets/{mod_name}/lang/{lang}.json")
book_dir = f"{base_dir}/{lang}"
categories = []
for filename in walk_dir(f"{book_dir}/categories", ""):
basename = filename[:-5]
categories.append(parse_category(root_info, book_dir, basename))
cats = {cat["id"]: cat for cat in categories}
categories.sort(key=lambda cat: (parse_sortnum(cats, cat["id"]), cat["name"]))
do_localize(root_info, root_info, "name")
do_format(root_info, root_info, "landing_text")
root_info["categories"] = categories
root_info["blacklist"] = set()
return root_info
def tag_args(kwargs):
return "".join(f" {'class' if key == 'clazz' else key.replace('_', '-')}={repr(value)}" for key, value in kwargs.items())
class PairTag:
__slots__ = ["stream", "name", "kwargs"]
def __init__(self, stream, name, **kwargs):
|||| = stream
|||| = name
self.kwargs = tag_args(kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
print(f"<{}{self.kwargs}>",, end="")
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3):
print(f"</{}>",, end="")
class Empty:
def __enter__(self): pass
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3): pass
class Stream:
__slots__ = ["stream", "thunks"]
def __init__(self, stream):
|||| = stream
self.thunks = []
def tag(self, name, **kwargs):
keywords = tag_args(kwargs)
print(f"<{name}{keywords} />",, end="")
return self
def pair_tag(self, name, **kwargs):
return PairTag(, name, **kwargs)
def pair_tag_if(self, cond, name, **kwargs):
return self.pair_tag(name, **kwargs) if cond else Empty()
def empty_pair_tag(self, name, **kwargs):
with self.pair_tag(name, **kwargs): pass
def text(self, txt):
print(txt,, end="")
return self
def get_format(out, ty, value):
if ty == "para":
return out.pair_tag("p", **value)
if ty == "color":
return out.pair_tag("span", style=f"color: #{value}")
if ty == "link":
link = value
if "://" not in link:
link = "#" + link.replace("#", "@")
return out.pair_tag("a", href=link)
if ty == "tooltip":
return out.pair_tag("span", clazz="has-tooltip", title=value)
if ty == "cmd_click":
return out.pair_tag("span", clazz="has-cmd_click", title="When clicked, would execute: "+value)
if ty == "obf":
return out.pair_tag("span", clazz="obfuscated")
if ty == "bold":
return out.pair_tag("strong")
if ty == "italic":
return out.pair_tag("i")
if ty == "strikethrough":
return out.pair_tag("s")
if ty == "underline":
return out.pair_tag("span", style="text-decoration: underline")
raise ValueError("Unknown format type: " + ty)
def write_block(out, block):
if isinstance(block, str):
sty_type =
if sty_type == "base":
for child in block.children: write_block(out, child)
tag = get_format(out, sty_type,
with tag:
for child in block.children:
write_block(out, child)
# TODO modularize
def write_page(out, pageid, page):
if "anchor" in page:
anchor_id = pageid + "@" + page["anchor"]
else: anchor_id = None
with out.pair_tag_if(anchor_id, "div", id=anchor_id):
if "header" in page or "title" in page:
with out.pair_tag("h4"):
out.text(page.get("header", page.get("title", None)))
if anchor_id:
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + anchor_id, clazz="permalink small"):
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-link-45deg")
ty = page["type"]
if ty == "patchouli:text":
write_block(out, page["text"])
elif ty == "patchouli:empty": pass
elif ty == "patchouli:link":
write_block(out, page["text"])
with out.pair_tag("p", clazz="linkout"):
with out.pair_tag("a", href=page["url"]):
elif ty == "patchouli:spotlight":
with out.pair_tag("h4", clazz="spotlight-title page-header"):
if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"])
elif ty == "patchouli:crafting":
with out.pair_tag("blockquote", clazz="crafting-info"):
out.text(f"Depicted in the book: The crafting recipe for the ")
with out.pair_tag("code"): out.text(page["item_name"])
if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"])
elif ty == "patchouli:image":
with out.pair_tag("p", clazz="img-wrapper"):
for img in page["images"]:
modid, coords = img.split(":")
out.empty_pair_tag("img", src=f"{repo_names[modid]}/assets/{modid}/{coords}")
if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"])
elif ty == "hexcasting:crafting_multi":
recipes = page["item_name"]
with out.pair_tag("blockquote", clazz="crafting-info"):
out.text(f"Depicted in the book: Several crafting recipes, for the ")
with out.pair_tag("code"): out.text(recipes[0])
for i in recipes[1:]:
out.text(", ")
with out.pair_tag("code"): out.text(i)
if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"])
elif ty == "hexcasting:brainsweep":
if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"])
elif ty in ("hexcasting:pattern", "hexcasting:manual_pattern_nosig", "hexcasting:manual_pattern"):
if "name" in page:
with out.pair_tag("h4", clazz="pattern-title"):
inp = page.get("input", None) or "nothing"
oup = page.get("output", None) or "nothing"
out.text(f"{page['name']} ({inp} \u2192 {oup})")
if anchor_id:
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + anchor_id, clazz="permalink small"):
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-link-45deg")
with out.pair_tag("details", clazz="spell-collapsible"):
out.empty_pair_tag("summary", clazz="collapse-spell")
for string, start_angle, per_world in page["op"]:
with out.pair_tag("canvas", width=216, height=216, data_string=string, data_start=start_angle.lower(), data_per_world=per_world):
out.text("Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: " + string)
write_block(out, page["text"])
with out.pair_tag("p", clazz="todo-note"):
out.text("TODO: Missing processor for type: " + ty)
if "text" in page:
write_block(out, page["text"])
def write_entry(out, entry):
with out.pair_tag("div", id=entry["id"]):
with out.pair_tag("h3", clazz="entry-title page-header"):
write_block(out, entry["name"])
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + entry["id"], clazz="permalink small"):
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-link-45deg")
for page in entry["pages"]:
write_page(out, entry["id"], page)
def write_category(out, blacklist, category):
with out.pair_tag("section", id=category["id"]):
with out.pair_tag("h2", clazz="category-title page-header"):
write_block(out, category["name"])
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + category["id"], clazz="permalink small"):
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-link-45deg")
write_block(out, category["description"])
for entry in category["entries"]:
if entry["id"] not in blacklist:
write_entry(out, entry)
def write_toc(out, book):
with out.pair_tag("h2", id="table-of-contents", clazz="page-header"):
out.text("Table of Contents")
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#0", clazz="toggle-link small", data_target="toc-category"):
out.text("(toggle all)")
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#table-of-contents", clazz="permalink small"):
out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-link-45deg")
for category in book["categories"]:
with out.pair_tag("details", clazz="toc-category"):
with out.pair_tag("summary"):
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + category["id"]):
with out.pair_tag("ul"):
for entry in category["entries"]:
with out.pair_tag("li"):
with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + entry["id"]):
def write_book(out, book):
with out.pair_tag("div", clazz="container"):
with out.pair_tag("header", clazz="jumbotron"):
with out.pair_tag("h1", clazz="book-title"):
write_block(out, book["name"])
write_block(out, book["landing_text"])
with out.pair_tag("nav"):
write_toc(out, book)
with out.pair_tag("main", clazz="book-body"):
for category in book["categories"]:
write_category(out, book["blacklist"], category)
def main(argv):
if len(argv) < 3:
print(f"Usage: {argv[0]} <resources dir> <mod name> <book name> [<output>]")
root = argv[1]
mod_name = argv[2]
book_name = argv[3]
book = parse_book(root, mod_name, book_name)
with open("template.html", "r") as fh:
with stdout if len(argv) < 5 else open(argv[4], "w") as out:
for line in fh:
if line.startswith("#DO_NOT_RENDER"):
_, *blacklist = line.split()
elif line == "#DUMP_BODY_HERE\n":
write_book(Stream(out), book)
print('', file=out)
else: print(line, end='', file=out)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="The Hex Book, all in one place.">
<meta name="author" content="petrak@, Alwinfy">
<link rel="icon" href="../../favicon.ico">
<title>Hex Book</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu" crossorigin="anonymous">
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summary { display: list-item; }
details.spell-collapsible {
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: .5em .5em 0;
margin-bottom: .5em;
summary.collapse-spell {
font-weight: bold;
margin: -.5em -.5em 0;
padding: .5em;
details.spell-collapsible[open] {
padding: .5em;
details[open] summary.collapse-spell {
border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
margin-bottom: .5em;
details .collapse-spell::before {
content: "Click to show spell";
details[open] .collapse-spell::before {
content: "Click to hide spell";
blockquote.crafting-info {
font-size: inherit;
a.toggle-link {
margin-left: 0.5em;
a.permalink {
margin-left: 0.5em;
a.permalink:hover {
color: lightgray;
p {
margin: 0.5ex 0;
p.fake-li {
margin: 0;
p.fake-li::before {
content: "\2022";
margin: 1ex;
p.linkout::before {
content: "Link: ";
p.todo-note {
font-style: italic;
color: lightgray;
.obfuscated {
filter: blur(1em);
"use strict";
const speeds = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4];
const scrollThreshold = 100;
const rfaQueue = [];
function startAngle(str) {
switch (str) {
case "east": return 0;
case "north_east": return 1;
case "north_west": return 2;
case "west": return 3;
case "south_west": return 4;
case "south_east": return 5;
default: return 0;
function offsetAngle(str) {
switch (str) {
case "w": return 0;
case "q": return 1;
case "a": return 2;
case "s": return 3;
case "d": return 4;
case "e": return 5;
default: return -1;
function initializeElem(canvas) {
const str = canvas.dataset.string;
let angle = startAngle(canvas.dataset.start);
const perWorld = canvas.dataset.perWorld === "True";
// build geometry
const points = [[0, 0]];
let lastPoint = points[0];
let minPoint = lastPoint, maxPoint = lastPoint;
for (const ch of "w" + str) {
const addAngle = offsetAngle(ch);
if (addAngle < 0) continue;
angle = (angle + addAngle) % 6;
const trueAngle = Math.PI / 3 * angle;
const [lx, ly] = lastPoint;
const newPoint = [lx + Math.cos(trueAngle), ly - Math.sin(trueAngle)];
lastPoint = newPoint;
const [mix, miy] = minPoint;
minPoint = [Math.min(mix, newPoint[0]), Math.min(miy, newPoint[1])];
const [max, may] = maxPoint;
maxPoint = [Math.max(max, newPoint[0]), Math.max(may, newPoint[1])];
const size = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * 0.8;
const scale = size / Math.max(3, Math.max(maxPoint[1] - minPoint[1], maxPoint[0] - minPoint[0]));
const center = [(minPoint[0] + maxPoint[0]) * 0.5, (minPoint[1] + maxPoint[1]) * 0.5];
const truePoints = => [canvas.width * 0.5 + scale * (p[0] - center[0]), canvas.height * 0.5 + scale * (p[1] - center[1])]);
let uniqPoints = [];
l1: for (const point of truePoints) {
for (const pt of uniqPoints) {
if (Math.abs(point[0] - pt[0]) < 0.00001 && Math.abs(point[1] - pt[1]) < 0.00001) {
continue l1;
// rendering code
const strokeStyle = "darkgray";
const strokeVisitedStyle = "#0c8";
const strokeWidth = scale / 12;
const startDotStyle = "#f009";
const dotStyle = "#777f";
const movDotStyle = "#0fa9";
const dotRadius = scale / 8;
const speed = 0.0025;
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
const negaProgress = -3;
let progress = 0;
let scrollTimeout = 1e309;
let speedLevel = 3;
let speedIncrement = 0;
function speedScale() {
return speeds[speedLevel];
const tick = dt => {
scrollTimeout += dt;
if (canvas.offsetParent === null) return;
if (!perWorld) {
progress += speed * dt * (progress > 0 ? speedScale() : Math.sqrt(speedScale()));
if (progress >= truePoints.length - 1) {
progress = negaProgress;
let ix = Math.floor(progress), frac = progress - ix, core = null, fadeColor = 0;
if (ix < 0) {
const rawFade = 2 * progress / negaProgress - 1;
fadeColor = 1 - Math.abs(rawFade);
context.strokeStyle = rawFade > 0 ? strokeVisitedStyle : strokeStyle;
ix = rawFade > 0 ? truePoints.length - 2 : 0;
frac = +(rawFade > 0);
} else {
context.strokeStyle = strokeVisitedStyle;
const [lx, ly] = truePoints[ix];
const [rx, ry] = truePoints[ix + 1];
core = [lx + (rx - lx) * frac, ly + (ry - ly) * frac];
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
context.moveTo(truePoints[0][0], truePoints[0][1]);
for (let i = 1; i < ix + 1; i++) {
context.lineTo(truePoints[i][0], truePoints[i][1]);
context.lineTo(core[0], core[1]);
context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
context.moveTo(core[0], core[1]);
for (let i = ix + 1; i < truePoints.length; i++) {
context.lineTo(truePoints[i][0], truePoints[i][1]);
for (let i = 0; i < uniqPoints.length; i++) {
context.fillStyle = (i == 0 && !perWorld) ? startDotStyle : dotStyle;
const radius = (i == 0 && !perWorld) ? dotRadius : dotRadius / 2;
context.arc(uniqPoints[i][0], uniqPoints[i][1], radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
if (!perWorld) {
context.fillStyle = movDotStyle;
context.arc(core[0], core[1], dotRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
if (fadeColor) {
context.fillStyle = `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${fadeColor})`;
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
if (scrollTimeout <= 2000) {
context.fillStyle = `rgba(200, 200, 200, ${(2000 - scrollTimeout) / 1000})`;
context.font = `${scale * 0.5}px sans-serif`;
context.fillText(speedScale() ? speedScale() + "x" : "Paused", 0.2 * scale, canvas.height - 0.2 * scale);
// scrolling input
canvas.addEventListener("wheel", ev => {
speedIncrement += ev.deltaY;
const oldSpeedLevel = speedLevel;
if (speedIncrement >= scrollThreshold) {
} else if (speedIncrement <= -scrollThreshold) {
if (oldSpeedLevel != speedLevel) {
speedIncrement = 0;
speedLevel = Math.max(0, Math.min(speeds.length - 1, speedLevel));
scrollTimeout = 0;
function hookLoad(elem) {
let init = false;
const canvases = elem.querySelectorAll("canvas");
elem.addEventListener("toggle", () => {
if (!init) {
init = true;
function hookToggle(elem) {
const details = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("details." +;
elem.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (details.some(x => {
details.forEach(x => = false);
} else {
details.forEach(x => = true);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
function tick(prevTime, time) {
const dt = time - prevTime;
for (const q of rfaQueue) {
requestAnimationFrame(t => tick(time, t));
requestAnimationFrame(t => tick(t, t));
<div class="container" style="margin-top: 3em;">
<h1>This is the online version of the Hexcasting documentation.</h1>
<p>It's a work in progress, but I'm posting it now so that you can all get some use out of it.</p>
<p><b>WARNING: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SPOILERS!</b> Read at your own risk.</p>
#DO_NOT_RENDER basics/couldnt_cast basics/start_to_see
Add table
Reference in a new issue