patchouli work might be bikeshedding right now tbh

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petrak@ 2023-07-08 17:28:10 -05:00
parent 4eb5bb846d
commit 8f20cec693

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@ -304,8 +304,6 @@
no_closure: "The flow of media will not be able to return to the impetus at %s"
lens: {
impetus: {
"redstone.bound": "Bound to %s",
@ -799,7 +797,6 @@
It's probably just the ramblings of extinct traditionalists, though -- a pattern's a pattern.$(br2)\
What could possibly go wrong?"
lore: "Lore",
interop: "Cross-Mod Interactions",
@ -928,7 +925,64 @@
casting: {
overview: {
"1": "Casting a _Hex is quite difficult-- no wonder this art was lost to time! I'll have to re-read my notes carefully.$(br2)"
"1": ">>>\
I believe it's good to always start off on the right foot. So, I've compiled the patterns for a _Hex that will cause a modest explosion at the position I am looking at. I believe examining the inner workings of this _Hex will be quite edifying."
grid: {
"1": ">>>\
I will generally provide my patterns to Nature via my $(l:items/staff)$(item)Staff/$.\
Pressing $(thing)$(k:use)/$ with one in my hand will cause a hexagonal grid of dots to appear in front of me.\
I can then click, drag from dot to dot, and release to draw patterns.$(br2)\
Once I submit a pattern, it is executed (see the next chapter).",
"2": ">>>\
Pressing $(thing)$(k:escape)/$ saves and closes the grid; when I next use my staff, all my patterns and iotas will still be there.$(br2)\
Should I wish to reset my casting state, I can do so by sneaking while opening the grid."
"patterns&actions": {
"1": ">>>\
$(thing)Patterns/$ are paths traced through the grid of _media. I believe the sixfold symmetry of patterns is what gives my art its name.$(br2)\
$(thing)Actions/$, meanwhile, are what patterns $(italic)do/$.",
"2": ">>>\
The difference is similar to the difference between $(italic)words/$ and $(italic)meanings/$.\
Any jumble of letters forms a word, but most of them (like \"xnopyt\") don't mean anything.\
Similarly, any squiggle yanked through the _media is technically a pattern, but most of them won't do anything.",
"3": ">>>\
Actions are somewhat like commands to the grand systems rules that govern the universe (which I have seen some texts personify as \"Nature.\").\
They tend to do one of a few things:\
$(li)Gather some information about the world, such as finding the position of a entity.\
$(li)Manipulate the info gathered, like finding the distance between two positions.\
$(li)Perform some magical effect on the world, like summoning lightning or an explosion.$(br)\
These last kinds of actions are called \"spells.\", and are generally what attract people to the art.",
"4": ">>>\
A _Hex, then, is a sequence of valid patterns presented to Nature in sequence.\
Nature interprets each of these patterns one-by-one and, if it understands, changes the world to my whims.\
(Or, what it thinks my whims are.)",
"5": ">>>\
Although some actions can be performed easily, some require a payment in the form of coalesced _media.\
I believe the concentrated mental energy is used as a sort of argument to Nature, convincing it that it should indeed do as I ask.\
Most spells require this kind of payment, but a few non-spell actions do too.$(br2)\
I've recorded the costs, if any, of each action on their respective pages."
iotas: {
"1": ">>>\
The \"nouns\" in Nature's language are called $(thing)iotas/$.\
At its most basic level, Hexcasting is the art of manipulating iotas.$(br2)\
Iotas come in many different types:\
$(li)Numbers (which some legends called \"doubles\").\
$(li)Vectors, a collection of three numbers representing a position, movement, or direction.\
$(li)Booleans or \"bools\" for short, representing an abstract True or False.\
$(li)Entities, like myself, chickens, and minecarts.",
"2": ">>>\
$(li)Influences, peculiar types of iota that seem to represent abstract ideas.\
$(li)Patterns themselves, used for crafting magic items and truly mind-boggling feats like $(italic)spells that cast other spells/$.\
$(li)A list of several of the above, gathered into a single iota.",
"3": ">>>\
Generally, I provide iotas to actions.\
For example, take $(l:patterns/spells/basic#hexcasting:explode)$(action)Explosion/$.\
This spell requires a number iota, to indicate the strength, and a vector iota, to indicate the location.$(br2)\
Or, take $(l:patterns/basic#hexcasting:get_pos)$(action)Compass Purification/$.\
This takes an entity iota and transforms it into a vector iota, representing the position of that entity."
@ -1191,8 +1245,8 @@
"numbers.example.7": "This pattern pushes 7: 5 + 1 + 1.",
"numbers.example.-32.header": "Example 3",
"numbers.example.-32": "This pattern pushes -32: negate 1 + 5 + 10 * 2.",
"numbers.example.4.5.header": "Example 4",
"numbers.example.4.5": "This pattern pushes 4.5: 5 / 2 + 1 + 1.",
"numbers.example.45.header": "Example 4",
"numbers.example.45": "This pattern pushes 45: 5 / 2 + 1 + 1.",
"numbers.3": "In certain cases it might be easier to just use an $(l:items/abacus)$(item)Abacus/$. But, it's worth knowing the \"proper\" way to do things.",