more to come
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 75 additions and 75 deletions
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
"item.hexcasting.creative_unlocker.tooltip": "食用以解锁所有有关%s的知识。",
"item.hexcasting.creative_unlocker.mod_name": "咒法学",
"item.hexcasting.lore_fragment": "Lore Fragment",
"item.hexcasting.lore_fragment.all": "It seems I have found all the lore this world has to offer.",
"item.hexcasting.lore_fragment": "故事残卷",
"item.hexcasting.lore_fragment.all": "似乎我已找齐了此世界上的所有故事。",
"entity.hexcasting.wall_scroll": "壁挂卷轴",
@ -169,21 +169,21 @@
"advancement.hexcasting:y_u_no_cast_angy.desc": "尝试根据卷轴施放法术,然后失败",
"advancement.hexcasting:opened_eyes": "恍然大悟",
"advancement.hexcasting:opened_eyes.desc": "用你的一部分意识向自然换取一个咒术。让自然再拿些又会怎样呢?",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore": "Hexcasting Lore",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore.desc": "Read a Lore Fragment",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia1": "Terabithia Steles",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia1.desc": "Letter from Terabithia Steles to Her Father, #2",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia2": "Terabithia Steles",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia2.desc": "Letter from Terabithia Steles to Her Father, #2",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia3": "Terabithia Steles",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia3.desc": "Letter from Terabithia Steles to Her Father, #3, 1/2",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia4": "Terabithia Steles",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia4.desc": "Letter from Terabithia Steles to Her Father, #3, 2/2",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia5": "Terabithia Steles",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia5.desc": "Letter from Terabithia Steles to Her Father, #5",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/experiment1": "Wooleye Instance Notes",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore": "咒法学故事",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore.desc": "阅读一份故事残卷",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia1": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia1.desc": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#1",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia2": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia2.desc": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#2",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia3": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia3.desc": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#3,1/2",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia4": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia4.desc": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#3,2/2",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia5": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/terabithia5.desc": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#4",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/experiment1": "“毡障”实验实例笔记",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/experiment2": "Wooleye Interview Logs",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/inventory": "Restoration Log 72",
"advancement.hexcasting:lore/inventory": "回收日志 72",
"stat.hexcasting.mana_used": "消耗媒质数量(以紫水晶粉计)",
"stat.hexcasting.mana_overcasted": "过度施法消耗媒质数量(以紫水晶粉计)",
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:duplicate": "双子之分解",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:duplicate_n": "双子之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:over": "Dioscuri之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:over": "狄俄斯库里之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:stack_len": "群体之精思",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:swap": "弄臣之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:fisherman": "渔夫之策略",
@ -343,8 +343,8 @@
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:equals": "相等之馏化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:not_equals": "不等之馏化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:not": "取非之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:bool_coerce": "Augur之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:if": "Augur之提整",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:bool_coerce": "占卜师之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:if": "占卜师之提整",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:add": "加法之馏化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:sub": "减法之馏化",
@ -368,13 +368,13 @@
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:coerce_axial": "轴向之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:read": "书吏之精思",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:read/entity": "Chronicler之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:read/entity": "编年史家之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:write": "书吏之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:write/entity": "Chronicler之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:readable": "Auditor之精思",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:writable": "Assessor之精思",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:readable/entity": "Auditor之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:writable/entity": "Assessor之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:write/entity": "编年史家之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:readable": "审计员之精思",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:writable": "估价员之精思",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:readable/entity": "审计员之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:writable/entity": "估价员之纯化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:akashic/read": "阿卡夏之馏化",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:akashic/write": "阿卡夏之策略",
"hexcasting.spell.hexcasting:read/local": "雾尼之精思",
@ -675,9 +675,9 @@
"": "$(italic)你必须学会……探知你所看到的事物。/$",
"hexcasting.entry.focus": "核心",
"": "$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$能存储一个 iota。$(br2)合成核心时,其默认存有 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$ 这一虚指。在另一只手持有$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$时,可以用$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)书吏之策略/$将栈顶元素弹出栈并存入其中。而使用$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)书吏之精思/$就会将$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中的 iota 复制出来并压入栈中。",
"": "我突然想到,我可以在$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中存入一个由图案组成的列表,将它们复制出来后用$(l:patterns/meta#hexcasting:eval)$(action)赫尔墨斯之策略/$运行就行了。这样就有了施放复杂法术和施放某法术其中一部分的简单方法,不用再在每次使用时全部重画一遍图案了。$(br2)它可以用作一个简易版$(l:items/hexcasting#artifact)$(item)造物/$,但我觉得将某些常用图案“组合”存到$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中更方便,比如返回我在看哪里的图案组合。",
"": "另外,如果我在$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中存入一个实体,然后在该实体死亡或消失后尝试复制,则$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)书吏之精思/$会压入一个 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$。$(br2)最后,如果不希望$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$被覆写,可以将其与$(item)蜜脾/$合成来蜡封,这时对其使用$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)书吏之策略/$就会失败。$(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting#hexcasting:erase)$(action)清除物品/$则会将蜡封和其内容物一并清除。",
"": "$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$能存储一个 iota。$(br2)合成核心时,其默认存有 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$ 这一虚指。在另一只手持有$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$时,可以用$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)书吏之策略/$将栈顶元素弹出栈并写入其中。而使用$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)书吏之精思/$就会将$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中的 iota 复制出来并压入栈中。",
"": "我突然想到,我可以在$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中写入一个由图案组成的列表,将它们复制出来后用$(l:patterns/meta#hexcasting:eval)$(action)赫尔墨斯之策略/$运行就行了。这样就有了施放复杂法术和施放某法术其中一部分的简单方法,不用再在每次使用时全部重画一遍图案了。$(br2)它可以用作一个简易版$(l:items/hexcasting#artifact)$(item)造物/$,但我觉得将某些常用图案“组合”存到$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中更方便,比如返回我在看哪里的图案组合。",
"": "另外,如果我在$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$中写入一个实体,然后在该实体死亡或消失后尝试复制,则$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)书吏之精思/$会压入一个 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$。$(br2)最后,如果不希望$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$被覆写,可以将其与$(item)蜜脾/$合成来蜡封,这时对其使用$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)书吏之策略/$就会失败。$(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting#hexcasting:erase)$(action)清除物品/$则会将蜡封和其内容物一并清除。",
"": "$(italic)毒苹果,毒虫子。/$",
"hexcasting.entry.abacus": "算盘",
@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
"": "将栈顶的实体变为其视线方向上的单位向量。",
"": "向我展示栈顶的 iota。",
"": "将两个向量组合(分别表示位置和方向)并返回如下问题的答案:若我站在该位置并看向该方向,我会看到什么方块?消耗极少量$(#74b3f2)媒质/$。",
"": "If it doesn't hit anything, the vectors will combine into $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$.$(br2)A common sequence of patterns, the so-called \"raycast mantra,\" is $(action)Mind's Reflection/$, $(action)Compass Purification/$, $(action)Mind's Reflection/$, $(action)Alidade Purification/$, $(action)Archer's Distillation/$. Together, they return the vector position of the block I am looking at.",
"": "如果视线并未击中任何事物,所提供的向量会变为 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$。$(br2)有一套常用的图案序列(常称“光线投射曼怛罗”),由$(action)意识之精思/$、$(action)指南针之纯化/$、$(action)意识之精思/$、$(action)照准仪之纯化/$、$(action)弓箭手之馏化/$组成。依次绘制就能返回我所看的方块的位置向量。",
"": "与$(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:raycast)$(action)弓箭手之馏化/$类似,但会返回如下问题的答案:我看着的是方块的$(italic)哪一面/$?消耗极少量$(#74b3f2)媒质/$。",
"": "更确切地说,它会返回所看面的$(italic)法向量/$,也即垂直于该面的单位向量。$(li)如果我看着地面,它会返回 (0, 1, 0)。$(li)如果我看着某方块面向南方的侧面,它会返回 (0, 0, 1)。",
"": "与$(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:raycast)$(action)弓箭手之馏化/$类似,但会返回我所看的$(italic)实体/$。消耗极少量$(#74b3f2)媒质/$。",
@ -893,12 +893,12 @@
"": "编码列表",
"hexcasting.entry.logic": "逻辑运算",
"": "Convert an argument to a boolean. The number $(thing)0/$, $(l:influences#null)$(thing)Null/$, and the empty list become False; everything else becomes True.",
"": "将参数变换为布尔值。数 $(thing)0/$、$(l:influences#null)$(thing)Null/$,以及空列表会变为 False。其余所有则变为 True。",
"": "如果参数是 True,返回 False;如果参数是 False,返回 True。",
"": "如果至少有一个参数是 True,返回 True。否则返回 False。",
"": "如果两个参数都是 True,返回 True。否则返回 False。",
"": "如果参数中仅一个是 True,返回 True。否则返回 False。",
"": "If the first argument is True, keeps the second and discards the third; otherwise discards the second and keeps the third.",
"": "如果第一个参数是 True,保留第二个参数并移除第三个。否则保留第三个参数并移除第二个。",
"": "如果第一个参数等于第二个(允许较小误差),返回 1。否则返回 0。",
"": "如果第一个参数不等于第二个(允许较小误差),返回 1。否则返回 0。",
"": "如果第一个参数大于第二个,返回 1. 否则返回 0。",
@ -937,13 +937,13 @@
"": "移除栈顶元素,并将栈顶列表变为该元素在其中第一次出现的位置(从 0 开始)。若没有出现过则返回 -1。",
"": "移除栈顶的数,而后移除栈顶列表中下标为该数(就是被移除的那个数)的元素。",
"": "移除栈顶元素和栈顶的数,而后将栈顶列表中下标为该数(就是被移除的那个数)变为该元素。若该数越界则不进行操作。",
"": "Remove $(italic)num/$ elements from the stack, then add them to a list at the top of the stack.",
"": "Remove the list at the top of the stack, then push its contents to the stack.",
"": "移除 $(italic)num/$ 个元素,并将这些元素加入列表并压入栈顶。",
"": "移除栈顶列表,而后将其中元素全部压入栈顶。",
"": "移除栈顶元素,将其加到栈顶列表的开头。",
"": "移除栈顶列表中的第一个元素,并将该元素压入栈顶。",
"hexcasting.entry.patterns_as_iotas": "将图案用作 Iota",
"": "咒法学中的一个怪异之处就是$(italic)图案本身/$也可被视为 iota ——甚至能在施法时被压到栈中。$(br2)这就产生了一个问题:我怎么把图案用作 iota 呢?如果就只是画一遍,自然大概不会将其理解为“把它加到栈里”,而只会将其与操作对应起来。",
"": "咒法学中的一个怪异之处就是$(italic)图案本身/$也可被视为 iota ——其甚至能在施法时被压到栈中。$(br2)这就产生了一个问题:我怎么把图案用作 iota 呢?如果就只是画一遍,自然大概不会将其理解为“把它加到栈里”,而只会将其与操作对应起来。",
"": "幸运的是,自然提供了一组专用于此道的$(l:casting/influences)虚指/$。$(br2)简而言之,$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:escape)$(action)考察/$使我能将一个图案加到栈中,$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:open_paren)$(action)内省/$和$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:close_paren)$(action)反思/$则能加入一整个列表。",
"": "要使用$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:escape)$(action)考察/$,先绘制它,然后绘制任意图案。第二个图案就会被加到栈中。",
"": "如果对计算机科学有足够了解的话,你可能能将其与“转义”/“escape”操作联系起来。$(br2)考察的一大用途是将某一图案复制到$(l:items/scroll)$(item)卷轴/$或$(l:items/slate)$(item)石板/$上,且要和$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)书吏之策略/$配合使用。这之后卷轴和石板就能拿来装饰了。",
@ -952,19 +952,19 @@
"": "而且,如果在绘制$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:open_paren)$(action)内省/$和$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:close_paren)$(action)反思/$前绘制一个$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:escape)$(action)考察/$,就能绕过它们的特殊功能,并将它们作为普通图案加到栈中,且不会影响返回正常施法模式前要绘制的$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:close_paren)$(action)反思/$个数。$(br2)如果在$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:open_paren)$(action)考察中/$连续绘制两个$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:escape)$(action)考察/$,只有第一个$(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:escape)$(action)考察/$会被加到栈中。",
"hexcasting.entry.readwrite": "读取与写入",
"": "This section deals with the storage of $(thing)Iotas/$ in a more permanent medium. Nearly any iota can be stored to a suitable item, such as a $(l:items/focus)$(item)Focus/$ or $(l:items/spellbook)$(item)Spellbook/$), and read back later. Certain items, such as an $(l:items/abacus)$(item)Abacus/$, can only be read from.$(br2)Iotas are usually read and written from the other hand, but it is also possible to read and write with an item when it is sitting on the ground as an item entity, or when in an item frame.",
"": "There may be other entities I can interact with in this way. For example, a $(l:items/scroll)$(item)Scroll/$ hung on the wall can have its pattern read off of it.$(br2)However, it seems I am unable to save a reference to another player, only me. I suppose an entity reference is similar to the idea of a True Name; perhaps Nature is helping to keep our Names out of the hands of enemies. If I want a friend to have my Name I can make a $(l:items/focus)$(item)Focus/$ for them.",
"": "Copy the iota stored in the item in my other hand and add it to the stack.",
"": "Remove the top iota from the stack, and save it into the item in my other hand.",
"": "Like $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)Scribe's Reflection/$, but the iota is read out of an entity instead of my other hand.",
"": "Like $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)Scribe's Reflection/$, but the iota is written to an entity instead of my other hand.",
"": "If the item in my other hand holds an iota I can read, returns True. Otherwise, returns False.",
"": "Like $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:readable)$(action)Auditor's Reflection/$, but the readability of an entity is checked instead of my other hand.",
"": "If I could save an iota into the item in my other hand, returns True. Otherwise, returns False.",
"": "Like $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:writable)$(action)Assessor's Reflection/$, but the writability of an entity is checked instead of my other hand.",
"": "这一章节主要记述有关将 $(thing)iota/$ 写入永久性介质中的知识。几乎所有 iota 都可被写入合适的物品中,例如$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$和$(l:items/spellbook)$(item)法术书/$,而后可以将它们读出来。而某些物品,例如$(l:items/abacus)$(item)算盘/$,则只能被读取。$(br2)一般可从另一只手中的物品中读取或写入 iota。但若将物品丢出为物品实体,或是放在物品展示框中,则也可读取或写入。",
"": "我还能对其他实体执行上述两种操作。例如,可从一张壁挂$(l:items/scroll)$(item)卷轴/$中读出图案。$(br2)然而,貌似写入代表其他玩家的 iota 是不被允许的,只有我自己的能写入。我认为这和“真名”类似。也许是自然在阻止我们的真名落入敌手。如果我想把我的真名交给朋友,做个$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$给他们就好了。",
"": "复制另一只手所持物品中 iota,并将其压入栈顶。",
"": "移除栈顶 iota,并将其写入另一只手中的物品中。",
"": "与$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)书吏之精思/$类似,但会将 iota 从某实体中读出,而非手中物品中。",
"": "与$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:read)$(action)书吏之精思/$类似,但会将 iota 写入某实体,而非手中物品。",
"": "如果另一只手中物品存有可被读取的 iota,返回 True。否则返回 False。",
"": "与$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:readable)$(action)审计员之精思/$类似,但会检测实体可读性,而非手中物品。",
"": "如果能将 iota 写入另一只手中的物品,返回 True。否则返回 False。",
"": "与$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:writable)$(action)估价员之精思/$类似,但会检测实体可写性,而非手中物品。",
"": "渡鸦之思",
"": "物品不是唯一一个能存入信息的地方,我也可以将其存到$(#b38ef3)咒术/$自身的$(#74b3f2)媒质/$里,就和栈差不多。文献将其称为$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:local)$(thing)渡鸦之思/$。它能存有一个 iota,默认为 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$,和$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$差不多。它在每次使用$(l:patterns/meta#hexcasting:for_each)$(action)托特之策略/$后保持不变,但也只能撑到$(#b38ef3)咒术/$结束。一旦施法结束,其值就会被清除。",
"": "移除栈顶 iota,并将其存入$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:local)$(thing)渡鸦之思/$,在施放$(#b38ef3)咒术/$的整个过程结束之前一直存在那里。",
"": "物品不是唯一一个能写入信息的地方,我也可以将其存到$(#b38ef3)咒术/$自身的$(#74b3f2)媒质/$里,就和栈差不多。文献将其称为$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:local)$(thing)渡鸦之思/$。它能存有一个 iota,默认为 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$,和$(l:items/focus)$(item)核心/$差不多。它在每次使用$(l:patterns/meta#hexcasting:for_each)$(action)托特之策略/$后保持不变,但也只能撑到$(#b38ef3)咒术/$结束。一旦施法结束,其值就会被清除。",
"": "移除栈顶 iota,并将其写入$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:local)$(thing)渡鸦之思/$,在施放$(#b38ef3)咒术/$的整个过程结束之前一直存在那里。",
"": "将$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:local)$(thing)渡鸦之思/$中的 iota 复制出来。(也许刚刚才用$(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write/local)$(action)福金之策略/$写进去。)",
"hexcasting.entry.meta": "元运行",
@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@
"": "将我的$(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)哨卫/$的位置加到栈中,若并未召唤则加入一个 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$。消耗极少量$(#74b3f2)媒质/$。",
"": "将栈顶的位置向量变为从我的位置指向$(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)哨卫/$的单位向量,若并未召唤则变为 $(l:casting/influences)$(thing)Null/$。消耗极少量$(#74b3f2)媒质/$。",
"": "我必须在施法时在另一只手中持有$(l:items/pigments)$(item)染色剂/$。施法后,染色剂将被消耗而我意识的颜色也将永久改变(至少是在再次施法前)。消耗大约 1 个$(l:items/amethyst)$(item)紫水晶粉/$。",
"": "我需要在施法时在另一只手中持有$(l:items/pigments)$(item)染色剂/$。施法后,染色剂将被消耗而我意识的颜色也将永久改变(至少是在再次施法前)。消耗大约 1 个$(l:items/amethyst)$(item)紫水晶粉/$。",
"": "在给定位置生成一格熔岩(或给流体容器注入至多一桶熔岩)。消耗大约 1 个$(l:items/amethyst)$(item)充能紫水晶/$。",
"": "建议不要声张自己知道这个法术。某些植物学家对此……比较敏感,至少我听说是这样。$(br2)也罢,确实没人说过探究宇宙最深层的秘密是什么好干的活。",
@ -1070,34 +1070,34 @@
"": "卓越$(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)哨卫/$除了看上去更奇特外和不用卓越法术召唤的哨卫一样。然而,我法术的生效范围会扩展到卓越$(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)哨卫/$周围小范围处,大概是哨卫周围 16 格内。换句话说,不管我在世界上何处,我都能与卓越$(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(thing)哨卫/$周围的方块交互(尽管仍会受到“区块加载”这一神秘力量的影响)。",
"": "将$(#74b3f2)媒质/$注入一个玻璃瓶,从而制成$(l:items/phials)$(item)试剂瓶/$。",
"": "和用于$(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting)$(action)制作施法物品/$的法术类似,我必须在另一只手中拿着一个$(item)玻璃瓶/$,并提供一个$(l:items/amethyst)$(item)紫水晶/$物品实体作为参数。更多信息参见$(l:items/phials)此页/$。$(br2)消耗大约 1 个$(l:items/amethyst)$(item)充能紫水晶/$。",
"": "和用于$(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting)$(action)制作施法物品/$的法术类似,我需要在另一只手中拿着一个$(item)玻璃瓶/$,并提供一个$(l:items/amethyst)$(item)紫水晶/$物品实体作为参数。更多信息参见$(l:items/phials)此页/$。$(br2)消耗大约 1 个$(l:items/amethyst)$(item)充能紫水晶/$。",
"": "我搞不懂这个法术……说实话,我也不清楚我到底想不想知道它的作用。",
"": "我搞不懂这个法术……说实话,我也不清楚我到底想不想搞懂。",
"hexcasting.entry.lore": "Lore",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.desc": "I have uncovered some letters and text not of direct relavence to my art. But, I think I may be able to divine some of the history of the world from these. Let me see...",
"hexcasting.entry.lore": "故事",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.desc": "我发现了些与我所研究的学问没有直接关系的信件和文本。但是,我认为我能从其中了解某些历史上发生过的事。需要好好读读……",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia1": "Terabithia Steles, #1",
"": "$(italic)Full title: Letter from Terabithia Steles to Her Father, #1/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)Every day it seems I have more reason to thank you for saving up to send me to the Grand Library. The amount I am learning is incredible! I feel I don't have the skill with words needed to express myself fully... it is wonderful to be here.",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia1": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯,#1",
"": "$(italic)完整标题:泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#1/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)Every day it seems I have more reason to thank you for saving up to send me to the Grand Library. The amount I am learning is incredible! I feel I don't have the skill with words needed to express myself fully... it is wonderful to be here.",
"": "I sit in the main dome as I write this. It's maintained by the Hexcasting Corps; they have some sort of peculiar mechanism at the top that captures the stray thought energy as it leaks out from the desks and desks of hard-working students, as I understand it. One of my friends in the dormitory, Amanita, is studying the subject, and oh how she loves to explain it to me at length, although I confess I do not understand it very well.",
"": "The way I understand it, our processes of thought--the intangible mechanisms by which I move my pen and by which you read this letter--are not completely efficient. A small amount of that energy is released into the environment, like how a wagon's axle is hot to the touch after it has been turning for a while. This spare energy is called \"media.\" One person's spare media is trifiling, but the hundreds of thinking people in the main dome have a sort of multiplicative effect, and combined with some sort of ingenious mechanism, it can be solidified into a sort of purple crystal.",
"": "But that's enough about her studies. I returned from my first expedition with the Geology Corps today! My apologies for not sending a letter before I left; the date crept up on me. We ventured into a crack in the earth to the east of the Grand and spent the night camping under the rock and soil. We kept to well-lit and well-traveled areas of the cave, of course, and in all honesty it was likely safer in there than the night surface, but oh how I was scared!",
"": "Fortunately the night passed without mishap, and we proceeded deeper into the cave for our examination of the local veins of ore. We were looking for trace veins of a purple crystal called \"amethyst,\" which supposedly occurs in small amounts deep in the rock. We did not find anything, sadly, and returned to the sunlit surface empty-handed.",
"": "Come to think of it, the description of this \"amethyst\" I now realize closely matches those crystals of media Amanita speaks of. Imagine if these nuggets of thought occurred naturally under the ground! I can't imagine why that might happen, though... ",
"": "As a student, I am entitled to send one letter by Akashic post every three months, free of charge. Unfortunately, you know how thin my moneybags are ... so I am afraid this offer is the only method I may communicate with you. I will of course appreciate immensely if you manage to scrounge together the money to send a letter back, but it seems our communications may be limited. I hate to be cut off from you so, but the skills I gain here will be more than repayment. Imagine, I will be the first member of our family to be anything other than a farmer!",
"": "So, I suppose I will write again in three months' time.$(br2)Yours,$(br)-- Terabithia Steles",
"": "So, I suppose I will write again in three months' time.$(br2)Yours,$(br)泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia2": "Terabithia Steles, #2",
"": "$(italic)Full title: Letter from Terabithia Steles to Her Father, #2/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)... Goodness, what an ordeal it is to try to summarize the last three months into a short letter. Such a cruel task set before me by this miracle I receive entirely for free! Woe is me.",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia2": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯,#2",
"": "$(italic)完整标题:泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#2/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)... Goodness, what an ordeal it is to try to summarize the last three months into a short letter. Such a cruel task set before me by this miracle I receive entirely for free! Woe is me.",
"": "My studies with the Geology Corps have been progressing smoothly. We have gone on more expeditions, deeper into the earth, to where the smooth gray stone makes way to a hard, flaky slate. It creates such an awful, choking dust under your feet... it's incredible what hostility there is below all of our feet all the time, even disregarding the creatures of the dark. (I have had one or two encounters with them, but I know how you shudder to think of me having to fight for my life, so I will not write of them.)",
"": "We did manage to find some of this amethyst, however. There was a small vein with a few trace crystals on one of our expeditions. We were under strict instructions to keep none of them and turn them in to our Corps prefect immediately. I find the whole affair rather ridiculous; they treat it like some matter of enormous importance and secrecy, and yet have a group of a dozen students, all barely six months at the Grand Library, trying to excavate barely ten drams of the stuff with twelve prospector's picks in a square foot...",
"": "I cannot imagine for what purpose, either. A librarian pointed me to an encyclopedia of gems, and amethyst seems to have next to no purpose; it's used for certain specialty types of glass and lenses, of all things.$(br2)If I were to speculate, I would guess that these amethyst crystals and the media they so resemble are one and the same, as I wrote of last time.",
"": "If this is true, the secrecy, not to mention the prefect's aversion to questioning, may be because this is an original piece of research the Grand Library is not eager to let into the hands of enemy factions.$(br2)However, this theory does not sit quite right with me. The amethyst I handled in the cave and the crystals of media Amanita has shown to me do seem quite similar, but not identical. I would like to see them side-by-side to be sure, but media has a peculiar buzzing or rumbling feel beneath the fingers that amethyst does not.",
"": "It is quite possible I was unable to sense it on the amethyst in the cave due to the stress of being undergound-- my hands were shaking the one time I managed to touch some, and the feeling is very light --but it does not seem the same to me. The light reflects slightly differently.$(br2)I suppose if I ever manage to get my hands on a crystal of amethyst outside of a cave, I will ask Amanita to see if she can cast a spell with it. Every time we meet she seems to have some new fantastic trick.",
"": "Just last week she suspended me in the air supported by nothing at all! It is an immensely strange feeling to have your body tingling and lighter than air with your clothing still the same weight... I am just glad she tugged me over my bed before the effect ran out.$(br2)Yours,$(br)-- Terabithia Steles",
"": "Just last week she suspended me in the air supported by nothing at all! It is an immensely strange feeling to have your body tingling and lighter than air with your clothing still the same weight... I am just glad she tugged me over my bed before the effect ran out.$(br2)Yours,$(br)泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia3": "Terabithia Steles, #3, 1/2",
"": "$(italic)Full title: Letter from Terabithia Steles to her father, #3, part 1/2/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)Two very peculiar things have happened since I last wrote.$(br2)Firstly, the professor in charge of the entry-level Hexcasting Corps students has disappeared. Nobody knows where he has gone. His office and living quarters were found locked, but still in their usual state of disarray.",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia3": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯,#3,1/2",
"": "$(italic)完整标题:泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#3,第一部分/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)Two very peculiar things have happened since I last wrote.$(br2)Firstly, the professor in charge of the entry-level Hexcasting Corps students has disappeared. Nobody knows where he has gone. His office and living quarters were found locked, but still in their usual state of disarray.",
"": "Even more peculiarly, any attempts by the students of the Grand to rouse the administrative portions of the gnarled bureaucracy have been very firmly rejected. Even other professors seem reluctant to talk about him.$(br2)As you might imagine, Amanita is sorely distressed. Whatever replacement professors the Grand managed to dredge up have none of the old professor's tact or skill with beginners.",
"": "But amazingly, that is not the stranger of the two things I have to tell you. The most horrendous thing I hope to ever experience happened on another trip out with the Geology Corps. This time, we were due for an expedition near a village.",
"": "Usually when we do such a thing, there is a long process of communication with the mayor or elder of the village to ensure we have permission and establish boundaries on where we are allowed to go and what we are allowed to do. But on this expedition, there was very little of that; we were notified where we were going by a prefect of the Hexcasting Corps scarcely two days before we left.",
@ -1108,10 +1108,10 @@
"": "I hesitate to say \"important,\" but that's the best I can think of. It had a certain ... gravitas, like the dark, sunken X in its surface held some sacred meaning. Whatever the reason we were under strict instructions not to touch them. Occasionally a misplaced pickaxe would shatter one, and the student responsible would get quite the earful. Although the labor was hard and took most of my attention, I couldn't help but notice how ... lucid I felt. It was a strange mix of feelings: I felt incredibly clear-headed, but I also felt if I stopped to examine the feeling I might never stop.",
"": "It was like each breath in erected a friendly signpost in my head promising the way forward, pointing directly down a steep cliff. I shook my head and immersed myself in the work of mining, which seemed to stave off the signposts.$(br2)I did manage, however, to hide a shard of the crystal in my knapsack.$(br2)We spent nearly the whole day mining, excavating most of the crystal by the time the prefects' chronometer said the sun would set soon.",
"": "As we left, I couldn't help but notice that on the surfaces of those dark, scored places we left unmined, there seemed to be the faintest buds of new crystal, like they were somehow growing out of them. Everything I had learned about the geology of crystals said they took thousands of years to grow, but here there was new growth in less than a day. I suppose the prefects' warnings against breaking those spots were warranted, at least.",
"": "Our journey back to the surface was uneventful, and we got back to our tents just as the sun was setting-- My apologies, I am nearly out of paper for this letter. There's only so much you can write on one Akashic letter ... This tale is worth purchasing another letter for. I'll send them both at once, so they should arrive together.$(br2)Yours,$(br)-- Terabithia Steles",
"": "Our journey back to the surface was uneventful, and we got back to our tents just as the sun was setting-- My apologies, I am nearly out of paper for this letter. There's only so much you can write on one Akashic letter ... This tale is worth purchasing another letter for. I'll send them both at once, so they should arrive together.$(br2)Yours,$(br)泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia4": "Terabithia Steles, #3, 2/2",
"": "$(italic)Full title: Letter from Terabithia Steles to her father, #3, part 2/2/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)As I was saying, I was running out of paper to write my story, so the rest of it is in this letter. We made it back to camp just as the sun was setting. And that night was the most horrible event of the whole strange outing.",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia4": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯,#3,2/2",
"": "$(italic)完整标题:泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#3,第二部分/$$(br2)Dear Papa,$(br)As I was saying, I was running out of paper to write my story, so the rest of it is in this letter. We made it back to camp just as the sun was setting. And that night was the most horrible event of the whole strange outing.",
"": "I had gotten up in the middle of the night to relieve myself. The moon was covered with clouds, and I confess I got lost in the winds of the forest and could not find the way back to the camp. Fearing the monsters of the night, I decided I would find my way to the village and see if I could find a bed there. At the least, I would be protected there.",
"": "The village was easy enough to find, though there was very little sound. Even this late at night I would expect the inn to be, if not bustling, at least not silent. But peeking through the inn door I saw absolutely nobody.$(br2)I knocked on the door of one of the houses to no response. The next two houses, too, seemed completely empty.",
"": "My pulse started to rise, and I resolved to enter the next house. I figured whoever might be inside would be understanding of their rest being disturbed. At the least, hearing another voice would have been reassuring, even if they didn't let me stay the night under their roof.$(br2)The house was very small, barely more than a cartographer's table and a bed. I could see there was someone in the bed, and I tried to reassure myself that everyone in the village was just deeply asleep as I turned to leave.",
@ -1120,17 +1120,17 @@
"": "I ran. In the light of the newly-revealed moon I caught glimpses of other townspeople through windows, and they were all warped and simplified as the first $(italic)thing/$ I had seen. I sprinted into the darkness of the forest, away from those terrible, terrible animal eyes in those distorted faces.$(br2)The camp was easier to find now that I could see in the moonlight. No-one seemed to have noticed my prolonged absence, thankfully. I crawled back into my bedroll and did my very best to forget the whole night.",
"": "As you can tell from this letter, I did not do a very good job. That warped visage still haunts my dreams. I shudder to think that it once might have been human.$(br2)After we got back to the Grand I showed the shard of crystal I had smuggled out to Amanita. She confirmed my suspicions: it is definitely a crystal of media. What an enormous geode full of it is doing underground, though, is beyond her.",
"": "She also mentioned something interesting: apparently media can be used in a similar way to true amethyst in those niche glasses I mentioned a few letters ago. The physical manner in which they both crystallise happens to be nearly identical, and it has nothing to do with media's magical properties, or so she says.$(br2)I chose not to tell her of the village full of monsters.",
"": "I know how tight money is for you, and how expensive it is to send a letter all the way back to the Grand, but I beg of you, please send a word of advice back. I am greatly distraught, and reading your words would do me much good.$(br2)Yours,$(br)-- Terabithia Steles",
"": "I know how tight money is for you, and how expensive it is to send a letter all the way back to the Grand, but I beg of you, please send a word of advice back. I am greatly distraught, and reading your words would do me much good.$(br2)Yours,$(br)泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia5": "Terabithia Steles, #4",
"": "$(italic)Full title: Letter from Terabithia Steles to her father, #4/$$(br2)Amanita has disappeared.$(br2)I don't know where she has gone, Papa. The last I saw her was over dinner, and she had just spoken to someone about the disappearances, and then--",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.terabithia5": "泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯,#4",
"": "$(italic)完整标题:泰瑞宾西娅·斯蒂勒斯寄给她父亲的信,#4/$$(br2)Amanita has disappeared.$(br2)I don't know where she has gone, Papa. The last I saw her was over dinner, and she had just spoken to someone about the disappearances, and then--",
"": "then-- then she was gone too. And no one speaks of her, and I am so so scared, Papa, do they all know? Everyone must have a friend who's just $(italic)vanished/$, into thin air, into non-being.$(br2)Where did they $(italic)go/$?",
"": "They keep shutting things down, too-- we haven't been on a trip for the Geology Corps in weeks, all the apparati that collect media in the main dome are gone, the Apothecary Corps haven't been open for months... it's like termites are eating the Grand from the inside, leaving a hollow shell.$(br2)I think they've started scanning the letters, we write too...",
"": "This letter has taken so much courage to write, and I don't have the courage to tell people myself, but if no one here can hold the knowledge I hope and pray you can send the word out... it's a vain hope for this to spread from somewhere as backwater as Brackenfalls, but please, please, do your best. Remember them, Papa... Amanita Libera, Jasmine Ward, Theodore Cha... please, remember them... and please forgive my cowardice, that I foist the responsibility onto you.",
"": "i can no longer write, my hands shake so much, please, rescue us.",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.inventory": "Restoration Log #72",
"": "Cell 39, Restoration Log #72, Detainment Center Beta$(br2)Prisoner Name: Raphael Barr$(br)Crime: Knowledge of Project Wooleye$(br)Reason for Cell Vacancy: Death$(br)Additional notes: The following letter was scrawled over most of the wall space.",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.inventory": "回收日志 #72",
"": "Cell 39, 回收日志 #72, Detainment Center Beta$(br2)Prisoner Name: Raphael Barr$(br)Crime: Knowledge of Project Wooleye$(br)Reason for Cell Vacancy: Death$(br)Additional notes: The following letter was scrawled over most of the wall space.",
"": "I see hexagons when I close my eyes.$(br2)The patterns, they invade the space between my eyes and my eyelids, my mind, my dreams. I sparkle in and out of lucidity, like a crystal dangling from a string, sometimes catching the light, sometimes consumed by it.",
"": "I am more lucid today. Maybe. I cannot tell anymore. I cannot even say I am tired anymore; at some point the constant companion of exhaustion left me, even as something else came to prick at my eyes. I can't sense the fatigue. But it's there.$(br2)My bones are fragile. My joints are rough and sharp.",
"": "Sometimes why I am here comes back to me. I remember being too loud about something I knew ... I remember a very bright room where I was told things. I remember my thoughts freezing into glass, shattered, melted and recrystallized over and over and over and over and over with a purpose behind them to make me forget worse than that to keep me alive while killing me, my self, the iota of ME being meaningless because there would be no observer just a body but I tricked them I did it somehow",
@ -1144,19 +1144,19 @@
"": "they're going to kill everyone n the whole world aren't they the grand needs to eat just as much as i ... when did i lasst eat$(br2)everyone else has to eat and they cannot do that if all the farmers in the world are empty and all the knowledge of farming is underground or at least someone else is going to Find out and melt their smug faces to wax",
"": "maybe wake up someday and wonder about all the thngs we left them and wonder why there are million miles of tunnels underground with no one smart enough to mine them$(br2)i can see them reading this . they ... will be too far gone to care",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.experiment1": "Wooleye Instance Notes",
"": "$(italic)I only managed to find these five entries from this log./$$(br2)Detonation #26$(li)Location: Carpenter's North$(li)Population: 174$(li)Nodes Formed: 3$(li)Node Distance from Epicenter: 55-80m vertical, 85-156m horizontal$(li)Media Generation: 1320 uθ/min",
"": "Detonation #27$(li)Location: Brackenfalls$(li)Population: 79$(li)Nodes Formed: 1$(li)Node Distance from Epicenter: 95m vertical, 67m horizontal$(li)Media Generation: 412 uθ/min",
"": "Detonation #28$(li)Location: Greyston(li)Population: approx. 1000$(li)Nodes Formed: 18$(li)Node Distance from Epicenter: 47-110m vertical, 59-289m horizontal$(li)Media Generation: 8478 uθ/min",
"": "Detonation #29$(li)Location: Unnamed; village two days west of Greyston$(li)Population: 35$(li)Nodes Formed: 0$(li)Node Distance from Epicenter: N/A$(li)Media Generation: N/A$(br2)Note: inhabitants still affected in the normal way",
"": "Detonation #30$(li)Location: Boiling Brook(li)Population: 231$(li)Nodes Formed: 4$(li)Node Distance from Epicenter: 61-89m vertical, 78-191m horizontal$(li)Media Generation: 1862 uθ/min",
"": "Conclusion: approx 60 needed for one node. Too few consumes them but does not provide enough energy for node formation. Little correlation between input count and breadth/depth.$(br2)Effects on inhabitants still consistently more severe than with single-target testing, especially the physical effects.",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.experiment1": "“毡障”实验实例笔记",
"": "$(italic)我只从这份日志中找到了如下五份记录。/$$(br2)质震 #26$(li)位置:Carpenter's North$(li)人口:174$(li)形成节点数:3$(li)节点距质源距离:垂直距离 55-80 m,水平距离 85-156 m$(li)媒质生成速率:1320 uθ/min",
"": "质震 #27$(li)位置:Brackenfalls$(li)人口:79$(li)形成节点数:1$(li)节点距质源距离:垂直距离 95 m,水平距离 67 m$(li)媒质生成速率:412 uθ/min",
"": "质震 #28$(li)位置:Greyston(li)人口:大约1000$(li)形成节点数:18$(li)节点距质源距离:垂直距离 47-110 m,水平距离 59-289 m$(li)媒质生成速率:8478 uθ/min",
"": "质震 #29$(li)位置:无名村庄,Greyston以西两天路程$(li)人口:35$(li)形成节点数:0$(li)节点距质源距离:N/A$(li)媒质生成速率:N/A$(br2)注:居民仍以正常形式被影响",
"": "质震 #30$(li)位置:Boiling Brook(li)人口:231$(li)形成节点数:4$(li)节点距质源距离:垂直距离 61-89 m,水平距离 78-191 m$(li)媒质生成速率:1862 uθ/min",
"": "总结:一个节点需要大约 60 个。数量过少时其仍将被消耗,但不会产生足以形成节点的能量。输入个数与垂直水平距离之间相关性很小。$(br2)对群体居民的影响效果(身体机能尤甚)仍比单目标测试时的更强,一如往常。",
"hexcasting.entry.lore.experiment2": "Wooleye Interview Logs",
"": "$(italic)These documents were heavily redacted. I have copied the readable text from them here./$$(br2)Subject #1 \"A.E.\"$(br)Stopped struggling immediately after procedure. Facial expression and limbs slack, but can stand unassisted. When left unattended, absently pantomimes actions commonly done in previous profession (groundskeeping).",
"": "Heartrate was very high immediately after procedure, but this is inconclusive due to state of fear immediately before. Resulting bud produced 35 uθ/min.$(br)...$(br)Subject #4 \"P.I.\"$(br)Psychological tests run on P.I. Subject has object permanence, spatial awareness, basic numerical reasoning. Difficulty learning new tasks. $(br2) ...",
"": "Subject #7 \"T.C.\"$(br)Consented to procedure. Similar results several hours after the procedure to other subjects: able to stand, perform simple tasks. $(br2) ...$(br2)Subject #11 \"R.S.\"$(br)Sedated before procedure; dosage such that subject would wake up as procedure occurred...$(br2) ...",
"": "Subject #23 \"A.L.\"$(br)Ability to speak retained to a greater degree than most subjects; dwindled to broken sentences, then a single word \"tera\" over the course of several hours.$(br2)For further testing: how does the procedure affect previous Hexcasters vs. non-Hexcasters?$(br2) ...",
"": "Subject #23 \"A.L.\"$(br)Ability to speak retained to a greater degree than most subjects; dwindled to broken sentences, then a single word “泰瑞” over the course of several hours.$(br2)For further testing: how does the procedure affect previous Hexcasters vs. non-Hexcasters?$(br2) ...",
"hexcasting.entry.interop": "模组联动",
"hexcasting.entry.interop.desc": "好像我装了某些能和咒法学联动的模组!详情如下。",
Reference in a new issue