document bools

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gamma-delta 2022-11-06 12:51:34 -06:00
parent 05eaaf1d2a
commit c1eb1ce772

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@ -577,7 +577,7 @@
"": "It's interesting to note that the $(italic)rotation/$ of a pattern doesn't seem to matter at all. These two patterns both perform an action called $(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:get_caster)$(action)Mind's Reflection/$, for example.",
"": "A _Hex is cast by drawing (valid) actions in sequence. Each action might do one of a few things:$(li)Gather some information about the environment, leaving it on the top of the stack;$(li)manipulate the info gathered (e.g. adding two numbers); or$(li)perform some magical effect, like summoning lightning or an explosion. (These actions are called \"spells.\")$(p)When I start casting a _Hex, it creates an empty stack. Actions manipulate the top of that stack.",
"": "For example, $(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:get_caster)$(action)Mind's Reflection/$ will create an iota representing $(italic)me/$, the caster, and add it to the top of the stack. $(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:get_entity_pos)$(action)Compass Purification/$ will take the iota at the top the stack, if it represents an entity, and transform it into an iota representing that entity's location.$(br2)So, drawing those patterns in that order would result in an iota on the stack representing my position.",
"": "$(thing)Iotas/$ can represent things like myself or my position, but there are several other types I can manipulate with $(thing)Actions/$. Here's a comprehensive list:$(li)Numbers (which some legends called \"doubles\");$(li)Vectors, a collection of three numbers representing a position, movement, or direction in the world;",
"": "$(thing)Iotas/$ can represent things like myself or my position, but there are several other types I can manipulate with $(thing)Actions/$. Here's a comprehensive list:$(li)Numbers (which some legends called \"doubles\");$(li)Vectors, a collection of three numbers representing a position, movement, or direction in the world;$(li)Booleans or \"bools\" for short, representing an abstract True or False,",
"": "$(li)Entities, like myself, chickens, and minecarts;$(li)Influences, peculiar types of iota that seem to represent abstract ideas;$(li)Patterns themselves, used for crafting magic items and truly mind-boggling feats like $(italic)spells that cast other spells/$; and$(li)A list of several of the above, gathered into a single iota.",
"": "Of course, there's no such thing as a free lunch. All spells, and certain other actions, require _media as payment.$(br2)The best I can figure, a _Hex is a little bit like a plan of action presented to Nature-- in this analogy, the _media is used to provide the arguments to back it up, so Nature will accept your plan and carry it out.",
"": "That aside, it doesn't seem like anyone has done much research on exactly how $(italic)much/$ any particular piece of $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)amethyst/$ is valued. The best I can tell, an $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Shard/$ is worth about five pieces of $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$, and a $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Amethyst Crystal/$ is worth about ten.$(br2)Strangely enough, it seems like no other form of $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)amethyst/$ is suitable to be used in the casting of a _Hex. I suspect that whole blocks or crystals are too solid to be easily unraveled into _media.",