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Uriadov Aleksey 2022-05-14 12:53:15 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent a20407aeab
commit cd56596cfc
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GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"": "Рунный блокнот",
"item.hexcasting.wand_oak": "Oak Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_spruce": "Spruce Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_birch": "Birch Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_jungle": "Jungle Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_acacia": "Acacia Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_dark_oak": "Dark Oak Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_crimson": "Crimson Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_warped": "Warped Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_akashic": "Edified Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_oak": "Дубовый Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_spruce": "Еловый Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_birch": "Берёзовый Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_jungle": "Посох джунглей",
"item.hexcasting.wand_acacia": "Посох акации",
"item.hexcasting.wand_dark_oak": "Тёмно-дубовый Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_crimson": "Багровый Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_warped": "Искажённый Посох",
"item.hexcasting.wand_akashic": "Потусторонний Посох",
"item.hexcasting.focus": "Талисман",
"item.hexcasting.spellbook": "Книга знаний",
"item.hexcasting.cypher": "Побрякушка",
@ -402,9 +402,38 @@
"": "Link here.",
"": "Psi Codex",
"hexcasting.entry.mishaps": "Mishaps",
"": "Unfortunately, I am not (yet) a perfect being. I make mistakes from time to time in my study and casting of _Hexes; for example, misdrawing a pattern, or trying to an invoke an action with the wrong iotas. And Nature usually doesn't look too kindly on my mistakes-- causing what is called a $(italic)mishap/$.",
"": "I'd expected some kind of horrible recompense for mishaps, some kind of alchemical disaster or illness of impotence as I heard had troubled the Thaumaturges of the distant past... Instead, though, I just get a cryptic (if helpful) message spoken to me. How convenient!$(br2)...But a nagging feeling at the back of my mind tells me that I should expect worse consequences at a later date-- once the \"mod updates,\" whatever that means. Perhaps I am not as immune to madness as I had thought.",
"hexcasting.entry.mishaps": "Ошибки и последствия",
"": "Я не идеален, я делаю ошибки время от времени во время обучения и исполнения заклинаний; например если допустить ошибку в написании руны или использовать руну без нужных аргументов. Ошибки не прощаются, допуская ошибку я получу $(italic)неприятности/$.",
"": "Неверная руна будет подсвечена красным на сетке. Основываясь на типе ошибки можно ожидать различные эффекты и разноцветные искорки. $(br2)Так же я получу полезное сообщение в чате ( грядёт обновление и это вырежут!).",
"": "Fortunately, although the bad effects of mishaps are certainly $(italic)annoying/$, none of them are especially destructive in the long term. Nothing better to do than dust myself off and try again ... but I should strive for better anyways.$(br2)Following is a list of mishaps I have compiled.",
"": "Invalid Pattern",
"": "The pattern drawn is not associated with any action.$(br2)Causes yellow sparks, and a $(l:casting/influences)$(action)Garbage/$ will be pushed to the top of my stack.",
"": "Not Enough Iotas",
"": "The action required more iotas than were on the stack.$(br2)Causes light gray sparks, and as many $(l:casting/influences)$(action)Garbages/$ as would be required to fill up the argument count will be pushed.",
"": "Incorrect Iota",
"": "The action that was executed expected an iota of a certain type for an argument, but it got something invalid. If multiple iotas are invalid, the error message will only tell me about the error deepest in the stack.$(br2)Causes dark gray sparks, and the invalid iota will be replaced with $(l:casting/influences)$(action)Garbage/$.",
"": "Vector Out of Ambit",
"": "The action tried to affect the world at a point that was out of my range.$(br2)Causes magenta sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending location.",
"": "Entity Out of Ambit",
"": "The action tried to affect an entity that was out of my range.$(br2)Causes pink sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending entity.",
"": "Entity is Immune",
"": "The action tried to affect an entity that cannot be altered by it.$(br2)Causes blue sparks, and the items in my hands will be yanked out and flung towards the offending entity.",
"": "Mathematical Error",
"": "The action did something offensive to the laws of mathematics, such as dividing by zero.$(br2)Causes red sparks, pushes a $(l:casting/influences)$(action)Garbage/$ to my stack, and my mind will be ablated, stealing half the vigor I have remaining. It seems that Nature takes offense to such operations, and divides $(italic)me/$ in retaliation.",
"": "Incorrect Item",
"": "The action requires some sort of item, but the item I supplied was not suitable.$(br2)Causes brown sparks. If the offending item was in my hand, it will be flung to the floor. If it was in entity form, it will be flung in the air.",
"": "Incorrect Block",
"": "The action requires some sort of block at a target location, but the block supplied was not suitable.$(br2)Causes bright green sparks, and causes an ephemeral explosion at the given location; it will harm me and others, but will not destroy any blocks.",
"": "Hasty Retrospection",
"": "I attempted to draw $(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:close_paren)$(action)Retrospection/$ without first drawing $(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:open_paren)$(action)Introspection/$.$(br2)Causes orange sparks, and pushes the pattern for $(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:close_paren)$(action)Retrospection/$ to the stack as a pattern iota.",
"": "Delve Too Deep",
"": "Evaluated too many spells with meta-evaluation from one spell.$(br2)Causes dark blue sparks, and chokes all the air out of me.",
"": "Transgress Other",
"": "Я попытался $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)сохранить информацию/$ о другом игроке.$(br2)Вызывает чёрные искрыs, and robs me of my sight for approximately one minute.",
"": "Disallowed Action",
"": "I tried to cast an action that has been disallowed by a server administrator.$(br2)Causes black sparks.",
"": "Invalid Iota Type",
"": "A bug in the mod caused an iota of an invalid type. $(l:https:// open a bug report!/$$(br2)Causes black sparks.",
"hexcasting.entry.stack": "Стэк",
"": "A $(thing)Stack/$, also known as a \"LIFO\", is a concept borrowed from computer science. In short, it's a collection of things designed so that you can only interact with the most recently used thing.$(br2)Think of a stack of plates, where new plates are added to the top: if you want to interact with a plate halfway down the stack, you have to remove the plates above it in order to get ahold of it.",
@ -482,8 +511,8 @@
"": "$(italic)Drink the milk./$",
"hexcasting.entry.dyes": "Оттенки",
"": "Although their names were lost to time, the old practitioners of my art seem to have identified themselves by a color, emblematic of them and their spells. It seems a special kind of оттенок, offered to Nature in the right way, would \"[...] paint one's thoughts in a manner pleasing to Nature, inducing a miraculous change in personal colour.\"",
"": "I'm not certain on the specifics of how it works, but I believe I have isolated the formulae for many different colors of оттенокs. To use a оттенок, I hold it in one hand while casting $(l:patterns/spells/colorize)$(action)Internalize оттенок/$ with the other, consuming the оттенок and marking my mind with its color.$(br2)The оттенокs seem to affect the color of the sparks of media emitted out of a Посох when I cast a _Hex, as well as my $(l:patterns/spells/sentinels)$(action)Меткиl/$.",
"": "Оттенки позволяют менять цвет моей магии, круто!"",
"": "Чтобы использовать оттенок, нужно держать его в другой рука пока я исполняю $(l:patterns/spells/colorize)$(action)Использовать оттенок/$, оттенок будет поглощён.",
"оттенокs.3.header": "Необычные оттенки",
"оттенокs.3": "Оттенки всех цветов радуги.",
"оттенокs.4": "And finally, a оттенок with a color wholly unique to me.$(br2)$(italic)And all the colors I am inside have not been invented yet./$",
@ -534,7 +563,7 @@
"": "Firstly, a design for the cradle ... although, perhaps \"substrate\" would be more accurate a word. Without a mind guiding it, the output direction is determined by microscopic fluctuations in the _media wave and surroundings, making it effectively random.",
"": "A Mason Directrix switches output side based on a redstone signal. Without a signal, the exit is the _media-color side; with a signal, the exit is the redstone-color side.",
"_comment": "Patterns",
"_comment": "Руны",
"hexcasting.entry.readers_guide": "How to Read this Section",
"": "I've divided all the valid patterns I've found into sections based on what they do, more or less. I've written down the stroke order of the patterns as well, if I managed to find it in my studies, with the start of the pattern marked with a red dot.$(br2)If an action is cast by multiple patterns, as is the case with some, I'll write them all side-by-side.",
@ -557,32 +586,56 @@
"": "Написание числа",
"": "Нет какого-то простейшего способа писать числа. Этот метод в теории является рабочим для любого числа и единственное ограничение - размер сетки.",
"": "Сначала я пишу одну из двух вариаций руны показанной на следующей странице. Далее $(italic)угол/$ следующих линий будет изменять счётчик, который начинается с 0.$(li)Вперёд: Добавить 1$(li)Влево: Добавить 5$(li)Вправо: Добавить 10$(li)Ещё левее: Умножить на 2$(li)Ещё правее: Делить на 2.$(br)Развернутая руна на правой части страницы используется для отрицательных чисел.$(p) Как только руна написана число добавляется вверх стэка.",
"": "Пример 1",
"": "Руна для 10.",
"": "Пример 2",
"": "Руна для 7: 5 + 1 + 1.",
"": "Пример 3",
"": "Руна для -32: - ( 1 + 5 + 10 * 2 ).",
"": "Пример 4",
"": "Руна для 4.5: 5 / 2 + 1 + 1.",
"": "Некоторые, для которых это сложно используют $(l:items/abacus)$(item)Счёты/$ ( ваще не круто )",
"": "Пример 1",
"": "Руна для 10.",
"": "Пример 2",
"": "Руна для 7: 5 + 1 + 1.",
"": "Пример 3",
"": "Руна для -32: - ( 1 + 5 + 10 * 2 ).",
"": "Пример 4",
"": "Руна для 4.5: 5 / 2 + 1 + 1.",
"": "Некоторые, для которых это сложно используют $(l:items/abacus)$(item)Счёты/$",
"hexcasting.entry.math": "Матем. операции",
"": "Множество рун для математических операций для векторов и чисел. Аргументы написаны как \"num/vec\".",
"": "Выполнить сложение.",
"": "$(li)Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, складывает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.$(li)С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и добавляет его в каждый элемент направления.$(li)С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и складывает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка ([1, 2, 3] + [0, 4, -1] = [1, 6, 2]).",
"": "Выполнить вычитание.",
"": "$(li)Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, вычитает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.$(li)С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и вычитает его из каждого элемента направления.$(li)С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и вычитает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка$(br2)Во всех случаях верх стэка вычитается $(italic)из второго числа в стэке/$.",
"": "Выполнить умножение или.",
"": "$(li)With two numbers, combines them into their product.$(li)With a number and a vector, removes the number from the stack and multiplies each component of the vector by that number.$(li)With two vectors, combines them into their $(l: product/$.",
"": "Perform division othe cross product.",
"": "$(li)With two numbers, combines them into their quotient.$(li)With a number and a vector, removes the number and divides it by each element of the vector.$(li)With two vectors, combines them into their $(l: product/$.$(br2)In the first and second cases, the top of the stack or its components comprise the dividend, and the second-from-the-top or its components are the divisor.$(p)WARNING: Never divide by zero!",
"": "Посчитать abs(num) или длину вектора",
"": "Высчитывает абсолютное значение числа или длину вектора",
"": "Посчитать pow(num, num) или n or vector projection.",
"": "$(li)With two numbers, combines them by raising the first to the power of the second.$(li)With a number and a vector, removes the number and raises each component of the vector to the number's power.$(li)With two vectors, combines them into the $(l: projection/$ of the top of the stack onto the second-from-the-top.$(br2)In the first and second cases, the first argument or its components are the base, and the second argument or its components are the exponent.",
"": "Combine three numbers at the top of the stack into a vector's X, Y, and Z components (top to bottom).",
"": "Split a vector into its X, Y, and Z components (top to bottom).",
"": "Множество рун для математических операций для векторов и чисел. Аргументы написаны как \"num/vec\".",
"": "Выполнить сложение.",
"": "$(li)Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, складывает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.$(li)С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и добавляет его в каждый элемент направления.$(li)С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и складывает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка ([1, 2, 3] + [0, 4, -1] = [1, 6, 2]).",
"": "Выполнить вычитание.",
"": "$(li)Вынимает два числа из верха стэка, вычитает и вставляет результат на верх стэка.$(li)С числом и вектором вынимает число с верха стэка и вычитает его из каждого элемента направления.$(li)С двумя направлениями вынимает их из стэка и вычитает, после чего новое вектором вставляется вверх стэка$(br2)Во всех случаях верх стэка вычитается $(italic)из второго числа в стэке/$.",
"": "Выполнить умножение.",
"": "$(li)With two numbers, combines them into their product.$(li)With a number and a vector, removes the number from the stack and multiplies each component of the vector by that number.$(li)With two vectors, combines them into their $(l: product/$.",
"": "Деление или пересечение векторов.",
"": "$(li)Деление двух чисел.$(li)С числом и вектором, убирает число и делит его на каждый элемент вектора.$(li)С двумя векторами ищет их $(l:пересечение/$.WARNING: Не дели на ноль!!!",
"": "Посчитать abs(num) или длину вектора",
"": "Высчитывает абсолютное значение числа или длину вектора",
"": "Посчитать pow(num, num) или vector projection.",
"": "$(li)With two numbers, combines them by raising the first to the power of the second.$(li)With a number and a vector, removes the number and raises each component of the vector to the number's power.$(li)With two vectors, combines them into the $(l: projection/$ of the top of the stack onto the second-from-the-top.$(br2)In the first and second cases, the first argument or its components are the base, and the second argument or its components are the exponent.",
"": "Убирает дробную часть числа, 4.5 -> 4",
"": "Добивает число до потолка, 4.5 -> 5",
"": "Объединяет 3 числа на верху стэка в вектор XYZ (сверху вниз).",
"": "Делит вектор на компоненты X, Y, Z сверху вниз.",
"": "Coerces a vector to its nearest axial direction, a unit vector. The zero vector is unaffected.",
"": "Случайное число от 0 до 1.",
"hexcasting.entry.advanced_math": "Продвинутая математика",
"": "Синус угла в радианах. Выражается в $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/pi)$(thing)π/$ и $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/tau)$(thing)τ/$.",
"": "Косинус угла в радианах. Выражается в $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/pi)$(thing)π/$ и $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/tau)$(thing)τ/$.",
"": "Тангенс угла в радианах. Выражается в $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/pi)$(thing)π/$ and $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/tau)$(thing)τ/$.",
"": "Takes the inverse sine of a value with absolute value 1 or less, yielding the angle whose sine is that value. Related to the values of $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/pi)$(thing)π/$ and $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/tau)$(thing)τ/$.",
"": "Takes the inverse cosine of a value with absolute value 1 or less, yielding the angle whose cosine is that value. Related to the values of $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/pi)$(thing)π/$ and $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/tau)$(thing)τ/$.",
"": "Takes the inverse tangent of a value, yielding the angle whose tangent is that value. Related to the values of $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/pi)$(thing)π/$ and $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/tau)$(thing)τ/$.",
"": "Removes the number at the top of the stack, then takes the logarithm of the number at the top using the other number as its base. Related to the value of $(l:patterns/consts#hexcasting:const/double/e)$(thing)$(italic)e/$.",
"hexcasting.entry.sets": "Множество",
"": "Set operations are odd, in that some of them can accept two numbers or two lists, but not a combination thereof. Such arguments will be written as \"num, num/list, list\".$(br2)When numbers are used in those operations, they are being used as so-called binary \"bitsets\", lists of 1 and 0, true and false, \"on\" and \"off\".",
"": "Unifies two sets.",
"": "As such:$(li)With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every \"on\" bit in either bitset.$(li)With two lists, this creates a list of every element from the first list, plus every element from the second list that is not in the first list. This is similar to $(l:patterns/lists#hexcasting:concat)$(action)Combination Distillation/$.",
"": "Takes the intersection of two sets.",
"": "As such:$(li)With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every \"on\" bit present in $(italics)both/$ bitsets.$(li)With two lists, this creates a list of every element from the first list that is also in the second list.",
"": "Takes the exclusive disjunction of two sets.",
"": "As such:$(li)With two numbers at the top of the stack, combines them into a bitset containing every \"on\" bit present in $(italics)exactly one/$ of the bitsets.$(li)With two lists, this creates a list of every element in both lists that is $(italics)not/$ in the other list.",
"": "Takes the inversion of a bitset, changing all \"on\" bits to \"off\" and vice versa. In my experience, this will take the form of that number negated and decreased by one. For example, 0 will become -1, and -100 will become 99.",
"": "Removes duplicate entries from a list.",
"hexcasting.entry.consts": "Константы",
"": "The left-hand counter-clockwise pattern adds (1, 0, 0) to the stack; the right-hand clockwise pattern adds (-1, 0, 0).",
@ -592,43 +645,51 @@
"": "Вставляет NULL абстракцию на верх стэка.",
"hexcasting.entry.stackmanip": "Управление стэком",
"": "Просто убирает верх стэка.",
"": "Дублирует верх стэка.",
"": "Меняет местами 2 верхние части стэка.",
"": "Grabs the nth element in the stack and brings it to the top.",
"": "The Fisherman's Gambit takes a number and reaches that far $(italic)down/$ the stack-- pulling it from its original position up to the top of the stack. For example, using the Gambit with the number 2 will pull the second item on the stack to the top, effectively acting as a more-cumbersome Jester's Gambit. Using the Gambit with a negative number, a fraction, or a length larger than the stack will dredge all sorts of unknowable patterns from the aether, and is liable to cause a mishap.",
"": "Просто убирает верх стэка.",
"": "Дублирует верх стэка.",
"": "Убирает очередь с верха стэка и добавляет его элементы отдельно на верх стэка.",
"": "Меняет местами 2 верхние части стэка.",
"": "Добавляет на верх стэка длину стэка. ([0, 1] -> [0, 1, 2])",
"": "Убирает $(italic)n'ное/$ кол-во элементов из стэка, а потом добавляет их в очередь на верху стэка.",
"": "Захватывает n'ый элемент со стэка и приводит к верху стэка.",
"": "Bookkeeper's Gambits",
"": "An infinite family of actions that keep or remove elements at the top of the stack based on the sequence of dips and lines.",
"": "Assuming that I draw a Bookkeeper's Gambit pattern left-to-right, the number of iotas the action will require is determined by the horizontal distance covered by the pattern. From deepest in the stack to shallowest, a flat line will keep the iota, whereas a triangle dipping down will remove it.$(br2)If my stack contains $(italic)0, 1, 2/$ from deepest to shallowest, drawing the first pattern opposite will give me $(italic)1/$, the second will give me $(italic)0/$, and the third will give me $(italic)0, 2/$ (the 0 at the bottom is left untouched).",
"": "Rearranges the top elements of the stack based on the given numerical code, which is the index of the permutation wanted.",
"": "Although I can't pretend to know the mathematics behind calculating this permutation code, I have managed to dig up an extensive chart of them, enumerating all permutations of up to six elements.$(br2)If I wish to do further study, the key word is \"Lehmer Code.\"",
"": "Table of Codes",
"hexcasting.entry.logic": "Логические операторы",
"": "arg1 > arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 < arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 >= arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 <= arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 == arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 != arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg == 0 or Null -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg == 0 -> return Null arg == Null -> return 0 else arg",
"": "arg1 != Null -> return arg1 else arg2",
"": "arg1 == Null -> return Null else arg2",
"": "xor(arg1, arg2) -> non-Null else Null",
"": "arg1 > arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 < arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 >= arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 <= arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 == arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg1 != arg2 -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg == 0 or Null -> return 1 else 0",
"": "arg == 0 -> return Null arg == Null -> return 0 else arg",
"": "arg1 != Null -> return arg1 else arg2",
"": "arg1 == Null -> return Null else arg2",
"": "xor(arg1, arg2) -> non-Null else Null",
"hexcasting.entry.entities": "Сущности",
"": "Сущность на этом месте или null.",
"": "Животное на этом месте или null.",
"": "Монстр на этом месте или null.",
"": "Предмет на этом месте или null.",
"": "Игрок на этом месте или null.",
"": "Живое существо на этом месте или null.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of animals near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of non-animal entities near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of monsters near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of non-monster entities near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of dropped items near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of non-dropped-item entities near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of players near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of non-player characters near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of living creatures near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of non-living entities near the position.",
"": "$(br)Take a position and maximum distance on the stack, and combine them into a list of all entities near the position.",
"": "Сущность на этом месте или null.",
"": "Животное на этом месте или null.",
"": "Монстр на этом месте или null.",
"": "Предмет на этом месте или null.",
"": "Игрок на этом месте или null.",
"": "Живое существо на этом месте или null.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь животных около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не животных около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь монстров около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не монстров около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь предметов около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не предметов около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь игроков около позиции.",
"" "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не игроков около позиции.",
"":"$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь живых существ около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь не живых существ около позиции.",
"": "$(br)Берет позицию и максимальную дистанцию со стэка и возвращает очередь существ около позиции.",
"hexcasting.entry.lists": "Очереди",
"": "Remove the number at the top of the stack, then replace the list at the top with the nth element of that list (where n is the number you removed). Replaces the list with Null if the number is out of bounds.",
@ -645,18 +706,21 @@
"": "Fortunately, Nature has provided me with a set of $(l:casting/influences)influences/$ that I can use to work with patterns directly.$(br2)In short, $(action)Consideration/$ lets me add one pattern to the stack, and $(action)Introspection/$ and $(action)Retrospection/$ let me add a whole list.",
"": "To use $(action)Consideration/$, I draw it, then another arbitrary pattern. That second pattern is added to the stack.",
"": "One may find it helpful to think of this as \"escaping\" the pattern onto the stack, if they happen to be familiar with the science of computers.$(br2)The usual use for this is to copy the pattern to a $(l:items/scroll)$(item)Scroll/$ or $(l:items/slate)$(item)Slate/$ using $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)Scribe's Gambit/$, and then perhaps decorating with them.",
"": "Drawing $(action)Introspection/$ makes my drawing of patterns act differently, for a time. Until I draw $(action)Retrospection/$, the patterns I draw are saved. Then, when I draw $(action)Retrospection/$, they are added to the stack as a list iota.",
kz"": "Drawing $(action)Introspection/$ makes my drawing of patterns act differently, for a time. Until I draw $(action)Retrospection/$, the patterns I draw are saved. Then, when I draw $(action)Retrospection/$, they are added to the stack as a list iota.",
"": "If I draw another $(action)Introspection/$, it'll still be saved to the list, but I'll then have to draw $(italic)two/$ $(action)Retrospection/$s to get back to normal casting.",
"": "Also, I can escape the special behavior of $(action)Intro-/$ and $(action)Retrospection/$ by drawing a $(action)Consideration/$ before them, which will simply add them to the list without affecting which the number of Retrospections I need to return to casting.$(br2)If I draw two $(action)Consideration/$s in a row while introspecting, it will add a single $(action)Consideration/$ to the list.",
"hexcasting.entry.readwrite": "Чтение и запись",
"": "Скопировать информацию из предмета (к примеру $(l:items/focus)$(item)Талисман/$, $(l:items/abacus)$(item)Счёты/$ или $(l:items/spellbook)$(item)Книга знаний/$) в моей другой руке, и добавить на верх стэка.",
"": "Like $(action)Scribe's Reflection/$, but the iota is read out of an item entity instead of my other hand.",
"": "Убирает верх стэка и записывает его в предмет в моей другой руке.",
"": "I can use this spell to save iotas into an (unsealed) $(l:items/focus)$(item)Focus/$ or $(l:items/spellbook)$(item)Spellbook/$, or I can copy patterns onto $(l:items/scroll)$(item)Scroll/$s or $(l:items/slate)$(item)Slate/$s with the help of $(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:escape)$(action)Consideration/$.$(br2)However, it seems I am unable to save a reference to another player, only me. I suppose an entity reference is similar to the idea of a True Name; perhaps Nature is helping to keep our Names out of the hands of enemies. If I want a friend to have my Name I can make a $(item)Focus/$ for them.",
"": "Скопировать информацию из предмета (к примеру $(l:items/focus)$(item)Талисман/$, $(l:items/abacus)$(item)Счёты/$ или $(l:items/spellbook)$(item)Книга знаний/$) в моей другой руке, и добавить на верх стэка.",
"": "Если прочесть информацию из другой руки можно - вернёт 1, нет - 0.",
"": "Типо $(action)/$, но информация читается из сущности предмета.",
"": "Убирает верх стэка и записывает его в предмет в моей другой руке.",
"": "Можно записать информацию в (не закрытый) $(l:items/focus)$(item)Талисман/$ или $(l:items/spellbook)$(item)Книгу знаний/$, или я могу записать руну на $(l:items/scroll)$(item)Свиток/$s или $(l:items/slate)$(item)Плиту/$s с помощью $(l:patterns/patterns_as_iotas#hexcasting:escape)$(action)Лямбда-выражение/$.$(br2)Сохранить сущность игрока невозможно, только меня. Чтобы иметь ссылку на игрока нужно чтобы он самостоятельно добавился в $(item)Талисман/$.",
"": "Если сохранить информацию можно - возвращает 1 если нет - 0.",
"hexcasting.entry.meta": "Работа с очередями рун",
"": "Remove a list of patterns from the stack, then cast them sequentially, as if I had drawn them myself with my $(item)Посох/$.$(br)Costs about one $(item)Amethyst Shard/$.",
"": "Убирает очередь рун со стэка и поочерёдно их использует.$(br)Cтоит около одного $(item)Осколка Аметиста/$.",
"": "This can be $(italic)very/$ powerful in tandem with $(l:items/focus)$(item)Foci/$.$(br2)It also makes the bureaucracy of Nature a \"Turing-complete\" system, according to one esoteric scroll I found.$(br2)However, it seems there's a limit to how many times a _Hex can cast itself-- Nature doesn't look kindly on runaway spells!$(br2)In addition, with the energies of the patterns occuring without me to guide them, any mishap will cause the remaining actions to become too unstable and immediately unravel.",
"": "Remove a list of patterns and a list from the stack, then cast the given pattern over each element of the second list.$(br)Costs about one $(item)Charged Amethyst/$.",
"": "More specifically, for each element in the second list, it will:$(li)Create a new stack, with everything on the current stack plus that element$(li)Draw all the patterns in the first list$(li)Save all the iotas remaining on the stack to a list$(br)Then, after all is said and done, pushes the list of saved iotas onto the main stack.$(br2)No wonder all the practitioners of this art go mad.",
@ -668,22 +732,22 @@
"": "Returns the position of the lower-north-west corner of the bounds of this spell circle.",
"": "Returns the position of the upper-south-east corner of the bounds of this spell circle.",
"_comment": "Normal Spells",
"_comment": "Продвинутые руны",
"hexcasting.entry.itempicking": "Работа с предметами",
"": "Certain spells, such as $(l:hexcasting:patterns/spells/blockworks#OpPlaceBlock)$(action)Place Block/$, will consume additional items from my inventory. When this happens, the spell will first look for the item to use, and then draw from all such items in my inventory.$(br2)This process is called \"picking an item.\"",
"": "More specifically:$(li)First, the spell will search for the first valid item in my hotbar to the $(italic)right of my Посох/$, wrapping around at the right-hand side, and starting at the first slot if my Посох is in my off-hand.$(li)Second, the spell will draw that item from as $(italic)far back in my inventory/$ as possible, prioritizing the main inventory over the hotbar.",
"": "This way, I can keep a \"chooser\" item on my hotbar to tell the spell what to use, and fill the rest of my inventory with that item to keep the spell well-stocked.",
"": "Некоторые руны, такие как $(l:hexcasting:patterns/spells/blockworks#OpPlaceBlock)$(action)Поставить блок/$, потребляют дополнительные предметы из инвентаря. Руна ищёт предмет для использования.",
"": "$(li)Сначала, руна ищёт первый подходящий предмет в хотбаре около $(italic)Посоха/$.$(li)Во вторых, руна использует $(italic)самый далёкий предмет из инвентаря/$.",
"": "Так можно выбрать какой предмет какое заклинание будет использовать.",
"hexcasting.entry.basic_spell": "Продвинутые руны",
"": "Remove a number and vector from the stack, then create an explosion at the given location with the given power.",
"": "A power of 3 is about as much as a Creeper's blast; 4 is about as much as a TNT blast. Nature refuses to give me a blast of more than 10 power, though.$(br2)Costs about one $(item)Amethyst Shard/$, plus an extra $(item)Amethyst Shard/$ per point of explosion power.",
"": "Remove a number and vector from the stack, then create a fiery explosion at the given location with the given power.",
"": "Costs three $(item)Amethyst Shards/$, plus about one extra $(item)Amethyst Shard/$ per point of explosion power. Otherwise, the same as $(l:hexcasting:patterns/spells/basic#OpExplode)$(action)Explosion/$, except with fire.",
"": "Remove an entity and direction from the stack, then give a shove to the given entity in the given direction. The strength of the impulse is determined by the length of the vector.$(br)Costs units of $(item)Amethyst Dust/$ equal to the square of the length of the vector.",
"": "Remove an entity and length from the stack, then teleport the given entity along its look vector by the given length.$(br)Costs about 1 $(item)Amethyst Shard/$ per block travelled.",
"": "Создает взрыв на месте вектора с силой данного числа.",
"": "Сила 3 как взрыв крипера; 4 как ТНТ. Больше 10 нельзя.$(br2)Стоит 1 $(item)Аметистовый осколок/$, и ещё $(item)Аметистовый осколок/$ за каждую единицу силы взрыва.",
"": "Remove a number and vector from the stack, then create a fiery explosion at the given location with the given power.",
"": "Costs three $(item)Amethyst Shards/$, plus about one extra $(item)Amethyst Shard/$ per point of explosion power. Otherwise, the same as $(l:hexcasting:patterns/spells/basic#OpExplode)$(action)Explosion/$, except with fire.",
"": "Даёт импульс данному существу в данном направлении, сила обозначается длиной вектора.$(br)Стоит количество $(item)Aметистовой пыли/$ равное квадрату длины вектора.",
"": "Телепортирует существо по направлению её взгляда на данную длину.$(br)Стоит 1 $(item)Аметистовый осколок/$ за каждый блок.",
"hexcasting.entry.blockworks": "Blockworks",
"hexcasting.entry.blockworks": "Работа с блоками",
"": "Remove a location from the stack, then pick a block item and place it at the given location.$(br)Costs about 1 $(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "Remove a location from the stack, then break the block at the given location. This spell can break nearly anything a Diamond Pickaxe can break.$(br)Costs about 3 $(item)Amethyst Dust/$s.",
"": "Summon a block of water (or insert a bucket's worth) into a block at the given position. Costs about one $(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
@ -704,7 +768,7 @@
"": "Bestows slowness. Base cost is one $(item)Amethyst Dust/$ per 5 seconds.",
"hexcasting.entry.hexcasting_spell": "Обработка магических предметов",
"": "Все эти 3 руны используются для each create an item that casts a _Hex.$(br)They all require me to hold the empty item in my off-hand, and require two things: the list of patterns to be cast, and an entity representing a dropped stack of $(item)Amethyst/$ to form the item's battery.$(br2)See $(l:items/hexcasting)this entry/$ for more information.",
"": "Все эти 3 руны используются для исполнения рунных заклинаний.$(br)They all require me to hold the empty item in my off-hand, and require two things: the list of patterns to be cast, and an entity representing a dropped stack of $(item)Amethyst/$ to form the item's battery.$(br2)See $(l:items/hexcasting)this entry/$ for more information.",
"": "Costs about one $(item)Charged Amethyst/$.",
"": "Costs about five $(item)Charged Amethyst/$s.",
"": "Costs about ten $(item)Charged Amethyst/$s.",
@ -713,7 +777,7 @@
"": "Clear a _Hex-containing item in my other hand. Costs about one $(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
"": "The spell will also void all the _media stored inside the item, releasing it back to Nature and returning the item to a perfectly clean slate. This way, I can re-use $(item)Trinket/$s I have put an erroneous spell into, for example.",
"hexcasting.entry.sentinels": "Sentinels",
"hexcasting.entry.sentinels": "Метки",
"": "$(italic)Hence, away! Now all is well,$(br)One aloof stand sentinel./$$(br2)A $(thing)Sentinel/$ is a mysterious force I can summon to assist in the casting of _Hexes, like a familiar or guardian spirit. It appears as a spinning geometric shape to my eyes, but is invisible to everyone else.",
"": "It has several interesting properties:$(li)It does not appear to be tangible; no one else can interact with it.$(li)Once summoned, it stays in place until banished.$(li)I am always able to see it, even through solid objects.",
"": "Summon my sentinel at the given position. Costs about 1 $(item)Amethyst Dust/$.",
@ -734,7 +798,7 @@
"": "The power of flight! I have wrestled Nature to its knees. But Nature is vengeful, and itches for me to break its contract so it may break my shins.",
"": "The entity (which must be a player) will be endowed with flight. The first number is the number of seconds they may fly for, and the second number is the radius of the zone they may fly in. If the recipient exits that zone, or their timer runs out while midair, the gravity that they spurned will get its revenge. Painfully.$(br2)It costs approximately 1 $(item)Amethyst Dust/$ multiplied by the radius, per second of flight.",
"": "Far more powerful than $(l:patterns/spells/basic#OpBlink)$(action)Blink/$, this spell lets me teleport nearly anywhere in the entire world! There does seem to be a limit, but it is $(italic)much/$ greater than the normal radius of influence I am used to.",
"": "Куда мощнее $(l:patterns/spells/basic#OpBlink)$(action)Блинка/$, это позволит мне телепортироваться на невероятные расстония, пускай ограничение и есть, но оно $(italic)куда больше/$.",
"": "The entity will be teleported by the given vector, which is an offset from its given position. No matter the distance, it always seems to cost about ten $(item)Charged Crystal/$s.$(br2)The transference is not perfect, and it seems when teleporting something as complex as a player, their inventory doesn't $(italic)quite/$ stay attached, and tends to splatter everywhere at the destination.",
"hexcasting.entry.zeniths": "Zeniths",
@ -751,5 +815,5 @@
"": "Infuse a bottle with _media to form a $(item)Phial./$",
"": "Similarly to the spells for $(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting)$(action)Crafting Hexcasting Items/$, I must hold a $(item)Glass Bottle/$ in my other hand, and provide the spell with a dropped stack of $(item)Amethyst/$. See $(l:items/phials)this page/$ for more information.$(br2)Costs about 1 $(item)Charged Amethyst Crystal/$.",
"": "I cannot make heads or tails of this spell... To be honest, I'm not sure I want to know what it does."
"": "Я не могу узнать начало или конец этой руны... Честно говоря мне страшно узнать что оно сделает..."