fix two missing links in book

This commit is contained in: 2022-04-27 17:35:50 -04:00
parent 690cc442c4
commit e8ee5a9a2c

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@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
"hexcasting.entry.hexcasting": "Casting Items",
"": "Although the flexibility that casting _Hexes \"on the go\" with my $(l:items/staff)$(item)Staff/$ is quite helpful, it's a huge pain to have to wave it around repeatedly just to accomplish a common task. If I could save a common spell for later reuse, it would simplify things a lot-- and allow me to share my _Hexes with friends, too.",
"": "To do this, I can craft one of three types of magic items: $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Cyphers/$, $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Trinkets/$, or $(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Artifacts/$. All of them hold the patterns of a given _Hex inside, along with a small battery containing _media.$(br2)Simply holding one and pressing $(thing)$(k:use)/$ will cast the patterns inside, as if the holder had cast them out of a staff, using its internal battery.",
"": "Each item has its own quirks:$(br2)$(item)Cyphers/$ are fragile, destroyed after their internal _media reserves are gone, and $(italic)cannot/$ be recharged;$(br2)$(item)Trinkets/$ can be cast as much as the holder likes, as long as there's enough _media left, but become useless afterwards until recharged;",
"": "Each item has its own quirks:$(br2)$(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Cyphers/$ are fragile, destroyed after their internal _media reserves are gone, and $(italic)cannot/$ be recharged;$(br2)$(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Trinkets/$ can be cast as much as the holder likes, as long as there's enough _media left, but become useless afterwards until recharged;",
"": "$(l:items/hexcasting)$(item)Artifacts/$ are the most powerful of all-- after their _media is depleted, they can use $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst/$ from the holder's inventory to pay for the _Hex, just as I do when casting with a $(l:items/staff)$(item)Staff/$. Of course, this also means the spell might consume their mind if there's not enough $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst/$.$(br2)Once I've made an empty magic item in a mundane crafting bench, I infuse the _Hex into it using (what else but) a spell appropriate to the item. $(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting)I've catalogued the patterns here./$",
"": "Each infusion spell requires an entity and a list of patterns on the stack. The entity must be a _media-holding item entity (i.e. $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)amethyst/$ crystals, dropped on the ground); the entity is consumed and forms the battery.$(br2)Usefully, it seems that the _media in the battery is not consumed in chunks as it is when casting with a $(l:items/staff)$(item)Staff/$-- rather, the _media \"melts down\" into one continuous pool. Thus, if I store a _Hex that only costs one $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Amethyst Dust/$'s worth of mana, a $(l:items/amethyst)$(item)Charged Crystal/$ used as the battery will allow me to cast it 10 times.",
"": "$(italic)We have a saying in our field: \"Magic isn't\". It doesn't \"just work,\" it doesn't respond to your thoughts, you can't throw fireballs or create a roast dinner from thin air or turn a bunch of muggers into frogs and snails./$",