Fix missing close style tag

This commit is contained in:
object-Object 2023-10-09 18:12:55 -04:00
parent 6b94534f27
commit e91236a2bd

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@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@
focus: {
"1": "A $(item)Focus/$ is like a $(l:items/thought_knot)$(item)Thought-Knot/$, in that iota can be written to or read from it. However, the advantage of a focus is that it is $(italic)reusable/$. If I make a mistake in the iota I write to a $(item)Focus, I can simply cast $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)Scribe's Gambit/$ again and write over the iota inside.",
"1": "A $(item)Focus/$ is like a $(l:items/thought_knot)$(item)Thought-Knot/$, in that iota can be written to or read from it. However, the advantage of a focus is that it is $(italic)reusable/$. If I make a mistake in the iota I write to a $(item)Focus/$, I can simply cast $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)Scribe's Gambit/$ again and write over the iota inside.",
"2": "If I wish to protect a $(l:items/focus)$(item)focus/$ from accidentally being overwritten, I can seal it with wax by crafting it with a $(item)Honeycomb/$. Attempting to use $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write)$(action)Scribe's Gambit/$ on a sealed focus will fail.$(br2)$(l:patterns/spells/hexcasting#hexcasting:erase)$(action)Erase Item/$ will remove this seal along with the contents.",
"3": "Indeed, the only advantage of my $(l:items/thought_knot)$(item)Thought-Knot/$s have over $(item)Foci/$ is that $(item)Foci/$ are more expensive to produce. My research indicates that the early practitioners of the art used exclusively $(item)Foci/$, with the $(l:items/thought_knot)$(item)Thought-Knot/$ being an original creation of mine.$(br2)Whoever those ancient people were, they must have been very prosperous.",
"crafting.desc": "$(italic)Poison apples, poison worms./$",