work on mishaps entry

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gamma-delta 2022-04-15 21:17:28 -05:00
parent 6dd8a01a7d
commit f3cfab439c

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@ -418,8 +418,8 @@
"hexcasting.entry.101": "Hexing 101",
"": "Casting a _Hex is quite difficult-- no wonder this art was lost to time! I'll have to re-read my notes carefully.$(br2)I can start a _Hex by pressing $(k:use) with a $(item)Staff/$ in my hand-- this will cause a hexagonal grid of dots to appear in front of me. Then I can click and drag from dot to dot to draw patterns in the _media of the grid; finishing a pattern will run its corresponding action (more on that later).",
"": "Once I've drawn enough patterns to cast a spell, the grid will disappear as the _media I've stored up is released. I can also press Escape if I want to quit early, if I don't mind the chance of a small mishap. (It seems that the more _media I've built up, the more likely I'll meet misfortune.)$(br2)So how do patterns work? In short:$(li)$(italic)Patterns/$ will execute...$(li)$(italic)Actions/$, which manipulate...$(li)$(italic)The Stack/$, which is a list of...$(li)$(italic)Iotas/$, which are simply units of information.",
"": "First, $(thing)patterns/$. These are essential-- they're what I use to manipulate the _media around me. Certain patterns, when drawn, will cause $(thing)actions/$ to happen. Actions are what actually $(italic)do/$ the magic; all patterns influence _media in particular ways, and when those influences end up doing something useful, we call it an action.$(br2)_Media can be fickle: if I draw an invalid pattern, I'll get some garbage result somewhere on my stack (read on...)",
"": "Once my stack is empty once again (usually by casting a spell), the grid will disappear as the _media I've stored up is released. I can also press Escape if I want to quit early.$(br2)So how do patterns work? In short:$(li)$(italic)Patterns/$ will execute...$(li)$(italic)Actions/$, which manipulate...$(li)$(italic)The Stack/$, which is a list of...$(li)$(italic)Iotas/$, which are simply units of information.",
"": "First, $(thing)patterns/$. These are essential-- they're what I use to manipulate the _media around me. Certain patterns, when drawn, will cause $(thing)actions/$ to happen. Actions are what actually $(italic)do/$ the magic; all patterns influence _media in particular ways, and when those influences end up doing something useful, we call it an action.$(br2)_Media can be fickle: if I draw an invalid pattern, I'll get some garbage result on my stack (read on...)",
"": "An Example",
"": "It's interesting to note that the $(italic)rotation/$ of a pattern doesn't seem to matter at all. These two patterns both perform an action called $(l:patterns/basics#hexcasting:get_caster)$(action)Mind's Reflection/$, for example.",
"": "A _Hex is cast by drawing (valid) actions in sequence. Each action might do one of a few things:$(li)Gather some information about the environment, leaving it on the top of the stack;$(li)manipulate the info gathered (e.g. adding two numbers); or$(li)perform some magical effect, like summoning lightning or an explosion. (These actions are called \"spells.\")$(p)When I start casting a _Hex, it creates an empty stack. Actions manipulate the top of that stack.",
@ -444,7 +444,8 @@
"hexcasting.entry.mishaps": "Mishaps",
"": "Unfortunately, I am not (yet) a perfect being. I make mistakes from time to time in my study and casting of _Hexes; for example, misdrawing a pattern, or trying to an invoke an action with the wrong iotas. And Nature usually doesn't look too kindly on my mistakes-- causing what is called a $(italic)mishap/$.",
"": "I'd expected some kind of horrible recompense for mishaps, some kind of alchemical disaster or illness of impotence as I heard had troubled the Thaumaturges of the distant past... Instead, though, I just get a cryptic (if helpful) message spoken to me. How convenient!$(br2)...But a nagging feeling at the back of my mind tells me that I should expect worse consequences at a later date-- once the \"mod updates,\" whatever that means. Perhaps I am not as immune to madness as I had thought.",
"": "A pattern that causes a mishap will glow red in my grid. Depending on the type of mistake, I can also expect a certain deleterious effect and a spray of sparks as the mishandled _media curdles into light of a given color.$(br2)I also get a helpful error message in my chat, but a nagging feeling tells that will change once the \"mod updates,\" whatever that means. I shouldn't rely on always having it.",
"": "Fortunately, although the bad effects of mishaps are certainly $(italic)annoying/$, none of them are especially destructive in the long term. Nothing better to do than dust myself off and try again ... but I should strive for perfection anyways.$(br2)Following is a list of mishaps I have compiled.",
"hexcasting.entry.stack": "Stacks",
"": "A $(thing)Stack/$, also known as a \"LIFO\", is a concept borrowed from computer science. In short, it's a collection of things designed so that you can only interact with the most recently used thing.$(br2)Think of a stack of plates, where new plates are added to the top: if you want to interact with a plate halfway down the stack, you have to remove the plates above it in order to get ahold of it.",