package at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.circles; import; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.ParticleSpray; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.env.CircleCastEnv; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.vm.CastingImage; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.pigment.FrozenPigment; import at.petrak.hexcasting.common.lib.HexItems; import at.petrak.hexcasting.common.lib.HexSounds; import com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair; import net.minecraft.Util; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.core.Direction; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel; import net.minecraft.sounds.SoundSource; import net.minecraft.util.Mth; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * Implement this on a block to make circles interact with it. *

* This is its own interface so you can have your blocks subclass something else, and to avoid enormous * files. The mod doesn't check for the interface on anything but blocks. */ public interface ICircleComponent { /** * The heart of the interface! Functionally modify the casting environment. *

* With the new update you can have the side effects happen inline. In fact, you have to have the side effects * happen inline. *

* Also, return a list of directions that the control flow can exit this block in. * The circle environment will mishap if not exactly 1 of the returned directions can be accepted from. */ ControlFlow acceptControlFlow(CastingImage imageIn, CircleCastEnv env, Direction enterDir, BlockPos pos, BlockState bs, ServerLevel world); /** * Can this component get transferred to from a block coming in from that direction, with the given normal? */ @Contract(pure = true) boolean canEnterFromDirection(Direction enterDir, BlockPos pos, BlockState bs, ServerLevel world); /** * This determines the directions the control flow can exit from. It's called at the beginning of execution * to see if the circle actually forms a loop. *

* For most blocks, this should be the same as returned from {@link ICircleComponent#acceptControlFlow} * Things like directrices might return otherwise. Whatever is returned when controlling flow must be a subset of * this set. */ @Contract(pure = true) EnumSet possibleExitDirections(BlockPos pos, BlockState bs, Level world); /** * Given the current position and a direction, return a pair of the new position after a step * in that direction, along with the direction (this is a helper function for creating * {@link ICircleComponent.ControlFlow}s. */ @Contract(pure = true) default Pair exitPositionFromDirection(BlockPos pos, Direction dir) { return Pair.of(pos.offset(dir.getStepX(), dir.getStepY(), dir.getStepZ()), dir); } /** * Start the {@link ICircleComponent} at the given position glowing. Returns the new state * of the given block. * // TODO: determine if this should just be in * {@link ICircleComponent#acceptControlFlow(CastingImage, CircleCastEnv, Direction, BlockPos, BlockState, ServerLevel)}. */ BlockState startEnergized(BlockPos pos, BlockState bs, Level world); /** * Returns whether the {@link ICircleComponent} at the given position is energized. */ boolean isEnergized(BlockPos pos, BlockState bs, Level world); /** * End the {@link ICircleComponent} at the given position glowing. Returns the new state of * the given block. */ BlockState endEnergized(BlockPos pos, BlockState bs, Level world); static void sfx(BlockPos pos, BlockState bs, Level world, BlockEntityAbstractImpetus impetus, boolean success) { Vec3 vpos; Vec3 vecOutDir; FrozenPigment colorizer; UUID activator = Util.NIL_UUID; if (impetus.getExecutionState() != null && impetus.getExecutionState().caster != null) activator = impetus.getExecutionState().caster; if (impetus.getExecutionState() == null) colorizer = new FrozenPigment(new ItemStack(HexItems.DYE_COLORIZERS.get(DyeColor.RED)), activator); else colorizer = impetus.getExecutionState().colorizer; if (bs.getBlock() instanceof BlockCircleComponent bcc) { var outDir = bcc.normalDir(pos, bs, world); var height = bcc.particleHeight(pos, bs, world); vecOutDir = new Vec3(outDir.step()); vpos = Vec3.atCenterOf(pos).add(vecOutDir.scale(height)); } else { // we probably are doing this because it's an error and we removed a block vpos = Vec3.atCenterOf(pos); vecOutDir = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); } if (world instanceof ServerLevel serverLevel) { var spray = new ParticleSpray(vpos, vecOutDir.scale(success ? 1.0 : 1.5), success ? 0.1 : 0.5, Mth.PI / (success ? 4 : 2), success ? 30 : 100); spray.sprayParticles(serverLevel, success ? colorizer : new FrozenPigment(new ItemStack(HexItems.DYE_COLORIZERS.get(DyeColor.RED)), activator)); } var pitch = 1f; var sound = HexSounds.SPELL_CIRCLE_FAIL; if (success) { sound = HexSounds.SPELL_CIRCLE_FIND_BLOCK; var state = impetus.getExecutionState(); // This is a good use of my time var note = state.reachedPositions.size() - 1; var semitone = impetus.semitoneFromScale(note); pitch = (float) Math.pow(2.0, (semitone - 8) / 12d); } world.playSound(null, vpos.x, vpos.y, vpos.z, sound, SoundSource.BLOCKS, 1f, pitch); } abstract sealed class ControlFlow { public static final class Continue extends ControlFlow { public final CastingImage update; public final List> exits; public Continue(CastingImage update, List> exits) { this.update = update; this.exits = exits; } } public static final class Stop extends ControlFlow { public Stop() { } } } }