package at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.env; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.HexAPI; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.ParticleSpray; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.circles.BlockEntityAbstractImpetus; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.circles.CircleExecutionState; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.CastResult; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.CastingEnvironment; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.MishapEnvironment; import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.pigment.FrozenPigment; import at.petrak.hexcasting.common.lib.HexItems; import net.minecraft.Util; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer; import net.minecraft.sounds.SoundSource; import; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.env.PlayerBasedCastEnv.SENTINEL_RADIUS; public class CircleCastEnv extends CastingEnvironment { protected final CircleExecutionState execState; public CircleCastEnv(ServerLevel world, CircleExecutionState execState) { super(world); this.execState = execState; } @Override public @Nullable ServerPlayer getCaster() { return this.execState.getCaster(; } public @Nullable BlockEntityAbstractImpetus getImpetus() { var entity =; if (entity instanceof BlockEntityAbstractImpetus) return (BlockEntityAbstractImpetus) entity; return null; } public CircleExecutionState circleState() { return execState; } @Override public MishapEnvironment getMishapEnvironment() { return new CircleMishapEnv(, this.execState); } @Override public void postExecution(CastResult result) { // we always want to play this sound one at a time var sound = result.getSound().sound(); if (sound != null) { var soundPos = this.execState.currentPos;, soundPos, sound, SoundSource.PLAYERS, 1f, 1f); } } @Override public Vec3 mishapSprayPos() { return Vec3.atCenterOf(this.execState.currentPos); } @Override public long extractMedia(long cost) { var entity = this.getImpetus(); if (entity == null) return cost; var mediaAvailable = entity.getMedia(); if (mediaAvailable < 0) return 0; long mediaToTake = Math.min(cost, mediaAvailable); cost -= mediaToTake; entity.setMedia(mediaAvailable - mediaToTake); return cost; } @Override public boolean isVecInRange(Vec3 vec) { var caster = this.execState.getCaster(; if (caster != null) { var sentinel = HexAPI.instance().getSentinel(caster); if (sentinel != null && sentinel.extendsRange() && caster.getLevel().dimension() == sentinel.dimension() && vec.distanceToSqr(sentinel.position()) <= SENTINEL_RADIUS * SENTINEL_RADIUS ) { return true; } } return this.execState.bounds.contains(vec); } @Override public boolean hasEditPermissionsAt(BlockPos vec) { return true; } @Override public InteractionHand getCastingHand() { return InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND; } @Override public ItemStack getAlternateItem() { return ItemStack.EMPTY.copy(); // TODO: adjacent inventory/item frame? } @Override protected List getUsableStacks(StackDiscoveryMode mode) { return new ArrayList<>(); // TODO: Could do something like get items in inventories adjacent to the circle? } @Override protected List getPrimaryStacks() { return List.of(); // TODO: Adjacent inv! } @Override public FrozenPigment getColorizer() { var out = this.getColorizerFromImpetus(); if (out != null) return out; // TODO: colouriser from an adjacent inventory also? return new FrozenPigment(new ItemStack(HexItems.DYE_COLORIZERS.get(DyeColor.PURPLE)), Util.NIL_UUID); } private @Nullable FrozenPigment getColorizerFromImpetus() { var impetus = this.getImpetus(); if (impetus == null) return null; var state = impetus.getExecutionState(); if (state == null) return null; return state.colorizer; } @Override public void produceParticles(ParticleSpray particles, FrozenPigment colorizer) { particles.sprayParticles(, colorizer); } }