#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sys import argv, stdout from collections import namedtuple from html import escape import json # codec import re # parsing import os # listdir # TO USE: put in Hexcasting root dir, collate_data.py src/main/resources hexcasting thehexbook out.html # extra info :( lang = "en_us" repo_names = { "hexcasting": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gamma-delta/HexMod/main/Common/src/main/resources", } extra_i18n = { "item.minecraft.amethyst_shard": "Amethyst Shard", "item.minecraft.budding_amethyst": "Budding Amethyst", "block.hexcasting.slate": "Blank Slate", } default_macros = { "$(obf)": "$(k)", "$(bold)": "$(l)", "$(strike)": "$(m)", "$(italic)": "$(o)", "$(italics)": "$(o)", "$(list": "$(li", "$(reset)": "$()", "$(clear)": "$()", "$(2br)": "$(br2)", "$(p)": "$(br2)", "/$": "$()", "
": "$(br)", "$(nocolor)": "$(0)", "$(item)": "$(#b0b)", "$(thing)": "$(#490)", } colors = { "0": None, "1": "00a", "2": "0a0", "3": "0aa", "4": "a00", "5": "a0a", "6": "fa0", "7": "aaa", "8": "555", "9": "55f", "a": "5f5", "b": "5ff", "c": "f55", "d": "f5f", "e": "ff5", "f": "fff", } types = { "k": "obf", "l": "bold", "m": "strikethrough", "n": "underline", "o": "italic", } keys = { "use": "Right Click", "sneak": "Left Shift", } bind1 = (lambda: None).__get__(0).__class__ def slurp(filename): with open(filename, "r") as fh: return json.load(fh) FormatTree = namedtuple("FormatTree", ["style", "children"]) Style = namedtuple("Style", ["type", "value"]) def parse_style(sty): if sty == "br": return "\n", None if sty == "br2": return "", Style("para", {}) if sty == "li": return "", Style("para", {"clazz": "fake-li"}) if sty[:2] == "k:": return keys[sty[2:]], None if sty[:2] == "l:": return "", Style("link", sty[2:]) if sty == "/l": return "", Style("link", None) if sty == "playername": return "[Playername]", None if sty[:2] == "t:": return "", Style("tooltip", sty[2:]) if sty == "/t": return "", Style("tooltip", None) if sty[:2] == "c:": return "", Style("cmd_click", sty[2:]) if sty == "/c": return "", Style("cmd_click", None) if sty == "r" or not sty: return "", Style("base", None) if sty in types: return "", Style(types[sty], True) if sty in colors: return "", Style("color", colors[sty]) if sty.startswith("#") and len(sty) in [4, 7]: return "", Style("color", sty[1:]) # TODO more style parse raise ValueError("Unknown style: " + sty) def localize(i18n, string, default=None): return (i18n.get(string, default if default else string) if i18n else string).replace("%%", "%") format_re = re.compile(r"\$\(([^)]*)\)") def format_string(root_data, string): # resolve lang string = localize(root_data["i18n"], string) # resolve macros old_string = None while old_string != string: old_string = string for macro, replace in root_data["macros"].items(): string = string.replace(macro, replace) else: break # lex out parsed styles text_nodes = [] styles = [] last_end = 0 extra_text = "" for mobj in re.finditer(format_re, string): bonus_text, sty = parse_style(mobj.group(1)) text = string[last_end:mobj.start()] + bonus_text if sty: styles.append(sty) text_nodes.append(extra_text + text) extra_text = "" else: extra_text += text last_end = mobj.end() text_nodes.append(extra_text + string[last_end:]) first_node, *text_nodes = text_nodes # parse style_stack = [FormatTree(Style("base", True), []), FormatTree(Style("para", {}), [first_node])] for style, text in zip(styles, text_nodes): tmp_stylestack = [] if style.type == "base": while style_stack[-1].style.type != "para": last_node = style_stack.pop() style_stack[-1].children.append(last_node) elif any(tree.style.type == style.type for tree in style_stack): while len(style_stack) >= 2: last_node = style_stack.pop() style_stack[-1].children.append(last_node) if last_node.style.type == style.type: break tmp_stylestack.append(last_node.style) for sty in tmp_stylestack: style_stack.append(FormatTree(sty, [])) if style.value is None: if text: style_stack[-1].children.append(text) else: style_stack.append(FormatTree(style, [text] if text else [])) while len(style_stack) >= 2: last_node = style_stack.pop() style_stack[-1].children.append(last_node) return style_stack[0] test_root = {"i18n": {}, "macros": default_macros, "resource_dir": "Common/src/main/resources", "modid": "hexcasting"} test_str = "Write the given iota to my $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write/local)$(#490)local$().$(br)The $(l:patterns/readwrite#hexcasting:write/local)$(#490)local$() is a lot like a $(l:items/focus)$(#b0b)Focus$(). It's cleared when I stop casting a Hex, starts with $(l:casting/influences)$(#490)Null$() in it, and is preserved between casts of $(l:patterns/meta#hexcasting:for_each)$(#fc77be)Thoth's Gambit$(). " def localize_pattern(root_data, op_id): return localize(root_data["i18n"], "hexcasting.spell.book." + op_id, localize(root_data["i18n"], "hexcasting.spell." + op_id)) def do_localize(root_data, obj, *names): for name in names: if name in obj: obj[name] = localize(root_data["i18n"], obj[name]) def do_format(root_data, obj, *names): for name in names: if name in obj: obj[name] = format_string(root_data, obj[name]) def identity(x): return x pattern_pat = re.compile(r'HexPattern\.fromAngles\("([qweasd]+)", HexDir\.(\w+)\),\s*modLoc\("([^"]+)"\)([^;]*true\);)?') pattern_stubs = [(None, "at/petrak/hexcasting/interop/pehkui/PehkuiInterop.java"), (None, "at/petrak/hexcasting/common/casting/RegisterPatterns.java"), ("Fabric", "at/petrak/hexcasting/fabric/interop/gravity/GravityApiInterop.java")] def fetch_patterns(root_data): registry = {} for loader, stub in pattern_stubs: filename = f"{root_data['resource_dir']}/../java/{stub}" if loader: filename = filename.replace("Common", loader) with open(filename, "r") as fh: pattern_data = fh.read() for mobj in re.finditer(pattern_pat, pattern_data): string, start_angle, name, is_per_world = mobj.groups() registry[root_data["modid"] + ":" + name] = (string, start_angle, bool(is_per_world)) return registry def resolve_pattern(root_data, page): if "pattern_reg" not in root_data: root_data["pattern_reg"] = fetch_patterns(root_data) page["op"] = [root_data["pattern_reg"][page["op_id"]]] page["name"] = localize_pattern(root_data, page["op_id"]) def fixup_pattern(do_sig, root_data, page): patterns = page["patterns"] if "op_id" in page: page["header"] = localize_pattern(root_data, page["op_id"]) if not isinstance(patterns, list): patterns = [patterns] if do_sig: inp = page.get("input", None) or "" oup = page.get("output", None) or "" pipe = f"{inp} \u2192 {oup}".strip() suffix = f" ({pipe})" if inp or oup else "" page["header"] += suffix page["op"] = [(p["signature"], p["startdir"], False) for p in patterns] def fetch_recipe(root_data, recipe): modid, recipeid = recipe.split(":") gen_resource_dir = root_data["resource_dir"].replace("/main/", "/generated/").replace("Common/", "Forge/") # TODO hack recipe_path = f"{gen_resource_dir}/data/{modid}/recipes/{recipeid}.json" return slurp(recipe_path) def fetch_recipe_result(root_data, recipe): return fetch_recipe(root_data, recipe)["result"]["item"] def fetch_bswp_recipe_result(root_data, recipe): return fetch_recipe(root_data, recipe)["result"]["name"] def localize_item(root_data, item): # TODO hack item = re.sub("{.*", "", item.replace(":", ".")) block = "block." + item block_l = localize(root_data["i18n"], block) if block_l != block: return block_l return localize(root_data["i18n"], "item." + item) page_types = { "hexcasting:pattern": resolve_pattern, "hexcasting:manual_pattern": bind1(fixup_pattern, True), "hexcasting:manual_pattern_nosig": bind1(fixup_pattern, False), "hexcasting:brainsweep": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__("output_name", localize_item(rd, fetch_bswp_recipe_result(rd, page["recipe"]))), "patchouli:link": lambda rd, page: do_localize(rd, page, "link_text"), "patchouli:crafting": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__("item_name", [localize_item(rd, fetch_recipe_result(rd, page[ty])) for ty in ("recipe", "recipe2") if ty in page]), "hexcasting:crafting_multi": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__("item_name", [localize_item(rd, fetch_recipe_result(rd, recipe)) for recipe in page["recipes"]]), "patchouli:spotlight": lambda rd, page: page.__setitem__("item_name", localize_item(rd, page["item"])) } def walk_dir(root_dir, prefix): search_dir = root_dir + '/' + prefix for fh in os.scandir(search_dir): if fh.is_dir(): yield from walk_dir(root_dir, prefix + fh.name + '/') elif fh.name.endswith(".json"): yield prefix + fh.name def parse_entry(root_data, entry_path, ent_name): data = slurp(f"{entry_path}") do_localize(root_data, data, "name") for i, page in enumerate(data["pages"]): if isinstance(page, str): page = {"type": "patchouli:text", "text": page} data["pages"][i] = page do_localize(root_data, page, "title", "header") do_format(root_data, page, "text") if page["type"] in page_types: page_types[page["type"]](root_data, page) data["id"] = ent_name return data def parse_category(root_data, base_dir, cat_name): data = slurp(f"{base_dir}/categories/{cat_name}.json") do_localize(root_data, data, "name") do_format(root_data, data, "description") entry_dir = f"{base_dir}/entries/{cat_name}" entries = [] for filename in os.listdir(entry_dir): if filename.endswith(".json"): basename = filename[:-5] entries.append(parse_entry(root_data, f"{entry_dir}/{filename}", cat_name + "/" + basename)) entries.sort(key=lambda ent: (not ent.get("priority", False), ent.get("sortnum", 0), ent["name"])) data["entries"] = entries data["id"] = cat_name return data def parse_sortnum(cats, name): if '/' in name: ix = name.rindex('/') return parse_sortnum(cats, name[:ix]) + (cats[name].get("sortnum", 0),) return cats[name].get("sortnum", 0), def parse_book(root, mod_name, book_name): base_dir = f"{root}/data/{mod_name}/patchouli_books/{book_name}" root_info = slurp(f"{base_dir}/book.json") root_info["resource_dir"] = root root_info["modid"] = mod_name root_info.setdefault("macros", {}).update(default_macros) if root_info.setdefault("i18n", {}): root_info["i18n"] = slurp(f"{root}/assets/{mod_name}/lang/{lang}.json") root_info["i18n"].update(extra_i18n) book_dir = f"{base_dir}/{lang}" categories = [] for filename in walk_dir(f"{book_dir}/categories", ""): basename = filename[:-5] categories.append(parse_category(root_info, book_dir, basename)) cats = {cat["id"]: cat for cat in categories} categories.sort(key=lambda cat: (parse_sortnum(cats, cat["id"]), cat["name"])) do_localize(root_info, root_info, "name") do_format(root_info, root_info, "landing_text") root_info["categories"] = categories root_info["blacklist"] = set() root_info["spoilers"] = set() return root_info def tag_args(kwargs): return "".join(f" {'class' if key == 'clazz' else key.replace('_', '-')}={repr(escape(str(value)))}" for key, value in kwargs.items()) class PairTag: __slots__ = ["stream", "name", "kwargs"] def __init__(self, stream, name, **kwargs): self.stream = stream self.name = name self.kwargs = tag_args(kwargs) def __enter__(self): print(f"<{self.name}{self.kwargs}>", file=self.stream, end="") def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3): print(f"", file=self.stream, end="") class Empty: def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3): pass class Stream: __slots__ = ["stream", "thunks"] def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream self.thunks = [] def tag(self, name, **kwargs): keywords = tag_args(kwargs) print(f"<{name}{keywords} />", file=self.stream, end="") return self def pair_tag(self, name, **kwargs): return PairTag(self.stream, name, **kwargs) def pair_tag_if(self, cond, name, **kwargs): return self.pair_tag(name, **kwargs) if cond else Empty() def empty_pair_tag(self, name, **kwargs): with self.pair_tag(name, **kwargs): pass def text(self, txt): print(escape(txt), file=self.stream, end="") return self def get_format(out, ty, value): if ty == "para": return out.pair_tag("p", **value) if ty == "color": return out.pair_tag("span", style=f"color: #{value}") if ty == "link": link = value if "://" not in link: link = "#" + link.replace("#", "@") return out.pair_tag("a", href=link) if ty == "tooltip": return out.pair_tag("span", clazz="has-tooltip", title=value) if ty == "cmd_click": return out.pair_tag("span", clazz="has-cmd_click", title="When clicked, would execute: "+value) if ty == "obf": return out.pair_tag("span", clazz="obfuscated") if ty == "bold": return out.pair_tag("strong") if ty == "italic": return out.pair_tag("i") if ty == "strikethrough": return out.pair_tag("s") if ty == "underline": return out.pair_tag("span", style="text-decoration: underline") raise ValueError("Unknown format type: " + ty) def entry_spoilered(root_info, entry): return entry.get("advancement", None) in root_info["spoilers"] def category_spoilered(root_info, category): return all(entry_spoilered(root_info, ent) for ent in category["entries"]) def write_block(out, block): if isinstance(block, str): first = False for line in block.split("\n"): if first: out.tag("br") first = True out.text(line) return sty_type = block.style.type if sty_type == "base": for child in block.children: write_block(out, child) return tag = get_format(out, sty_type, block.style.value) with tag: for child in block.children: write_block(out, child) def anchor_toc(out): with out.pair_tag("a", href="#table-of-contents", clazz="permalink small", title="Jump to top"): out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-box-arrow-up") def permalink(out, link): with out.pair_tag("a", href=link, clazz="permalink small", title="Permalink"): out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-link-45deg") # TODO modularize def write_page(out, pageid, page): if "anchor" in page: anchor_id = pageid + "@" + page["anchor"] else: anchor_id = None with out.pair_tag_if(anchor_id, "div", id=anchor_id): if "header" in page or "title" in page: with out.pair_tag("h4"): out.text(page.get("header", page.get("title", None))) if anchor_id: permalink(out, "#" + anchor_id) ty = page["type"] if ty == "patchouli:text": write_block(out, page["text"]) elif ty == "patchouli:empty": pass elif ty == "patchouli:link": write_block(out, page["text"]) with out.pair_tag("h4", clazz="linkout"): with out.pair_tag("a", href=page["url"]): out.text(page["link_text"]) elif ty == "patchouli:spotlight": with out.pair_tag("h4", clazz="spotlight-title page-header"): out.text(page["item_name"]) if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"]) elif ty == "patchouli:crafting": with out.pair_tag("blockquote", clazz="crafting-info"): out.text(f"Depicted in the book: The crafting recipe for the ") first = True for name in page["item_name"]: if not first: out.text(" and ") first = False with out.pair_tag("code"): out.text(name) out.text(".") if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"]) elif ty == "patchouli:image": with out.pair_tag("p", clazz="img-wrapper"): for img in page["images"]: modid, coords = img.split(":") out.empty_pair_tag("img", src=f"{repo_names[modid]}/assets/{modid}/{coords}") if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"]) elif ty == "hexcasting:crafting_multi": recipes = page["item_name"] with out.pair_tag("blockquote", clazz="crafting-info"): out.text(f"Depicted in the book: Several crafting recipes, for the ") with out.pair_tag("code"): out.text(recipes[0]) for i in recipes[1:]: out.text(", ") with out.pair_tag("code"): out.text(i) out.text(".") if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"]) elif ty == "hexcasting:brainsweep": with out.pair_tag("blockquote", clazz="crafting-info"): out.text(f"Depicted in the book: A mind-flaying recipe producing the ") with out.pair_tag("code"): out.text(page["output_name"]) out.text(".") if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"]) elif ty in ("hexcasting:pattern", "hexcasting:manual_pattern_nosig", "hexcasting:manual_pattern"): if "name" in page: with out.pair_tag("h4", clazz="pattern-title"): inp = page.get("input", None) or "" oup = page.get("output", None) or "" pipe = f"{inp} \u2192 {oup}".strip() suffix = f" ({pipe})" if inp or oup else "" out.text(f"{page['name']}{suffix}") if anchor_id: permalink(out, "#" + anchor_id) with out.pair_tag("details", clazz="spell-collapsible"): out.empty_pair_tag("summary", clazz="collapse-spell") for string, start_angle, per_world in page["op"]: with out.pair_tag("canvas", clazz="spell-viz", width=216, height=216, data_string=string, data_start=start_angle.lower(), data_per_world=per_world): out.text("Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: " + string) write_block(out, page["text"]) else: with out.pair_tag("p", clazz="todo-note"): out.text("TODO: Missing processor for type: " + ty) if "text" in page: write_block(out, page["text"]) out.tag("br") def write_entry(out, book, entry): with out.pair_tag("div", id=entry["id"]): with out.pair_tag_if(entry_spoilered(book, entry), "div", clazz="spoilered"): with out.pair_tag("h3", clazz="entry-title page-header"): write_block(out, entry["name"]) anchor_toc(out) permalink(out, "#" + entry["id"]) for page in entry["pages"]: write_page(out, entry["id"], page) def write_category(out, book, category): with out.pair_tag("section", id=category["id"]): with out.pair_tag_if(category_spoilered(book, category), "div", clazz="spoilered"): with out.pair_tag("h2", clazz="category-title page-header"): write_block(out, category["name"]) anchor_toc(out) permalink(out, "#" + category["id"]) write_block(out, category["description"]) for entry in category["entries"]: if entry["id"] not in book["blacklist"]: write_entry(out, book, entry) def write_toc(out, book): with out.pair_tag("h2", id="table-of-contents", clazz="page-header"): out.text("Table of Contents") with out.pair_tag("a", href="javascript:void(0)", clazz="permalink toggle-link small", data_target="toc-category", title="Toggle all"): out.empty_pair_tag("i", clazz="bi bi-list-nested") permalink(out, "#table-of-contents") for category in book["categories"]: with out.pair_tag("details", clazz="toc-category"): with out.pair_tag("summary"): with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + category["id"], clazz="spoilered" if category_spoilered(book, category) else ""): out.text(category["name"]) with out.pair_tag("ul"): for entry in category["entries"]: with out.pair_tag("li"): with out.pair_tag("a", href="#" + entry["id"], clazz="spoilered" if entry_spoilered(book, entry) else ""): out.text(entry["name"]) def write_book(out, book): with out.pair_tag("div", clazz="container"): with out.pair_tag("header", clazz="jumbotron"): with out.pair_tag("h1", clazz="book-title"): write_block(out, book["name"]) write_block(out, book["landing_text"]) with out.pair_tag("nav"): write_toc(out, book) with out.pair_tag("main", clazz="book-body"): for category in book["categories"]: write_category(out, book, category) def main(argv): if len(argv) < 5: print(f"Usage: {argv[0]}