# The version of night-config Forge packages still has this bug: # https://github.com/TheElectronWill/night-config/issues/96 # So we use int codes. aa. # Also we use UUID keys, this way we can just store the UUID with a block. # https://gameplay.tools/minecraft/uuid # == Devs == # petra_the_kat ["a2ce9382-2518-4752-87b2-c6a5c97f173e"] # colorizer = [0xebad1c, 0xc7c7bd, 0x7c2e94, 0x2e060f] colorizer = [15445276, 13092797, 8138388, 3016207] # AmyMialee ["2793cdc6-7710-4e7e-9d81-cf918e067729"] #colorizer = [0xb992ff] colorizer = [12161791] # Alwinfy ["64f6e5fc-981c-442c-8d6a-578e8e8cbcd3"] #colorizer = [0x3327e3] colorizer = [3352547] # Noobulus ["89719de3-6445-4445-abe2-509659db930d"] #colorizer = [0x92a1ff, 0x6b7fff] colorizer = [6548735, 16752895] # Hubry ["b0a26f6b-d951-4b65-b824-b164b9bc4b90"] # 0x10e810, 0xe97dff, 0x33ffff colorizer = [1107984, 15302143, 3407871] # Dev (the forge dummy player) ["380df991-f603-344c-a090-369bad2a924a"] # 0xff0000 0x00ff00 0x0000ff # For testing purposes colorizer = [16711680, 65280, 255] # Todo: # Jane (also get her IGN) # Falkory # == Cool People == # Hudeler ["23978392-a78c-49cf-9f52-35a151fd4083"] #colorizer = [0x825ec2] colorizer = [8543938] # nbyzantine ["e055cae1-dd93-42b7-abad-8f2dc758a9f2"] # dfe0e8 f2da00 e66910 383138 colorizer = [14672104, 15915520, 15100176, 3682616] # Todo: # wiresegal # SleepyEmber # == Quote Contest Winners == # Ical92 ["d682d4df-e2eb-4b62-b41e-23becc7e01e5"] # cf0a8a colorizer = [13568650] # Goldgamesav ["b34b707a-8429-4dbd-a7a2-a208cf2268b8"] # ff3939 ffd543 fffc43 ffffe3 colorizer = [16726329, 16766275, 16776259, 16777187] # WildOats (stevebutnottoomanypeoplehaveit) ["968e572c-a6c1-4963-8399-0c64abd3820e"] # 5f118a 411db8 colorizer = [6230410, 4267448] # taswin ["816bedca-0bfa-4239-8b36-d234463b9c33"] # 0x800300, 0x5f5f5f colorizer = [8389376, 6250335] # MacyMacerator ["29a10dc6-a201-4993-80d8-c847212bc92b"] colorizer = [25, 13948159, 20] # Todo: # artemisSystem