2023-07-21 00:02:18 +10:00

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package at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.vm
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.SpellList
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.CastResult
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.iota.Iota
import at.petrak.hexcasting.common.lib.hex.HexContinuationTypes
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag
import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel
* A single frame of evaluation during the execution of a spell.
* Specifically, an evaluation will keep a stack of these frames.
* An evaluation with no meta-eval will consist of a single [Evaluate(rest of the pats)] at all times.
* When an Eval is invoked, we push Evaluate(pats) to the top of the stack.
* Evaluation is performed by repeatedly popping the top-most (i.e. innermost) frame from the stack,
* then evaluating that frame (and possibly allowing it to push other frames (e.g. if it's a Hermes)).
* Once the stack of frames is empty, there are no more computations to run, so we're done.
interface ContinuationFrame {
* Step the evaluation forward once.
* For Evaluate, this consumes one pattern; for ForEach this queues the next iteration of the outer loop.
* @return the result of this pattern step
fun evaluate(continuation: SpellContinuation, level: ServerLevel, harness: CastingVM): CastResult
* The OpHalt instruction wants us to "jump to" the END of the nearest meta-eval.
* In other words, we should consume Evaluate frames until we hit a FinishEval or Thoth frame.
* @return whether the break should stop here, alongside the new stack state (e.g. for finalizing a Thoth)
fun breakDownwards(stack: List<Iota>): Pair<Boolean, List<Iota>>
* Serializes this frame. Used for things like delays, where we pause execution.
fun serializeToNBT(): CompoundTag
* Return the number of iotas contained inside this frame, used for determining whether it is valid to serialise.
fun size(): Int
val type: Type<*>
interface Type<U : ContinuationFrame> {
fun deserializeFromNBT(tag: CompoundTag, world: ServerLevel): U?
companion object {
* Takes a tag containing the ContinuationFrame.Type resourcelocation and the serialized continuation frame, and returns
* the deserialized continuation frame.
fun fromNBT(tag: CompoundTag, world: ServerLevel): ContinuationFrame {
val type = getTypeFromTag(tag) ?: return FrameEvaluate(SpellList.LList(0, listOf()), false)
return (tag.get(HexContinuationTypes.KEY_DATA) as? CompoundTag)?.let { type.deserializeFromNBT(it, world) }
?: FrameEvaluate(SpellList.LList(0, listOf()), false)
* Takes a continuation frame and serializes it along with its type.
fun toNBT(frame: ContinuationFrame): CompoundTag {
val type = frame.type
val typeId = HexContinuationTypes.REGISTRY.getKey(type)
?: throw IllegalStateException(
"Tried to serialize an unregistered continuation type. Continuation: " + frame
+ " ; Type" + type.javaClass.typeName)
val data = frame.serializeToNBT()
val out = CompoundTag()
out.putString(HexContinuationTypes.KEY_TYPE, typeId.toString())
out.put(HexContinuationTypes.KEY_DATA, data)
return out
* This method attempts to find the type from the `type` key.
* See [ContinuationFrame.serializeToNBT] for the storage format.
* @return `null` if it cannot get the type.
private fun getTypeFromTag(tag: CompoundTag): Type<*>? {
if (!tag.contains(HexContinuationTypes.KEY_TYPE, Tag.TAG_STRING.toInt())) {
return null
val typeKey = tag.getString(HexContinuationTypes.KEY_TYPE)
if (!ResourceLocation.isValidResourceLocation(typeKey)) {
return null
val typeLoc = ResourceLocation(typeKey)
return HexContinuationTypes.REGISTRY[typeLoc]