
127 lines
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package at.petrak.hexcasting.server;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.ActionRegistryEntry;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.math.EulerPathFinder;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.math.HexDir;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.mod.HexTags;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.utils.HexUtils;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.xplat.IXplatAbstractions;
import com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceKey;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel;
import net.minecraft.world.level.saveddata.SavedData;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Maps angle sigs to resource locations and their preferred start dir so we can look them up in the main registry
* Save this on the world in case the random algorithm changes.
public class ScrungledPatternsSave extends SavedData {
public static final String DATA_VERSION = "0.1.0";
public static final String TAG_SAVED_DATA = "hexcasting.per-world-patterns." + DATA_VERSION;
private static final String TAG_DIR = "startDir";
private static final String TAG_KEY = "key";
* Maps scrungled signatures to their keys.
private final Map<String, PerWorldEntry> lookup;
* Reverse-maps resource keys to their signature; you can use that in {@code lookup}.
* <p>
* This way we can look up things if we know their resource key, for commands and such
private final Map<ResourceKey<ActionRegistryEntry>, String> reverseLookup;
private ScrungledPatternsSave(Map<String, PerWorldEntry> lookup) {
this.lookup = lookup;
this.reverseLookup = new HashMap<>();
this.lookup.forEach((sig, entry) -> {
this.reverseLookup.put(entry.key, sig);
public PerWorldEntry lookup(String signature) {
return this.lookup.get(signature);
public Pair<String, PerWorldEntry> lookupReverse(ResourceKey<ActionRegistryEntry> key) {
var sig = this.reverseLookup.get(key);
if (sig == null) return null;
return Pair.of(sig, this.lookup.get(sig));
public CompoundTag save(CompoundTag tag) {
// We don't save the reverse lookup cause we can reconstruct it when loading.
this.lookup.forEach((sig, entry) -> {
var inner = new CompoundTag();
inner.putByte(TAG_DIR, (byte) entry.canonicalStartDir.ordinal());
inner.putString(TAG_KEY, entry.key().location().toString());
tag.put(sig, inner);
return tag;
private static ScrungledPatternsSave load(CompoundTag tag) {
var registryKey = IXplatAbstractions.INSTANCE.getActionRegistry().key();
var map = new HashMap<String, PerWorldEntry>();
for (var sig : tag.getAllKeys()) {
var inner = tag.getCompound(sig);
var rawDir = inner.getByte(TAG_DIR);
var rawKey = inner.getString(TAG_KEY);
var dir = HexDir.values()[rawDir];
var key = ResourceKey.create(registryKey, new ResourceLocation(rawKey));
map.put(sig, new PerWorldEntry(key, dir));
return new ScrungledPatternsSave(map);
public static ScrungledPatternsSave createFromScratch(long seed) {
var map = new HashMap<String, PerWorldEntry>();
var registry = IXplatAbstractions.INSTANCE.getActionRegistry();
// TODO: this version of the code doesn't have overlap protection
// this means if some hilarious funny person makes a great spell that has the same shape as a normal spell
// there might be overlap.
// I'm going to file that under "don't do that"
// (the number literal phial incident won't happen though because we check for special handlers first now)
for (var key : registry.registryKeySet()) {
var entry = registry.get(key);
if (HexUtils.isOfTag(registry, key, HexTags.Actions.PER_WORLD_PATTERN)) {
var scrungledPat = EulerPathFinder.findAltDrawing(entry.prototype(), seed);
map.put(scrungledPat.anglesSignature(), new PerWorldEntry(key, scrungledPat.getStartDir()));
var out = new ScrungledPatternsSave(map);
return out;
public static ScrungledPatternsSave open(ServerLevel overworld) {
return overworld.getDataStorage().computeIfAbsent(
() -> ScrungledPatternsSave.createFromScratch(overworld.getSeed()),
public record PerWorldEntry(ResourceKey<ActionRegistryEntry> key, HexDir canonicalStartDir) {