2023-06-15 01:04:55 +10:00

305 lines
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package at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.circles;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.HexAPI;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.env.CircleCastEnv;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.vm.CastingImage;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.misc.Result;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.pigment.FrozenPigment;
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.utils.HexUtils;
import com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair;
import net.minecraft.ChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.core.Direction;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtUtils;
import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag;
import net.minecraft.network.chat.Component;
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel;
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Items;
import net.minecraft.world.phys.AABB;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
* See {@link BlockEntityAbstractImpetus}, this is what's stored in it
public class CircleExecutionState {
public static final String
TAG_IMPETUS_POS = "impetus_pos",
TAG_IMPETUS_DIR = "impetus_dir",
TAG_KNOWN_POSITIONS = "known_positions",
TAG_REACHED_POSITIONS = "reached_positions",
TAG_CURRENT_POS = "current_pos",
TAG_ENTERED_FROM = "entered_from",
TAG_IMAGE = "image",
TAG_CASTER = "caster",
TAG_PIGMENT = "pigment";
public final BlockPos impetusPos;
public final Direction impetusDir;
// Does contain the starting impetus
public final Set<BlockPos> knownPositions;
public final List<BlockPos> reachedPositions;
public BlockPos currentPos;
public Direction enteredFrom;
public CastingImage currentImage;
public @Nullable UUID caster;
public @Nullable FrozenPigment casterPigment;
public final AABB bounds;
protected CircleExecutionState(BlockPos impetusPos, Direction impetusDir, Set<BlockPos> knownPositions,
List<BlockPos> reachedPositions, BlockPos currentPos, Direction enteredFrom,
CastingImage currentImage, @Nullable UUID caster, @Nullable FrozenPigment casterPigment) {
this.impetusPos = impetusPos;
this.impetusDir = impetusDir;
this.knownPositions = knownPositions;
this.reachedPositions = reachedPositions;
this.currentPos = currentPos;
this.enteredFrom = enteredFrom;
this.currentImage = currentImage;
this.caster = caster;
this.casterPigment = casterPigment;
this.bounds = BlockEntityAbstractImpetus.getBounds(new ArrayList<>(this.knownPositions));
public @Nullable ServerPlayer getCaster(ServerLevel world) {
if (this.caster == null) {
return null;
var entity = world.getEntity(this.caster);
if (entity instanceof ServerPlayer serverPlayer) {
return serverPlayer;
// there's a problem if this branch is reached
return null;
// Return OK if it succeeded; returns Err if it didn't close and the location
public static Result<CircleExecutionState, @Nullable BlockPos> createNew(BlockEntityAbstractImpetus impetus,
@Nullable ServerPlayer caster) {
var level = (ServerLevel) impetus.getLevel();
if (level == null)
return new Result.Err<>(null);
// Flood fill! Just like VCC all over again.
// this contains tentative positions and directions entered from
var todo = new Stack<Pair<Direction, BlockPos>>();
todo.add(Pair.of(impetus.getStartDirection(), impetus.getBlockPos().relative(impetus.getStartDirection())));
var seenGoodPosSet = new HashSet<BlockPos>();
var seenGoodPositions = new ArrayList<BlockPos>();
while (!todo.isEmpty()) {
var pair = todo.pop();
var enterDir = pair.getFirst();
var herePos = pair.getSecond();
var hereBs = level.getBlockState(herePos);
if (!(hereBs.getBlock() instanceof ICircleComponent cmp)) {
if (!cmp.canEnterFromDirection(enterDir, herePos, hereBs, level)) {
if (seenGoodPosSet.add(herePos)) {
// it's new
var outs = cmp.possibleExitDirections(herePos, hereBs, level);
for (var out : outs) {
todo.add(Pair.of(out, herePos.relative(out)));
if (seenGoodPositions.isEmpty()) {
return new Result.Err<>(null);
} else if (!seenGoodPosSet.contains(impetus.getBlockPos())) {
// we can't enter from the side the directrix exits from, so this means we couldn't loop back.
// the last item we tried to examine will always be a terminal slate (b/c if it wasn't,
// then the *next* slate would be last qed)
return new Result.Err<>(seenGoodPositions.get(seenGoodPositions.size() - 1));
var knownPositions = new HashSet<>(seenGoodPositions);
var reachedPositions = new ArrayList<BlockPos>();
var start = seenGoodPositions.get(0);
FrozenPigment colorizer = null;
UUID casterUUID;
if (caster == null) {
casterUUID = null;
} else {
colorizer = HexAPI.instance().getColorizer(caster);
casterUUID = caster.getUUID();
return new Result.Ok<>(
new CircleExecutionState(impetus.getBlockPos(), impetus.getStartDirection(), knownPositions,
reachedPositions, start, impetus.getStartDirection(), new CastingImage(), casterUUID, colorizer));
public CompoundTag save() {
var out = new CompoundTag();
out.put(TAG_IMPETUS_POS, NbtUtils.writeBlockPos(this.impetusPos));
out.putByte(TAG_IMPETUS_DIR, (byte) this.impetusDir.ordinal());
var knownTag = new ListTag();
for (var bp : this.knownPositions) {
out.put(TAG_KNOWN_POSITIONS, knownTag);
var reachedTag = new ListTag();
for (var bp : this.reachedPositions) {
out.put(TAG_REACHED_POSITIONS, reachedTag);
out.put(TAG_CURRENT_POS, NbtUtils.writeBlockPos(this.currentPos));
out.putByte(TAG_ENTERED_FROM, (byte) this.enteredFrom.ordinal());
out.put(TAG_IMAGE, this.currentImage.serializeToNbt());
if (this.caster != null)
out.putUUID(TAG_CASTER, this.caster);
if (this.casterPigment != null)
out.put(TAG_PIGMENT, this.casterPigment.serializeToNBT());
return out;
public static CircleExecutionState load(CompoundTag nbt, ServerLevel world) {
var startPos = NbtUtils.readBlockPos(nbt.getCompound(TAG_IMPETUS_POS));
var startDir = Direction.values()[nbt.getByte(TAG_IMPETUS_DIR)];
var knownPositions = new HashSet<BlockPos>();
var knownTag = nbt.getList(TAG_KNOWN_POSITIONS, Tag.TAG_COMPOUND);
for (var tag : knownTag) {
knownPositions.add(NbtUtils.readBlockPos(HexUtils.downcast(tag, CompoundTag.TYPE)));
var reachedPositions = new ArrayList<BlockPos>();
var reachedTag = nbt.getList(TAG_REACHED_POSITIONS, Tag.TAG_COMPOUND);
for (var tag : reachedTag) {
reachedPositions.add(NbtUtils.readBlockPos(HexUtils.downcast(tag, CompoundTag.TYPE)));
var currentPos = NbtUtils.readBlockPos(nbt.getCompound(TAG_CURRENT_POS));
var enteredFrom = Direction.values()[nbt.getByte(TAG_ENTERED_FROM)];
var image = CastingImage.loadFromNbt(nbt.getCompound(TAG_IMAGE), world);
UUID caster = null;
if (nbt.hasUUID(TAG_CASTER))
caster = nbt.getUUID(TAG_CASTER);
FrozenPigment pigment = null;
if (nbt.contains(TAG_PIGMENT, Tag.TAG_COMPOUND))
pigment = FrozenPigment.fromNBT(nbt.getCompound(TAG_PIGMENT));
return new CircleExecutionState(startPos, startDir, knownPositions, reachedPositions, currentPos,
enteredFrom, image, caster, pigment);
* Update this, also mutates the impetus.
* <p>
* Returns whether to continue.
public boolean tick(BlockEntityAbstractImpetus impetus) {
var world = (ServerLevel) impetus.getLevel();
if (world == null)
return true; // if the world is null, try again next tick.
var env = new CircleCastEnv(world, this);
var executorBlockState = world.getBlockState(this.currentPos);
if (!(executorBlockState.getBlock() instanceof ICircleComponent executor)) {
// TODO: notification of the error?
ICircleComponent.sfx(this.currentPos, executorBlockState, world,
Objects.requireNonNull(env.getImpetus()), false);
return false;
executorBlockState = executor.startEnergized(this.currentPos, executorBlockState, world);
// Do the execution!
boolean halt = false;
var ctrl = executor.acceptControlFlow(this.currentImage, env, this.enteredFrom, this.currentPos,
executorBlockState, world);
if (ctrl instanceof ICircleComponent.ControlFlow.Stop) {
// acceptControlFlow should have already posted the error
halt = true;
} else if (ctrl instanceof ICircleComponent.ControlFlow.Continue cont) {
Pair<BlockPos, Direction> found = null;
for (var exit : cont.exits) {
var there = world.getBlockState(exit.getFirst());
if (there.getBlock() instanceof ICircleComponent cc
&& cc.canEnterFromDirection(exit.getSecond(), exit.getFirst(), there, world)) {
if (found != null) {
// oh no!
new ItemStack(Items.COMPASS));
ICircleComponent.sfx(this.currentPos, executorBlockState, world,
Objects.requireNonNull(env.getImpetus()), false);
halt = true;
} else {
found = exit;
if (found == null) {
// will never enter here if there were too many because found will have been set
ICircleComponent.sfx(this.currentPos, executorBlockState, world,
Objects.requireNonNull(env.getImpetus()), false);
halt = true;
} else {
// A single valid exit position has been found.
ICircleComponent.sfx(this.currentPos, executorBlockState, world,
Objects.requireNonNull(env.getImpetus()), true);
currentPos = found.getFirst();
enteredFrom = found.getSecond();
currentImage = cont.update.withOverriddenUsedOps(0); // reset ops used after each slate finishes executing
return !halt;
* How many ticks should pass between activations, given the number of blocks encountered so far.
protected int getTickSpeed() {
return Math.max(2, 10 - (this.reachedPositions.size() - 1) / 3);
public void endExecution(BlockEntityAbstractImpetus impetus) {
var world = (ServerLevel) impetus.getLevel();
if (world == null)
return; // TODO: error here?
for (var pos : this.reachedPositions) {
var there = world.getBlockState(pos);
if (there.getBlock() instanceof ICircleComponent cc) {
cc.endEnergized(pos, there, world);