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- Mana is mental energy/thought
- Mana can be generated by:
= natural growth of amethyst crystals
= lightning?
= XP?
= organics -> corpses, shrubs? (anything edible + anything compostable?)
- Mana generation turns amethyst into perfect crystals, recharges batteries
- Amethyst stores mana
- Amethyst comes in dust, crystals, perfect crystals
- Each type is worth X mana; must consume an entire item; use up mana producing items least->greatest
- Later-game create rechargeable mana batteries?
Wandless Spellcasting
- do away with trinkets
- cyphers start with X mana crystals inside and cannot replace them
- artifacts can replace the mana crystals inside as they break
- these are special in that they can partially consume crystals
Per-world patterns
- all spells are like this?
- only great spells are like this?
- find the patterns on scrolls in chests
- Tiers of spell mishaps:
= puff of smoke, drop your wand
= consume a lot of mana, drop all your items
= just kill you, something apt for a great spell
- Mishap based on the type of exception
- item that gives you more detail on the precise manner of the exception
Great Spells
- require some kind of answer to a question to cast successfully
(see young wizards calculating oxygen amounts to teleport to the moon)
- https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Epic_Spells_and_Powers
- greater teleport:
= total items in inventory? (see chronometer fablehaven not taking your clothes with you)
= some irritating math question about the specific vector involved?
= review eragon's teleportation spell, D&D teleport, oathgates
- flight
= you must be on the ground within X seconds or you take infinite fall damage
- quarry region
- power word kill
Great Work
- Way to generate infinite mana
= recharge wands/batteries upon touching them?
- borrow from FMA and require the death of 100+ entities at once? (And if not, it gets the caster?)
- nigredo albedo citrinas rubedo?
> Nigredo is the dissolution of the false self; the burning of the old to ashes
> Albedo is the "raising" of the remains to the heavenly sphere in gaseous form; take the ashes and make them reborn
> Citrinas is an optional step but it boils down to some form of "aging" or "wisdom" (which comes with age);
take the newborn (true) self and temper it with time and/or knowledge
> Rubedo is the final distillation; you take the results from albedo/citrinas and you compress them down to a usable
form, the stone
-- alwinfy
- instructions in the form of an emerald-tablet-esque riddle
= include one line on each spell scroll
= assemble the poem, crack the riddle, &c
- possible workflow:
= Cast the first half of the spell, requiring an enumeration of your sins:
+ numbers of villagers killed?
+ number of passives killed?
+ total damage dealt?
You must have no items and no XP (caveat for keepInventory players: under 1 level of XP)
= Timer starts (Witness-esque music track?)
= Nigredo: endure 10 seconds of Wither and 10 seconds of constant fire without picking up any items.
= Albedo:
+ teleport 64 blocks in the air and survive the fall?
+ gain levitation for X seconds; by the time you hit the floor you must have done Y?
+ cure a zombie villager?
= Citrinitas:
+ Fight a bunch of mobs?
+ Must have 30+ XP levels to cast the second half?
= Cast the second half of the spell, requiring an enumeration of your accomplishments:
+ diamonds mined?
+ raids won?
+ spells cast?
+ undead slain?
= Rubedo: Attain the Great Work.