
137 lines
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package at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.vm
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.HexAPI
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.vm.CastingImage.ParenthesizedIota.Companion.TAG_ESCAPED
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.eval.vm.CastingImage.ParenthesizedIota.Companion.TAG_IOTAS
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.iota.Iota
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.iota.IotaType
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.casting.iota.ListIota
import at.petrak.hexcasting.api.utils.*
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag
import net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag
import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel
import net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity
* The state of a casting VM, containing the stack and all
data class CastingImage private constructor(
val stack: List<Iota>,
val parenCount: Int,
val parenthesized: List<ParenthesizedIota>,
val escapeNext: Boolean,
val opsConsumed: Long,
val userData: CompoundTag
) {
constructor() : this(listOf(), 0, listOf(), false, 0, CompoundTag())
data class ParenthesizedIota(val iota: Iota, val escaped: Boolean) {
companion object {
const val TAG_IOTAS = "iotas"
const val TAG_ESCAPED = "escaped"
* Returns an empty list if it's too complicated.
private fun Iterable<ParenthesizedIota>.serializeToNBT(): CompoundTag {
val tag = CompoundTag()
if (IotaType.isTooLargeToSerialize(this.map { it.iota })) {
tag.put(TAG_IOTAS, ListTag())
tag.put(TAG_ESCAPED, ListTag())
} else {
tag.put(TAG_IOTAS, ListIota(this.map { it.iota }).serialize())
tag.put(TAG_ESCAPED, this.map { it.escaped }.serializeToNBT())
return tag
* Return a copy of this with the given number of ops additionally exhausted
fun withUsedOps(count: Long) = this.copy(opsConsumed = this.opsConsumed + count)
* Return a copy of this with 1 op used
fun withUsedOp() = this.withUsedOps(1)
* Returns a copy of this with the [opsConsumed] replaced with [count].
fun withOverriddenUsedOps(count: Long) = this.copy(opsConsumed = count)
fun serializeToNbt() = NBTBuilder {
TAG_STACK %= stack.serializeToNBT()
TAG_PAREN_COUNT %= parenCount
TAG_ESCAPE_NEXT %= escapeNext
TAG_PARENTHESIZED %= parenthesized.serializeToNBT()
TAG_OPS_CONSUMED %= opsConsumed
TAG_USERDATA %= userData
companion object {
const val TAG_STACK = "stack"
const val TAG_PAREN_COUNT = "open_parens"
const val TAG_PARENTHESIZED = "parenthesized"
const val TAG_ESCAPE_NEXT = "escape_next"
const val TAG_OPS_CONSUMED = "ops_consumed"
const val TAG_USERDATA = "userdata"
fun loadFromNbt(tag: CompoundTag, world: ServerLevel): CastingImage {
return try {
val stack = mutableListOf<Iota>()
val stackTag = tag.getList(TAG_STACK, Tag.TAG_COMPOUND)
for (subtag in stackTag) {
val datum = IotaType.deserialize(subtag.asCompound, world)
val userData = if (tag.contains(TAG_USERDATA)) {
} else {
val parenthesized = mutableListOf<ParenthesizedIota>()
val parenTag = tag.getCompound(TAG_PARENTHESIZED)
val parenIotasTag = parenTag.getList(TAG_IOTAS, Tag.TAG_COMPOUND)
val parenEscapedTag = parenTag.getByteArray(TAG_ESCAPED)
for ((subtag, isEscapedByte) in parenIotasTag.zipWithDefault(parenEscapedTag) { _ -> 0 }) {
parenthesized.add(ParenthesizedIota(IotaType.deserialize(subtag.downcast(CompoundTag.TYPE), world), isEscapedByte != 0.toByte()))
val parenCount = tag.getInt(TAG_PAREN_COUNT)
val escapeNext = tag.getBoolean(TAG_ESCAPE_NEXT)
val opsUsed = tag.getLong(TAG_OPS_CONSUMED)
CastingImage(stack, parenCount, parenthesized, escapeNext, opsUsed, userData)
} catch (exn: Exception) {
HexAPI.LOGGER.warn("error while loading a CastingImage", exn)
fun checkAndMarkGivenMotion(userData: CompoundTag, entity: Entity): Boolean {
val marked = userData.getOrCreateCompound(HexAPI.MARKED_MOVED_USERDATA)
return if (marked.contains(entity.stringUUID)) {
} else {
marked.putBoolean(entity.stringUUID, true)