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package at.petrak.hex.casting
import at.petrak.hex.HexMod
import at.petrak.hex.HexUtils
import at.petrak.hex.HexUtils.TAU
import at.petrak.hex.HexUtils.deserializeVec3FromNBT
import at.petrak.hex.HexUtils.serializeToNBT
import at.petrak.hex.casting.operators.SpellOperator
import at.petrak.hex.hexes.HexAngle
import at.petrak.hex.hexes.HexCoord
import at.petrak.hex.hexes.HexDir
import at.petrak.hex.hexes.HexPattern
import com.mojang.math.Matrix3f
import com.mojang.math.Vector3f
import net.minecraft.nbt.*
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer
import net.minecraft.world.phys.Vec2
import net.minecraft.world.phys.Vec3
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.*
* Keeps track of a player casting a spell
class CastingHarness private constructor(
val stack: MutableList<SpellDatum<*>>,
var patternDrawState: PatternDrawState,
val worldPoints: MutableList<MutableList<Vec3>>,
val ctx: CastingContext,
) {
* Internally update its own state based on the player's actions.
fun update(): CastResult {
val caster = this.ctx.caster
return when (patternDrawState) {
is PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns -> {
if (caster.isUsingItem) {
HexMod.LOGGER.info("Started drawing new pattern")
this.patternDrawState = PatternDrawState.JustStarted(caster.lookAngle)
is PatternDrawState.JustStarted -> {
val (anchor) = patternDrawState as PatternDrawState.JustStarted
if (caster.isUsingItem) {
val dir = anchor.hexDirBetween(caster.lookAngle)
if (dir.isPresent) {
val pat = HexPattern(dir.get())
HexMod.LOGGER.info("Started casting spell: $pat")
this.patternDrawState = PatternDrawState.Drawing(caster.lookAngle, pat)
} else {
// We never finished drawing the line
this.patternDrawState = PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns
is PatternDrawState.Drawing -> {
val (anchor, pat) = patternDrawState as PatternDrawState.Drawing
if (caster.isUsingItem) {
val dir = anchor.hexDirBetween(caster.lookAngle)
if (dir.isPresent && pat.tryAppendDir(dir.get())) {
// nice! another line on the pattern
HexMod.LOGGER.info("Added dir to pattern: $pat")
(patternDrawState as PatternDrawState.Drawing).anchorLookPos = caster.lookAngle
} else {
// Finish the current pattern!
patternDrawState = PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns
try {
val operator = SpellOperator.fromPattern(pat)
HexMod.LOGGER.info("Executing operator: $operator")
// now execute the operator
if (operator.argc > this.stack.size)
throw CastException(CastException.Reason.NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS, operator.argc, this.stack.size)
val args = this.stack.takeLast(operator.argc)
// there's gotta be a better way to do this
for (_idx in 0 until operator.argc)
val newData = operator.execute(args, this.ctx)
HexMod.LOGGER.info("Added new data to stack: ${this.stack}")
if (this.stack.isEmpty()) {
return CastResult.QuitCasting
val maybeSpell = this.stack[0]
if (this.stack.size == 1 && maybeSpell.payload is RenderedSpell) {
} else {
} catch (e: CastException) {
fun serializeToNBT(): CompoundTag {
val out = CompoundTag()
val stackTag = ListTag()
for (datum in this.stack)
out.put(TAG_STACK, stackTag)
out.put(TAG_PDS, this.patternDrawState.serializeToNBT())
val pointsTag = ListTag()
for (patblob in this.worldPoints) {
val subtag = ListTag()
for (point in patblob) {
out.put(TAG_POINTS, pointsTag)
return out
companion object {
const val TAG_STACK = "stack"
const val TAG_PDS = "pds"
const val TAG_POINTS = "points"
fun DeserializeFromNBT(nbt: Tag?, caster: ServerPlayer): CastingHarness {
val ctx = CastingContext(caster)
return try {
val nbt = nbt as CompoundTag
val stack = mutableListOf<SpellDatum<*>>()
val stackTag = nbt.getList(TAG_STACK, Tag.TAG_COMPOUND.toInt())
for (subtag in stackTag) {
val datum = SpellDatum.DeserializeFromNBT(subtag as CompoundTag, ctx)
val pds = PatternDrawState.DeserializeFromNBT(nbt.getCompound(TAG_PDS))
val pointsTag = nbt.getList(TAG_POINTS, Tag.TAG_LIST.toInt())
val points = pointsTag.map { patgroup ->
(patgroup as ListTag).map { posTag ->
val pos = posTag as LongArrayTag
CastingHarness(stack, pds, points, ctx)
} catch (exn: Exception) {
HexMod.LOGGER.warn("Couldn't load harness from nbt tag, falling back to default: $nbt: $exn")
CastingHarness(mutableListOf(), PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns, mutableListOf(), ctx)
// this is on a unit sphere, where 0 is straight ahead and 1 is straight up (or similar)
const val HEX_GRID_SPACING = 1.0 / 8.0
private fun screenToLookMat(look: Vec3): Matrix3f {
val towardsZenith = Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0).subtract(look).normalize()
val towardsRight = look.cross(towardsZenith).normalize()
val ihatPrime = Vector3f(look.add(towardsRight))
val jhatPrime = Vector3f(look.add(towardsZenith))
val khatPrime = Vector3f(look)
val neo = Matrix3f()
neo.set(0, 0, ihatPrime.x())
neo.set(0, 1, ihatPrime.y())
neo.set(0, 2, ihatPrime.z())
neo.set(1, 0, jhatPrime.x())
neo.set(1, 1, jhatPrime.y())
neo.set(1, 2, jhatPrime.z())
neo.set(2, 0, khatPrime.x())
neo.set(2, 1, khatPrime.y())
neo.set(2, 2, khatPrime.z())
return neo
private fun Vec3.screenAngle(offset: Vec3): Double {
// https://gist.github.com/Alwinfy/d6f3e9b22e4432f4446a58ace8812a3c
// no idea how any of this works
fun pythag(x: Double, y: Double): Double = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
val yaw = atan2(this.x, this.z)
val pitch = atan2(this.y, pythag(this.x, this.z))
val zeroYaw = offset.yRot(-yaw.toFloat())
val zeroPitch = zeroYaw.xRot(-pitch.toFloat()).normalize()
return atan2(asin(zeroPitch.y), asin(-zeroPitch.x))
private fun Vec3.screenVec(offset: Vec3): Vec2 {
val angle = this.screenAngle(offset)
val dy = sin(angle)
val dx = cos(angle)
val dist = (this.normalize().subtract(offset.normalize())).length()
return Vec2((dx * dist).toFloat(), (dy * dist).toFloat())
/** Check if the two vectors are far enough apart to be more than one hex coord apart */
private fun Vec3.hexDirBetween(look: Vec3): Optional<HexDir> {
if (look.x.absoluteValue <= 1e-30 || look.z.absoluteValue <= 1e-30)
return Optional.empty()
val dist = (this.normalize().subtract(look.normalize())).length()
if (dist < HEX_GRID_SPACING)
return Optional.empty()
// val angle = this.screenAngle(look)
val neo = screenToLookMat(this)
val lookScreen = Vector3f(look)
val angle = atan2(lookScreen.y(), lookScreen.x())
// 0 is right, increases clockwise(?)
val snappedAngle = angle.div(TAU).mod(6.0).times(6).roundToInt()
return Optional.of(HexDir.values()[(-snappedAngle + 1).mod(6)])
* Taking this as a look vector, get the look vector that is this vector offset
* by the given coordinate in draw-space.
private fun Vec3.hexOffsetFrom(offset: HexCoord): Vec3 {
sealed class PatternDrawState {
/** We're waiting on the player to right-click again */
object BetweenPatterns : PatternDrawState()
/** We just started drawing and haven't drawn the first line yet. */
data class JustStarted(val anchorLookPos: Vec3) : PatternDrawState()
/** We've started drawing a pattern for real. */
data class Drawing(var anchorLookPos: Vec3, val wipPattern: HexPattern) : PatternDrawState()
fun serializeToNBT(): CompoundTag {
val (key, value) = when (this) {
BetweenPatterns -> Pair(TAG_BETWEEN_PATTERNS, ListTag())
is JustStarted -> {
val (anchor) = this
Pair(TAG_JUST_STARTED, anchor.serializeToNBT())
is Drawing -> {
val (anchor, pat) = this
val subtag = CompoundTag()
subtag.put(TAG_ANCHOR, anchor.serializeToNBT())
subtag.put(TAG_START_DIR, ByteTag.valueOf(pat.startDir.ordinal.toByte()))
val anglesTag = ByteArrayTag(pat.angles.map { it.ordinal.toByte() })
subtag.put(TAG_ANGLES, anglesTag)
Pair(TAG_DRAWING, subtag)
val out = CompoundTag()
out.put(key, value)
return out
companion object {
const val TAG_BETWEEN_PATTERNS = "between_patterns"
const val TAG_JUST_STARTED = "just_started"
const val TAG_DRAWING = "drawing"
const val TAG_ANCHOR = "anchor"
const val TAG_START_DIR = "start_dir"
const val TAG_ANGLES = "angles"
fun DeserializeFromNBT(nbt: CompoundTag): PatternDrawState {
val keys = nbt.allKeys
if (keys.size != 1)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected exactly one kv pair: $nbt")
return when (val key = keys.iterator().next()) {
val anchor = HexUtils.deserializeVec3FromNBT(nbt.getLongArray(key))
val subtag = nbt.getCompound(key)
val anchor = HexUtils.deserializeVec3FromNBT(subtag.getLongArray(TAG_ANCHOR))
val startDir = HexDir.values()[subtag.getByte(TAG_START_DIR).toInt()]
val angles = subtag.getByteArray(TAG_ANGLES).map { HexAngle.values()[it.toInt()] }
Drawing(anchor, HexPattern(startDir, angles.toMutableList()))
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown key $key: $nbt")
sealed class CastResult {
/** Casting still in progress */
object Nothing : CastResult()
/** Non-catastrophic quit */
object QuitCasting : CastResult()
/** Finished casting */
data class Success(val spell: RenderedSpell) : CastResult()
/** uh-oh */
data class Error(val exn: CastException) : CastResult()