2021-12-28 01:49:28 -06:00

271 lines
11 KiB

package at.petrak.hex.client.gui
import at.petrak.hex.HexMod
import at.petrak.hex.HexUtils
import at.petrak.hex.HexUtils.TAU
import at.petrak.hex.common.items.ItemSpellbook
import at.petrak.hex.common.network.HexMessages
import at.petrak.hex.common.network.MsgShiftScrollSyn
import at.petrak.hex.hexmath.HexAngle
import at.petrak.hex.hexmath.HexCoord
import at.petrak.hex.hexmath.HexDir
import at.petrak.hex.hexmath.HexPattern
import com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.DefaultVertexFormat
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.Tesselator
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.VertexFormat
import com.mojang.math.Matrix4f
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GameRenderer
import net.minecraft.network.chat.TextComponent
import net.minecraft.util.Mth
import net.minecraft.world.InteractionHand
import net.minecraft.world.phys.Vec2
import kotlin.math.atan2
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
const val SQRT_3 = 1.7320508f
class GuiSpellcasting(private val handOpenedWith: InteractionHand) : Screen(TextComponent("")) {
private var patterns: MutableList<Pair<HexPattern, Vec2>> = mutableListOf()
private var drawState: PatternDrawState = PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns
override fun mouseClicked(pMouseX: Double, pMouseY: Double, pButton: Int): Boolean {
if (super.mouseClicked(pMouseX, pMouseY, pButton)) {
return true
if (this.drawState is PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns) {
this.drawState = PatternDrawState.JustStarted(Vec2(pMouseX.toFloat(), pMouseY.toFloat()))
return false
override fun mouseDragged(pMouseX: Double, pMouseY: Double, pButton: Int, pDragX: Double, pDragY: Double): Boolean {
if (super.mouseDragged(pMouseX, pMouseY, pButton, pDragX, pDragY)) {
return true
val anchor = when (this.drawState) {
PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns -> null
is PatternDrawState.JustStarted -> (this.drawState as PatternDrawState.JustStarted).start
is PatternDrawState.Drawing -> (this.drawState as PatternDrawState.Drawing).current
if (anchor != null) {
val mouse = Vec2(pMouseX.toFloat(), pMouseY.toFloat())
if (anchor.distanceToSqr(mouse) >= this.hexSize() * this.hexSize()) {
val delta = mouse.add(anchor.negated())
val angle = atan2(delta.y, delta.x)
// 0 is right, increases clockwise(?)
val snappedAngle = angle.div(TAU.toFloat()).mod(6.0f)
val newdir = HexDir.values()[(snappedAngle.times(6).roundToInt() + 1).mod(6)]
// The player might have a lousy aim, so set the new anchor point to the "ideal"
// location as if they had hit it exactly on the nose.
val idealNextLoc = this.coordToPx(newdir.asDelta(), anchor)
if (this.drawState is PatternDrawState.JustStarted) {
val pat = HexPattern(newdir)
this.drawState = PatternDrawState.Drawing(anchor, idealNextLoc, pat)
HexMod.LOGGER.info("Started drawing new pattern: $pat")
} else if (this.drawState is PatternDrawState.Drawing) {
// how anyone gets around without a borrowck is beyond me
val ds = (this.drawState as PatternDrawState.Drawing)
val success = ds.wipPattern.tryAppendDir(newdir)
if (success) {
ds.current = idealNextLoc
HexMod.LOGGER.info("Added to pattern: ${ds.wipPattern}")
return false
override fun mouseReleased(pMouseX: Double, pMouseY: Double, pButton: Int): Boolean {
if (super.mouseReleased(pMouseX, pMouseY, pButton)) {
return true
when (this.drawState) {
PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns -> {}
is PatternDrawState.JustStarted -> {
// Well, we never managed to get anything on the stack this go-around.
this.drawState = PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns
if (this.patterns.isEmpty()) {
is PatternDrawState.Drawing -> {
val (start, _, pat) = this.drawState as PatternDrawState.Drawing
this.drawState = PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns
this.patterns.add(Pair(pat, start))
return false
override fun mouseScrolled(pMouseX: Double, pMouseY: Double, pDelta: Double): Boolean {
super.mouseScrolled(pMouseX, pMouseY, pDelta)
val otherHand = HexUtils.OtherHand(this.handOpenedWith)
if (Minecraft.getInstance().player!!.getItemInHand(otherHand).item is ItemSpellbook)
HexMessages.getNetwork().sendToServer(MsgShiftScrollSyn(otherHand, pDelta))
return true
override fun onClose() {
override fun render(poseStack: PoseStack, pMouseX: Int, pMouseY: Int, pPartialTick: Float) {
super.render(poseStack, pMouseX, pMouseY, pPartialTick)
fun drawLineSeq(mat: Matrix4f, points: List<Vec2>, r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int) {
// they spell it wrong at mojang lmao
val tess = Tesselator.getInstance()
val buf = tess.builder
for ((p1, p2) in points.zipWithNext()) {
// https://github.com/not-fl3/macroquad/blob/master/src/shapes.rs#L163
// GuiComponent::innerFill line 52
// fedor have useful variable names challenge (99% can't beat)
val dx = p2.x - p1.x
val dy = p2.y - p1.y
// normal x and y, presumably?
val nx = -dy
val ny = dx
val width = 1.5f
// thickness?
val tlen = Mth.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny) / (width * 0.5f)
val tx = nx / tlen
val ty = ny / tlen
buf.begin(VertexFormat.Mode.QUADS, DefaultVertexFormat.POSITION_COLOR)
buf.vertex(mat, p1.x + tx, p1.y + ty, 0f).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex()
buf.vertex(mat, p2.x + tx, p2.y + ty, 0f).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex()
buf.vertex(mat, p2.x - tx, p2.y - ty, 0f).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex()
buf.vertex(mat, p1.x - tx, p1.y - ty, 0f).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex()
fun drawSpot(mat: Matrix4f, point: Vec2, r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int) {
val tess = Tesselator.getInstance()
val buf = tess.builder
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20394727/gl-triangle-strip-vs-gl-triangle-fan
// Starting point is the center
buf.begin(VertexFormat.Mode.TRIANGLE_FAN, DefaultVertexFormat.POSITION_COLOR)
buf.vertex(mat, point.x, point.y, 0f).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex()
// https://github.com/not-fl3/macroquad/blob/master/src/shapes.rs#L98
val fracOfCircle = 32
val radius = 1.0f
// run 0 AND last; this way the circle closes
for (i in 0..32) {
val theta = i.toFloat() / fracOfCircle * TAU.toFloat()
val rx = Mth.cos(theta) * radius + point.x
val ry = Mth.sin(theta) * radius + point.y
buf.vertex(mat, rx, ry, 0f).color(r, g, b, a).endVertex()
val mat = poseStack.last().pose()
val prevShader = RenderSystem.getShader()
for ((pat, origin) in this.patterns) {
drawLineSeq(mat, pat.positions().map { pos -> this.coordToPx(pos, origin) }, 127, 127, 255, 200)
// Now draw the currently WIP pattern
if (this.drawState !is PatternDrawState.BetweenPatterns) {
val points = mutableListOf<Vec2>()
val (dirs, spotAnchor) = if (this.drawState is PatternDrawState.JustStarted) {
val ds = this.drawState as PatternDrawState.JustStarted
Pair(HexDir.values().toList(), ds.start)
} else if (this.drawState is PatternDrawState.Drawing) {
val ds = this.drawState as PatternDrawState.Drawing
for (pos in ds.wipPattern.positions()) {
val pix = this.coordToPx(pos, ds.start)
val finalDir = ds.wipPattern.finalDir()
HexAngle.values().flatMap {
if (it == HexAngle.BACK) {
} else {
listOf(finalDir * it)
} else {
throw NotImplementedError("unreachable")
points.add(Vec2(pMouseX.toFloat(), pMouseY.toFloat()))
drawLineSeq(mat, points, 200, 200, 255, 255)
for (dir in dirs) {
val pos = this.coordToPx(dir.asDelta(), spotAnchor)
drawSpot(mat, pos, 200, 200, 230, 255)
RenderSystem.setShader { prevShader }
// why the hell is this default true
override fun isPauseScreen(): Boolean = false
/** Distance between adjacent hex centers */
fun hexSize(): Float =
this.width.toFloat() / 32.0f
fun coordToPx(coord: HexCoord, origin: Vec2) =
SQRT_3 * coord.q.toFloat() + SQRT_3 / 2.0f * coord.r.toFloat(),
1.5f * coord.r.toFloat()
private sealed class PatternDrawState {
/** We're waiting on the player to right-click again */
object BetweenPatterns : PatternDrawState()
/** We just started drawing and haven't drawn the first line yet. */
data class JustStarted(val start: Vec2) : PatternDrawState()
/** We've started drawing a pattern for real. */
data class Drawing(val start: Vec2, var current: Vec2, val wipPattern: HexPattern) : PatternDrawState()