# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # compat #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings related to compatibility with other mods. ########################################################################################################## compat { # Maximum height under which aluminum ore will spawn. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 58] I:aluminumMaxY=58 # Minimum height over which aluminum ore will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 0] I:aluminumMinY=0 # Maximum size of a aluminum ore vein (in blocks) [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 6] I:aluminumVeinSize=0 # Number of attempts to spawn aluminum ore the world generator will make for each chunk. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 4] I:aluminumVeinsPerChunk=0 # If true, Embers will register items, blocks, and recipes providing support for other mods' aluminum. [default: true] B:enableAluminum=true # If true, Embers will register items, blocks and recipes providing Baubles integration. [default: true] B:enableBaubles=true # If true, Embers will register items, blocks, and recipes providing support for other mods' bronze. [default: true] B:enableBronze=true # If true, Embers will register items, blocks, and recipes providing support for other mods' electrum. [default: true] B:enableElectrum=true # If true, Embers will register items, blocks and recipes providing Mystical Mechanics integration. [default: true] B:enableMysticalMechanics=true # If true, Embers will register items, blocks, and recipes providing support for other mods' nickel. [default: true] B:enableNickel=true # If true, Embers will register items, blocks, and recipes providing support for other mods' tin. [default: true] B:enableTin=true # Maximum height under which nickel ore will spawn. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 24] I:nickelMaxY=24 # Minimum height over which nickel ore will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 0] I:nickelMinY=0 # Maximum size of a nickel ore vein (in blocks) [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 6] I:nickelVeinSize=0 # Number of attempts to spawn nickel ore the world generator will make for each chunk. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 4] I:nickelVeinsPerChunk=0 # Maximum height under which tin ore will spawn. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 48] I:tinMaxY=48 # Minimum height over which tin ore will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 0] I:tinMinY=0 # Maximum size of a tin ore vein (in blocks) [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 6] I:tinVeinSize=0 # Number of attempts to spawn tin ore the world generator will make for each chunk. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 6] I:tinVeinsPerChunk=0 } misc { # Codex category is shut. Progression is open. [default: true] B:codexCategoryIsProgress=true # Codex entry is shut and hide. Progression is open and show. [default: true] B:codexEntryIsProgress=true # If true, Embers homing projectiles will go for neutral players. [default: false] B:everybodyIsAnEnemy=false } ########################################################################################################## # mobs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings related to ore generation. ########################################################################################################## mobs { # How much knockback resistance Ancient Golems have. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:ancientGolemKnockbackResistance=1.0 # Spawning weight of the Ancient Golem mob. Higher values make golems spawn more frequently. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 25] I:ancientGolemSpawnWeight=25 } ########################################################################################################## # ores #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings related to ore generation. ########################################################################################################## ores { # Maximum height under which copper ore will spawn. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 64] I:copperMaxY=64 # Minimum height over which copper ore will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 0] I:copperMinY=0 # Maximum size of a copper ore vein (in blocks) [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 12] I:copperVeinSize=12 # Number of attempts to spawn copper ore the world generator will make for each chunk. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 6] I:copperVeinsPerChunk=6 # Maximum height under which lead ore will spawn. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 28] I:leadMaxY=28 # Minimum height over which lead ore will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 0] I:leadMinY=0 # Maximum size of a lead ore vein (in blocks) [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 8] I:leadVeinSize=8 # Number of attempts to spawn lead ore the world generator will make for each chunk. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 4] I:leadVeinsPerChunk=4 # A list of all dimension IDs in which Embers orespawn is prohibited. Embers ores will spawn in any dimension not on this list, but only in vanilla stone. [default: [-1], [1]] S:oreBlacklist < -1 1 > # Whether the orespawn blacklist is a whitelist. [default: false] B:oreBlacklistIsWhitelist=false # Maximum height under which quartz ore will spawn. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 18] I:quartzMaxY=18 # Minimum height over which quartz ore will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 0] I:quartzMinY=0 # Maximum size of a quartz ore vein (in blocks) [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 8] I:quartzVeinSize=8 # Number of attempts to spawn quartz ore the world generator will make for each chunk. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 4] I:quartzVeinsPerChunk=4 # Maximum height under which silver ore will spawn. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 28] I:silverMaxY=28 # Minimum height over which silver ore will spawn. [range: 0 ~ 254, default: 0] I:silverMinY=0 # Maximum size of a silver ore vein (in blocks) [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 6] I:silverVeinSize=6 # Number of attempts to spawn silver ore the world generator will make for each chunk. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 4] I:silverVeinsPerChunk=4 } ########################################################################################################## # parameters #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for machine/item/misc parameters ########################################################################################################## parameters { # Whether ember conduits can attach to any ember consumer/producer [default: false] B:allAcceptVolatile=false melter { # The ember cost per tick. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 1.0] S:cost=1.0 # How many mb of fluid are obtained per ore output in the melter. This is multiplied by the amount of output a melter would produce, so by default 144mb * 2 ingots. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 144] I:oreAmount=144 # The time in ticks it takes to process one recipe. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 200] I:processTime=200 } geoseparator { # How much fluid (in mb) fits into a Geologic Seperator [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 1000] I:capacity=1000 } stamper { # How many ingots are required to make one aspectus in the stamper. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 1] I:aspectusAmount=1 # How much fluid (in mb) fits into the Stamp Base. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 1500] I:capacity=1500 # How many ingots are required to make one gear in the stamper. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 2] I:gearAmount=2 # How many ingots are required to make one plate in the stamper. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 1] I:plateAmount=1 } emberbore { # A list of all dimension IDs in which Embers Ember Bore will not mine. [default: ] S:blacklist < > # The amount of fuel consumed each tick [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 3.0] S:fuelCost=3.0 # Whether the Ember Bore blacklist is a whitelist. [default: false] B:isWhiteList=false # The time in ticks it takes to try one dig attempt. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 200] I:processTime=200 # The speed modifier of the Ember Bore before upgrades. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 1.0] S:speedMod=1.0 # The maximum y-level at which the Ember Bore can mine ember. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 7] I:yMax=7 } charger { # How much ember is transferred between item and charger per tick [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 10.0] S:transfer=10.0 } cinderplinth { # The ember cost per tick. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 0.5] S:cost=0.5 # The time in ticks it takes to process one item. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:processTime=40 } dawnstoneanvil { # Number of hammer hits it takes to finish one process [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:maxHits=40 } infernoforge { # The ember cost per tick. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 16.0] S:cost=16.0 # The maximum augment level that can be reforged to. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:maxLevel=5 # The time in ticks it takes to process one item. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 200] I:processTime=200 } tank { # How much fluid (in mb) fits into the Fluid Vessel. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 16000] I:capacity=16000 } reservoir { # How much fluid (in mb) fits into each Caminite Ring on a Reservoir. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 40000] I:capacity=40000 } miniboiler { # Whether or not the mini boiler should explode when at maximum steam pressure. [default: true] B:canExplode=true # How much fluid (in mb) fits into a mini boiler. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 16000] I:capacity=16000 # How efficient, heat-wise, the mini boiler is at making steam. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 1.0] S:heatMultiplier=1.0 } blazingray { # Time in ticks to fully charge. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 20.0] S:charge=20.0 # Cooldown in ticks between each shot. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:cooldown=10 # Ember used up by each shot. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 25.0] S:cost=25.0 # Damage dealt by one shot. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 7.0] S:damage=7.0 # Maximum shot distance. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 96.0] S:distance=96.0 # Maximum spread. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 30.0] S:spread=30.0 } cinderstaff { # Area of Effect on impact. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 2.125] S:aoe=2.125 # Time in ticks to fully charge. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 60.0] S:charge=60.0 # Cooldown in ticks between each shot. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:cooldown=10 # Ember used up by each shot. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 25.0] S:cost=25.0 # Damage dealt by one shot. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 17.0] S:damage=17.0 # Lifetime in ticks of projectile. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 160] I:lifetime=160 # Size of the projectile. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 17.0] S:size=17.0 } shiftingscales { # Syntax is 'damagetype:rate'. Determines which damage types are partially unaffected by the shifting scales augment. [default: [drown:1.0], [starve:1.0]] S:damagePasses < drown:1.0 starve:1.0 > # Syntax is 'damagetype:rate'. Specifies a separate damage rate for depleting the scales. [default: ] S:damageRates < > } steamengine { # How much fluid (in mb) fits into a Steam Engine. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 8000] I:capacity=8000 # How much water (in mb) is consumed every tick while burning solid fuel. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 4] I:fluidConsumption=4 # How much water (in mb) is necessary to start burning solid fuel. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 10] I:fluidThreshold=10 # How efficient, time-wise, solid fuel is in the steam turbine. 1 = fuel lasts as long as it would in a furnace. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 2.0] S:fuelEfficiency=2.0 # How much mechanical power is generated while burning solid fuel. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 20.0] S:fuelPower=20.0 # How much gas (in mb), such as steam, is consumed every tick. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:gasConsumption=20 # How much mechanical power can be generated at max. [range: -Infinity ~ Infinity, default: 50.0] S:maximumPower=50.0 } } ########################################################################################################## # structures #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings related to structure generation. ########################################################################################################## structures { # A list of all dimension IDs in which Embers small ruin generation is prohibited. [default: [0]] S:smallRuinBlacklist < 0 > # Whether the small ruin generation blacklist is a whitelist. [default: true] B:smallRuinBlacklistIsWhitelist=true # Spawning frequency of the small ruin structure. A value of 0 will prevent spawning altogether. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 5] I:smallRuinChance=5 }