ExNihilo rework finished

This commit is contained in:
Zixxl 2015-07-10 16:27:02 +02:00
parent df846585c4
commit 7571f526d7
3 changed files with 451 additions and 248 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package modtweaker2.mods.exnihilo.commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
@ -16,8 +17,12 @@ import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import exnihilo.registries.CompostRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.CrucibleRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.HammerRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.SieveRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.helpers.Compostable;
import exnihilo.registries.helpers.Meltable;
import exnihilo.registries.helpers.SiftingResult;
import exnihilo.registries.helpers.Smashable;
import exnihilo.utils.ItemInfo;
public class ExNihiloLogger implements ICommandFunction {
@ -27,6 +32,8 @@ public class ExNihiloLogger implements ICommandFunction {
static {
@ -61,6 +68,29 @@ public class ExNihiloLogger implements ICommandFunction {
if(args.isEmpty() || args.contains("hammer")) {
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry : HammerRegistry.getRewards().entrySet()) {
for(Smashable recipe : entry.getValue()) {
MineTweakerAPI.logCommand(String.format("mods.exnihilo.Hammer.addRecipe(%s, %s, %s, %s);",
LogHelper.getStackDescription(new ItemStack(recipe.item, 1, recipe.meta)),
if(args.isEmpty() || args.contains("sieve")) {
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry : SieveRegistry.getSiftables().entrySet()) {
for(SiftingResult recipe : entry.getValue()) {
MineTweakerAPI.logCommand(String.format("mods.exnihilo.Sieve.addRecipe(%s, %s, %s);",
LogHelper.getStackDescription(new ItemStack(recipe.item, 1, recipe.meta)),
if (player != null) {
player.sendChat(MineTweakerImplementationAPI.platform.getMessage("List generated; see minetweaker.log in your minecraft dir"));

View file

@ -1,118 +1,249 @@
package modtweaker2.mods.exnihilo.handlers;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.isABlock;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toIItemStack;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toStack;
import minetweaker.IUndoableAction;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.StackHelper.matches;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI;
import minetweaker.api.item.IIngredient;
import minetweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
import minetweaker.api.item.IngredientAny;
import modtweaker2.helpers.LogHelper;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseMapAddition;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseMapRemoval;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.Optional;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenClass;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenMethod;
import exnihilo.registries.HammerRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.helpers.Smashable;
import exnihilo.utils.ItemInfo;
public class Hammer {
// Adding a Ex Nihilo Hammer recipe
public static final String name = "ExNihilo Hammer";
public static void addRecipe(IItemStack input, IItemStack output, double chance, double luck) {
if (isABlock(input)) {
Block theBlock = Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(input).getItem());
int theMeta = toStack(input).getItemDamage();
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add(theBlock, theMeta, toStack(output).getItem(), toStack(output).getItemDamage(), (float) chance, (float) luck));
if(input == null || output == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s recipe.", name));
addRecipe(input, new IItemStack[] { output }, new double[] { chance }, new double[] { luck });
public static void addRecipe(IItemStack input, IItemStack[] output, double[] chance, double[] luck) {
if(input == null || output == null || chance == null || luck == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s recipe.", name));
if(!isABlock(input)) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Input item for %s recipe must be a block.", name));
if(output.length == 0 || output.length != chance.length || output.length != luck.length) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Number of items in arrays are different or null (%d, %d, %d)", output.length, chance.length, luck.length));
Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> recipes = new HashMap<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>>();
ArrayList<Smashable> list = new ArrayList<Smashable>();
ItemInfo itemInfo = new ItemInfo(toStack(input));
recipes.put(itemInfo, list);
for(int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
ItemStack out = toStack(output[i]);
list.add(new Smashable(Block.getBlockFromItem(itemInfo.getItem()), itemInfo.getMeta(), out.getItem(), out.getItemDamage(), (float)chance[i], (float)luck[i]));
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add(recipes));
// Passes the list to the base list implementation, and adds the recipe
private static class Add implements IUndoableAction {
Block block;
int blockMeta;
Item output;
int outputMeta;
float chance;
float luck;
public Add(Block block, int blockMeta, Item output, int outputMeta, float chance, float luck) {
this.block = block;
this.blockMeta = blockMeta;
this.output = output;
this.outputMeta = outputMeta;
this.chance = chance;
this.luck = luck;
private static class Add extends BaseMapAddition<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> {
public Add(Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> recipes) {
super(Hammer.name, HammerRegistry.getRewards(), recipes);
public void apply() {
HammerRegistry.register(block, blockMeta, output, outputMeta, chance, luck);
public boolean canUndo() {
return false;
public String describe() {
return "Adding ExNihilo Hammer recipe by mining " + block.getLocalizedName() + " to get the result of " + output.getUnlocalizedName();
public String describeUndo() {
return "";
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry : recipes.entrySet()) {
if(!map.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
// no recipe for input available, add new entry
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
// recipes already available, add to present list
ArrayList<Smashable> list = map.get(entry.getKey());
// store old Smashable objects if present
ArrayList<Smashable> backup = new ArrayList<Smashable>();
for(Smashable recipe : entry.getValue()) {
backup.addAll(removeFromList(list, recipe));
if(!backup.isEmpty()) {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("Overwritten %d %s recipe outputs for %s.", backup.size(), Hammer.name, LogHelper.getStackDescription(entry.getKey().getStack())));
overwritten.put(entry.getKey(), backup);
// add new Smashable objects
successful.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
public void undo() {
// remove all recipes
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry : successful.entrySet()) {
ArrayList<Smashable> list = map.get(entry.getKey());
for(Smashable recipe : entry.getValue()) {
removeFromList(list, recipe);
// re-add overwritten recipes
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry : overwritten.entrySet()) {
// remove empty entries
for(Iterator<Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>>> it = map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry = it.next();
if(entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
protected String getRecipeInfo(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(recipe.getKey().getStack()) + " (" + recipe.getValue().size() + " entries)";
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Removing a Ex Nihilo Hammer recipe
public static void removeRecipe(IItemStack inputBlock, int inputBlockMeta, IItemStack outputItem, int outputItemMeta) {
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Remove(Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(inputBlock).getItem()), inputBlockMeta, toStack(outputItem).getItem(), outputItemMeta));
removeRecipe(toIItemStack(new ItemStack(toStack(inputBlock).getItem(), 1, inputBlockMeta)), toIItemStack(new ItemStack(toStack(outputItem).getItem(), 1, outputItemMeta)));
public static void removeRecipe(IIngredient input, @Optional IIngredient output) {
if(input == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s recipe.", name));
if(output == null) {
output = IngredientAny.INSTANCE;
Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> recipes = new HashMap<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>>();
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry : HammerRegistry.getRewards().entrySet()) {
if(input.matches(toIItemStack(entry.getKey().getStack()))) {
ArrayList<Smashable> list = entry.getValue();
ArrayList<Smashable> toRemove = new ArrayList<Smashable>();
for(Smashable recipe : list) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(recipe.item, 1, recipe.meta);
if(matches(output, toIItemStack(item))) {
if(!toRemove.isEmpty()) {
recipes.put(entry.getKey(), toRemove);
if(!recipes.isEmpty()) {
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Remove(recipes));
} else {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("No %s recipes found for %s and %s. Command ignored!", input.toString(), output.toString()));
// Removes a recipe, apply is never the same for anything, so will always
// need to override it
private static class Remove implements IUndoableAction {
Block block;
int inputBlockMeta;
Item output;
int outputItemMeta;
private static class Remove extends BaseMapRemoval<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> {
public Remove(Block block, int inputBlockMeta, Item output, int outputItemMeta) {
this.block = block;
this.inputBlockMeta = inputBlockMeta;
this.output = output;
this.outputItemMeta = outputItemMeta;
public Remove(Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> recipes) {
super(Hammer.name, HammerRegistry.getRewards(), recipes);
// Loops through the registry, to find the item that matches, saves that
// recipe then removes it
public void apply() {
HammerRegistry.remove(block, inputBlockMeta, output, outputItemMeta);
public boolean canUndo() {
return false;
public String describe() {
return "Removing ExNihilo Hammer recipe";
public String describeUndo() {
return null;
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry : recipes.entrySet()) {
ArrayList<Smashable> list = map.get(entry.getKey());
for(Smashable recipe : entry.getValue()) {
removeFromList(list, recipe);
successful.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// remove empty entries
for(Iterator<Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>>> it = map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry = it.next();
if(entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
public void undo() {
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> entry : successful.entrySet()) {
if(!map.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
protected String getRecipeInfo(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<Smashable>> recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(recipe.getKey().getStack()) + " (" + recipe.getValue().size() + " entries)";
public static ArrayList<Smashable> removeFromList(ArrayList<Smashable> list, Smashable s) {
ArrayList<Smashable> removed = new ArrayList<Smashable>();
ItemInfo toRemove = new ItemInfo(s.item, s.meta);
for(Iterator<Smashable> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Smashable itS = it.next();
ItemInfo item = new ItemInfo(itS.item, itS.meta);
if(item.equals(toRemove)) {
return removed;

View file

@ -1,224 +1,266 @@
package modtweaker2.mods.exnihilo.handlers;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.isABlock;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toIItemStack;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toStack;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.StackHelper.matches;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import minetweaker.IUndoableAction;
import minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI;
import minetweaker.api.item.IIngredient;
import minetweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import minetweaker.api.item.IngredientAny;
import modtweaker2.helpers.LogHelper;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseMapAddition;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseMapRemoval;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.Optional;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenClass;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenMethod;
import exnihilo.registries.SieveRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.helpers.SiftingResult;
import exnihilo.utils.ItemInfo;
public class Sieve {
public static final String name = "ExNihilo Sieve";
// Adding a Ex Nihilo Sieve recipe
public static void addRecipe(IItemStack input, IItemStack output, int rarity) {
if (isABlock(input)) {
Block theBlock = Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(input).getItem());
int theMeta = toStack(input).getItemDamage();
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add(theBlock, theMeta, toStack(output).getItem(), toStack(output).getItemDamage(), rarity));
if(input == null || output == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s recipe.", name));
addRecipe(input, new IItemStack[] { output }, new int[] { rarity });
public static void addRecipe(IItemStack input, IItemStack[] output, int[] rarity) {
if(input == null || output == null || rarity == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s recipe.", name));
if(!isABlock(input)) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Input item for %s recipe must be a block.", name));
if(output.length == 0 || output.length != rarity.length) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Number of items in arrays are different or null (%d, %d)", output.length, rarity.length));
Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> recipes = new HashMap<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>>();
ArrayList<SiftingResult> list = new ArrayList<SiftingResult>();
ItemInfo itemInfo = new ItemInfo(toStack(input));
recipes.put(itemInfo, list);
for(int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
ItemStack out = toStack(output[i]);
list.add(new SiftingResult(out.getItem(), out.getItemDamage(), rarity[i]));
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add(recipes));
// Passes the list to the base list implementation, and adds the recipe
private static class Add implements IUndoableAction {
Block source;
int sourceMeta;
Item output;
int outputMeta;
int rarity;
private static class Add extends BaseMapAddition<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> {
public Add(Block source, int sourceMeta, Item output, int outputMeta, int rarity) {
this.source = source;
this.sourceMeta = sourceMeta;
this.output = output;
this.outputMeta = outputMeta;
this.rarity = rarity;
public Add(Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> recipes) {
super(Sieve.name, SieveRegistry.getSiftables(), recipes);
public void apply() {
SieveRegistry.register(source, sourceMeta, output, outputMeta, rarity);
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry : recipes.entrySet()) {
if(!map.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
// no recipe for input available, add new entry
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
// recipes already available, add to present list
ArrayList<SiftingResult> list = map.get(entry.getKey());
// store old SiftingResult objects if present
ArrayList<SiftingResult> backup = new ArrayList<SiftingResult>();
for(SiftingResult recipe : entry.getValue()) {
backup.addAll(removeFromList(list, recipe));
if(!backup.isEmpty()) {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("Overwritten %d %s recipe outputs for %s.", backup.size(), Hammer.name, LogHelper.getStackDescription(entry.getKey().getStack())));
overwritten.put(entry.getKey(), backup);
// add new SiftingResult objects
successful.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
public boolean canUndo() {
return source != null && output != null;
public String describe() {
return "Adding ExNihilo Sieve Recipe using " + source.getLocalizedName() + " to get the result of " + output.getUnlocalizedName();
public String describeUndo() {
return "Removing ExNihilo Sieve Recipe using " + source.getLocalizedName() + " to get the result of " + output.getUnlocalizedName();
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
public void undo() {
if (this.canUndo())
SieveRegistry.unregisterReward(this.source, this.sourceMeta, this.output, this.outputMeta);
// remove all recipes
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry : successful.entrySet()) {
ArrayList<SiftingResult> list = map.get(entry.getKey());
for(SiftingResult recipe : entry.getValue()) {
removeFromList(list, recipe);
// re-add overwritten recipes
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry : overwritten.entrySet()) {
// remove empty entries
for(Iterator<Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>>> it = map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry = it.next();
if(entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
protected String getRecipeInfo(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(recipe.getKey().getStack()) + " (" + recipe.getValue().size() + " entries)";
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Removing a Ex Nihilo Sieve recipe
public static void removeRecipe(IItemStack input, IItemStack output) {
if (isABlock(input)) {
Block theBlock = Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(input).getItem());
int theMeta = toStack(input).getItemDamage();
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Remove(theBlock, theMeta, toStack(output).getItem(), toStack(output).getItemDamage()));
removeRecipe((IIngredient)input, (IIngredient)output);
public static void removeRewardFromAllBlocks(IItemStack output)
Item theItem = toStack(output).getItem();
int theMeta = toStack(output).getItemDamage();
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new RemoveRewardFromAllBlocks(theItem, theMeta));
removeRecipe(IngredientAny.INSTANCE, (IIngredient)output);
public static void removeAllRewardsFromBlock(IItemStack output)
if (isABlock(output)) {
Block theBlock = Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(output).getItem());
int theMeta = toStack(output).getItemDamage();
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new RemoveAllRewardsFromBlock(theBlock, theMeta));
removeRecipe((IIngredient)output, IngredientAny.INSTANCE);
public static void removeRecipe(IIngredient input, @Optional IIngredient output) {
if(input == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s recipe.", name));
if(output == null) {
output = IngredientAny.INSTANCE;
Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> recipes = new HashMap<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>>();
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry : SieveRegistry.getSiftables().entrySet()) {
if(input.matches(toIItemStack(entry.getKey().getStack()))) {
ArrayList<SiftingResult> list = entry.getValue();
ArrayList<SiftingResult> toRemove = new ArrayList<SiftingResult>();
for(SiftingResult recipe : list) {
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(recipe.item, 1, recipe.meta);
if(matches(output, toIItemStack(item))) {
if(!toRemove.isEmpty()) {
recipes.put(entry.getKey(), toRemove);
if(!recipes.isEmpty()) {
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Remove(recipes));
} else {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("No %s recipes found for %s and %s. Command ignored!", input.toString(), output.toString()));
// Removes a recipe, apply is never the same for anything, so will always
// need to override it
private static class Remove implements IUndoableAction {
Block source;
int sourceMeta;
Item output;
int outputMeta;
int rarity;
private static class Remove extends BaseMapRemoval<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> {
public Remove(Map<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> recipes) {
super(Sieve.name, SieveRegistry.getSiftables(), recipes);
public void apply() {
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry : recipes.entrySet()) {
ArrayList<SiftingResult> list = map.get(entry.getKey());
for(SiftingResult recipe : entry.getValue()) {
removeFromList(list, recipe);
successful.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// remove empty entries
for(Iterator<Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>>> it = map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry = it.next();
if(entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
public Remove(Block source, int sourceMeta, Item output, int outputMeta) {
this.source = source;
this.sourceMeta = sourceMeta;
this.output = output;
this.outputMeta = outputMeta;
public void apply() {
ArrayList<SiftingResult> results = SieveRegistry.getSiftingOutput(this.source, this.sourceMeta);
for (SiftingResult res : results) {
if (res.item.equals(this.source) && res.meta == this.outputMeta)
this.rarity = res.rarity;
SieveRegistry.unregisterReward(source, sourceMeta, output, outputMeta);
public boolean canUndo() {
return output != null && source != null;
public String describe() {
return "Removing ExNihilo Sieve Recipe using " + source.getLocalizedName() + " to get the result of " + output.getUnlocalizedName();
public String describeUndo() {
return "Restoring ExNihilo Sieve Recipe using " + source.getLocalizedName() + " to get the result of " + output.getUnlocalizedName();
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
public void undo() {
if (this.canUndo())
SieveRegistry.register(this.source, this.sourceMeta, this.output, this.outputMeta, rarity);
private static class RemoveAllRewardsFromBlock implements IUndoableAction {
Block block;
int blockMeta;
public RemoveAllRewardsFromBlock(Block block, int blockMeta) {
this.block = block;
this.blockMeta = blockMeta;
public void apply() {
SieveRegistry.unregisterAllRewardsFromBlock(block, blockMeta);
public boolean canUndo() {
return false;
public String describe() {
return "Removing All ExNihilo Sieve rewards from " + block.getLocalizedName();
public String describeUndo() {
return "";
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
public void undo() {
private static class RemoveRewardFromAllBlocks implements IUndoableAction {
Item reward;
int rewardMeta;
public RemoveRewardFromAllBlocks(Item reward, int rewardMeta) {
this.reward = reward;
this.rewardMeta = rewardMeta;
public void apply() {
SieveRegistry.unregisterRewardFromAllBlocks(reward, rewardMeta);
public boolean canUndo() {
return false;
public String describe() {
return "Removing ExNihilo Sieve reward of " + reward.getUnlocalizedName() + " from all Blocks";
public String describeUndo() {
return "";
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
public void undo() {
public void undo() {
for(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> entry : successful.entrySet()) {
if(!map.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
protected String getRecipeInfo(Entry<ItemInfo, ArrayList<SiftingResult>> recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(recipe.getKey().getStack()) + " (" + recipe.getValue().size() + " entries)";
public static ArrayList<SiftingResult> removeFromList(ArrayList<SiftingResult> list, SiftingResult s) {
ArrayList<SiftingResult> removed = new ArrayList<SiftingResult>();
ItemInfo toRemove = new ItemInfo(s.item, s.meta);
for(Iterator<SiftingResult> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
SiftingResult itS = it.next();
ItemInfo item = new ItemInfo(itS.item, itS.meta);
if(item.equals(toRemove)) {
return removed;