2015-04-19 22:18:05 -04:00

161 lines
4.9 KiB

package modtweaker2.mods.exnihilo.handlers;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.isABlock;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toFluid;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toStack;
import minetweaker.IUndoableAction;
import minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI;
import minetweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
import minetweaker.api.liquid.ILiquidStack;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseMapAddition;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseMapRemoval;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenClass;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenMethod;
import exnihilo.registries.CrucibleRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.HeatRegistry;
import exnihilo.registries.helpers.Meltable;
public class Crucible {
/************************************************ Crucible Melting ************************************************/
//Adding a Ex Nihilo Crucible recipe
public static void addRecipe(IItemStack input, ILiquidStack fluid) {
if (isABlock(input)) {
Block theBlock = Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(input).getItem());
int theMeta = toStack(input).getItemDamage();
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new AddRecipe(new Meltable(theBlock, theMeta, 2000, toFluid(fluid).getFluid(), toFluid(fluid).amount, theBlock)));
//Passes the list to the map list implementation, and adds the recipe
private static class AddRecipe extends BaseMapAddition {
public AddRecipe(Meltable recipe) {
super("ExNihilo Crucible", CrucibleRegistry.entries, recipe.block + ":" + recipe.meta, recipe);
public String getRecipeInfo() {
return new ItemStack(((Meltable) recipe).block, 1, ((Meltable) recipe).meta).getDisplayName();
//Removing a Ex Nihilo Crucible recipe
public static void removeRecipe(IItemStack output) {
if (isABlock(output)) {
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new RemoveRecipe(toStack(output)));
//Removes a recipe, will always remove the key, so all should be good
private static class RemoveRecipe extends BaseMapRemoval {
public RemoveRecipe(ItemStack stack) {
super("ExNihilo Crucible", CrucibleRegistry.entries, Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem()) + ":" + stack.getItemDamage(), stack);
public String getRecipeInfo() {
return ((ItemStack) stack).getDisplayName();
/********************************************** Crucible Heat Sources **********************************************/
//Adding a Ex Nihilo Crucible heat source
public static void addHeatSource(IItemStack input, double value) {
if (isABlock(input)) {
Block theBlock = Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(input).getItem());
int theMeta = toStack(input).getItemDamage();
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new AddHeatSource(theBlock, theMeta, (float) value));
//Passes the list to the base map implementation, and adds the recipe
private static class AddHeatSource implements IUndoableAction
Block source;
int sourceMeta;
float value;
public AddHeatSource(Block source, int sourceMeta, float value) {
this.source = source;
this.sourceMeta = sourceMeta;
this.value = value;
public void apply() {
HeatRegistry.register(source, sourceMeta, value);
public boolean canUndo() {
return false;
public String describe() {
return "Adding ExNihilo Heat source of " + source.getLocalizedName();
public String describeUndo() {
return null;
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
public void undo() {
//Removing a Ex Nihilo Crucible heat source
public static void removeHeatSource(IItemStack output) {
if (isABlock(output)) {
Block block = Block.getBlockFromItem(toStack(output).getItem());
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new RemoveHeatSource(block));
//Removes a recipe, will always remove the key, so all should be good
private static class RemoveHeatSource implements IUndoableAction
Block block;
public RemoveHeatSource(Block block) {
this.block = block;
public void apply() {
public boolean canUndo() {
return false;
public String describe() {
return "Removing ExNihilo Heat source of " + block.getLocalizedName();
public String describeUndo() {
return null;
public Object getOverrideKey() {
return null;
public void undo() {