BloodWorkXGaming 65ef2d3d72 1.10.2: Fixed Nullpointers with bloodmagic and JEI on multiplayer (#492)
* Fixed Nullpointers with JEI on multiplayer

* Version bump
2017-06-27 20:41:39 +02:00

244 lines
9.7 KiB

package modtweaker.mods.bloodmagic.handlers;
import WayofTime.bloodmagic.api.recipe.AlchemyTableRecipe;
import WayofTime.bloodmagic.compat.jei.alchemyTable.AlchemyTableRecipeJEI;
import com.blamejared.mtlib.helpers.LogHelper;
import com.blamejared.mtlib.utils.*;
import minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI;
import minetweaker.api.item.*;
import modtweaker.JEIAddonPlugin;
import modtweaker.mods.bloodmagic.BloodMagicHelper;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
import static com.blamejared.mtlib.helpers.InputHelper.*;
import static com.blamejared.mtlib.helpers.StackHelper.matches;
public class AlchemyTable {
protected static final String name = "Blood Magic Alchemy Table";
public static void addRecipe(IItemStack output, int lpDrained, int ticksRequired, int tierRequired, IIngredient[] input) {
if(output == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s Recipe.", name));
} else if(lpDrained < 0) {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("LP drained can't be below 0 (%d) for %s Recipe", lpDrained, name));
} else if(ticksRequired < 0) {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("Ticks required can't be below 0 (%d) for %s Recipe", ticksRequired, name));
} else if(tierRequired < 1) {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("Tier required can't be below 1 (%d) for %s Recipe", tierRequired, name));
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add(new AlchemyTableRecipe(toStack(output), lpDrained, ticksRequired, tierRequired, toObjects(input)), BloodMagicHelper.alchemyTableList));
private static class Add extends BaseListAddition<AlchemyTableRecipe> {
public Add(AlchemyTableRecipe recipe, List<AlchemyTableRecipe> list) {
super(, list);;
public void apply() {
if(recipes.isEmpty()) {
for(AlchemyTableRecipe recipe : recipes) {
if(recipe != null) {
if(list.add(recipe)) {
MineTweakerAPI.getIjeiRecipeRegistry().addRecipe(new AlchemyTableRecipeJEI(recipe));
} else {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error adding %s Recipe for %s", name, getRecipeInfo(recipe)));
} else {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error adding %s Recipe: null object", name));
public void undo() {
if(this.successful.isEmpty()) {
for(AlchemyTableRecipe recipe : successful) {
if(recipe != null) {
if(!list.remove(recipe)) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error removing %s Recipe for %s", name, this.getRecipeInfo(recipe)));
} else {
if (JEIAddonPlugin.recipeRegistry != null) {
List<AlchemyTableRecipeJEI> wrappers = JEIAddonPlugin.recipeRegistry.getRecipeWrappers(JEIAddonPlugin.recipeRegistry.getRecipeCategories(Arrays.asList("BloodMagic:salchemyTable")).get(0));
final AlchemyTableRecipeJEI[] recipeToRemove = {null};
wrappers.forEach(wrap -> {
ArrayList<Object> wrapperStacks = wrap.getRecipe().getInput();
int size = recipe.getInput().size();
if (wrapperStacks.size() == size) {
boolean valid = true;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (wrapperStacks.get(i) instanceof ItemStack) {
ItemStack wrapperStack = (ItemStack) wrapperStacks.get(i);
ItemStack recipeStack = (ItemStack) recipe.getInput().get(i);
if (!wrapperStack.isItemEqual(recipeStack)) {
valid = false;
} else {
valid = false;
if (valid) {
recipeToRemove[0] = wrap;
} else {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error removing %s Recipe: null object", name));
public String getRecipeInfo(AlchemyTableRecipe recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(recipe.getRecipeOutput(null));
public static void removeRecipe(IIngredient output) {
remove(output, BloodMagicHelper.alchemyTableList);
public static void remove(IIngredient output, List<AlchemyTableRecipe> list) {
if(output == null) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Required parameters missing for %s Recipe.", name));
List<AlchemyTableRecipe> recipes = new LinkedList<>();
for(AlchemyTableRecipe recipe : list) {
ItemStack stack = null;
try {
stack = (ItemStack) getField(recipe.getClass(), "output").get(recipe);
} catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
if(matches(output, toIItemStack(stack))) {
if(!recipes.isEmpty()) {
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Remove(list, recipes));
} else {
LogHelper.logWarning(String.format("No %s Recipe found for output %s. Command ignored!",, output.toString()));
public static Field getField(Class<?> clazz, String name) {
Field field = null;
while(clazz != null && field == null) {
try {
field = clazz.getDeclaredField(name);
} catch(Exception e) {
clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
if(field != null)
return field;
private static class Remove extends BaseListRemoval<AlchemyTableRecipe> {
public Remove(List<AlchemyTableRecipe> list, List<AlchemyTableRecipe> recipes) {
super(, list, recipes);
public void apply() {
if(recipes.isEmpty()) {
for(AlchemyTableRecipe recipe : {
if(recipe != null) {
if(this.list.remove(recipe)) {
if (JEIAddonPlugin.recipeRegistry != null) {
List<AlchemyTableRecipeJEI> wrappers = JEIAddonPlugin.recipeRegistry.getRecipeWrappers(JEIAddonPlugin.recipeRegistry.getRecipeCategories(Arrays.asList("BloodMagic:salchemyTable")).get(0));
final AlchemyTableRecipeJEI[] recipeToRemove = {null};
wrappers.forEach(wrap -> {
ArrayList<Object> wrapperStacks = wrap.getRecipe().getInput();
int size = recipe.getInput().size();
if (wrapperStacks.size() == size) {
boolean valid = true;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (wrapperStacks.get(i) instanceof ItemStack) {
ItemStack wrapperStack = (ItemStack) wrapperStacks.get(i);
ItemStack recipeStack = (ItemStack) recipe.getInput().get(i);
if (!wrapperStack.isItemEqual(recipeStack)) {
valid = false;
} else {
valid = false;
if (valid) {
recipeToRemove[0] = wrap;
} else {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error removing %s Recipe for %s", name, getRecipeInfo(recipe)));
} else {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error removing %s Recipe: null object", name));
public void undo() {
if (successful.isEmpty()) {
for (AlchemyTableRecipe recipe : successful) {
if (recipe != null) {
if (!list.add(recipe)) {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error restoring %s Recipe for %s", name, getRecipeInfo(recipe)));
MineTweakerAPI.getIjeiRecipeRegistry().addRecipe(new AlchemyTableRecipeJEI(recipe));
} else {
LogHelper.logError(String.format("Error restoring %s Recipe: null object", name));
protected String getRecipeInfo(AlchemyTableRecipe recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(recipe.getRecipeOutput(null));