MoreThanHidden (John816) 15218cccd3 fix #281, addRepairMaterial
Removed un-needed reference to non-static ItemKey Constructor, fix #281
2015-12-08 19:15:13 +08:00

119 lines
4.3 KiB

package modtweaker2.mods.tconstruct.handlers;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toIItemStack;
import static modtweaker2.helpers.InputHelper.toStack;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI;
import minetweaker.api.item.IIngredient;
import minetweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
import modtweaker2.helpers.LogHelper;
import modtweaker2.mods.tconstruct.TConstructHelper;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseListAddition;
import modtweaker2.utils.BaseListRemoval;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.Optional;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenClass;
import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenMethod;
import tconstruct.library.crafting.PatternBuilder;
import tconstruct.library.crafting.PatternBuilder.ItemKey;
public class TiCTweaks {
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** Disabling for 0.5, will do this properly for 0.6 **/
// Tweaks for enabling / disabling Patterns
* @ZenMethod public static void removePattern(IItemStack stack) {
* MineTweakerAPI.apply(new DisablePattern(toStack(stack))); }
* private static class DisablePattern implements IUndoableAction { private
* String key; private MaterialSet set; private List list; private ItemStack
* stack; private final ItemStack disable;
* public DisablePattern(ItemStack disable) { this.disable = disable; }
* //Loops through the pattern mappings to find an entry with the same
* material name
* @Override public void apply() { for (Entry<List, ItemStack> entry :
* TConstructRegistry.patternPartMapping.entrySet()) { ItemStack check =
* entry.getValue(); if (check.isItemEqual(disable)) { list =
* entry.getKey(); stack = entry.getValue(); break; } }
* TConstructRegistry.patternPartMapping.remove(list); }
* @Override public boolean canUndo() { return true; }
* @Override public void undo() {
* TConstructRegistry.patternPartMapping.put(list, stack); }
* @Override public String describe() { return
* "Disabling creation of the pattern for: " + disable.getDisplayName(); }
* @Override public String describeUndo() { return
* "Enabling creation of the pattern for: " + disable.getDisplayName(); }
* @Override public Object getOverrideKey() { return null; } }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public static void addRepairMaterial(IItemStack stack, String material, int value) {
ItemStack input = toStack(stack);
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add( ItemKey(input.getItem(), input.getItemDamage(), value, material)));
// Tweaks for setting repair materials
private static class Add extends BaseListAddition<ItemKey> {
public Add(ItemKey recipe) {
super("Repair Material", PatternBuilder.instance.materials);
protected String getRecipeInfo(ItemKey recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(new ItemStack(recipe.item, 1, recipe.damage));
public static void removeRepairMaterial(IIngredient output, @Optional String material) {
List<ItemKey> recipes = new LinkedList<ItemKey>();
for (ItemKey recipe : PatternBuilder.instance.materials) {
IItemStack clone = toIItemStack(new ItemStack(recipe.item, 1, recipe.damage));
if ((material != null && material.equalsIgnoreCase(recipe.key)) || (material == null)) {
if (output.matches(clone)) {
if(!recipes.isEmpty()) {
MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Remove(recipes));
// Removes a recipe, apply is never the same for anything, so will always
// need to override it
private static class Remove extends BaseListRemoval<ItemKey> {
public Remove(List<ItemKey> recipes) {
super("Repair Material", PatternBuilder.instance.materials, recipes);
protected String getRecipeInfo(ItemKey recipe) {
return LogHelper.getStackDescription(new ItemStack(recipe.item, 1, recipe.damage));