Added IC2 Recipes

Added IC2 Recipe file bases on the recipes on except that using iron plates
instead of refined iron because it is now steel and much harder to get,
and the machine blocks in ic2 are made with them too now, not refined
This commit is contained in:
iMarbot 2015-02-12 20:02:05 +00:00
parent d7b9aba63c
commit 1198d027b1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ],
[ { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" }, { "oredictName" : "ingotIron" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "item.diamond" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.diamond" } ],
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitAdvanced" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.diamond" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "item.diamond" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.diamond" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.yellowDust" }, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" } ],
[ null, { "unlocalizedName" : "" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentControlCircuit"
"mirror" : true
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingBasic" } ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "item.ingotIron",
"quantity" : 5
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "componentPlatingAdvanced" } ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "item.diamond",
"quantity" : 5
"ingredients" : [
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "item.yellowDust" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeGreen" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "" } ],
[ { "oredictName" : "dyeBlue" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "" }, { "oredictName" : "dyeRed" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentLaserEmitter"
"ingredients" : [
[ null, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.emerald" }, null ],
[ null, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, null ],
[ null, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.blockMachine" }, null ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "tile.tinkerTable"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" } ],
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, null, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" } ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "item.powerArmorHelmet"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, null, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" } ],
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" } ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "item.powerArmorChestplate"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" } ],
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, null, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, null, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" } ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "item.powerArmorLeggings"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, null, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, null, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" } ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "item.powerArmorBoots"
"ingredients" : [
[ null, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, null ],
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, null ],
[ null, { "unlocalizedName" : "itemPlateIron" }, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" } ]
"result" : {
"unlocalizedName" : "item.powerFist"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemGoldCable" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemGoldCable" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentWiring",
"quantity" : 8
"ingredients" : [
[ { "id" : 35 }, { "id" : 35 }, { "id" : 35 } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "item.string" }, null, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.string" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemPartCarbonPlate" }, null, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemPartCarbonPlate" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentParachute"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemBatREDischarged" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentLVCapacitor"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemBatRE" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentLVCapacitor"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemBatCrystal" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentMVCapacitor"
"ingredients" : [
[ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemBatLamaCrystal" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentHVCapacitor"
"ingredients" : [
[ null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null ],
[ { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.blockMachine" }, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" } ],
[ null, { "oredictName" : "componentWiring" }, null ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid"
"ingredients" : [
[ null, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemPartCarbonPlate" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemPartCarbonPlate" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemPartCarbonPlate" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemPartCarbonPlate" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.itemPartCarbonPlate" }, null, null ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentGliderWing"
"ingredients" : [
[ null, { "oredictName" : "circuitBasic" }, null ],
[ { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.blockMachine" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentServo"
"ingredients" : [
[ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.enderPearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
[ {"unlocalizedName" : "item.enderPearl" }, { "oredictName" : "circuitAdvanced" }, {"unlocalizedName" : "item.enderPearl" } ],
[ {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.enderPearl" }, {"oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter"
"mirror" : true
"ingredients" : [
[ null, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ],
[ { "unlocalizedName" : "ic2.blockAdvMachine" }, { "unlocalizedName" : "item.yellowDust" }, null ],
[ { "oredictName" : "circuitAdvanced" }, { "oredictName" : "componentFieldEmitter" }, { "oredictName" : "componentSolenoid" } ]
"result" : {
"oredictName" : "componentIonThruster"