Forgot a couple changes from Conf update

This commit is contained in:
Francesco Macagno 2015-07-26 15:20:23 -07:00
parent 98a4ce9bbb
commit 2b400c57aa
2 changed files with 4 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ import;
import dan200.computercraft.api.ComputerCraftAPI;
import extracells.api.ECApi;
@Mod(modid = "WarpDrive", name = "WarpDrive", version = "", dependencies = "required-after:IC2;" + " required-after:CoFHCore;" + " after:ComputerCraft;"
+ " after:OpenComputer;" + " after:CCTurtle;" + " after:gregtech_addon;" + " required-after:AppliedEnergistics;" + " after:AdvancedSolarPanel;"
@ -531,7 +532,7 @@ public class WarpDrive implements LoadingCallback {
ItemStack antimatter = GameRegistry.findItemStack("ResonantInduction|Atomic", "antimatter", 1);
ItemStack floppy = GameRegistry.findItemStack("ComputerCraft", "disk", 1);
ItemStack ultimateLappack = WarpDriveConfig.GS_ultimateLappack.copy();
ItemStack ultimateLappack = new ItemStack(WarpDriveConfig.GS_ultimateLappack);
// top = advancedCircuit, redstoneEnergycell, advancedCircuit
// middle = fluix crystal, advancedMachine, fluix crystal
@ -555,7 +556,7 @@ public class WarpDrive implements LoadingCallback {
// middle = Advanced circuit, Warp drive laser, Vibrant quartz glass
// bottom = Advanced circuit, Certus quartz tank, Advanced alloy
ItemStack isMiningLaserBlock = new ItemStack(miningLaserBlock, 1, 0);
ItemStack isCertusQuartzTank = new ItemStack(WarpDriveConfig.AEExtra_certusQuartzTank, 1, 0);
ItemStack isCertusQuartzTank = new ItemStack(ECApi.instance().blocks().certusTank().block(), 1, 0);
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(powerLaserBlock), "caa", "czg", "cta", 'c', WarpDriveConfig.getIC2Item("advancedCircuit"), 'a',
WarpDriveConfig.getIC2Item("advancedAlloy"), 'z', isMiningLaserBlock, 't', isCertusQuartzTank, 'g', vibrantQuartzGlass);

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@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig {
public static int AS_Turbine, AS_deuteriumCell;
public static int ICBM_Machine, ICBM_Missile, ICBM_Explosive;
public static Item GS_ultimateLappack;
public static int UB_igneousStone, UB_igneousCobblestone, UB_metamorphicStone, UB_metamorphicCobblestone, UB_sedimentaryStone;
public static int NetherOres_count;
public static int[] NetherOres_block;
public static ArrayList<Block> forceFieldBlocks;
public static ArrayList<Block> minerOres, minerLogs, minerLeaves, scannerIgnoreBlocks;
@ -576,7 +573,7 @@ public class WarpDriveConfig {
private static void loadForgeMultipart() {
try {
try {//TODO: Update to 1.7
Class forgeMultipart_helper = Class.forName("codechicken.multipart.MultipartHelper");
forgeMultipart_helper_createTileFromNBT = forgeMultipart_helper.getDeclaredMethod("createTileFromNBT", World.class, NBTTagCompound.class);
forgeMultipart_helper_sendDescPacket = forgeMultipart_helper.getDeclaredMethod("sendDescPacket", World.class, TileEntity.class);